Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 441: The Greenblood River Dyed Red

Chapter 441: The Greenblood River Dyed Red

Half a month later.

The Prince's Pass, exit.


Rhaegar rode a white-maned warhorse along the path. The red, open canyon, its corners blocking the view, resembled the mouth of a giant beast. The cliffs, hiding arrow towers, accentuated the beast's fanged mouth.

"It's a real pain being stuck here," Rhaegar mused, his deep eyes reflecting his flowing thoughts.

Half a month ago, the Prince's Pass was placed under full martial law. House Fowler, known as the "Warden of the Prince's Pass," had retreated to Skyreach, digging in to defend their territory.

Behind him, the sounds of hooves grew louder as several horses approached. Ormund, stretching his neck to look ahead, joked, "House Fowler is known as the eagle, and eagles like to hide in their nests when in danger."

"Watch your words, Lord Ormund," Donald warned with a cold stare. Lady Jeyne of the Vale had bravely participated in the war, and many of her knights had died. She should not be made fun of.

Donald then silently observed the prince's expression. Rhaegar remained unaffected by the joke, his expression unchanged.

Being able to hide is aldo a skill, just like House Hightower always ducking when disaster strikes, Rhaegar thought.

After a while, Rhaegar asked with a sideways glance, "Lord Mors, what do you think of a heavily fortified Skyreach?"

Mors, with his unruly black curls and thin frame, looked like a nondescript monkey on a white horse. His small frame was always accompanied by a shrewd gleam in his eyes. He had been doing well since Kingsgrave's surrender half a month ago.

When the heir prince asked, Mors hesitated a bit before telling the truth. "Skyreach is easy to defend, but difficult to attack. Ordinary soldiers cannot breach the city walls. With the help of the dragons firepower, the defenses will be exhausted and the city will fall after three to five months of siege."

His answer was correct but short.

Rhaegar nodded and then shook his head. "It takes too long. If it takes three months to take a city, Dorne is too far away to put down the rebellion."

Mors quickly added, "With two dragons attacking in turn and soldiers attacking day and night, the city can be taken in a month."

Rhaegar continued to shake his head. The dragons could withstand it, but the soldiers couldn't. A victory achieved at the cost of human lives is a disastrous victory.

Seeing that he was silent, the others also fell silent.

"I have a plan, but I need Lord Mors' cooperation," Rhaegar suddenly spoke up.

The three of them looked at him, and Mors' heart skipped a beat.

"What is the plan?" Ormund couldn't wait to know.

Rhaegar glanced one last time at the blocked exit, tightened the reins, turned the horse around, and said in a profound tone, "Let's discuss it back at camp." ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom


The white-maned war horse, full of spirit, galloped away with a lithe posture.


At noon, the sun was shining brightly.

Rhaegar and the others rode into the camp. The army was stationed at the back half of The Prince's Pass, with Nightsong and Kingsgrave serving as two transit stations to provide supplies to the front line in a stable and continuous manner.

At this moment, 30,000 allied troops were stationed on a wide red road.


As soon as the horses entered the camp, the sound of a dragon's roar could be heard from afar. Dreamfyre glided back, the pale blue membrane of its wings blocking the sun and casting a cool shadow.

The dragon landed, and a petite figure in a beige plaid skirt deftly climbed down.


Helaena smiled and trotted along, her long skirt fluttering. Rhaegar stepped forward to greet her, and the soft body of the young woman crashed into his arms like a cannonball. He smiled helplessly and said, "I told you to wear armor."

"The armor is too cumbersome," Helaena replied, standing on tiptoe and leaning in to whisper in Rhaegar's ear, sharing her joy: "I've finished engraving all my Bronze runes. They're much easier to use than armor."

"Really?" Rhaegar was surprised. "That was fast."

Helaena nodded eagerly and whispered, "I feel it has something to do with Dreamfyre. It has grown a lot recently, and it's very comfortable to be around it."

Rhaegar looked at her in surprise, then buried his head in her neck and sniffed, joking, "Yes, I can smell the dragon stench mixed in."

Helaena: ...

After a long pause, she said in a sullen tone, "I burned down the Vulture's Roost."

The EVulture's Roost was a fortress built in the Red Mountains, an outpost that oversaw The Prince's Pass. It was permanently manned by hundreds of soldiers and was very adept at mountain warfare.

"Well done, very Visenya-like," Rhaegar smirked, pinching her cheek before leading Helaena back to the tent for a meeting.

Half a month had passed. Several refugees had been appeased, Kingsgrave City was obedient, and the Dorne fortresses at The Prince's Pass were cleared one after another.

The army pointed his sword at Skyreach, ready to attack the Dorne hinterland in one fell swoop. Ormund and the others entered the tent together, and a discussion about Skyreach began.

Rhaegar focused on Mors and specifically formulated a plan. Mors, torn between two options, eventually agreed with a heavy heart.


A few days later.

The Prince's Pass, Dorne

A steep city stood proudly, flying the banner of a blue falcon with a hood on a silver background—Skyreach, the ancestral castle of House Fowler.


Suddenly, a thunderous dragon roar filled the air for miles, brimming with deep anger.

