Gate of God

Chapter 1049 - We Screwed Up - The Twelve Ancient Warlocks Have Descended!

Chapter 1049: We Screwed Up – The Twelve Ancient Warlocks Have Descended!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Don’t you believe it?”

“Of course not!” Nangong Mu was certain. As descendants of Emperor Yan, how could they be mistaken about their mission that had been passed down for so many generations? He didn’t believe it, and he wouldn’t believe it.

“Do you really not believe it!” Yan Qing looked at Nangong Mu seriously and asked.

“No!” Nangong Mu looked determined as he stared back at Yan Qing. Then, he laughed and said, “Are you going to kill me because I don’t believe it? Hehe, go on, I’m ready!”

“Fang Zhengzhi will decide your life and death. I... Won’t kill you.” Yan Qing shook his head. Then, he let go of Nangong Mu and walked away.

“Wait a minute!” Nangong Mu uttered.

Yan Qing stopped moving, but he didn’t turn around.

“Tell me, is this Heaven Zen Mountain?” After a short silence, Nangong Mu asked and looked towards the sky in the meantime.

“Yes.” Yan Qing replied emotionlessly.

However, the disciples of the Human Alliance looked nervous because they saw Nangong Mu’s expression when he looked towards the sky.

The Door of the Realm of God was standing in the sky.

Although Nangong Mu’s power had been restrained, how could anyone be sure that he wasn’t capable of opening the Door of the Realm of God?

“Is Fang Zhengzhi battling the four ancient beasts?” Nangong Mu ignored the expressions on the Human Alliance’s disciples and looked towards Tao Tie and Hun Dun.

“Yup.” Yan Qing nodded.

“According to the legends, the four ancient beasts are astoundingly powerful. Each one of them is almost as strong as a Five-clawed Golden Dragon. How are you going to stop all four of them?” Nangong Mu asked once again.

This time, Yan Qing’s body twitched.

He also looked towards the battlefield, where a dozen sect leaders adopted close combat after following Mu Qingfeng’s command.

However, it wasn’t really working.

Tao Wu was too powerful.

Regardless of physical body or speed, Mu Qingfeng and the rest couldn’t match up to him. In merely a few exchanges, two more sect leaders dropped to the ground, and no one knew if they were dead or alive.

“Pavilion Master Mu, we can’t hold on much longer if this going on!”

“Yeah... Pavilion Master Mu, what exactly is your plan? If this continues, we can’t hold our ground against Tao Wu!”

“Pavilion Master Mu, we have to put distance between us and that beast. We cannot keep fighting him at close range anymore!”

The dozen sect leaders were all panic-stricken because Tao Wu was far stronger than they had estimated.

Most importantly, they could clearly sense that Tao Wu wasn’t exerting all his strength. He was just toying with them.

If he was so powerful even without exerting all his strength...

What would happen if it did?

The Sect leaders felt a chill up their spines when they thought of that because if that really happened, the consequences would be unimaginable.


Yan Qing slowly looked away from Mu Qingfeng and the rest, before turning towards Nangong Mu again, saying, “Your power has already been restrained. You don’t have to worry about this.”


At this moment, they heard a loud noise from afar. One of the sect leaders who were ganging up on Tao Wu with Mu Qingfeng was sent flying by his claw.

Blood splattered.

That sect leader’s body was torn into pieces. There was no way he could have survived.

The surrounding disciples were frightened to their cores when they saw that. If this went on, none of the sect leaders would survive.

‘What should we do?’

‘What exactly should we do?’

All the disciples of the Human Alliance were extremely anxious.

Tao Wu’s strength was far beyond what Mu Qingfeng and the rest could handle. Meanwhile, Fang Zhengzhi’s battle also seemed to have turned into some sort of stalemate.

Hun Dun wasn’t as agile as Tao Wu.

However, it was extremely sturdy.

No matter what Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan did to him, he could recover quickly and charge towards Fang Zhengzhi again.

Furthermore, this was without Tao Tie’s intervention.

Once Tao Tie found an opportunity to attack, Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan might be defeated immediately.

The situation was extremely nerve-wracking.

