Genius Club

Chapter 346: A Clear Conscience

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation

“Meet me?” Lin Xian was surprised.

The Zhao Ying Jun family from the capital wasn’t just wealthy; they held real power and influence. Lin Xian recalled how Brother Wang had struggled for days with paperwork, only to fail in the end. But then, during New Year’s Eve dinner, one casual phone call from Zhao Ying Jun’s uncle had resolved everything instantly.

And that was just the uncle.

In the projection gallery of Zhao Ying Jun’s personal exhibit in the third dream, Lin Xian had learned that Zhao Ying Jun’s mother was an ordinary teacher. She was smart and well-educated, but her family background was modest. The real power, however, came from Zhao Ying Jun’s father.

So, it was clear.

Zhao Ying Jun’s uncle likely owed his success to his brother-in-law. If just being associated with him made the uncle so formidable, what about the man himself?

Of course, Lin Xian had friends like Gao Yan, the director of the National Scientific Academy, and Liu An, the head of the Security Bureau, who were all close acquaintances. He didn’t feel intimidated about meeting Zhao Ying Jun’s father.

But he was curious…

Why did Zhao Ying Jun’s parents want to meet him now?

Poke. Poke.

Next to him, Yu Xi suddenly nudged Lin Xian’s arm.

“No more meat,” she said, wearing oversized sunglasses.

Lin Xian chuckled and looked at the dishes on their table. “How about some vegetables?”

“That works too,” Yu Xi replied.

Lin Xian placed some tofu, seaweed, and baby bok choy in her bowl. These were filling foods, and he figured after this pot, she would likely be full.

After taking care of the little one, it was time to address the bigger issue.

Lin Xian wiped his hands with a napkin and looked back at Zhao Ying Jun.

“Your parents… want to see me?”

“Yes,” Zhao Ying Jun confirmed. “They really want to meet you, especially my father. He insists on thanking you.”

“Thank me?” Lin Xian was even more puzzled.

“It’s about something that happened a year ago, when you drove the Bentley and took me over the elevated bridge,” Zhao Ying Jun explained. “I remember telling you about this, right? That year, when I went home for the New Year, I told my parents about it. They were really worried at the time, but since I was unharmed and nothing bad happened, their worry faded after a couple of days.”

“My father has always been someone who values loyalty and gratitude. Back then, he insisted on thanking you properly for saving me in such a dangerous situation. But during that time, you were very busy. Plus, it wouldn’t have been polite or proper to ask you to make a special trip to the capital just for that.”

“So, he decided to find an opportunity to visit Donghai City, to thank you in person. Unfortunately, last year he was busy, and you were frequently traveling, so the timing never worked out. Even though I knew you were in the capital during the New Year this year, I didn’t want to bother you because you were on a secret mission.”

“My father has kept this in mind. Even though I’ve told him multiple times that there’s no need to be so formal with you, he’s very insistent. He believes that since you risked your life to save his daughter, he can’t just let it pass without expressing his gratitude.”

As she spoke, Zhao Ying Jun noticed Yu Xi finishing her drink. She gestured to a waiter to bring two more bottles and then continued.

“Now that the opportunity has finally come, my mother retired this year at 55, and my father took a month off to bring her to Donghai City. They’re here to relax and spend time as a family.”

“My father has been eager to meet you. Their flight arrives tomorrow morning, and we’re having dinner out tomorrow night… If you’re free, would you like to join us?”

“That’s actually why I went to the office to find you today—my parents asked me to invite you to have dinner with the four of us.”

“Oh, I see,” Lin Xian nodded, understanding the situation.

Zhao Ying Jun had indeed mentioned this to him, on the day he handed her his resignation letter.

That day, Zhao Ying Jun had said a lot. She mentioned how her usually strict and unfeeling father had changed his attitude after watching the video of her leaping over the elevated bridge and Donghai 007.

Lin Xian particularly remembered how, as Zhao Ying Jun left the capital to return to Donghai City, her father, who had always denied her and disapproved of her entrepreneurial pursuits, awkwardly managed to say, “The cat design is not bad; your cousin really likes it.”

Zhao Ying Jun had said it was the first time her father acknowledged her, even though it was just a small recognition, and the cat design wasn’t even hers. Still, she was thrilled and had smiled as she told Lin Xian, “I have to admit, Lin Xian… you not only saved my life but also changed it. Meeting you has been my good fortune.”

Because of the guilt he felt that day when he resigned, Lin Xian still remembered those words and moments clearly.

