Genius Club

Chapter 269: A Childlike Heart

This novel is translated and hosted only on Bca Translation

Lin Xian set his pen down and fixed Brother Wang with a serious look. “What did you just say?”

“Time Bank,” Brother Wang repeated, his voice filled with a hint of nostalgia. “You know, like in ‘Doraemon’? Think of it as a place where you can store your favorite childhood toys or keepsakes, bury them, and then, years later, dig them back up. Sounds meaningful, doesn’t it?”

Brother Wang’s tone warmed as he continued. “At first, my idea was simple. People often miss the simplicity and joy of their childhoods, but those memories fade over time. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a bank where we could deposit these precious moments and revisit them later? Over time, this concept evolved.”

He leaned forward, his enthusiasm palpable. “Imagine expanding on that. What if we could deposit our most valued possessions in this Time Bank? Then, decades or even centuries later, our descendants could retrieve them. Incredible, right? And setting up such a bank wouldn’t be overly costly. We wouldn’t be handling money, so the paperwork would be simpler.”

Brother Wang’s arms moved animatedly as he spoke, his eyes lighting up. “The main costs would involve buying secure safes and leasing a space. It might not make a ton of money, but it would fulfill a dream I’ve had since I was young. And when Professor Xu Yun introduced a new type of aluminum alloy earlier this year, I was thrilled. It seemed perfect for the Time Bank.”

His eyes sparkled with excitement. “These custom-made aluminum alloy safes are expensive, but they’re durable. They won’t rust or degrade, staying as pristine as when first made, ideal for preserving memories for centuries!”

Pausing, his face mixed with joy and reflection, he added, “When Rhine Moisturizing Cream became a hit, and sales soared, I received a significant bonus. That was all I needed to start the Time Bank. I was just waiting for my promotion at MX Company to vice president. With that and my savings, I was ready to launch.”

“But then you founded Rhine Company and invited me to be your vice president. You placed so much trust in me; I couldn’t let you down. So, I decided to put the Time Bank aside and dedicate myself to Rhine Company, planning to spend my career here.”

Listening, Lin Xian was taken aback. He had never fully appreciated the depth of Brother Wang’s dream until now. He had asked about the dream casually, not expecting it to be so profound.

But as soon as Brother Wang mentioned the “Time Bank,” it all clicked for Lin Xian.

No wonder the Time Bank had vanished from his third dream. He had puzzled over it for a while, trying to figure out where the temporal disruption had occurred that could cause such a robust institution and its hundreds of indestructible safes to simply disappear.

Now it made sense!

Lin Xian hadn’t realized that he was the reason for the Time Bank’s disappearance through 600 years of history, all due to his creation, the Rhine Company.

The interconnectedness of time and space was profound, often causing seemingly unrelated events to influence each other in unexpected ways.

If he hadn’t founded Rhine Company, Brother Wang would have been promoted at MX Company and likely started the Time Bank as planned. But his founding of Rhine Company had altered 600 years of history and changed Brother Wang’s life forever.

Originally poised for a relaxed semi-retirement, Brother Wang had instead become a key figure at Rhine Company, energized by the new challenges.

Thus, he abandoned the Time Bank project, throwing himself into expanding Rhine Company. Because of this shift, the Time Bank, which was supposed to start by late 2023, never materialized and became a part of history that never happened.

“Damn,” Lin Xian cursed silently. He was the original architect of the change he now faced, like a boomerang of his own making impacting him directly.

Brother Wang concluded his passionate speech, his eyes meeting Lin Xian’s frowning, troubled face. A wave of anxiety washed over him.

“Oh no, did I upset you, Lin Xian?” he asked, approaching the desk for support. “Please don’t misunderstand. I was just reflecting on our success at Rhine Company and reminiscing about my past ambitions. But rest assured, I am completely committed to our company now. The ideas of a time capsule and the Time Bank have been long abandoned.”

“The fulfillment I get from Rhine Company is unparalleled. I have no desire to chase past dreams. They weren’t practical anyway. Even if the Time Bank had been realized, it likely would have failed.”

“No, no…” Lin Xian quickly stood, gripping Brother Wang’s hand. “A dream shouldn’t be discarded so lightly, Brother Wang!”

His voice was earnest, his eyes bright. “The Time Bank… What an incredible concept! Absolutely genius!”

Brother Wang looked puzzled, wondering if the boss was mocking him.

“How much would it cost to start the Time Bank?” Lin Xian pressed. “Do you have the funds, Brother Wang?”

