Genius Club

Chapter 376: The Big Stage in Donghai City

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation

“Yan Qiao Qiao?”

Lin Xian thought of the little girl who had pulled out his gray hair during dinner with Zhao Ying Jun’s parents. He was a bit surprised.

“You’re looking after Yan Qiao Qiao now? Wasn’t she staying with your parents?”

Zhao Ying Jun sighed, smiling helplessly. “My parents had an emergency and had to return to the capital. They left Qiao Qiao with me for a few days. But now… everything is happening at once.”

“The Second Master passed away, so I have to go back to the capital too. But now… there’s no one to take care of both VV and Qiao Qiao.”

“VV has been feeling down lately, and I don’t trust anyone else to look after him. It’s the same with Qiao Qiao. You’re the only person I can trust. At least Qiao Qiao knows you, so she won’t feel uncomfortable.”

Lin Xian nodded and agreed without hesitation. “No problem at all. Leave it to me. You can go back to the capital and handle your family matters.”

Taking care of a child and a dog? Lin Xian thought it was the least he could do. Zhao Ying Jun had helped him a lot in the past; how could he refuse her in an emergency?

Besides, Zhao Ying Jun said she’d be back in two or three days to pick them up. Delaying his plans for Queen Town by a few days wouldn’t hurt, especially since he had no leads at the moment. Taking care of Qiao Qiao and VV first was the priority.

Lin Xian sat across from Zhao Ying Jun, poured himself some tea, and asked, “So, when should I pick up Qiao Qiao?”

“She has a lot of stuff. How about… tonight, I’ll bring her and her things to your place?” Zhao Ying Jun suggested. “Qiao Qiao and VV both have essential items that you probably don’t have. I’ll pack two suitcases and bring them over tonight. Is that okay?”

Lin Xian nodded. “Of course, that’s fine.”

He realized that, as a little girl, Qiao Qiao would need to bring many of her daily essentials, and VV the Pomeranian would need his food bowl, dog food, and bed.

“By the way…” Zhao Ying Jun smiled slightly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ve never been to your place before. Is it convenient?”

“Sure,” Lin Xian replied. “There’s nothing inconvenient about it. My place is just a rental. It’s a three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment, and I live there alone. There’s plenty of space for Qiao Qiao to stay in the guest room.”

“I’ve been renting it since I graduated. I even asked the landlord if he’d consider selling it to me since I’ve gotten attached to the place. But he said it’s a school district house, and he’s keeping it for his grandson’s future schooling. It’s funny how far ahead parents think these days. His son just started college, and he’s already planning for his grandson’s education.”

Zhao Ying Jun nodded sympathetically. “Grandparents really do think ahead… I can totally understand. By the way, do you like children?”

“They’re alright,” Lin Xian replied, leaning back. “I like kids like Qiao Qiao—she’s cute, well-behaved, and really smart. But people say that as kids grow older, they become less obedient, and some even say the teenage years are the most challenging. But who knows? Maybe I’ll feel differently if I ever have to deal with a crying baby. For now, I think Qiao Qiao is pretty adorable.”

Zhao Ying Jun chuckled softly, relieved. “That’s good to hear.”

“Alright then, it’s settled. I know your address but not the specific building or unit number. Could you send me the details later? I’ll bring Qiao Qiao and VV over tonight with their stuff.”

After Zhao Ying Jun left, Lin Xian thought about his place.

There shouldn’t be anything embarrassing there, right? No, it was definitely clean and tidy. Feeling reassured, he relaxed.

The guest room was already clean since no one ever visited. The bed was made, and Zhao Ying Jun would likely bring fresh linens for Qiao Qiao.

“Looks like there’s nothing to prepare, just waiting for the kid and the dog.”

Lin Xian leaned back in his chair and yawned. His schedule had been so disrupted lately that he still felt a bit dizzy.

He closed his eyes, thinking about Queen Town. He still didn’t know who the Queen was, but it was clear she wasn’t from Earth. Her ideas and plans were too advanced, far beyond what Earth’s timeline would suggest.

While the rest of the world was still in primitive agriculture, Queen Town was already building cavalry, refining iron, wielding guns, and industrializing. It wasn’t even on the same level of civilization.