“It’s really nothing,” Lin Xian said with a polite smile. “It wasn’t a big deal. Besides, I wouldn’t say I saved you. I was in the car too, and I was the one who had a gun pressed to the back of my head by that criminal… I had to find a way to save myself.”

“On the contrary, I was the one who chose the risky option of jumping the elevated bridge, dragging you into danger. It’s good that it worked out, like now, with your father being grateful. But if it had failed… I wouldn’t have been able to face him.”

“It wouldn’t have mattered if it failed,” Zhao Ying Jun said, shaking her head gently. “You might not remember, but when the criminal first appeared and held a gun to your head, you immediately pulled over and tried to convince him to let me go, telling him you’d take him to find Miaoke by yourself.”

“Even though the criminal didn’t agree and insisted on using me as a hostage to force you to keep driving…”

“But honestly, from that moment on, whether we made it over the bridge or not didn’t matter to me. Whether we succeeded or failed, you were willing to risk your life to save mine. How could I not be willing to risk my life to gamble with you?”

She chuckled, brushing back a loose strand of hair.

“So, it’s not just my father and mother, but I’m also very grateful to you for that. If you’re free tomorrow night, you should definitely join us for dinner. My parents have changed a lot; their views on many things aren’t the same as before. They’re much easier to get along with now.”

Lin Xian thought for a moment.

Elon Musk’s schedule was set for 10 a.m. tomorrow. He would be visiting Zheng Xiang Yue’s hospital room at Donghai University Hospital. Lin Xian had already planned to meet him and discuss things. The top priority was to rescue Angelica, and they could talk about everything else afterward.

If all went well, he’d be free in the evening and could meet Zhao Ying Jun’s parents and accept her father’s gratitude.

But if the conversation with Elon Musk didn’t go smoothly… who knew what the situation might be tomorrow night?

So, it was best not to agree too quickly.

If he promised now and then something came up that prevented him from going tomorrow night, it would be awkward. He didn’t want to embarrass Zhao Ying Jun in front of her parents or make them both look unreliable.

“Tomorrow night, I might not have time,” Lin Xian admitted honestly. “So I can’t guarantee that I can attend your family dinner.”

“That’s okay,” Zhao Ying Jun said, unfazed. “My parents will be in Donghai City for a month. We can always plan another dinner when you’re free.”

“That sounds good,” Lin Xian agreed. “Once I’m sure of my schedule, I’ll let you know.”

After all, Zhao Ying Jun’s parents weren’t just visiting for a day. Even if they didn’t meet tomorrow night, there would be plenty of opportunities later.

Although they were coming under the pretext of thanking him, Lin Xian knew he shouldn’t be too thick-skinned and act like a guest of honor. It would be better to meet her parents more formally, perhaps bringing some authentic West Lake Longjing tea from his hometown as a gift.

Even if they didn’t need the tea, it was the thought that counted.

“Let’s start eating. We can’t just watch her eat,” Lin Xian said, pointing at the steaming hotpot and motioning for Zhao Ying Jun to pick up her chopsticks. “It sounds like you’ve had a good time with your parents lately, and your relationship has improved.”

“Yes,” Zhao Ying Jun said, picking up some food and looking at Lin Xian. “There are upsides and downsides. When we didn’t get along, we barely spoke. It wasn’t a good feeling, but at least I had some peace and quiet, and no one was nagging me. Now that we’re closer, we talk more often, they call me frequently, and they even came all the way to Donghai City to see me… But the nagging and lecturing came with it.”

Lin Xian chuckled.

It seemed that all parents were the same, everywhere.

“Do your parents nag you too? I thought your conversations would be more sophisticated.”

“Ha, no way,” Zhao Ying Jun said with a smile as she accepted the drinks from the waiter, placing them by Yu Xi’s plate before sitting back down. “Parents everywhere talk about the same things over and over. Given my age and their traditional views, our conversations inevitably end up with them urging me to get married and have kids.”

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“My parents married young, but they had me late. They were in their thirties when I was born, which was considered very late in their generation. So now that my mom has retired and has nothing to do, she’s more anxious about it than my dad. She’s practically desperate for me to have a child right away.”

“Sometimes I almost miss the days when we didn’t get along. At least back then, I didn’t have to listen to all this annoying pressure. What about you, Lin Xian? Do your parents pressure you too?”

“Of course, they do,” Lin Xian said, recalling his mother’s conversation with Gao Yang last year during the New Year. “My parents have been pressuring me since I graduated from college. They want me to get married and give them grandchildren as soon as possible. But they’re still young, not even 50 yet, and they’re busy with their own lives, so they just mention it from time to time. They don’t pressure me too much.”

