Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 457: Let the High Septon Come and See Me

Chapter 457: Let the High Septon Come and See Me

Watching the High Tower crumble, Ormund's knees gave out, and he fell to the ground in a daze. The sense of powerlessness he felt now was no different from sitting on the vast resources of Oldtown, yet being unable to save his wife from a difficult labor, watching her bleed to death.

Ormund looked up at the falling debris with a sorrowful expression. It was as if he was watching his wife, who had been tortured beyond recognition, slowly and painfully take her last breath.

"The High Tower!"

Ormund's eyes were bloodshot, and he was on the verge of a breakdown. House Hightower had built the High Tower a thousand years ago. It had withstood the invasion of the Andals, escaped the wrath of the First Men, and survived the Conqueror's period. It stood proud just a moment ago. But now, a black dragon had burned the spire, a symbol of war and power.

Unfortunately, people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

Cannibal circled slowly around the stone structure, its green pupils fixed on the burning spire, its nostrils flaring lightly.

"Hey, partner, do you smell magic?"

Rhaegar, curious about the dragon's behavior, rode on its back, feeling content. At an altitude of 800 feet, even if Ormund shouted at the top of his lungs, Rhaegar wouldn't hear a thing. Not that he cared.

House Hightower was indeed powerful enough to build the largest port in Westeros, with trade spanning two continents. They knew how to take advantage of opportunities and avoid dangers. Throughout history, no matter which invader came, Hightower could kneel down in time, offering their allegiance. Even the Conqueror Aegon and the Black Dread, Balerion, did not harm the Hightowers in the High Tower.

But this time, Hightower had offended Rhaegar, stepping into a hornet's nest. Killing those with the Hightower surname wasn't necessary; he only needed to take two pieces of stone from the tower their ancestors built. fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

Cannibal shook its dragon head, its pupils flashing with disgust, and slowly descended with its wings spread wide. There was no smell of magic. Perhaps there was some magic once, but it had long since dried up and withered.

Rhaegar touched his Truefyre and Dragon Whip at his waist, unusually silent for the first time. The Hightower name was indeed ancient, noble, and very mysterious. Unlike other native nobles, the Hightowers seemed to have appeared out of nowhere in Westeros.

But that didn't matter. No matter how noble the bloodline, it couldn't be more noble than the ancient Dragonlords of Valyria.

Rhaegar stroked the dragon's back and looked down at the nearly collapsed Ormund. The Targaryen name represented blood and fire. The dragon had granted him privileges. His father was now bedridden, and Alicent was at his side.

Rhaegar wondered what mischief Hightower and Oldtown would conjure up next.



The Sheepstealer and Sunfyre followed, heading for the High Tower, which was ablaze with green fire.

"Lord, we must retreat!"

Seeing that Ormund's heart was as cold as ice, the household knight led the Lord back to the gate, moving very carefully.


Just as they took their first steps, the Cannibal landed. Its feet sank into the soft grass, and its jet-black wings whipped up a wave of searing heat that instantly snapped the spines of the surrounding flowers and plants.


That wasn’t enough. Cannibal's green eyes glared coldly as it let out a roar of defiance at the stunned reception team.

"Protect the Lord!"

The household knight, who had never encountered such a spectacle before, drew his sword and stood in front of Ormund, his hand trembling.

What the Prince and the dragon wanted to do? Protecting the Lord is their mission.


Cannibal's dragon's maw curled up in a almost mocking arc. Its wings supported its weight as its long tail lashed out like lightning.


The knight's sword flew off, spinning 360 degrees in mid-air before plunging into the grass 100 meters away. As for the knight...

The dragon's tail flicked lightly, and the knight was almost blown to pieces, his remains falling into the lake.

The blue lake was stained red, and the small fish and shrimp scrambled to eat.

Ormund stared in disbelief at the scene.

How dare he! Killing his follower knight in front of the Lord of Oldtown. This is a sin against the faith of the Seven Gods.

"Cannibal, behave yourself!"

Rhaegar's face turned cold, and he scolded the dragon in a tone that was neither too light nor too heavy. Then, looking down at the stunned Ormund, he said casually, "Sorry, Lord Ormund, Cannibals are by nature violent and will never tolerate the provocation of the weak."


Ormund was so angry that he wanted to rush forward and argue.


Aegon landed on Sunfyre, stopping a few meters behind the Cannibal, his magnificent appearance shining with gold.


The Sheepstealer followed closely behind, landing a dozen meters behind the Cannibal, its withered dragon head bobbing back and forth as it swallowed a live goat from somewhere.

The sudden appearance of the two dragons silenced Ormund's words.

Take a look.

The three dragons stared at the High Tower, and the three Targaryen brothers sat on their backs. The three Targaryens were all teenagers, the eldest no more than 16 years old. Led by Rhaegar, they all had a look of defiance and a condescending air.

From Ormund's perspective, the three Targaryens were clearly three active volcanoes that could destroy Oldtown at any time.

The three dragons and three Targaryens left no room for doubt.


Ormund swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously, holding back his words of abuse. A phrase kept repeating itself in his head.

The other side has dragons!

Rhaegar looked down at Ormund, who dared not speak angrily, and smiled without saying a word. Aegon and Aemond dared not speak first, listening obediently on the dragon's back.