“The Queen of Queen Town clearly isn’t easy to deal with. If she wanted to unify the Old Donghai region, it’d be as simple as giving an order.”

“But at least she hasn’t completely wiped out the backward villages like Big Cat’s Village and Rhine Village. Although she collects protection fees regularly, if she’s anything like the Big Cat in the Second Dream, who genuinely protected the area, it might be an acceptable trade.”

“Still, capturing the Queen has to be the first step in the infiltration plan. Otherwise, finding those aluminum alloy safes could take forever.”

Lin Xian’s intuition told him the Queen’s residence was likely in the tallest building at the center of the town. If he could get past the patrols and sneak into the castle to capture the Queen, everything else would be easy.

But… the first step was proving to be the hardest. Those affectionate couples were everywhere, and in Queen Town’s open atmosphere, it was easy to spot an outsider. No wonder they’d call the guards.

“The problem is, CC isn’t experienced, and the judges have high expectations.”

Thinking about CC’s terrible acting skills gave Lin Xian a headache. “Let’s hope CC can pull it together. Our clothes already make us stand out as outsiders. If we can’t act convincingly as a couple, we’ll be caught for sure.”

After handling a few things at the office, Lin Xian headed home to tidy up a bit and then sent Zhao Ying Jun his address. She quickly replied, explaining that she had a lot of work to finish since she’d be away from the company for three days, including a critical meeting that evening.


She said she’d bring Qiao Qiao and VV over around 10 PM.

“Sorry, Lin Xian,” she texted. “I wanted to come earlier, but the company is swamped right now, and I have to personally oversee everything before leaving. I’m really sorry to disturb your evening.”

Lin Xian assured her it was fine. “I usually stay up late anyway, so it’s no problem. See you at 10.”

Then Lin Xian checked the time. It was only 11 AM, meaning he had plenty of time to attempt another dream infiltration before Zhao Ying Jun arrived. If he left the dream by 10 PM, he’d be on time.

No need to waste any opportunity for a dream infiltration.

After a quick meal, Lin Xian pulled the curtains, lay on his bed, and drifted into sleep.

“So, that’s our plan,” Lin Xian said in Big Cat’s Village command room, using a burnt piece of charcoal to sketch a simple map of Queen Town on the floor. He pointed to the southwest corner. “This area is sparsely populated, and the patrols rarely go there because it’s a popular dating spot for the young couples.”

“Queen Town has a strong culture of romance; people fall in love, marry, and have children early, which explains their rapid population growth.”

“But the old town in the southwest is full of couples in every corner. If we rush in, those sharp-eyed lovebirds will spot us immediately. It’s frustrating… Can’t they just mind their own business instead of policing who’s a real couple?”

Lin Xian felt a bit exasperated. “Back in 2024, couples sneaking around would’ve run away if caught, but in Queen Town, they’re like romance inspectors. They’ll judge you as an intruder if you don’t look like a genuine couple.”

“This is the first time I’ve seen a place where they determine intruders based on whether they’re truly in love. It’s absurd!”

Uncle Wei nodded patiently. “Lin Xian, you can’t really blame them. You and CC were in the middle of a romantic hotspot, and anyone would find it suspicious if you’re not acting like a couple.”

“Walking down the street as a man and woman, the best disguise is to act like a loving couple. People tend to overlook couples in love. That’s why in spy movies, the leads often pose as couples—it’s the perfect cover. Given Queen Town’s culture, you two should blend in by acting like a couple.”

Big Cat shrugged, confused. “Yeah, why make it complicated, bro? Just act lovey-dovey with your wife, hold her close, and blend in. You two are married, so it shouldn’t be hard to pretend. Or are you too shy to be affectionate in public? Come on, you’re both young; why act so old?”

“No one knows you in Queen Town, so what’s there to be embarrassed about? Just stick close and pretend to be in love like when you were dating.”

Ah Zhuang and San Pang also looked at Lin Xian and CC with puzzled expressions. It seemed like a simple solution to them.

Er Zhuzi, however, narrowed his eyes and glared at the couple. “Are you two really married? Or are you lying to us?”

