Seeing Yun Hanxiao's shy appearance, it had simply become one of Di Chajie's bad interests.

He was still blissfully murmuring to himself... A string of words that made Yun Hanxiao's ears red with shame as she threw them over ?? Yun Hanxiao suddenly stopped resisting... At the same time, she also felt that it was natural for Di Chajie to be pleasantly surprised by her sudden weakness.

Yun Hanxiao was his woman to begin with, so she should have been willing to let him do whatever she wanted.

Yun Hanxiao reached out her delicate hands and grabbed onto his spear. Ye Zichen used a bit of force with his finger ?? With her entire body wrong, it was basically impossible for Di Chajie to lock onto her arm.

Her voice was cold and clear, "If I cripple it now, you'll have to let me off!" Di Chajie was stu


His body was still throbbing in Yun Hanxiao's hands... However, his heart slowly turned cold.

It was so cold that it hurt! The only time this woman had been obedient was to retreat and advance, but it was actually to lie to him! A wave of anger and disappointment surged through the mountains and seas.

She did not love him.

Just like his own mother, no matter how hard or how well he did, he would never love her.

In his mother's heart, he was always the shadow of her father.

In Yun Hanxiao's heart, she would always be the best.

As for him, he had been working so hard, working so hard for so many years.

In the end, he was alone.

No one loved him.

Whether it was his mother or Yun Hanxiao.

They were all good women, rare among women.

He was loyal and strong, but he was not loved.

Maybe he wasn't worthy.

A little tired.

There was also a sense of extreme anger.

Two types of emotions, fire and ice, collided in his heart.

Hehe ?? He probably hadn't exercised for a long time.

In the end, everyone thought he was a sick cat.

First, he went to the Shangguan Family, randomly found someone to teach him a lesson.

Now it was Yun Hanxiao, this girl who knew nothing at all. She had also attempted to fight him in her strongest close-quarters combat.

Yes, he admitted. No matter how good his reaction was, he was just an ordinary person.

If Yun Hanxiao was by his side day and night, he wouldn't be able to defend this.

However, if he wanted her now, she didn't have the ability to resist.

Suddenly, he pressed his body down, and said to Yun Hanxiao: "Do it!" Yun Hanxiao looked at Di Chajie, a flash of viciousness could be seen in her eyes. Think of her as sweetheart, as a little idiot.

But when it was necessary, she was really ruthless.

Yun Hanxiao said: "Di Chajie, be reasonable. Why are you doing this to me? You have fire, you're angry, go vent on your loved ones. To find an i

ocent passerby like me. "

Di Chajie sneered twice, "What do you want, to leave, right?" Yun Hanxiao replied: "Yes."

"Be my woman for a month. When the time comes, I'll let you go and never bother you again." Di Chajie withdrew his body and glanced at Yun Hanxiao.

Yun Hanxiao immediately let go.

He took half a step back and placed the back of his hand behind his back.

With his hands behind his back, Di Chajie's eyes darkened.

Yun Hanxiao immediately held her hands together and pulled up her clothes.

A few strands of scattered hair floated in the air. It was dark and glimmering with a dark light ?? Yun Hanxiao put on the clothes, and said to Di Chajie: "I don't want to!" He was fine, he wasn't acting any kind of lousy drama, why did he have to be his woman for a month?

"You're not willing?" Di Chajie repeated himself.

"Yes, I don't want to, I don't want to be anyone's woman, I am a woman with a child, I don't want to do anything that would shame my son. Di Chajie, speak reason. Why are you doing this to me? What did I do wrong? All my life, and you ?? It does matter. Whether we meet or not, we can't erase history. Moreover, if we are to do this, we will shatter the last bit of warmth between us. "

"If ?? if anything were to happen to Shaoze, why would he need you to do this?" Di Chajie's cold voice showed his strong will.

Yun Hanxiao lowered her head and smiled. She had never been willing to reveal Shaoze's identity.

However, last time he was in danger, Di Chajie was kidnapped.

This caused Yun Hanxiao to deeply feel the fickleness of life.

If he or Di Chajie lost someone, Di Chajie would not know that Shaoze was his son. That would be too much of a pity.

She thought for a moment, then changed her words, "I believe that it is impossible for you to harm Shaoze.

I also believe that you will do your best to save him, even more than you did your best to save me last time.

Di Chajie, you aren't as bad as you say you are. " This sentence, could make Di Chajie dispel some of his irrational actions.

He sighed heavily.

He turned around.

He felt that he had nothing else to say.

Yun Hanxiao said softly: "The letter of resignation has already been placed on the table. The key you gave me last time, well, here it is. " She cleaned herself up.

