Genius Club

Chapter 61: Ive Seen You Before

Lin Xian observed the woman in front of him. Her sweet, charming smile was so genuine that it reminded him of the smile CC had worn in his dream.

However, Chu An Qing’s glance at Lin Xian was brief. She quickly shifted her attention back to the others, smiling and waving with grace.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xian realized Chu An Qing seemed unaware of who he was, treating him with the same polite, detached manner she extended to any other guest.

The resemblance to CC was uncanny, almost as if copied and pasted, causing Lin Xian to question his initial impressions.

Before he could ponder further, Chu Shan He, accompanying Chu An Qing, approached with a booming laugh.

Zhao Ying Jun was the first to greet him. “Mr. Chu, your presence honors us, especially considering your busy schedule.”

Chu Shan He, in a jovial mood, replied with a laugh. “Not at all. The weather was terrible, and the traffic even worse. Please accept my apologies for our tardiness.”

Zhao Ying Jun then turned to Chu An Qing. “An Qing, it’s been a while. How’s university life treating you?”

Chu An Qing giggled, her eyes sparkling, her smile radiant. “Thank you for asking, sister. It’s been fantastic.”

Her father glanced at her affectionately, then addressed Lin Xian. “This young man seems quite promising. Is he a key member of your team?”

Zhao Ying Jun smiled and nodded. “Mr. Chu, you flatter us. This is Lin Xian, the mind behind the Rhine Cat. He’s our youngest department head. It’s quite the coincidence. Lin Xian also graduated from Donghai University this fall, just like Professor Xu Yun and An Qing. Fate seems to have brought us together today.”

Hearing Lin Xian’s university, Chu Shan He’s eyes lit up with approval. “Just graduated, young man? Which department?”

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“The School of Art and Design,” Lin Xian replied honestly.

“What a small world!” Chu Shan He laughed heartily. “An Qing is also in the School of Art, majoring in dance. She’s been passionate about it since she was little and even performed at the freshman welcome event—”

“Dad!” Chu An Qing interjected, her cheeks coloring. “Please, don’t bring up such minor details…”

She then turned to Lin Xian with a bright smile. “Hello, Senior Lin Xian. I’m a freshman this year. My name is Chu An Qing.”

Lin Xian returned her smile and nodded. “Nice to meet you.”

After exchanging more pleasantries with Zhao Ying Jun, Chu Shan He led his daughter to Professor Xu Yun, with Zhao Ying Jun and Lin Xian, wine glasses in hand, trailing closely.

Upon spotting his benefactor, Professor Xu Yun was visibly pleased. He quickly set down his glass and warmly shook Chu Shan He’s hand.

“Professor Xu, congratulations! Your perseverance has finally borne fruit, and your research has succeeded!” Chu Shan He offered his congratulations first.

Professor Xu Yun, looking at him with gratitude and admiration, responded, “Mr. Chu, your generous support over the years has been invaluable. I will find a way to repay your kindness when the opportunity arises.”

Chu Shan He waved away the gratitude. “Your contributions to science and our nation are far more significant than any support I provided. Congratulations again, Professor Xu. Here’s to even greater achievements!”

He then took a glass of red wine from a passing waiter and raised it in a toast.

After the toast, Chu Shan He introduced his daughter to Xu Yun. “Professor Xu, this is my daughter, An Qing. I believe you’ve met before.”

“Hello, Professor Xu,” Chu An Qing greeted him respectfully, bowing slightly with a smile.

Professor Xu nodded, regarding her thoughtfully. “The last time I saw An Qing, she was still in middle school. Time flies; now she’s a university student.”

“Mr. Chu, my research has kept me so busy that I couldn’t attend An Qing’s enrollment,” Chu Shan He responded, shaking his head and smiling. “Your research is far more crucial than school enrollment, though. An Qing has excelled in her studies. She even spoke as the freshman representative at the opening ceremony and performed at the welcome event—”

“Dad!” Chu An Qing interrupted, her face flushing. “Must you keep mentioning that? It never ends!”

Chu Shan He chuckled and continued chatting with Professor Xu Yun.

Freshman representative speech? Opening ceremony?

Lin Xian seized on these details.

That explained it…

No wonder CC’s voice had seemed so familiar. He had heard it before. And earlier, Chu An Qing’s voice had also sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place it.

Until now, he hadn’t met or spoken to Chu An Qing in person.

The puzzle pieces now clicked into place.

It was during the freshman military training opening ceremony at Donghai University this fall.

In early September, Lin Xian had returned to his university to collect some documents from his advisor.

As he passed the playground, the opening ceremony for the freshman military training was underway, bustling with new students in uniform.

He had paused to watch and listen for a while.

The speaker had been Chu An Qing, delivering her speech as the freshman representative.

That’s when he had heard her voice through the loudspeakers… But since he hadn’t seen her face, the memory hadn’t solidified, and he hadn’t connected the dots until now.

“This makes things even more interesting…” Lin Xian swirled his wine glass, pondering.

It appeared that CC and Chu An Qing weren’t just physical doppelg?ngers; their voices matched perfectly too.

And they seemed to be about the same age, seventeen or eighteen.

To claim they weren’t the same person… Lin Xian found such a coincidence hard to accept.

Even considering futuristic technologies like cryo-sleep capsules, which might exist 600 years from now, provided no rational explanation.


There had to be another explanation, which he needed to investigate further before drawing any conclusions.

For now, he resolved to enter the dream world and find CC as soon as possible.

As Chu Shan He and Professor Xu Yun continued their spirited discussion, Zhao Ying Jun suggested to Chu An Qing.

“An Qing, shall we grab some snacks?”


As they prepared to move, Zhao Ying Jun turned to Lin Xian.

“Come along, Lin Xian. Let Mr. Chu and Professor Xu have their discussion.”

“You and An Qing share the same university and department. As her senior, you might have some experiences to share with her.”

Lin Xian nodded.

He had little to contribute to Chu Shan He and Professor Xu Yun’s conversation and felt out of place just standing there. He had been looking for an opportunity to excuse himself.

He followed the two women.

From his vantage point, he could see Chu An Qing’s fair neck and soft shoulders. Her off-shoulder dress revealed smooth, jade-like skin.

On Chu An Qing’s delicate left arm, Lin Xian noticed a small, shallow scar about the size of a coin—the only imperfection on her otherwise flawless skin.

Such a scar was a typical remnant of childhood BCG vaccinations in the country, varying in size with individual physiology.

This distinctive, vaccine-induced mark could serve as a reliable identifier.

“Senior Lin Xian.” Chu An Qing turned around, her bright smile catching Lin Xian off guard.

He quickly composed himself and returned her smile politely. “What can I do for you, Miss Chu?” ƒrē

“Just call me An Qing.” Her eyes clear, she looked up at him and blinked, “I’ve actually seen you before!”

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