“How could we be lying!” CC quickly grabbed Lin Xian’s arm and explained, “Not all couples are the same. I’d follow Lin Xian anywhere, but I’m not sure how to act in a romantic way. We don’t do things like that where I’m from.”

“Right, honey?” CC looked at Lin Xian, blinking.

Lin Xian coughed lightly to help CC out. “My wife is the reserved type, and we had a quick marriage. It was a bit like an arranged marriage—married first, then fell in love.”

“We skipped the dating phase, so CC isn’t familiar with how couples in love act. She’s not experienced in playing the part of a clingy lover.”

Uncle Wei chuckled, raising his hand. “If she’s inexperienced, just let me teach her! I’m great at showing affection with my wife. I’m the perfect coach!”

Lin Xian waved his hand. “No, thanks, Uncle Wei. Your wife is the gentle type, not suitable for CC’s style. Honestly, your lessons made CC look more like a horror movie character than a demure lady.”


CC elbowed Lin Xian, frowning. “I haven’t even tried yet. Why say that? And if you don’t like how Uncle Wei teaches, then why don’t you teach me yourself?”

She narrowed her eyes at Lin Xian. “You’re not that young. Surely you’ve been in a relationship before?”

Lin Xian took a deep breath. “Why does everyone keep asking about my past relationships?”

“That’s not the point right now. We’re short on time, so let’s focus. The main issue is that CC doesn’t have any experience being in love, so she can’t fake that romantic vibe.”

“And those nosey residents of Queen Town are all like romance inspectors. If they spot us acting strangely, they’ll call us intruders, and the cavalry will be on us in no time.”

“So, if any of you think you can help, teach CC how to act more like a lovesick woman.”


Er Zhuzi snorted. “That’s easy! Let me teach her a few tricks!”

He rubbed his nose. “Your wife’s personality is similar to our late sister-in-law, so she could just imitate her style!”

He pointed outside, under the shade of the trees. “Come on, sister-in-law, let me tell you more about our late sister-in-law.”

And with that, the two walked out to the willow trees under the sunlight.

Lin Xian tilted his head, looking at Big Cat, who still hadn’t realized the severity of the situation. “Brother Cat, was our sister-in-law very affectionate back then?”

“Of course!” Big Cat replied proudly. “When she was still around, we were inseparable! She looked quiet and elegant, but she was very assertive. That’s how she won my heart—wait, hang on a second!”

Big Cat’s face turned pale green, scratching his head and looking outside. “Wait… why would Er Zhuzi know so much about his sister-in-law’s dating moves?”

“Uh…” Lin Xian wasn’t sure how to respond. It was one of those tricky personal matters. He just grabbed a sunhat from Uncle Wei’s bag and put it on Big Cat’s head. “Sometimes, it’s best not to think too much. Just like this hat—it’s quite comfy, right? Keep it.”

Big Cat looked surprised, pointing to Uncle Wei’s bag. “How come you’ve got everything in there? Is it some kind of magic bag?”

That night, under the moonlit sky, the group of seven lined up, facing Queen Town below, ready for their first—but technically Lin Xian’s second—infiltration attempt.

He turned to see CC, who seemed nervous, her thoughts clearly in turmoil. She bit her lip, which looked a bit dry.

Lin Xian walked over to Uncle Wei, reached into his bag, and pulled out an unused tube of lip balm.

“What the—!” Uncle Wei’s face turned white with shock. “How did you know I had that in there? I completely forgot! It’s something I packed for the trip, but I forgot where I put it!”

Lin Xian tossed the lip balm to CC. “Here you go.”

CC caught it, looked at the sealed tube, and wasn’t sure how to use it. “What is this?”

“Lip balm,” Lin Xian explained. “Take off the cap, twist the bottom, and the balm will come out. Apply it to your lips to avoid chapping.”

Following his instructions, CC applied the lip balm for the first time. She smacked her lips together; it tasted sweet and smelled like orange.

“Not bad,” she whispered. Her lips, now glossy from the balm, shone under the moonlight, making her look particularly captivating.

CC looked at Lin Xian and then at the lip balm in her hand. “Uncle Wei’s bag really has everything…”

“Yep,” Lin Xian agreed. Uncle Wei, dubbed “Doraemon,” always had something useful in his bag. It was clear that Uncle Wei had prepared a lot for this long journey to Earth, but he seemed to have forgotten where he put most of his things.

