Genius Club

Chapter 66: The Ruthless Bandit

Lin Xian moved forward, his gun poised and ready.

“Hey… hey! Are we really just walking up like this?” Big Cat Face widened his eyes in disbelief but followed Lin Xian without hesitation.

Lin Xian halted in front of a sleek black sedan.


He fired suddenly!

The action was incredibly swift!

Before anyone could react, Lin Xian’s precise marksmanship shattered the car window, the bullet finding its mark in the driver’s head!

“Holy crap! Who shoots like that?” Big Cat Face exclaimed, astonished.

The driver wore a look of confusion, unaware of how his life had ended so abruptly.



Lin Xian tossed the handgun to Big Cat Face.

Then, he opened the car door and removed a black pistol from the driver’s belt.

“Let’s go upstairs.”

The villa was large, yet Lin Xian navigated it with ease, quickly arriving at a bedroom door.


He kicked it open.


“Who’s there?!”

A man and a woman in bed screamed, startled.

“Don’t move,” Lin Xian ordered, aiming his gun at them.

After securing the room, Big Cat Face quickly tied the couple with a bedsheet.

Lin Xian sat down on the bed, “Cat Face, bring the van around. Check the garage, basement, wine cellar, and the underground pool… they’re full of gold bars, bundles of cash, and jewelry. Load them up and let me know when you’re done. I’ll keep watch here.”

“Got it!” Big Cat Face grabbed the keychain from a table and dashed downstairs.

Lin Xian checked his watch. It was just past midnight.

Their mission for tonight was nearly complete, and they would leave by 00:42. Though Big Cat Face was loading up, Lin Xian knew that the world would end in 42 minutes. But avenging his daughter was Big Cat Face’s lifelong pursuit, and Lin Xian allowed him to savor this moment.

With time to spare, Lin Xian took in the room’s lavish decor.

The source of this is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.

The bedroom was large, ornately furnished.

In one corner, a desk displayed several photo frames featuring Li Cheng with various globally recognized figures.

Lin Xian was familiar with Li Cheng—an old ATM—no, an old friend. He had known him for the past twenty years and had often seen these photographs.

Among them were many prominent individuals.

Lin Xian vaguely remembered one significant photo: Li Cheng with a world leader.

Global stars and athletes were also featured, faces Lin Xian recognized from magazine covers, all photographed with Li Cheng.

Even including the world’s top—

Lin Xian’s thoughts halted.

He narrowed his eyes, rose from the bed, and approached Li Cheng’s desk, rifling through the photo frames.

Then, a memory clicked.

There was a peculiar photo here!

At the time, Lin Xian hadn’t given it much thought, unaware of the Genius Club.

But now…

“Got it.”

Lin Xian picked up a frame, scrutinizing the photo…

In it, Li Cheng sat sternly, his right hand raised to his forehead, his index finger pointing skyward—a peculiar and arrogant pose.

That gesture…

Lin Xian recognized it from the wax seal on the Genius Club’s invitation.

The emblem on the seal exactly matched Li Cheng’s gesture in this photo!

A cool breeze from the air conditioner brushed against his leg.

Lin Xian slowly turned to face Li Cheng, who was bound on the floor. Big Cat Face’s earlier words echoed in his mind:

“They say only the most elite billionaires, the ultimate geniuses, the most influential figures… receive invitations to this club!”


Lin Xian slammed the photo frame down on a stool in front of Li Cheng.

He cocked the gun.

“Don’t kill me! I’ll do anything! Please, I’ll do anything! Just don’t kill me!” Li Cheng pleaded, his complexion pale, his eyes trembling with fear.

“I just want to know one thing,” Lin Xian said calmly.

Li Cheng nodded frantically. “I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you anything!!”

Lin Xian squatted down, his gaze piercing. “Tell me. What exactly is the Genius Club?”

“Wh… what club?” Li Cheng stammered.

“The Genius Club.”

“Ge… Genius what?”



Lin Xian fired, sending Li Cheng into a scream of terror!

But he wasn’t hit.

His eyes shifted and saw his mistress had somehow freed herself from the ropes, her lifeless body now slumped over the nightstand with a bloody hole in her head.

In the half-open drawer of the nightstand, the silver handle of a handgun was visible…

Lin Xian pressed the hot gun barrel against Li Cheng’s forehead. frёeweɓηovel.coɱ

It was scorching!

Faced with this merciless assailant, Li Cheng dared not move.

“I-I-I’m not lying to you! I really haven’t heard of this club you mentioned!”

“She-she-she freed herself and tried to grab the gun! It had nothing to do with me! I’m being honest! Ask me anything, I’ll tell you! Take whatever you want!”

Now Li Cheng understood.

His mistress had somehow untied the bedsheet around her hands and reached for the gun…

But who could have predicted!

The bandit’s shooting was too fast and precise!

He hadn’t even seen any movement to raise the gun… not even a glance, just a split-second headshot!

“Ge… Genius Club, right? Let me think! Let me think!”

Li Cheng’s face was drenched in sweat.

His hands tied behind his back, he couldn’t wipe away the sweat, and dared not move as he recalled rapidly…

“Genius Club… Genius Club…”

His expression twisted in agony as he kept muttering.

Eventually, he opened his eyes, tears streaming.

“I… I really can’t think of anything, I’ve never heard of this club’s name!”

“I’ve been to many clubs, all sorts… but this one you mentioned, I really have no memory of! I’m not lying! I’m genuinely scared! I’m tied up like this… why would I lie to you?!”

“Still pretending?” Lin Xian sneered coldly, “Fed up with living? This photo is irrefutable proof of the Genius Club!”

“Wha… what?”

Li Cheng’s head throbbed, he squinted at the photo.

“This, this, I really don’t know what you mean!”

Li Cheng was on the verge of tears.

“I don’t know what you’re asking! Can you give me a hint? If I knew what you were asking, I would definitely tell you!”

“Li Cheng, I’m giving you one last chance to explain.” Lin Xian pointed to the frame, at Li Cheng’s hand pointing straight to the sky. “What does this gesture mean?”

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