Even though Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five could suppress Qiong Qi, it didn’t make too much of a difference because the three other ancient beasts were too powerful.




At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Countless bolts of lightning descended and blasted the three Gates of God standing in the sky. Electricity zapped around the gates.

“Oh crap, look at the Gate of God of the Demon Realm!”


“Radiance seems to be surging out of the gate!”

“This is bad. We aren’t even done with the four beasts yet. If Godly State masters of the Demon race appear at this moment, isn’t mankind done for?”

The disciples of the Human Alliance exclaimed.

The troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race opened their eyes wide with astonishment when they saw that. Although they were forced to surrender to the Human Alliance, it didn’t mean that they were really willing to accept defeat.

“Are more masters of the Demon Race descending?!”

“There’s hope!”

“I really hope that they aren’t anything like the four ancient beasts, I really do!”

The troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race were praying.

Monster Emperor Baizhi and Yun Qingwu were also looking at the Gate of God of the Demon Realm, especially Baizhi, whose premonition was extremely strong because she was a Nine-Tailed White Fox.

“They are very strong!” She could sense that the aura of the masters that were going to descend from the Gate of God of the Demon Realm this time was extremely vast and almost on the same level as the four ancient beasts.


A beam of light descended rapidly and landed on the peak of Heaven Zen Mountain.

Then, the second beam descended, followed by the third one and the fourth one...

Countless light beams rained down like a meteor shower. They all struck the peak of Heaven Zen Mountain and the peak started shaking.

Such a commotion delivered a massive shock even to Fang Zhengzhi and his companions, not to mention the disciples of the Human Alliance and the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race.

“More masters have descended?!” Mu Qingfeng was stunned instantly.

They were exhausted and even on the brink of death just from fighting the four ancient beasts. If masters of the Demon Race appeared at this moment, it would be too terrifying.

There was no end to this.

As long as the Gates of God of the Two Realms of Monsters and Demons weren’t closed, more powerful Demons and Monsters would keep descending from the galaxy. There was no stopping them.

“What do we do now?” The other sect leaders were also filled with despair.

They had originally thought that the war was approaching its end and the Human Alliance would take control of the world again, while the Monster Race and Demon Race would fall back to the Great Swamp and Blood Shadow City.

However, it seemed like...

Things weren’t so simple at all.

Everything seemed to have just begun. The truly powerful Monsters and Demons had only just begun to descend into this world in an unopposable manner.

Fear, despair, ineptness...

Countless emotions filled their hearts, and it hurt.

At this moment, they heard another loud bang. It was another sect leader who was struck by Tao Wu’s tail and sent flying.


Another sect leader died.

Tao Wu’s eyes looked extremely cold. He didn’t seem to be afraid of those light beams that descended from the Gate of God of the Demon Realm at all. He attacked Mu Qingfeng and the rest while they were distracted.

“Ao!” They heard a thundering roar.

Tao Wu moved around rapidly and charged into the center of the sect leaders. He snapped at them while smacking them with his four sharp claws.


Soon, another sect leader was sent flying, and his arm was ripped off. Blood stained his clothes and he cried out in pain.

“Grandpa, watch out!” At this moment, Yan Xiu also noticed that Tao Wu was charging towards Yan Qianli, and he quickly alerted him anxiously.


Yan Qianli ultimately managed to evade the attack.

However, he was in a bad state because one of Tao Wu’s claws had struck his thigh. He was bleeding from his leg and he was extremely pale.

“Prince Yan!” Mu Qingfeng yelled anxiously.

“Forget about me, handle this son of a bitch with all your might first!” Yan Qianli naturally noticed the countless light beams that had descended from the Gate of God of the Demon Realm too. He was equally anxious.

However, the most important thing at the moment was stopping Tao Wu.





Countless light beams descended, and each of them turned out to a giant black rock that looked like it was previously chained up. They all looked incredibly massive.

The disciples of the Human Alliance were completely dumbfounded.

Mu Qingfeng and the rest were in an extraordinarily tough spot because Tao Wu was too tough for them to handle. Yet, they felt a stronger pressure from these giant black rocks.

Their vast aura had affected the entire Heaven Zen Mountain.