No problem. Lin Xian could remember for him.

With that thought, Lin Xian reached back into Uncle Wei’s four-dimensional bag, took out a small pistol and a multi-functional army knife, and handed the knife to CC. “Keep it, just in case.”

When the moonlight was hidden behind the clouds, Big Cat gave the order. In the darkness, they began their stealth mission, climbing over walls and sneaking in.

Once again, Er Zhuzi’s green sunhat was kicked away by CC during a jump. Lin Xian quickly picked up the unlucky item and tossed it back.

They reached the narrow path filled with affectionate couples, and Lin Xian stretched his neck to look in.

Two couples were chatting, whispering sweet nothings, and holding hands.

“What did Er Zhuzi teach you?” Lin Xian turned around. “Do you know what to—”

Before he could finish, CC’s slender finger hooked under his chin, lifting his head.

Lin Xian was stunned by the unexpected move. “Hey, hey, are we really doing this?”

“Don’t speak,” CC said, looking into his eyes. “Er Zhuzi said this is how your sister-in-law flirted with Big Cat. He, Ah Zhuang, and San Pang all saw it.”

Alright then. Lin Xian accepted this strange new reality. It seemed Er Zhuzi was a bit of a voyeur, after all. Apparently, Big Cat and his wife had a wild side, with her being the dominant one.

No wonder Er Zhuzi was so hung up on her.

Finally, the moon emerged from the dense clouds, casting a bright, frosty glow that lit up the romantic corner. Lin Xian and CC, looking into each other’s eyes, saw four full moons reflected in their pupils.

“Sorry to interrupt your performance,” Lin Xian said, his head still lifted awkwardly. “But how long do we have to hold this pose? We can’t just keep my chin up like this forever. What’s the next step?”

CC recalled Er Zhuzi’s advice. “He said to keep holding your chin, and you’d walk backward like this while we slowly move forward, out of this area, heading to the Queen’s castle.”

“That’s ridiculous! Do people really flirt like this?” Lin Xian protested. “I’m not a crab! How am I supposed to walk backward? And I don’t have eyes on the back of my head. We can’t stay in this awkward pose forever!”

“This Er Zhuzi guy is unreliable. Is this the only move he saw when he spied on Big Cat and his wife? What about the rest?”

Their lively discussion attracted suspicious glances from the couples in the alley. Sure enough, trusting Er Zhuzi’s intelligence was a mistake.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation

Soon, guards with muskets and whistles approached, followed by the couples who had reported them.

“They’re intruders!” one of the couples shouted.

Sirens blared.

“Ughh.” Lin Xian glanced at his watch. It was 9:30 PM—almost time to wake up and meet Zhao Ying Jun and Yan Qiao Qiao at his place.

“Oh well.” He gave up, grabbed CC’s hand, and ran towards the Queen’s castle. “Today was just to eliminate a wrong option anyway. Clearly, neither Uncle Wei nor Er Zhuzi is reliable.”

CC suddenly widened her eyes, looking ahead. “Lin Xian!”

Lin Xian turned his head and saw a large, dark gun barrel right in front of him—


Lin Xian woke up again in his bedroom, rubbing his temples and sighing. “Why do I keep getting shot in these dreams?”

He had to admit, those romance inspectors in the Fifth Dream of Queen Town were incredibly annoying, always reporting people and never minding their own business.

Getting up, he glanced at the clock on the bedside table. Zhao Ying Jun should be arriving soon.

Lin Xian went to the bathroom, fixed his hair, changed out of his pajamas into casual clothes, and as soon as he stepped out of his bedroom, he heard a knock on the door.

Opening the door, he saw Zhao Ying Jun holding the Pomeranian, VV, with Yan Qiao Qiao standing beside her, carrying a small backpack.

“Welcome,” Lin Xian smiled, stepping aside to let them in. “Qiao Qiao, do you remember me?”

Yan Qiao Qiao pointed her finger at him like the barrel of a gun and said, “Brother Lin Xian.”