Taking a deep breath to face Di Chajie's back, he softly said, "Di Chajie, all these days, thank you for taking care of me. It's been a pleasure being with you! " Di Chajie kept on turning his body.

Yun Hanxiao opened the door and walked out.

In the office outside the door.

No one was there.

Such a big house, how lonely it was when there was no one around.

Yun Hanxiao thought about it and laughed. Di Chajie was different from him.

He was a man, and he was not afraid of being deserted.

He continued to walk forward.

Yun Hanxiao, you did well.

The man waved his hand and ?? Everything on the table was thrown to the ground.

Yun Hanxiao, you are ruthless! I had already prepared my resignation letter, but I still had to say the word 'resign' when I was being reasonable.

He said that he didn't have any schemes, but when it came to dealing with people, sometimes the timing wasn't too good.

Di Chajie said hatefully.

Although he felt that nothing could be blamed on Yun Hanxiao.

However, desire, along with disappointment, or perhaps a bit of despair, still caused the man's expression to become extremely unsightly.

Outside, Yun Hanxiao opened the door to the CEO's room.

A hualala sound came from inside the door, as though Di Chajie was using all his strength to go crazy.

Yun Hanxiao paused, she only felt her hands lighten, and the door was pulled open by someone from the outside.

Shangguan Yueer stood at the door and looked at Yun Hanxiao.

This was the first time she had seen Yun Hanxiao.

It was the prelude to an intense love that had only just started. Yun Hanxiao was now much sexier than usual.

Her face was slightly red, and she was astonishingly beautiful without the need for makeup.

Shangguan Yueer swept her eyes across Yun Hanxiao from top to bottom.

Ordinary people would only see good-looking clothes, skirt, leather bags, shoes, watches...

In Shangguan Yue'er's eyes, she could accurately tell that this was the price of Chanel Chanel Chanel's Chanel Chanel Tor, Rolex the Rolex. She believed that this secretary would not be able to afford it even if she did not eat or drink for ten years.

There was no makeup on his face, but Oskar. d. Pull. However, the fragrance of Renta's' pleasure 'made Shangguan Yueer unable to smell wrong, Oskar. d. Pull. The top perfume from Renta International symbolized luxurious style and extreme elegance, and pleasure was the most famous of them all. The giver must have been filled with love for this woman, which was why she could be so easily moved.

Di Chajie wasn't particularly generous to females.

There had never been anyone who knew that he spent so much money on women, even to her, Di Chajie's fiancee, she was no exception.

If this secretary didn't have something to do with Feng Tian, Shangguan Yueer could judge for sure that she was related to Di Chajie.

To be able to obtain so many gifts from a man, this woman was not simple at all.

How much scheming did it take to get so much oil from a man?

Yun Hanxiao was scared looking at her from head to toe, what was wrong with her? She blocked the door and did not do anything, but only gave him a meaningful look, that was something she had not developed to the point that both men and women could do, right? Just as she was about to ask Shangguan Yueer to move aside, Shangguan Yueer opened his mouth.

She had always been a strong person, but she had always been able to endure in front of stronger people like her mother and Di Chajie.

But she had no choice but to endure in front of experts, making her time in front of ordinary people even more domineering.

She gently reached out her hand, as haughty as a princess, gesturing for Yun Hanxiao to step aside.

As expected, Yun Hanxiao gave way, she never fought with others.

From what she knew, whether one was strong or weak didn't lie in one's heart.

Shangguan Yueer glanced around, but there was no one in the office.

Di Chajie did not come? Shangguan Yueer swept a glance at Yun Hanxiao from the corner of her eyes, and asked with the proud and indifferent tone of a person in a position of power: "Where is your CEO?" Yun Hanxiao shook her head, she did not want her CEO to say such a thing. She resigned, and was happy to not serve this group of noble and extraordinary young masters and mistresses anymore.

Shangguan Yueer misunderstood and thought that Di Chajie was not in his office.

Shangguan Yueer frowned, and asked unhappily: Who are you? Forced by the aura of the other party, Yun Hanxiao softly replied, "Yun Hanxiao." "Oh, do you know who I am?" Shangguan Yueer slightly raised her head.

This kind of noble and untouchable attitude, when dealing with the lower class, would give them a strong psychological advantage, making them obediently submit to him.

In the end, Shangguan Yueer made a miscalculation today, as the people she met were a bit different.

When Yun Hanxiao heard her question, she was at a loss at what to do. "Miss, you don't even know who you are, how could I know?" Awful, these rich princesses' sickness really makes people laugh! All of them were so arrogant that they didn't even know who they were? This woman thought that her face was still a public pass. She didn't need a passport to pass the customs office, she could just directly have her face stamped! Di Chajie was about to come out after hearing Shangguan Yueer's voice.

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