Genius Baby, Sweet Mummy

Chapter 424 Why did you avoid him

Linghu Xiaojing was afraid.

She didn't think that she would encounter such danger here, but she didn't have an ID and couldn't have a room. Besides this place, she really couldn't think of a safer place for now.

"Little sister little sister, what grade are you in? Your brothers will treat you to a big meal." One of the hooligans approached her and asked with a smile.

Linghu Xiaojing glared at him, frowned, and turned his face to the side. The child saw how Linghu Xiaojing continued to bully him.

The other fatty saw that Linghu Xiaojing's expression was interesting and asked, "Why did you avoid him?"

Linghu Xiaojing said: "His mouth stinks!"

"Hehehehe ??"

The group of children were extremely happy.

Although he was scolding his companions, that partner who was scolded was one of the children who gathered together. He was used to everyone laughing at him, so he didn't feel that anything was wrong with Linghu Xiaojing.

However, the child had already lost his self-esteem. "So what if my mouth stinks? I'm not kissing you, why do you care if my mouth stinks!"

Linghu Xiaojing originally did not want to bother with them, but due to her bad temper and the stimulation she had received, she could not help but say in anger: "Go away." She stood up and wanted to leave.

A boy wanted to reach out and grab her, but he was stopped by another boy. He used his eyes to signal for Linghu Xiaojing to come out of the door, so it would be more convenient to mess with her outside.

Linghu Xiaojing did not go out. She went downstairs and stood at the counter to order.

At least here, the two cashiers would not ignore her.

She ordered another Chicken Leg Castle. It wasn't that she really liked eating this, but it was the cheapest one and she needed to save money.

If they were to order their meals here, the cashier would naturally not allow any of them to leave. He could only bitterly smile and sigh as he wondered why he had to work overtime tonight.

That beautiful young man was dressed in a semi-old set of clothes, but could tell that the quality was extremely good. It seemed like he had not washed his ball shoes for at least a month, but his skin was extremely white and tender, making him look very clean. The baseball cap was low on his head, and the shape of his lips made even Linghu Xiaojing feel inferior. His voice was very quiet and pleasant to hear. He quickly ordered a large serving of the dish, then firmly took it and sat on a seat near the door where two people were seated before eating.

From begi

ing to end, he didn't look at any other guests.

Linghu Xiaojing thought for a moment, then took her own food and politely asked: "Big brother, can I sit here and eat?"

The teenager did not even raise his head. There was no sound at all.

Linghu Xiaojing blushed for a while, but still sat down. It seemed like this big brother who ignored her was much safer than the other people who cared about her.

Even though he might have caused trouble for him.

However, she couldn't care so much about the others in this situation.

"Oi, little sister little sister, being happy alone is not as good as being happy together. Let's eat together." The group of boys also staggered over. Even when he was eating and playing, he would squeeze by Linghu Xiaojing's side and push him away.

Some of them were sitting next to him, eating. Some of them came over to the boy and said, "Kid, get out of my way."

The man did not raise his head and continued to eat quietly.

"I told you to f * * k off! Did you not hear me?! Are you courting death!?" Do you know who I am? "

"Scram, I will count to three... "If you don't f * * k off, I'll f * * king beat you to death!"

"One ??" "Ah ??"

With a "peng" sound, the boy only had enough time to let out a "Ya" before immediately falling to the ground and twitching. He didn't even know how to speak as he rolled his eyes. He looked extremely terrifying.

Linghu Xiaojing saw the boy, who had been silent the whole time, extend his fist and continue sitting there, quietly eating.

The potato chips were very crispy. "Crack crack crack ??"

The surrounding people watched in shock as the situation reversed, but Linghu Xiaojing was actually happy. That was true!

"God damn, you even dare to hit my people. Are you looking to die?" The boss was bluffing, but he was already standing far away. From the looks of it, this handsome youth must have practiced it before. Otherwise, how could he be so accurate with a single punch?

If he were to fight against this kind of people, he had to capture them.

As he retreated, he said, "If you have the guts, wait for me. Little Cheng and Little Zhang, you two just watch him. We'll go find someone."

"Boss, we ??" We can't stand this lord! The two retards immediately looked at Linghu Xiaojing with a gaze more i

ocent and pitiful than a puppy, as if hoping that she would say something good.

No one else cared about these two, they picked up the twitching one and ran.

Linghu Xiaojing accompanied the boy to eat.

The boys' eating habits were very good. Although they ate fast, they were very polite. Really, it was graceful. His nails were very short and very clean! It looked a lot more elegant than the average teenager of this age.

At first, Linghu Xianjing thought that being elegant was more of a sissy. But this young man, although he also looked rather neutral, he didn't give off the slightest impression of a mother. He was as quiet as a white jade statue, cold and extremely hard.

Linghu Xiaojing looked at him for a while, then spoke out: "Big brother, can you bring me home?"

The youth completely ignored her. From start to finish, he had been eating alone and quietly. It was as if the people around him were all separated by a layer of glass. If he didn't want to approach them, they shouldn't even think about entering.