“Hehe, smart girl,” Lin Xian chuckled, patting her head. He then grabbed the two large suitcases and the cart loaded with VV’s food bowl and dog food, pulling them inside.

After closing the door, he noticed how crowded his usually empty living room had become. It was now bustling with people and a dog—a full house.

“Woof!” VV immediately darted from Zhao Ying Jun’s arms to Lin Xian’s feet and lay down, looking up affectionately.

“You see,” Zhao Ying Jun said with a smile, “VV still likes you.”

She glanced around Lin Xian’s apartment. “Your place is cleaner than I imagined. Is that your bedroom?” she asked, pointing to a room with a lit lamp.

“Yes,” Lin Xian nodded. “That’s the only room I use. The other rooms are empty.”

“Woof!” Suddenly, VV shot into Lin Xian’s bedroom like a rocket.

“Hey…” Zhao Ying Jun tried to stop her, but Qiao Qiao, who had been crouching to play with VV, quickly followed her into the room.

“Oh well…” Zhao Ying Jun sighed, shaking her head. “Those two are inseparable. Qiao Qiao has really cheered up VV, and she loves playing with VV too. Now they’re practically glued together. She even wants to cuddle with VV when she sleeps.”

She called out to the bedroom, “Qiao Qiao, don’t rummage through Brother Lin Xian’s things. That’s rude!”

“No worries,” Lin Xian waved it off. “She can explore all she wants. There’s nothing important.”

If Yan Qiao Qiao wanted to snoop, she wouldn’t find anything incriminating. He pointed to the sofa. “Have a seat; I’ll get you some water.”

After setting the suitcases and VV’s food supplies in a corner, Lin Xian poured Zhao Ying Jun a glass of water.

She took a few sips and said apologetically, “I really appreciate this, Lin Xian. I feel bad about asking because I know taking care of them isn’t easy.”

“It’s no trouble at all,” Lin Xian said, sitting across from her at the coffee table. “It’s nice to have some company. The place has been quiet since I started renting it. It’s never been this lively before.”

Zhao Ying Jun set her glass down. “You’ve always lived alone?”

“Yep,” Lin Xian nodded, “I—”

Suddenly, there was a loud, rapid knock on the door, interrupting him. Both he and Zhao Ying Jun turned to look at the entryway.

Lin Xian had vaguely heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching earlier but hadn’t expected them to stop at his door!

Bang bang bang! The knocking was urgent.

Zhao Ying Jun slowly stood up, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Did I come at a bad time?”

“No, no,” Lin Xian shrugged. “I have no idea who it is.”

He called out to the door, “Who’s there?”

“It’s me! Open up, open up! Hurry, hurry, I can’t hold it anymore! Quick, Lin Xian!”

From the voice, it was clearly Gao Yang.

What was he doing here?

Lin Xian walked over and opened the door. “What are you doing here?”

“I happened to be eating at the food stall nearby. I thought I’d drop by and chat with you. But man, the crawfish on the street weren’t fresh! My stomach’s been acting up! Move aside, move aside, I’m about to blow! I—”

Gao Yang clutched his butt and shuffled like a crab toward the bathroom.

But as soon as he awkwardly shuffled into the living room, he turned and saw the elegant Zhao Ying Jun, who looked both refined and charming.

He almost lost control!

“I…” He gawked, speechless, glancing between Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun, then at the clock on the wall—10:23 PM.


He sucked in a cold breath.

He’d messed up big time! Ruined his buddy’s evening!

At this time, a man and a woman alone in an apartment… and they were already somewhat close!

What else could they be doing?

Gao Yang was caught between a rock and a hard place. But eventually, the turmoil in his stomach won over his sense of loyalty, and he quickly shuffled his way to the bathroom, waving his hand. “I just came to use the toilet! You guys carry on! Just pretend I’m not here! I’ll leave right after!”

He slammed the bathroom door shut and began his business.

Zhao Ying Jun raised an eyebrow, watching the bizarre scene, and then looked at Lin Xian with a puzzled expression. “Is that your friend?”

Lin Xian realized Zhao Ying Jun had never properly met Gao Yang before. Yellow Finch was very familiar with him, knowing they were childhood friends and could be trusted. And Yellow Finch was Zhao Ying Jun in another time-space, so she must have known Gao Yang through him in that world.