The black dragon hovered low in the sky, burning fortresses in its path and killing every Dornish person who dared to resist. "Run!"

"Avoid the dragon, don't stop!"

Deep in the road, a disarrayed Dornish cavalry unit, now reduced to a dozen men, fled desperately. Chasing them were Riverlands cavalry, their banners fluttering.

The two sides, locked in pursuit, entered the dragon's bombardment zone.


Smoky green Dragonfire descended, melting fortress walls and incinerating fleeing men. It was a one-sided massacre. The Dornish scattered in all directions, wailing in terror.

The faster Dornish cavalry charged straight for Skyreach, leading the scattered soldiers toward the safety of the city.


The black dragon, enraged, leapt over the fleeing soldiers and flew directly over Skyreach. Before the city’s guards could react, the dragon spewed Dragonfire, rendering their scorpion crossbows useless.

The relentless Dragonfire melted the castle tower and city walls, twisting bricks and stones into deformed, glass-like shapes. Granaries and stables burned, destroying stored grain and horses. The black dragon finally flew away, satisfied, as the sun set.

The Reach's cavalry captured the fortress at the exit of The Prince's Pass, securing their defense line.

In stark contrast, Skyreach was enveloped in smoke, resembling the aftermath of an apocalypse. The steep hillside city faced the newly captured fortress.

At nightfall.

The Red Mountains fell silent, the stars casting their light over the scene. Dornish soldiers, who had hidden in the ravine, cautiously slipped out under the cover of darkness.

A cart descended from the top of Skyreach. Meanwhile, a black dragon perched on a distant mountain, its scales blending perfectly with the night.

Rhaegar's purple eyes flashed as he watched Mors and his son Duncan climb the walls, escorted by guards.

"Plant the seed and wait for it to sprout," Rhaegar whispered softly, patting the dragon's back.

Cannibal shook its massive body, spread its wings, and leapt into the night, disappearing into the darkness.


Greenblood River, Planky Town

The once-thriving port was engulfed in flames, its gray-brown walls crumbling in large sections. The city echoed with endless wailing, shrouded in deep mourning.

"Prepare the catapults! Aim at the enemy ships!" The Sea Snake's eyes were full of murderous intent as he shouted orders.

Under the moonlight, the river was filled with three fleets of ships locked in a two-to-one attack. One side flew a reddish-brown fan-shaped golden hand, the other a black panther with three heads on an orange background—House Allyrion of Divine Grace and House Vaith of Vance.

House Allyrion, located at the intersection of the Vaith, Scourge, and Greenblood Rivers, and House Vaith, situated on the banks of the Vaith River, both noble families of Dorne, had docks. Hearing that the Sea Snake had attacked and captured Planky Town, they quickly gathered their fleets to launch a counterattack.


A golden dragon circled the night sky, spewing dragonfire from its fierce maw. The dragonfire ignited the sails and masts of both fleets, burning soldiers on deck and severely damaging the enemy's morale.

"Don't let the Dornish scum escape! Tighten the circle of encirclement!" The Sea Snake's dark face was solemn, his voice hoarse from shouting.

The two small Dornish fleets were outmatched in both the quality of their ships and their soldiers. Under the personal command of the Sea Snake, and with the main force of the House Velaryon fleet bolstered by the Stepstones garrison, they were beaten back without being able to mount a significant defense. The presence of a dragon tipped the scales of victory from the start.

The war raged on until late at night. Gradually, dawn broke, revealing the devastation. The two Dornish fleets were completely destroyed, their sailors either killed or thrown overboard to feed the fish. The sun rose, its warm light casting a bright sheen on the Greenblood River, now stained with an unremovable red.


Aegon, riding Sunfyre, patrolled the river, assisting soldiers in cleaning up the battlefield and fishing for supplies. The Sea Snake sat on the deck, his eyes heavy, brows furrowed with fatigue.

Since the burning of Lemonwood and the fleet's crossing of the Greenblood River, Sunfyre had quickly taken over Planky Town. For the past two weeks, the coastal nobles of Dorne had been launching relentless attacks.

The first fleet came from the city of Salt Shore, located on the southern coast of Dorne near the Summer Sea, and capable of supporting the Greenblood River by sea in a matter of days. It was a fierce battle, with both sides fighting day and night.

In the end, Sunfyre's power proved to be too much for them, burning through the opposing fleet's command ship and allowing the Sea Snake to claim victory.

With the fleets of Divine Grace and Vaith destroyed, Dorne's sea power in the hinterland was shattered. The Sea Snake shook his head and laughed, looking up at the rising sun, now casting light towards Sunspear.

Planky Town lay close to Sunspear, reachable by foot in a day.

"Qoren, I really want to see your face right now," the Sea Snake thought, his eyes flashing with anticipation.

Occupying the Greenblood River had effectively cut off Dorne from the east and west, leaving Sunspear isolated. The next step was for the armies of the heir prince and the king to break through the Red Mountains and enter the heart of Dorne.

With Dorne's defenses breached, the Sea Snake could then press into the interior and surround Sunspear from all sides.

He took a slow, measured breath and called his deputy, instructing, "Write to The Prince's Pass and Boneway, urging the army to advance."

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