Genius Club

Chapter 333: The Shape-Shifting Witch

This novel is translated and hosted only on BCaTranslation

Lin Xian stared at a small suitcase that housed two large-caliber pistols, a wave of satisfaction sweeping over him as he regarded the deadly tools. “These definitely make me feel safer,” he voiced his thoughts, a hint of resolve in his tone.

If only he had had these back in Donghai City, the threat of the time-space assassin wouldn’t have loomed so large. Yet, Lin Xian knew better. While arming oneself could provide temporary security, the broader implications were far more chaotic. “The law is clear; if everyone started arming themselves out of fear, society would quickly collapse into anarchy,” he reflected.

The ideal recourse was, undoubtedly, the police for protection. However, Lin Xian’s intentions with the pistols extended beyond mere self-defense; they were meant to eradicate his enemies.

“I’ve given you what you asked for,” Angelica said, her voice cutting through his thoughts. She swept her long hair into a high ponytail, her eyebrow arching in expectation. “So, what about what I asked for?”

Lin Xian snapped the suitcase shut and set it down, standing upright to face her. He took a moment before responding, “You were right about Ji Lin and Ji Xin Shui. They’ve been involved in heinous activities—murdering scientists and innocents. They were promised an invitation to the Genius Club in return for their services.”

“Ji Xin Shui and Ji Lin became fixated on securing that invite. For some reason, they excluded you—perhaps they already had enough help. Zheng Cheng He, a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, was also left out of their plots, except for their last failed attempt.”

“I’ve apprehended them and brought them to justice. They received the punishment they deserved, despite any familial ties you might have to them,” Lin Xian stated firmly.

Angelica shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve never been one to complain about fate. I just need to know who led them down this path. The old man was motivated by fame and greed, but Ji Lin’s case was different. He believed that joining the Genius Club could help him uncover the truth about our parents’ deaths. My brother was incredibly intelligent—he wouldn’t pursue something without reason.”

“So, you think a member of the Genius Club was behind their deaths?” she pressed.

Lin Xian nodded. “Exactly. Their killer chose a peculiar time—00:42—for their murders, likely signifying some cryptic ritual. And concerning Ji Xin Shui, the member who deceived him goes by ‘Copernicus’—a detail not even Ji Lin knew.”

Angelica’s smile thinned as she processed the information. “I appreciate your honesty, Lin Xian. But knowing the name ‘Copernicus’ doesn’t get us any closer to vengeance. The Genius Club is still shrouded in mystery.”

“I don’t expect you to pinpoint the killer immediately—if Ji Lin couldn’t, it’s unlikely we can. But we need to start somewhere, right? Is that why you’re here in America?”

“Exactly,” Lin Xian confirmed, his gaze piercing. “So, let’s cut to the chase. How do we find Copernicus?”

“We need insider knowledge,” Lin Xian proposed, turning back to her. “Elon Musk.”

He paused, letting the name hang in the air. “I don’t have direct evidence linking him to ‘Copernicus,’ but Musk certainly knows more than us. I’m convinced he’s a key member of the Genius Club and privy to vital secrets.”

“So, our target is the world’s most renowned billionaire,” Angelica mused. “Elon Musk—a playboy known for his high-society escapades. Do you know him?”

“We’ve crossed paths at several social functions,” Lin Xian replied.

“Can you get us close to him?” he probed.

Angelica chuckled, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “How close do we need to be?”

“As close as possible,” Lin Xian said seriously. “Intelligence gathering is your forte, right? You weren’t just a figurehead in the Seven Deadly Sins; Ji Lin acknowledged your effectiveness. If anyone can extract information from Musk about the Genius Club—its objectives, allies, and targets—it’s you.”

Angelica considered this, her expression turning contemplative. “Elon Musk is cautious and astute. Approaching him might not be straightforward. He wouldn’t divulge secrets easily, especially to someone he doesn’t trust.”

“That’s the challenge,” Lin Xian admitted, spreading his hands. “Considering someone might be trying to kill me, possibly on Musk’s orders, you’re the best shot we have.”

“Among the Genius Club members I know, Elon Musk is the only one whose name and whereabouts are well-known. If you’re really set on avenging Ji Lin and Ji Xin Shui, he’s our starting point. There’s simply no other way around it,” Lin Xian declared, his tone serious.

“I think you understand that Musk represents our only real shot, the crossroads of our objectives. I can’t just walk up to him and bluntly inquire if he’s orchestrating attempts on my life, can I?” Lin Xian explained, the complexity of their situation dawning in his voice.

“If it turns out to be him, I’d be walking straight into a trap; if it’s not, then I’m just wasting my time. Besides, there’s a good chance Elon Musk might not even tell the truth.”

Angelica opened her eyes and chuckled, her gaze meeting Lin Xian’s. “If this entire plan hinges on me gathering intelligence, then what exactly is your role in all this? What value do you bring to our partnership?”

With a faint smile, Lin Xian leaned forward. “I’ve received an invitation to join the Genius Club.”

Angelica’s amusement faded, replaced by a look of astonishment. “You got an invitation?”