Boom! One of the giant black rocks exploded. Countless rock shards flew towards the Human Alliance like a bunch of sharp knives.




In just an instant, a dozen disciples were struck by the shards because they couldn’t avoid them in time. The shards pierced through their entire body.

Almost all of them died.

This was too terrifying!

All the disciples were shaken to their cores.

Meanwhile, a massive figure slowly appeared amidst the dust. It was a huge, muscular, and half-naked man.

Numerous golden patterns flowed around his body and made him look exceptionally powerful.

Most importantly, this big man was extraordinarily massive. He was about three to four meters tall and looked just like a gigantic tower.

“A giant?!”

“A Giant of the Demon Race?”

“How could a demon be so tall and big?”

The disciples of the Human Alliance exclaimed.

Yan Qing was also astonished. Even he could sense the mighty aura of this massive demon.

“He’s one of the Chi You tribesman!” Nangong Mu uttered.

“Chi You?!” Yan Qing froze. He was no stranger to this term because he Indestructible Body was somewhat related to Chi You’s bloodline.

In the legends, there was an extremely powerful settlement in ancient times, and its leader was Chi You.

Chi You was also a huge guy. His rumored height was between seven to eight meters, and his arms were terrifyingly powerful, for he could rip apart powerful divine beasts with just his hands.

Although Chi You was eventually defeated by Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang, they just banished his tribesmen instead of killing them all.

“Chi You’s bloodline is part of the Demon Race?!” Yan Qing was truly stunned. He knew about Chi You, but he didn’t expect them to be part of the Demon Race.

“Now, what do we do?” Nangong Mu didn’t answer Yan Qing’s question. He just stood there and watched Yan Qing’s stunned expression silently.

“...” Yan Qing fell silent again.

‘Yeah, what do we do now?”

‘The powerful Chi You tribe is actually affiliated to the Demon Race.’

‘Furthermore, they have come back into this world once again. Under such circumstances, what should the Human Alliance do?’




Following a series of loud noises, the second, third, and fourth giant black rocks exploded and revealed more massive figures.

Each one of them was about three to four meters tall.

To make things worse, one of them was astoundingly five meters tall. His entire body was red as blood and his face was covered in golden patterns. He looked just like an ancient Demon God.

Rather, he was an ancient Demon God!

The race of Chi You!

“Four ancient beasts? Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five? This place... Is really lively!” The five meters tall man of the Chi You Race talked. His body was completely red and his eyes exuded a chilling light.

His voice was incredibly loud and it shook the jungles.

Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five, who was fighting Qiong Qi in the air, looked towards the ground, and his expression instantly changed.

“Hong You!” Golden Dragon Xuanyuan Five obviously knew this massive man of the Chi You Race. He identified him and said his name right away.

Qiong Qi also stopped moving at this moment. At less than two meters tall, it stood in the air silently while its wings kept flapping.

“It is pretty lively. However, you guys, the Twelve Warlocks of the Demon Race, are not welcomed!”



“They are Chi You’s twelve warlocks?!”

“The Twelve Warlocks of the Demon Race. Oh my god, it’s them?!”

The disciples of the Human Alliance instantly reacted to Qiong Qi’s words.

These weren’t ordinary men of the Chi You Race. They were the twelve most powerful fighters under Chi You, and they were known as the Twelve Warlocks.




The explosion continued as massive figures appeared one after another. The radiance in the sky was dazzling while a loud and stunning voice echoed in the air.

It sounded like the ring of an ancient bell.

The twelve warlocks had all descended. They stood atop the peak of Heaven Zen Mountain like twelve massive metal towers, instilling fear in everyone’s heart.

This was a terrifying scene.

Even Fang Zhengzhi stopped moving at this moment. He looked at the twelve warlocks and smiled bitterly.

“The Twelve Warlocks of the Demon Race, huh? Chi You’s twelve strongest fighters? I can’t believe they hold me in such high regard. All of them came down, not a single one is missing.” Fang Zhengzhi was really feeling helpless. He wasn’t even done with the four ancient beasts, and the twelve warlocks had already descended.

‘How am I going to deal with this?!’

‘Can someone please tell me how can I deal with this?’

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