Zhao Ying Jun turned to look at Yu Xi, who was still eating quietly.

“Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a child like Yu Xi, who just appeared out of nowhere. No need for pregnancy or raising her—she’s already grown up, and it’s much easier.”

“Forget it,” Lin Xian shook his head. “That sounds too scary. I think raising a child should start from infancy, growing up together little by little.”

“And Brother Wang once said that kids are cute and endearing only when they’re young. Once they grow up and hit their rebellious phase, you’ll start missing the good old days when they were little.”

“Is that so,” Zhao Ying Jun said, still looking at Yu Xi. “But I think Yu Xi is great. She seems so well-behaved, quiet, and likable. I’ve heard about those rebellious teenagers… I have relatives like that—arrogant, spouting all kinds of internet slang. They really seem like a handful.”

Hearing this, Lin Xian could only smile without commenting.

Well-behaved? Quiet? Please…

Yu Xi was a girl from the future, practically a terminator.

She could ride a Harley at 100 mph, crash into people, and then coolly set a car on fire with a Zippo lighter, not even glancing back at the flames.

She could wield a Smith & Wesson revolver with one hand, shooting accurately, and even engage in a knife fight with another terminator girl under the moonlight for 300 rounds.

You could use any strong adjective to describe her, but well-behaved and quiet definitely weren’t among them.

Soon after, the three of them finished their meal.

They were ready to head back to the hospital to pick up the paternity test results.

Lin Xian noticed that during this meal, Zhao Ying Jun had been very considerate of Yu Xi, paying attention to many details. It seemed she really liked kids.

By the time they got to the hospital, most departments were closed, except for the emergency room, the reception desk, and a few dedicated staff in the lab.

Lin Xian, Zhao Ying Jun, and Yu Xi went directly to the reception desk and picked up two reports.

One was the paternity test result for Lin Xian and Yu Xi, and the other was for Zhao Ying Jun and Yu Xi.

The report was simple—just a single sheet of paper.

For confidentiality, it was sealed in thick paper, now held in the hands of Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun.

Zhao Ying Jun looked at Lin Xian.

“Are you nervous?”

“A little,” Lin Xian admitted, holding the unopened paternity report. The anticipation felt like waiting to see if he had won a prize.

“Let’s look at mine first,” Zhao Ying Jun said lightly.

She swiftly tore open the disposable seal, not even glancing at the contents, and handed the report to Lin Xian with a confident expression.

“See? No relation, right?”

Lin Xian looked at the report Zhao Ying Jun handed him. The bold black text stated:

“No genetic match, paternity excluded.”

He chuckled and looked at Zhao Ying Jun.

“You seem pretty confident.”

“Of course,” Zhao Ying Jun smiled. “Because I have a clear conscience.”

Lin Xian looked down at his own report and tore open the seal.

Since Zhao Ying Jun wasn’t related to Yu Xi, there was a good chance he wasn’t either. So, what was there to be nervous about?

“If that’s the case…” Lin Xian held up his report in front of Zhao Ying Jun without looking at it. “Then I’m certainly guilt-free too.”

Zhao Ying Jun looked at Lin Xian’s report, which also had the same bold black text:

“No genetic match, paternity excluded.”

“Tsk,” she scoffed. “So what were you busy with today?”

Lin Xian turned the report over and felt relieved.

At least he wasn’t a surprise dad!

It seemed he had been overthinking things…

“I was just curious. I mainly wanted to see what a DNA paternity test was all about.”

“You’re really curious,” Zhao Ying Jun teased. “I hope you never actually need to use that knowledge.”

“Thanks,” Lin Xian laughed.

After dropping Zhao Ying Jun off at her home, Lin Xian and Yu Xi went to a five-star hotel and booked a suite.

The suite was spacious, with several separate rooms, each with its own bathroom, making it ideal for their situation.

Knowing that neither he nor Zhao Ying Jun nor Yellow Finch had any blood relation to Yu Xi, Lin Xian felt more at ease and began focusing on his plan for the next day.

Yu Xi hadn’t started getting ready for bed yet.

She was still in her daytime clothes, with her short ponytail tied up. She walked over to Lin Xian.

“Have you figured out how you’re going to kill Elon Musk tomorrow?” she asked.

“Not yet,” Lin Xian shook his head. “Right now, I’m mainly thinking about how to save Angelica.”

Yu Xi blinked her bright eyes.