“It wouldn’t require a fortune,” Brother Wang admitted. “I’ve made a good amount at MX Company over the years, plus my investments… And the last bonus was significant. I had planned to invest 20 million, though I’d need to liquidate some stocks. But now, my focus is solely on Rhine Company.”

“Five hundred million,” Lin Xian declared, spreading his fingers. “I’ll allocate 500 million to properly establish the Time Bank. It must become a major enterprise, enduring not just for a century but for millennia. It must outlast even Rhine Company, should it ever fail.”

Brother Wang was speechless! Was Lin Xian serious? Was this a jab at his commitment?

“B-b-brother… don’t joke around,” Brother Wang stammered, still holding Lin Xian’s hand. “The Time Bank lacks sustainable profit models. It’s unfeasible. We should focus on Rhine Company.”

“If it doesn’t turn a profit, then Rhine will support it,” Lin Xian countered firmly, patting Brother Wang’s shoulder. “I believe in you and the Time Bank, Brother Wang. We need to execute this perfectly.”

“If it doesn’t generate revenue, then we’ll expand its services. Our company has 3 billion in reserves. Once you secure the necessary licenses, we’ll deposit it in your bank. Use it to cultivate the business into a profitable long-term endeavor. We need to make the Time Bank live up to its name.”

Brother Wang blinked, taken aback. He studied Lin Xian, realizing the young CEO was utterly serious.

“A-are you really serious, Lin Xian?”

“Absolutely…” Lin Xian responded, his face brightening with a sense of kinship. “Why didn’t you bring up this amazing project earlier? I would have invested right away! Stick to your plan. Use aluminum alloy for the safes, just like you envisioned. And make sure to reserve a safe for me at the opening.”

“That’s a given!” Brother Wang pounded his chest. “Don’t worry, Lin Xian, your safe is secured!”

Lin Xian’s smile was subtle yet satisfied. The solution was always intertwined with the problem. When challenges mount, solutions often emerge effortlessly. He had finally pinpointed the origin of the Time Bank, and it had been right before him all along.

But merely sustaining the Time Bank for 600 years wasn’t sufficient. Lin Xian recalled a detail from his fourth dream: his mobility was restricted to a few steps, and he had less than a minute before being electrocuted. There was no opportunity to explore the dream city or locate the Time Bank.

He needed a strategy.

Ah, an idea struck him!

“Brother Wang, I have one minor request, my only one. The rest I leave to you. Manage the Time Bank as you see fit; I won’t interfere.”

Lin Xian gazed intently at Brother Wang. “I’d like us to officially launch the Time Bank on August 28, 2024. Until then, we operate on a trial basis, culminating in a grand opening on that date.”

Brother Wang nodded, albeit puzzled. “That’s fine… but is there a special significance to that date?”

“It has a profound meaning,” Lin Xian assured with a smile. “My request is the Time Bank’s charter must include a provision: every century, there should be a massive celebration. We’ll need as many airships as possible to fly over Donghai City for a full day, all adorned with the Time Bank’s logo!”

“Since we’re branding ourselves as the Time Bank, our unique selling proposition is longevity. Celebrating every century reinforces our historical depth. This tradition will be vital!”

Brother Wang nodded again, still processing. “I see… It’s an aspect of our corporate culture. But why airships?”

“The grander and larger, the better. Such a centennial celebration must be spectacular,” Lin Xian emphasized. “On August 28, 2124, 2224… all the way to 2524, 2624, airships bearing our logo must fill the skies. This is my sole request, Brother Wang. It’s crucial this happens.”

“No problem,” Brother Wang assured, finally grasping the gravity of the request. “I’m just curious, why choose August 28? Is this date significant to you?”

“Ah… this date, this date…” Lin Xian scratched his head, pretending to search for an answer.

“‘Doraemon: Nobita and the Sky Utopia’ just premiered on August 28th this year,” VV mentioned through the Bluetooth headset, its voice clear and timely.

“That’s right, the release date of ‘Doraemon: Nobita and the Sky Utopia’ was August 28th,” Lin Xian responded with a calm voice. “I love ‘Doraemon’ too. This movie is about time-traveling airships. It ties in nicely with your idea for the Time Bank since the concept was inspired by ‘Doraemon,’ making it perfectly relevant to our theme.”

Lin Xian cringed internally after hearing his own words. What a forced and unnatural justification.

“That’s it!” Brother Wang exclaimed, visibly moved. “Lin Xian, you really get me! Despite my age, I’ve always felt too embarrassed to admit how much I love this ‘childish’ cartoon. You’re truly my soulmate! I still watch every episode of ‘Doraemon’; it’s my favorite!”