The thought seemed almost unbelievable to her. Ji Xin Shui, despite his immense wealth and willingness to risk his life, had failed to secure an invite. Ji Lin, whom she had raised like a brother and who had shown brilliance from a young age, had also fallen short in this quest.

And yet, Lin Xian, who seemed so ordinary in many ways, had succeeded?

Upon reflection, however, Angelica realized it wasn’t entirely far-fetched. Lin Xian knew a great deal about the Genius Club and currently found himself a target of assassins. It seemed unlikely he would lie about something so crucial.

“But I haven’t fully passed their tests yet,” Lin Xian confessed, hinting at more challenges ahead.

He intended to work together with Angelica, using her ability to get close to Elon Musk to gather information, particularly to verify if Musk was linked to the time-space assassin.

Being upfront was essential.

He laid out their arrangement: “Here’s the deal—You close in on Elon Musk and extract as much information as possible, find out if he’s behind the assassin, and uncover details about the Genius Club and Copernicus.”

“In return, once I’m officially a member of the Genius Club, I’ll help you identify Copernicus and support your quest for revenge.”

Angelica let out a soft laugh, her tone slightly teasing. “You’re beginning to sound a lot like the Genius Club.”

“Why do you say that?” Lin Xian inquired, curious.

Angelica gestured expansively. “Copernicus dangled a carrot in front of Ji Xin Shui, and now you’re offering me a similar bait. Is this what the Genius Club is all about? A club for dangling carrots? But…”

She leaned back into the contours of her space capsule seat and extended her right hand towards Lin Xian.

“We don’t really have another choice, do we?”

Lin Xian agreed with a smile, reaching out to shake her hand. “Exactly.”

The van they were in pulled up in front of a suburban villa with a sprawling courtyard, a property that spoke of significant value.

“Get out; this is my place… one of them, anyway. You’ll stay here while you’re in America.”

With that, the deal between Lin Xian and Angelica was cemented. It was a relationship of mutual necessity.

Angelica needed to know who Copernicus was and who had killed Ji Lin’s parents. Elon Musk might have those answers, or at the very least, some clues. But with a potential assassin from Musk possibly targeting Lin Xian, he needed to stay concealed, relying on Angelica to secure the necessary information and identify their adversary.

Once that issue was resolved, Lin Xian could focus on deciphering the coordinates of time and space, answering the three riddles posed by the Genius Club, and participating in their meetings.

Then, he could fulfill his promise to Angelica, revealing the truth about Copernicus and assisting her revenge.

This might seem a distant and uncertain promise to Angelica, but it was the only option available.

Unless Elon Musk proved to be surprisingly indiscreet, revealing everything to a charming woman, which seemed highly improbable. If Musk were that easily deceived, he wouldn’t hold the title of the world’s richest man.

Thus, it fell to Angelica to extract any possible information from him.

Lin Xian set the heavy black suitcase on the table in the villa’s luxurious living room, his eyes scanning the opulent setting under the glow of a grand crystal chandelier.

“Tomorrow night, we’re attending a banquet,” Angelica announced, relaxing into the sofa. “You’ll be my driver.”

“To meet Elon Musk?” Lin Xian questioned, turning away from the sparkling chandelier.

Angelica shook her head. “Elon Musk may not officially be the world’s richest man anymore, but he still carries significant influence here. We’re not close enough for me to just call him up.”

“You must understand, there are many Hollywood actresses, but there’s only one Elon Musk. He’s in high demand,” she explained.

Lin Xian pulled up a chair and sat down, a hint of skepticism in his tone. “So, you can’t directly connect with Elon Musk? Then why did you seem so confident about our cooperation?”

Angelica met his gaze. “I can’t directly reach Musk, but I can get to his secretary. He has a trusted female secretary who’s privy to all his secrets. I believe we can learn a lot about Elon Musk through her.”

“A female secretary, huh…” Lin Xian chuckled lightly. “And how do you plan to get her to talk?”

Angelica retrieved a tube of lipstick from her handbag, applying a layer of bright red to her lips. After smoothing the color, she gave Lin Xian a knowing smile. “Sometimes… it’s easier to deal with women than men.”

“Can you elaborate?” Lin Xian spread his hands, intrigued by her approach.

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Angelica simply smiled, replacing the lipstick in her bag. She stood, her heels clicking on the floor as she approached Lin Xian. “You’ll find out tomorrow night.”

“Alright,” Lin Xian conceded with a wave of his hand. “But I won’t be going. I already told you, the assassin might be working for Elon Musk.”

“Since you mentioned that Musk shares everything with his secretary, she surely knows about me. If I attend with you, I’ll risk exposure.”

“Haha,” Angelica laughed, positioning herself in front of Lin Xian, her stance imposing. “Have you forgotten what Hollywood calls me?”

“A shape-shifting witch, right?” Lin Xian looked up, his expression mixed with admiration and caution.

Not that he particularly wanted to look up, but Angelica’s slender finger lifted his chin as if she were delicately choosing a pastry.

“Shape-shifting isn’t just my specialty,” she remarked with a cryptic smile.

She scanned Lin Xian’s features closely. “Tomorrow night, no one in the world will recognize you.”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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