Linghu Xiaojing did not continue to put on a pitiful show. The only things she did not know was her pride and common sense, which made it impossible for her to talk to this youth that she had just met. If they didn't want her, she wouldn't be able to tear off her face and plead bitterly. Ever since she was young, she knew that if her mother didn't want to give it to her, then even if she cried until she was hoarse, no one would care about it.

She sat there blankly, her heart filled with anxiety, but there was nothing she could do.

About ten minutes later. The boy finished most of the food in front of him, wiped his mouth, and prepared to leave. At this time, he raised his head slightly and glanced at Linghu Xiaojing.

Linghu Xiaojing suddenly realised that under the shadow, the boy's eyes were blue and black. It was a very clean and clear feeling. Just like him, it looked white, cold, and hard. Unexpectedly, she felt a strong sense of dependence.

It would be great if they could follow him. He could protect her, and he wouldn't be as sick as that man.

But what could he do to make him take her in, even for a night?

Just as he was thinking, three to five adult hoodlums, along with a few boys from just now, came over with a murderous look on their faces. "Brother Hu, he's the one who injured Xiao Lin."

the man in the lead shouted. "You're still fucking sitting there, get the fuck up!"

The youth had probably thought about it, but now he leaned back in his chair and didn't move. He didn't even raise his head.

This time, the leading boy became smarter. He didn't get closer, but stood far away and clamored, "I heard you're very good at fighting, aren't you? If you have the guts, then come with us! "

The handsome young man glanced at the group of people impatiently and stood up slowly.

The group of people looked at the boy, then looked at Linghu Xiaojing. With a wave of their hand, they actually split into two groups.

Linghu Xiaojing thought for a while, she did not understand what was going on, but he felt that they had not given up on bullying him. She stood up, wanting to follow the youth out. Seeing the dark night outside, she felt helpless and afraid.

This youth was not even a god, how could he defeat so many people?

The youth walked away from the table, passing by her. Linghu Xiaojing was anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

She wanted to tell him not to go out, but she knew she was just a child and that no one would listen to what she said.

The few of them turned into the side street. It was easy to hear the sounds of punches and kicks in the dead of night.

Linghu Xiaojing stood up and went into the bathroom. Once inside, he shut the door tightly, ran into the cubicle, closed the door, and began to call the police: "Hey, I'm outside the XXXX Kentucky chicken, a group of thugs rushed over and hit me and my brother, my brother was taken out, I'm so scared!" Her voice was truly trembling.

"Don't be afraid, we'll be there soon." It was impossible to tell the exact age of the voice, but there was no doubt that it belonged to a young girl. Linghu Xiaojing put down her phone, feeling that it would be safer to go to the police station. The man was his mother's lover and had no obligation to take care of her. But maybe the police would find her mother! Anyway, at least there won't be any more trouble tonight.

Sure enough, after a while, someone came to the bathroom and knocked on the door twice. Someone outside dissuaded them from doing so; it was probably someone ordering dishes. A few of them were still quarreling when someone suddenly said, "That person outside is so strong. He kept yelling that you guys should all go out and help. Each of you could smash him to death with a brick."

A group of children rushed out.

Linghu Xiaojing trembled inside.

After a while she listened to the silence and went out.

One of the staff members who happened to be ordering food came over and saw Linghu Xiaojing and said, "Hurry up and leave, they are surrounding that boy and will probably be back in a while. Hurry up and go home, otherwise if everything happens, we won't be able to control you."

Outside the window, there seemed to be some bloodthirsty monster lurking in the darkness.

Linghu Xiaojing quietly walked out and turned towards the alley where the voice came from!

This was a small alley on the side of the main road. The flickering street lights reflected the dirty yet cold street ?? Linghu Xiaojing saw that beautiful young man standing there, fighting with no expression on his face. Several people had fallen, and even more people were holding brick sticks and long machetes! No Gun... It was all the sound of flesh hitting flesh. The young man's clothes were tattered and tattered; clearly, he had been cut by a knife, and was covered in blood.

Linghu Xiaojing slightly raised her eyebrows, her calm and intelligent eyes continuously observing the scene. In this city that seemed normal yet had an unspeakable oddity to it, a sense of bloodshed that made her very excited leaked out from this group of scum fighting.

If there really was someone who should die, it definitely shouldn't be this youth, but her.

She regretted it a little. Why did she have to sit over there and harm that young man? If he were to be beaten to death today, she would probably feel uneasy for the rest of her life.

The six men took their weapons from different sides and mercilessly chopped at the youth.

The young man fell into the arms of a tall man, his right hand clenched into a fist and pounding at his small belly. At the moment the man's groan was bent, a upward punch struck his fat, borderless chin, and then his right hand gripped the incredibly thick neck like a steel claw. Then he shifted position, his left hand grabbing the fat man's outstretched right hand, and with a violent tug in opposite directions, the man's elbow and fat neck split apart, and the only thing that could be heard was a crisp "clack" followed by a "peng" sound ?? The young man's head accurately hit the chest of the other attacking man, sending him flying.

In the blink of an eye, it was completed. Everyone could only watch in a daze, and many of the steps were later imagined. All they knew was that a second later, a man weighing over two hundred pounds had his hand folded into a weird angle, and the other man's chest and abdomen flew out with his eyes wide open and a look of fear on his face.

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