Genius Club

Chapter 344: A Parentage Test

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation

Yu Xi’s eyes were locked onto Lin Xian, her voice filled with intensity. “I would sacrifice everything for you, even my life. If killing Elon Musk would protect you, I’d do it in a heartbeat,” she declared, her tone unwavering. “But my mission, the reason I crossed over to this timeline, is to keep you safe. To truly destroy that time-space assassin and eliminate any threat, Elon Musk has to die, and that task falls to you.”

Lin Xian frowned slightly, a mix of emotions swirling within him. “But why me?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

Yu Xi bit her lip before continuing, “Because I’m bound by the laws of time in this era. That assassin can hurt people here, but I can’t. My actions are limited to those who exist in the future. If I tried to kill Elon Musk, it would trigger an erasure—time itself would erase me to prevent the paradox. Only you, who belongs to this timeline, can do it.”

Lin Xian sighed, shaking his head slowly. “But Yu Xi, when would we ever get a chance like that? This isn’t some Hollywood action movie. Elon Musk isn’t going to give me a fair fight. He’s the richest man in the world; now that he knows he’s in danger, he’ll be surrounded by security. We’ll never get close.”

Yu Xi leaned in, her voice firm. “You’re right, it won’t be easy. But if there’s ever a moment, you’re the only one who can take the shot. I can fight off the assassin, but you have to be the one to end Elon Musk’s life.”

Lin Xian nodded thoughtfully but couldn’t help but chuckle bitterly. “Killing the richest man in the world isn’t any easier than assassinating a president. Especially now, with the security he’s bound to have. Even if we somehow succeeded, it wouldn’t come without severe consequences.”

Despite the bleak reality, Lin Xian couldn’t dismiss Yu Xi’s point. Killing Elon Musk could potentially unravel the entire situation. If Elon Musk died, the future version of him wouldn’t exist to send the assassin back, cutting off the loop entirely.

Lin Xian absentmindedly picked up his phone and opened Twitter. He searched for Elon Musk’s latest updates, hoping for some insight.

Sure enough, there was a recent tweet from Elon Musk, announcing that he was heading to Donghai City in X Country to personally deliver a ticket to the moon to Zheng Xiang Yue, the latest announced lunar passenger.

Yu Xi peered over Lin Xian’s shoulder at the screen. “This could be our opportunity, Lin Xian,” she said. “In X Country, especially in Donghai City, you’re on home turf. If we’re going to take a shot at him, that’s the place to do it. It won’t be easy, but it’s more feasible there than in America.”

Lin Xian turned to her, skepticism in his eyes. “How do you suggest we lure Elon Musk into a situation where we can actually get to him? What could I possibly offer that would make him drop his guard?”

Yu Xi acknowledged his point but pressed on. “We don’t need to stay in America any longer. We’ve dealt with Kevin Walker, and now we know Elon Musk is the one behind the time-space assassin. Let’s head back to Donghai City. At least there, we have a chance.”

Lin Xian mulled over her words. “You’re right. We need to go back. X Country has the Sky Net surveillance system—once the assassin’s details are entered into the system, it’ll be nearly impossible for her to sneak in. If she shows up, the authorities will catch her.”

Yu Xi nodded, pulling out a Smith & Wesson M500 revolver from her pocket. “X Country may be gun-free, but if we’re serious about killing Elon Musk, we need to be prepared. You’re a good shot, right? We’ll need this.”

Lin Xian looked at the gun, surprised by Yu Xi’s determination. “How are you going to get that into the country?” he asked.

“Not by normal means,” Yu Xi replied, smiling slightly. “We’ll need to split up. I’ll take a different route, but I’ll get it into Donghai City.”

Lin Xian quickly shook his head. “No, we can’t separate. That time-space assassin isn’t bound by the same rules as us. If I face her alone, I’m dead. We stick together.”

Yu Xi sighed but nodded. “Alright, then. Let’s do this together.”

She tucked the gun away, and they made their way to the airport, leaving America behind. Their next destination: Donghai City.

A few hours later, they were on a flight, heading back home. Yu Xi, her small frame almost swallowed by the first-class seat, seemed to be resting quietly. Lin Xian stared out the window, reflecting on the whirlwind that had been their time in America.

He had come here seeking safety, only to find himself deeper in danger. Yet, despite everything, he had managed to eliminate Kevin Walker, a far greater threat than Elon Musk. Now, with Kevin Walker gone, a sense of relief washed over him. But the battle was far from over.

Lin Xian’s thoughts drifted to Elon Musk. Would he have to kill him? He wasn’t sure. Part of him wanted to believe there was another way, especially with Angelica’s life potentially on the line.

As the plane touched down at Pudong International Airport, Lin Xian knew there was no turning back. He had to face whatever awaited him in Donghai City.

