Chapter 743

In what Ye Feng has seen and heard, he has not heard about the power of controlling time.

But now, such a force has surrounded him and Yuechan, placing them in a place where time goes by slowly.

However, Ye Feng did not know all this.

All he knew was that his whole body was itchy, sore, tingling and numb, and all kinds of uncomfortable conditions were constantly appearing, which made him miserable.

In this state, it is no doubt difficult to concentrate on meditation, but gradually, Ye Feng overcame these painful conditions on his body and slowly reduced his body's perception.

At the same time, Ye Feng did not waste time and began to think about the Golden Dragon whirling sword in the hall of the tomb of dragon sword.

The fourth level of dragon control is the unity of man and dragon.

In the third level of swordsmanship, if you can comprehend the five arrays at the same time, you will be able to exert 15 times the strength of your accomplishments.

Ye Feng doesn't know what is the use of man dragon integration, but he guesses that it should be a big killing move, but he wants to use the spirit of the dragon.

Therefore, Ye Feng is more inclined to understand the third level of swordsmanship.

Each of the five arrays represents a kind of extremely mysterious rules and rules, which makes Ye Feng intoxicated. When he comprehends, he almost forgets all kinds of pain on his body.

Only when the brain is in a state of rapid change, will it be able to feel the pain again.

Meditation, this trial is definitely not to let the candidates of dragon sword inheritance suffer.

Up to now, Ye Feng has known that the five arrays of swordsmanship contain the five forces of heaven and earth: gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

The more deeply each array is understood, the more powerful it will be to contain the corresponding attribute power in swordsmanship, so as to enhance the power of swordsmanship.

The function of these diagrams is to transform the invisible power of gold, wood, water, fire and earth into the purest true Qi of dragon sword rhyme, and then gather together to sweep out.

Each array absorbs different energy in nature. For example, the gold matrix absorbs the metal, lightning and other energy in nature, while the water system array absorbs the forces of rivers, lakes, seas, rain and snow in nature.

Then it turns into the true Qi of dragon sword rhyme, condenses into a whole body, and comes out majestically, producing extremely terrifying power.

It is difficult for everyone to understand the five arrays. After all, everyone has different affinity for the attributes of the five elements, but for Ye Feng, it is almost the same.

According to his present talent, it will take at least 100 years for him to understand all the five arrays to the third level.

In other words, Ye Feng will be able to cultivate the fighting sword to the third level after a hundred years, which is quite fast for the top swordsmanship.

Some other people will not be able to understand it in their lifetime.

For example, the white bone that died in the hall before.

Ye Feng did not want to directly understand the third level of swordsmanship. He just wanted to take this opportunity to have a little look at the situation.

After all, he didn't know how long this meditation would take him.

But soon he felt as if he was in a bad state.

The pain of acid, itching and numbness in his body is stronger than that in the previous moment. Gradually, Ye Feng clenched his teeth and was distracted when he understood the five element array.

Too difficult, in this state, the speed of understanding will be at least twice as slow!

After several hours, Ye Feng's understanding did not make much progress, but his body was about to hold on, as if a candle in the wind might collapse at any time.

And just at this time, Ye Feng suddenly felt that the pain symptoms in the body had weakened, and replaced by a variety of strange and majestic energy swept from the outside.

The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth gathered together, and at the same time, they rolled towards the leaf front, making his eyes shine.

These five kinds of energy are very important for Ye Feng. The most important thing is that these energies are very suitable for the five elements array chart that is needed to be understood in swordsmanship.

"Is this helping me understand the third level of the five element array? But even if I have time to practice swordsmanship, I can't concentrate on the third level

Ye Feng thought in his heart, but without hesitation, he immediately began to understand the energy around him.

The five elements energy of gold, wood, water, fire and earth gathered around his body and did not sweep him. He could not go any further when he came to him.

At the same time, Ye Feng can only choose one of the energy to observe and comprehend.

He chose the wood energy, which was extremely mild, making people feel comfortable in the nature. Soon, a part of the wood energy penetrated into Ye Feng's body.

As a result of all kinds of pain, the body, which had been tormented by all kinds of pain, was moistened by these wood energy, and immediately became full of vitality and recovered as before.

"Good results."Ye Feng was very satisfied.

But as soon as he was fully recovered, a feeling of crispness came out of his body.

"Is it over?"

Ye Feng gritted his teeth to bear it. However, after he was cured, the wood energy immediately retreated from his side, making him fall into a state of suffering again.

However, as a result, Ye Feng's understanding of the wooden array diagram has been greatly increased. If this continues, the speed of understanding the third level of swordsmanship can be increased by 10 times.

In other words, the original 100 years, only 10 years

Even so, ten years is too long.

On earth, just less than a year has happened so many things, if ten years do not go back, God knows what will happen?

This still depends on Ye Feng's talent.

For others, even with the help of these five elements energy, they can't speed up their comprehension ten times. It still takes seven or eight years to understand the third level of swordsmanship.

This kind of sword skill at the peak level is not what ordinary immortal practitioners can expect to understand.

Now Ye Feng is a little worried. Does the Dragon Sword want to keep him here until he understands the third level of swordsmanship, and then let him go?

Soon he learned that it was true.

"Young man, this is the holy land of cultivation. As long as you understand the third level of swordsmanship, you can pass the third test. If you inherit dragon sword, you can inherit half of it!"

The deep voice of dragon sword seems to be introduced into Ye Feng's ear from the distant void.

If you understand the third level of swordsmanship, you can inherit half of the Dragon Sword inheritance!

Ye Feng is frightened by this. First of all, it is not too difficult to obtain the inheritance of dragon sword. Secondly, does he really need to stay here for ten years?

What a tragedy!

Long Jian didn't tell Ye Feng that the time in this place was 365 times slower than that in the outside world. He had one purpose, that is, to see what kind of person Ye Feng was.

In this way, without knowing it, Ye Feng began to practice the third level of swordsmanship.

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