She had already removed her black contact lenses and sunglasses, and her crystal-blue eyes reflected in the floor-to-ceiling window, watching Lin Xian like a ghost from both sides.

“You need to think carefully, Lin Xian. If you miss this chance to kill Elon Musk here in X Country, you might never get such a perfect opportunity again.”

“I know it sounds cold, but my primary mission is to protect your life. I can’t consider Angelica’s situation as much as you do. I hope you understand—you’re the one worth risking the future of humanity to protect… but Angelica isn’t. She’s just an ordinary person with no significant impact on history or the future.”

“Think about it this way: Angelica’s fate, whether she lives or dies, has already been determined. No matter what you discuss with Elon Musk tomorrow, it won’t change her destiny. But you’re different… If you end up being killed by the time-space assassin that Elon Musk sent, then humanity, the future, and everything else will be doomed.”

“Right now is the best time to eliminate the threat. If you can find a way to meet Elon Musk alone, we can set a trap, kill him, and prevent the time-space assassin’s loop from completing, thereby erasing her from existence.”

“If we don’t take this approach, I can’t think of another way to deal with the time-space assassin. Lin Xian, you can’t hesitate any longer. Elon Musk sent the assassin to kill you—do you really think he’ll be honest with you during negotiations?”

“Trust me… killing Elon Musk here in X Country is our best chance. Right now, the time-space assassin is still outside Donghai City, lingering over the ocean. She’s likely facing some difficulties, which is why she hasn’t been able to enter.”

“This is a race against time. If we can kill Elon Musk before the assassin enters Donghai City and meets up with him, then your biggest threat will be gone, and my mission will be complete. I can’t imagine how bad things would get if we let Elon Musk escape and the assassin continues to hunt you down.”

“If I could kill Elon Musk for you, I would have done it already. But this is a task only you can accomplish. Just like with Kevin Walker, you need to eliminate Elon Musk swiftly and decisively. Showing mercy to the enemy is being cruel to yourself.”

With that, Yu Xi went into her room to get ready for bed.

Lin Xian watched her close the door and began to think deeply.

He understood why Yu Xi was urging him so strongly.


Lately, he had the nagging feeling that there was something important he wasn’t seeing, something crucial that he had overlooked.

It was as if a vital piece of the puzzle was missing, making the situation in front of him even more confusing.

What was it?

He thought about Yellow Finch’s last lesson to him in Copenhagen, given at the cost of her life.

The two questions and one piece of advice she left him with as she lay dying.

The address of Kevin Walker that he received from Elon Musk, and the digital life of Turing that was determined to kill Kevin Walker.

The time-space assassin who killed Yellow Finch in front of him without even glancing at him, yet relentlessly pursued him across Donghai and America.

“It feels like something is off.”

“It feels like there’s a huge puzzle, but the most important piece is missing.”

What was it?

Lin Xian turned around and stood by the floor-to-ceiling window.

He gazed at the bright moonlight in the sky and the bustling lights of the international city below…

“What is it?”

Lin Xian asked himself.

“Where is that missing puzzle piece?”

In the Donghai, near the new port district, inside Tesla’s Gigafactory.

“This isn’t what we agreed on, Elon Musk.”

Inside one of the buildings, Angelica found herself under house arrest once again. The two familiar female bodyguards and Elon Musk were in the living room, announcing the end of her brief freedom.

“Elon Musk, you promised to take me to see Lin Xian. That’s the only reason I came to X Country with you,” Angelica glared at Elon Musk. “Are you going back on your word so soon?”

“Don’t be so upset, Angelica,” Elon Musk said with a slight smile as he placed a small refrigerator he had been carrying in the corner of the living room.

He dusted off his hands.

“I’ve always said I’m a man of my word. I will take you to see Lin Xian and explain everything. But… not tomorrow morning, tomorrow night.”

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Angelica narrowed her eyes.

“What do you mean? Tomorrow morning at Donghai University Hospital, when you deliver that boat ticket to the girl named Zheng Xiang Yue… Are you planning to meet Lin Xian alone?”

“Why aren’t you taking me? Are you going to use me as a bargaining chip, a lure to deceive Lin Xian?”

Elon Musk shook his head. “No… Maybe there are some misunderstandings between Lin Xian and me… but honestly, I bear no ill will toward him. It’s just…”

He glanced down at the white, boxy refrigerator in the corner of the living room.

“It’s just that I’m still missing the last piece of the puzzle to figure everything out.”

“And that piece of the puzzle… will deliver itself into my hands tomorrow.”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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