Driver Xiao Li was already waiting at the VIP pick-up area, excited to see Lin Xian. “Mr. Lin Xian! Let me help with your luggage. Ms. Zhao Ying Jun lent us a van from MX Company since she figured you’d need some time to buy a new car after returning.”

Lin Xian nodded, appreciating the thoughtful gesture. As Xiao Li helped with the luggage, he noticed Yu Xi. “Mr. Lin Xian, who is this young lady?”

Lin Xian quickly responded, “She’s my cousin’s daughter from America. She’s visiting for a few days.”

Xiao Li welcomed her warmly, but Yu Xi politely declined his offer to carry her bag, knowing it was filled with the gold and jewelry she had taken from Angelica’s place.

Once they were in the van, Xiao Li asked, “Where to first, Mr. Lin Xian?”

Lin Xian thought for a moment. “Let’s go to an optician’s first.”

Half an hour later, they were in a shopping mall, purchasing the darkest contact lenses and sunglasses for Yu Xi to hide the eerie blue glow in her eyes.

After fitting her with the lenses and sunglasses, Lin Xian was satisfied with the result. “How does it feel?” he asked.

“Everything’s dark and blurry,” Yu Xi replied, a bit disoriented.

“Just bear with it for now,” Lin Xian said, smiling. “We need to avoid any unnecessary attention.”

They then headed to the Rhine Company building, where Lin Xian wanted to check on some important items he had left behind.

As they rode in the van, Xiao Li updated Lin Xian on the situation in Donghai. “Director Liu An from the National Security Agency had the police upload the assassin’s facial recognition data into the Sky Net system. If she shows up, she’ll be caught immediately.”

Lin Xian felt a sense of relief, knowing they had taken precautions. But he remained cautious. With Yu Xi by his side and the assassin’s details entered into the system, they had a better chance of staying safe.

After arriving at the Rhine Company building, they took the elevator up to Lin Xian’s office. Lin Xian sat down at his desk while Yu Xi settled on the sofa with a copy of Andersen’s Fairy Tales.

Lin Xian watched in amazement as Yu Xi flipped through the book at lightning speed, finishing it in no time. “Are you speed reading?” he asked.

“No, just reading,” Yu Xi replied casually. “I can remember every word.”

Lin Xian was impressed but also reminded of the conversation he had with VV in the third dream, where he learned that in Yu Xi’s time, people had enhanced cognitive abilities from a young age.

As Lin Xian’s computer booted up, he checked Elon Musk’s itinerary. Tomorrow morning, Elon Musk would be at Donghai University’s hospital to deliver the moon trip ticket to Zheng Xiang Yue. Lin Xian decided he would also be there.

After memorizing the schedule, Lin Xian looked over at Yu Xi, who had finished reading the book. “Was there a story you liked in particular?” he asked.

“The Little Mermaid,” Yu Xi replied without hesitation. “It’s a beautiful story. I like it a lot.”

Lin Xian was surprised. He hadn’t expected Yu Xi to share the same favorite story as Yellow Finch and Zhao Ying Jun.

He bit his lip, his thoughts drifting to a possibility he had been avoiding for days. Could Yu Xi be connected to him in some deeper way? Could she be a daughter from a different timeline?

Thump, thump.

The sound of a knock interrupted Lin Xian’s thoughts. “Come in,” he called.

Brother Wang entered, holding a folder. “Lin Xian, I’ve got some documents that need your signature.”

As Brother Wang walked over, he noticed Yu Xi on the sofa. “Oh! Who’s this cool little girl?” he asked, grinning.

Lin Xian chuckled. “She’s my cousin’s daughter from America,” he said, repeating the cover story.

Brother Wang laughed, then handed the documents to Lin Xian. As Lin Xian signed, his thoughts returned to the nagging question about Yu Xi’s origins. Maybe the only way to find out the truth was to do a DNA test.

“Brother Wang,” Lin Xian asked, handing the signed documents back. “Do you know where I can get a paternity test done?”

Brother Wang nearly dropped the folder in shock. “Wait… Lin Xian, are you serious?” he exclaimed.

“Just asking,” Lin Xian replied calmly.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation

Brother Wang stared at him, then at Yu Xi. “Is she… your daughter?”

“No, no,” Lin Xian quickly said, trying to calm him down. “Just asking.”

But before Brother Wang could respond, a familiar voice came from the doorway. “Who’s doing a paternity test?” The voice was low, accompanied by the sharp sound of high heels on the floor.

Lin Xian’s heart sank as he recognized the voice. Zhao Ying Jun had just entered the room, her commanding presence filling the space. She looked from Lin Xian to Brother Wang, then to Yu Xi.

“Lin Xian,” she said slowly, her voice firm. “Are you planning to do a paternity test with this little girl?”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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