Ormund looked around, trying to make eye contact with his two grandsons.

Aegon turned his head and pretended to be blind.

Aemond touched his left eye and didn’t bother pretending to be blind.

Ormund: ...

Sweating profusely.

Rhaegar took the opportunity to bow slightly forward and smile, "Lord Ormund, the people of Dorne have looted the crops in Oldtownso I lit a bonfire in the High Tower for you. Do you mind?"

Aegon and Aemond looked up at the same time, finally noticing the tip of the High Tower burning. Their eyes fell on the fierce Cannibal, and their hearts skipped a beat. Apart from Vhagar and Vermithor, no other dragon could match this wild, cannibalistic beast.

The Sheepstealer and Sunfyre both had their own painful experiences with the Cannibal. Sunfyre, recalling those bad memories, silently backed away ten meters to create a safe distance. The Sheepstealer, sly and cunning, with wide brown wings, always ready to take flight, kept its distance too. This wild dragon is naturally good at surviving.

The two dragon riders were already afraid of Rhaegar and the Cannibal, not to mention Ormund, who was just a normal person. Ormund forced a smile that was even uglier than a crying face: "Not at all. The three Princes have come a long way, so please come into my humble home and have a chat."

Otto is a real pain in the neck! This is not a Lord intimidating the heir prince; it is the heir prince blatantly intimidating him.

Rhaegar did not answer immediately. Aegon and Aemond were tired of riding the dragon and were happy to get off and enjoy the night. As Rhaegar did not speak, they waited patiently, with their hands on their chins.

If they don't wait, they'll probably get beaten!

Just as Ormund was feeling embarrassed, there was a burst of applause from the High Tower. Rhaegar looked away. He saw Otto, dressed in his best suit, slowly walking out of the hall, holding a plate of bread and salt in his hands.


Rhaegar's eyes narrowed slightly, a little surprised. Tormund's raven reported that Otto was hiding in the Red Keep, and that only Alicent was left to maintain the court. It turns out he snuck back to his house home in Oldtown.

Otto was easygoing and greeted Rhaegar with a bow: "Greetings, Prince. It is a blessing for the kingdom to see you safe and sound." Then he turned to Aegon and Aemond, and, in the manner of a grandfather, lectured them, "Why don't you come down? Oldtown is your second home. Your mother was always happy to come home."

Aegon and Aemond were taken aback by these words, their hearts wavering. The identity of their grandfather was indeed very effective on them. When they were young, Otto had lectured them a lot, instilling all kinds of knowledge and ideas in them.

Rhaegar's eyes narrowed, and a hint of ill will appeared in his eyes. What a clever Otto! He is indeed calculating to the core, and even his speech is so artistic. First he praises, then he criticizes. He holds him up, tramples on his two younger brothers, and starts by sowing discord.

But as the eldest, Aegon and Aemond could not object.

Ormund's face brightened and he said, "I have prepared a grand banquet to entertain the three Princes."

Aegon's eyes lit up, showing great interest in the banquet. Aemond remained silent, unwilling to get involved in the battle between his brother and his grandfather. One of them was a blood brother, and the other was a powerful house. He didn't want to offend either of them, and he couldn't help either of them.

Rhaegar did not give his two younger brothers any trouble and said directly, "No, there is still time for the banquet. I have more important things to deal with."

Otto frowned slightly. "You're visiting Oldtown, so you're expected to be entertained by House Hightower."

"No hurry."

Rhaegar refused outright, pointing to a magnificent building in Oldtown that was second only to the High Tower. "My father is ill, the rebellion in Dorne continues, and I need to see the High Septon to hear the Seven's guidance."

He could see Otto's plan. He wanted to use the blood ties between the two grandsons to break away from his older brother's chariot. He would undermine his potential power, both overtly and covertly, to achieve the political capital to rival him.

Rhaegar could only shake his head. He really didn't have time to argue about petty power plays. While the three brothers are united, it is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the situation and suppress the Faith of the Seven and to empty the Citadel of its resources. This would consolidate his rule and benefit his descendants.

He was not so bored as to lower himself to the level of Otto and play by the same rules. In his game of chess, Rhaegar would never see a chance of winning, no matter how great his skills. However, Rhaegar is the one who has the power to make the rules. He wants to play, and Otto has to play. If he doesn't want to play, Otto has to leave the table.

Otto's expression changed slightly. He had not expected the heir prince to be so reckless.

Rhaegar said, "I heard that the House Hightower has a close relationship with the Faith of the Seven, so I would like to thank Lord Ormund for his help in introducing the High Septon to me."

Ormund's mouth twitched, and his heart was in a whirl. The Seven Gods and the royal power are equal. What do you mean by introducing the High Septon to you? The High Septon is already equal to the king in status and is the servant chosen by the Seven Gods.

Rhaegar tilted his head to the side: "Any questions?"

Say it, and I'll listen with the Cannibal.


Cannibal growled, his voice rough and deep, shaking the eardrums of those present.

Ormund's face tightened, and he said immediately, "Wait a moment. The servant will go and hitch up the carriage."

"Thank you, Lord Ormund."

Rhaegar smiled politely.


Cannibal roared, raised its head, spread its large wings, and shook its huge body.


The Sheepstealer and Sunfyre, not knowing what to make of it, followed suit and let out a roar, spreading their wings in a show of force.

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