Lin Xian had expected their first meeting to be more formal, but as always, Gao Yang’s entrance was unforgettable.

“Uh… yeah, that’s my childhood friend. We grew up together,” Lin Xian explained. “Remember when you gave me an extra invitation to the MX celebration party? I took him with me, but he was too busy eating, so you probably didn’t notice him.”

“His name is Gao Yang. He’s probably my best friend. Don’t mind what just happened; he’s actually a good guy with a kind heart.”

Zhao Ying Jun nodded, understanding Gao Yang’s identity. “So he’s your best friend, huh…”

She chuckled softly and shook her head. “Everyone has their embarrassing moments when nature calls. I understand.”

“I always believe that people attract others who are like them, so if Gao Yang is your best friend, I’m sure he’s a great person, just like you.”

The sounds of flushing, hand-washing, and paper towel dispensing came from the bathroom. Then the door opened, and Gao Yang walked out, smiling sheepishly. He pretended nothing had happened and greeted Zhao Ying Jun.

“Hello, beautiful lady. I’m Gao Yang, Lin Xian’s good friend.”

“Nice to meet you,” he continued. “I’ve heard a lot about you from Lin Xian, so I feel like I already know you.”

“Really?” Zhao Ying Jun smiled, looking more at ease with Gao Yang. “Lin Xian talks about me often?”

“Yeah, yeah!” Gao Yang gave a thumbs up, praising her. “Lin Xian always speaks highly of you! He says you’re amazing at everything! I—”

“Alright, alright,” Lin Xian cut him off, pointing to Zhao Ying Jun. “Let me introduce you properly. This is Zhao Ying Jun, my former boss; and this is Gao Yang, my childhood friend.”

A brief introduction completed the historic first meeting between Gao Yang and Zhao Ying Jun. She was polite and courteous, clearly wanting to leave a good impression, while Gao Yang wished he could disappear into a crack in the floor out of embarrassment.

Seizing the chance, Gao Yang made a quick exit to the door, waving goodbye. “I just came to use the restroom! I’m out of here. I’ve got to get back to my food stall. You two carry on. Bye!”


Gao Yang’s chubby figure displayed surprising agility as he vanished and slammed the door shut.


Lin Xian stared at the closed door. Came in a rush, left in a rush.

“Heh.” Zhao Ying Jun chuckled, looking in the direction Gao Yang had gone. “Your friend is quite amusing.”

“That… counts as amusing?” Lin Xian marveled at Zhao Ying Jun’s level of tolerance.

For someone who left such a strong, toilet-related first impression, Zhao Ying Jun simply found Gao Yang amusing. If Gao Yang knew, he’d probably be waving a banner for 600 years, thanking Zhao Ying Jun for forgiving his near-social-death experience.

Not wanting to continue this smelly topic, Lin Xian pointed to the clean guest bedroom. “Did you bring Qiao Qiao’s sheets and blankets? While she’s playing with VV, we can set up her bed.”

And so, like a pair of longtime partners, they worked together to set up Qiao Qiao’s bed with sheets, pillowcases, and blankets. They even placed her favorite Rhine Cat plush on the headboard, making the little girl’s temporary residence cozy and ready.

Back in the living room, Zhao Ying Jun saw both Qiao Qiao and VV yawning. “Alright, you two will be staying here for the next two days. Please behave and listen to Brother Lin Xian.”

She bent down and ruffled Qiao Qiao’s hair. “VV is familiar with Lin Xian, and you’ve met him before, too. So, for the next two days, be good and listen to Brother Lin Xian, okay?”

Qiao Qiao nodded obediently and waved at Zhao Ying Jun. “Goodbye, sister.”

“Woof, woof!” VV barked energetically.

Seeing them so content to stay, Lin Xian couldn’t help but smile. He walked her to the door, saying, “With Qiao Qiao here, I won’t go downstairs to see you off. Take care on your way, and safe travels back to Donghai City.”

Zhao Ying Jun nodded, smiling softly. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“I hope Qiao Qiao won’t cause you too much trouble, and I also hope… you’ll like her.”