“I’m glad we share this passion. It’s decided then.”

After Brother Wang left, Lin Xian sighed in relief and leaned back in his office chair. “VV, couldn’t you have found a smoother reason? That explanation was a bit awkward to say.”

“That was the most appropriate reason I could find,” VV responded from the desktop speaker. “I couldn’t exactly say it was your favorite girl’s birthday, could I? By the way, remember that Chu An Qing’s birthday is on March 28.”

“I didn’t ask for that info,” Lin Xian replied, annoyed.

“I’m just reminding you to keep it in mind,” VV insisted. “You might want to start thinking about what to get her for her birthday.”

“Brother…” Lin Xian pointed to the calendar on his desk. “It’s not even October yet, and you’re already planning next year’s birthday gifts? Also, get your facts straight. You’re practically Zhao Ying Jun’s lackey.”

“No!” VV shot back, as if defiantly placing hands on hips. “I’m loyal to An Qing! Steadfast for 600 years!”

“Alright, alright, enough. Let me have some peace.”

Lin Xian tossed his Bluetooth earpiece onto the desk, supporting his head with his hands, closing his eyes in deep thought.

He had just confirmed to Brother Wang that the Time Bank project was going ahead. The concept of the Time Bank wasn’t difficult to maintain long-term—it was essentially a series of secure vaults, storing valuables for decades or even centuries, requiring minimal daily management.

In the future, 600 years later without his interference, the Time Bank would still be standing until at least August 28, 2624. Now, with substantial initial capital and backing from Rhine Company, its feasibility was even stronger.

No issues there.

Lin Xian’s main concern now was when he would be able to see the Time Bank’s airships in his fourth dream. In that particular dream, he was restrained and unable to move.

The only opportunity to confirm the existence of the Time Bank 600 years later would be to glance at the sky in the few seconds before being electrocuted, hoping to spot airships bearing the Time Bank logo.

“VV,” Lin Xian whispered. “When do you think I’ll see the Time Bank’s airships in the fourth dream?”

“Based on my calculations of the butterfly effect, you should see them tonight,” VV replied through the desktop speaker. “The moment Brother Wang agreed to establish the Time Bank, it likely altered the timeline and future trajectory. You should see the airships in tonight’s dream.”

“But… considering your explanation of time-space laws, with anchors and elasticity, a significant irreversible anchor must form for the butterfly effect to take full effect.”

“From that angle, you might not see the Time Bank’s airships for some time, since this anchor isn’t solidified yet. Even if Brother Wang has begun the application process for the Time Bank, you could still change your mind, and he would adjust his priorities to focus on his role as vice president at Rhine Company.”

“That’s why I need you to verify the reality of the dream as soon as possible. Without concrete data on time-space changes and the butterfly effect, we can’t determine which interpretation holds. Until you confirm the dream world’s reality, we can’t fully understand the laws of time-space.”

Lin Xian listened to VV’s analysis, closing his eyes to focus. This had been a constant headache recently. He had always believed in the absolute nature of time-space laws, but now there was a hint of uncertainty.

If the time-space laws were uncertain, the reality of the dream was equally dubious; the two were inherently connected.

The pressing task now was to confirm whether the dream was genuine or merely a manipulated illusion created for him.

He opened his eyes.

This novel is translated and hosted only on Bca Translation

“If the Time Bank truly exists in the fourth dream, then August 28, 2624, will mark its 600th anniversary. A milestone like that, specified in the company’s founding charter, would be celebrated with airships flying throughout the city. No matter who owns the Time Bank in 600 years, they’ll adhere to this tradition.”

“If that’s the case, our first step in the plan is complete—we’ll have pinpointed the location of the time capsule, the exact place to leave the note that will confirm the dream’s reality for me. Over those 600 years, regardless of turmoil, that note will endure, waiting for me to unlock the aluminum alloy safe in the Time Bank.”

“To be honest… I’ve always been curious about what was originally inside that safe marked with my name and what the original password was.”

VV paused for a few seconds before responding. “Lin Xian, perhaps there was never an ‘original’ item or password in that safe… the contents and password have always been the same. You haven’t yet reached the point in the historical closed loop where you set the password and contents yourself.”

“That moment, when you actually use the safe to store something and set the password, will create the historical closed loop. And at that moment… you’ll realize that from the first time you saw the safe until you open it 600 years later, it has always remained unchanged.”

“No matter how history, the future, or time shifts, the contents and password of the safe will always remain constant.”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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