After Zhao Ying Jun left, Qiao Qiao and VV, having played all day, were soon ready for bed. VV simply dragged its bed to Qiao Qiao’s side and immediately fell asleep, like Lin Xian’s own ability to fall asleep anywhere.

Qiao Qiao needed a bit more preparation—brushing her teeth and washing her face. Thankfully, Zhao Ying Jun had already instilled these habits, and Qiao Qiao was now a well-behaved, automatic little helper.

Once she was tucked in and covered up, Lin Xian stood at the door, turned off the light, and said, “Good night, Qiao Qiao.”

“Good night…” came the soft, innocent reply from the darkness, “Brother Lin Xian.”

The next morning, he woke up early to make breakfast for Qiao Qiao and put out a bowl of dog food for VV. After that, he planned to visit Donghai University and the Rhine Joint Laboratory.

He had two things to discuss with Liu Feng:

First, Lin Xian felt that he wouldn’t get any useful advice from Uncle Wei or Er Zhuzi on how to act like a couple. So, why not ask Liu Feng, who considered himself a relationship expert? Having witnessed Liu Feng’s life-and-death romance with Li Qi Qi, Lin Xian knew he might have some practical tips to help CC act like a lovestruck girl.

Second, Brother Wang had already begun setting up a new Rhine Laboratory to prepare for the future construction of the time-space shuttle. They had also selected a location for the observatory to build a small radio telescope capable of detecting time-space particles… Now that both tasks were done, Lin Xian intended to report back to Liu Feng.

After freshening up and changing clothes, Lin Xian went to the living room and found Qiao Qiao dressed in a cream-colored dress, holding the white Pomeranian, VV, waiting for him.

Lin Xian looked at the girl and the dog. “You two want to come with me?”

Both Qiao Qiao and VV nodded simultaneously. “We want to go out and play.”

“Alright then,” Lin Xian said. He didn’t feel comfortable leaving Qiao Qiao alone at home anyway.

She was definitely Zhao Ying Jun’s relative. Losing track of her would be a disaster.

So, it was best to bring her along.

They took the Alphard minivan to the Donghai University campus and entered the Rhine Joint Laboratory, heading to the second floor.

Lin Xian walked in first. Liu Feng, who was busy inside, looked up and widened his eyes.

Behind Lin Xian, he saw a fluffy white dog being carried by a young girl in her early teens.

“An arithmetic sequence!” Liu Feng exclaimed excitedly. “The arithmetic sequence is finally complete! See, Lin Xian, I was right, wasn’t I? Math is so precise, so absolute!”


Lin Xian sighed, feeling a bit exasperated by his friend’s obsession. “Alright, alright, you got it right. From now on, I guess this sequence joke won’t come up again. You win this time.”

“But let’s move on. I’m here today because I have something to talk to you about.”

Liu Feng smiled, stepping out from behind the lab table. “Well, it seems like a coincidence… I have a new discovery about time-space particles to share with you!”

“Oh?” It sounded like Liu Feng’s news was more significant.

Lin Xian gestured for him to go first. “If your research is finally getting back on track from gossip, let’s hear it. What have you found about time-space particles?”

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Liu Feng walked to the lab table by the window and picked up the small white refrigerator given by Elon Musk. After entering the password, the fridge door popped open.

Liu Feng lifted the container with the lazy, stable, blue electric strands of the time-space particles and walked over, his voice filled with excitement.

“You won’t believe it.” Liu Feng pointed to the particles inside the fridge. “I accidentally discovered… that these energy-depleted time-space particles have a chance of recharging!”

“What?” Lin Xian was shocked by the finding.

This thing was that magical?

Better not let Elon Musk find out… If he knew, he’d probably want to take these depleted entangled time-space particles back!

Alongside Lin Xian, the curious Yan Qiao Qiao also stepped forward, eyes wide with wonder, just like VV in her arms, looking at the bright blue particles in the fridge. She reached out her hand…

“Lin Xian, I was just as shocked as you!” Liu Feng held the fridge excitedly. “But it’s true! If we find the right method, we can definitely—hey!”

He looked down, finally noticing that the young girl who came with Lin Xian had already reached her hand into the fridge…

Touching the time-space particles!

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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