Chapter 395: Alicent Plans a Marriage

It was getting late, dusk casting long shadows in the council hall. Two Kingsguard, clad in silver armor and white robes, pushed open the solid wood doors.

Led by Viserys, the meeting participants exited in turn, their expressions varied.

Viserys beamed as he addressed the ambassadors from Pentos and Volantis. "The banquet is not yet over. You two are welcome to join and enjoy the festivities."

The scene resembled allies celebrating a successful alliance. The ambassadors exchanged complicated looks but agreed to the invitation. The promise extended beyond just a meal; it included the strategic distribution of Lys's harbor tax revenue. The Iron Throne's offer of a century's worth of taxes was substantial, and they needed to relay this proposal for approval by their respective leaders.

"Your Grace, I will retire for now," Corlys said solemnly, bowing respectfully.

"Not attending the dinner?" Viserys inquired.

Corlys shook his head. "Given my responsibilities, I need to sort out the port taxes from recent years and plan the restoration of Lys's harbor."

Viserys, not particularly fond of the Sea Snake, did not press him to stay. He nodded, allowing Corlys to leave.

As the crowd moved out, Rhaegar spoke up. "Lord Otto, the matter of the craftsman registry is on the agenda. I will soon follow up in Myr."

"Prince, King's Landing has a large population. I will do my best," Otto responded, taking a deep breath.

"Good work," Rhaegar encouraged.

The rules of Westeros were well established, with limited potential for reform. Rhaegar aimed to transform Myr into a city-state with a perfect system, experimenting with several new policies. The craftsman registry was just the beginning.

In time, he planned to introduce a soldier's registry. Myr had many unproductive slaves who could be organized into soldier households, tasked with cultivating fields outside the city-state.

During farming seasons, they would work the land; in wartime, they would provide young men for battle. This approach would address the survival issues of slaves and alleviate the shortage of troops under royal jurisdiction.

The existing feudal system in Westeros was inefficient: a bannerman's bannerman was not directly loyal to the crown. The Targaryens' reliance on noble support in times of conflict was unsustainable for a dynasty bent on great unification.

Rhaegar sought to follow the example of his great-grandfather Jaehaerys, unconsciously correcting flawed systems and constantly proposing reforms.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed as a gray-robed maester hurried towards them, holding a letter.

"Stop!" Erryk stepped forward, halting the maester in front of the group.

"Kingsguard, this is a letter from Storm’s End," the maester said respectfully, handing over the letter.

Viserys perked up, asking, "News from Storm’s End Castle?"

The Dornish invasion of Cape Wrath had been a constant source of concern for him.

"Your Grace, one moment," Tormund and Orwyle exchanged glances before Tormund took the letter, inspecting it carefully.

Satisfied that there were no issues, Tormund smiled as he handed over the letter, "It's good news."

The letter, written by Aemond himself, detailed how he and Laenor had used dragons to decimate the Dornish forces and relieve the harassed Crow’s Nest and Griffin's Roost Castles.

Rhaegar glanced at the letter and nodded approvingly. Aemond, despite his youth, showed a depth of mind that surpassed even Aegon's. He was a promising talent.

Viserys, reading the letter, beamed with pride, "Aemond and Laenor performed admirably. The Dornish cannot withstand the dragons' Dragonfire."

"Let me see," Alicent said anxiously, taking the letter. With her sons out in the world, she worried constantly, praying to the Seven Gods every night for their safety.

Reading that Aemond had secured the road to Storm’s End Fortress and was now stationed in the Rainwood, Alicent finally felt a sense of relief.

Viserys, still smiling, remarked, "Aemond led a army and became a commander at such a young age."

Alicent sighed with relief, "I just pray for his safety. He is still so young."

Compared to the adult Aegon, the ten-year-old Aemond was a greater source of anxiety for her.

Rhaegar's eyes gleamed with an idea, "Father, it would be best to resolve the war in the Stormlands as quickly as possible."

He proposed that the Crownlands send a large army while the fleet stationed on the Stepstones Islands attacked the Dornish forces on both sides. He and Aegon would use their dragons to help snuff out the war decisively.

Viserys, understanding the depth of his son's suggestion, expressed concern, "You've just captured the Triarchy. Don't you need to rest for a while?"

War was not child's play, and prolonged involvement could take a toll on one's mind.

Rhaegar hesitated, considering the challenges in Lys and Myr. It was true; they needed a break.

Jasper from the Stormlands spoke up, "Your Grace, with Prince Aemond supported by Storm’s End Castle, it's only a matter of time before we drive the enemy back."

He had been closely monitoring the Stormlands battlefield, and Aemond's reputation was growing. With the battle-hardened Royce Caron and Laenor, victory seemed assured.

Viserys, still uncertain, weighed the decision to send additional troops.

Otto took the letter and said in a low voice, "The letter states that the army has already approached Stonehelm, and victory is assured."

Viserys, relieved, ordered, "It is better to transfer three thousand soldiers to assist and speed the conclusion of the war."

"Under the right circumstances, we can still deploy Prince Aegon to assist, and there is a garrison on the Stepstones Islands," Otto proposed, suggesting additional support through sea battles.

Rhaegar turned to Tormund, "What is the situation at the Boneway and Prince's Pass?"

The Narrow Sea War had spread over a considerable distance. Braavos had attacked only once and then focused on a trade war. Dorne, despite holding back for so long, had sent troops into the Stormlands with little success. This behavior didn't match the usual aggression of jackals and vultures. If something seemed unusual, it warranted further scrutiny.

Tormund reported honestly that the Boneway and the Prince's Pass were being guarded. Apart from a group of scattered stragglers, the Dornish had no intention of sending additional troops.

Rhaegar remained uneasy and urged Tormund to send a message to Highgarden and Blackhaven, advising them not to let their guard down. The Dornish were cunning and needed to be watched carefully.

As they discussed, the group descended the stairs from the corridor.

Alicent, walking ahead and holding her husband's hand, said seriously, "The Maiden's Day is in a few days, and I've invited wonderful girls from all over the realm. I'll call Aegon back for it as well."

The Maiden's Day, a traditional event of the Faith of the Seven Gods, was held every summer. Unmarried maidens entered the sanctuary to pray to the Seven Gods for blessings. Over time, it had become an unwritten rule among nobles, providing a sensible and reasonable opportunity for young noblewomen and noblemen to meet.

Rhaegar raised an eyebrow and glanced at Rhaenyra beside him. When he had first chosen his marriage partner, his father had intended to use the Maiden's Day as an excuse. Sensing his gaze, Rhaenyra tightened her arms around him and smiled smugly.

Viserys was in favor, "Aegon is of age; it's time for him to choose a wife."

Alicent's gaze was firm, "Not only Aegon, but many lords will bring good sons from their families so that Helaena can also choose a husband."

"Helaena?" Viserys was stunned and a bit resistant. According to old Valyrian customs, it was preferable for female members to marry within the family, ensuring the purity of the bloodline.

In his father's generation, there were more females than males, especially since Vaegon the Dragonless refused to marry. This imbalance led many of his aunts to marry outside the family line.

In Viserys' generation, his cousin Rhaenys married outside the family. Viserys himself married Aemma Arryn, with mixed Targaryen and Arryn bloodlines, and together they had two pure-blooded children.

His younger brother Daemon was less fortunate, with no cousins available to marry, leading him to wed Lady Rhea of Runestone. After Lady Rhea's death at the Black Wedding, Daemon married Laena of Targaryen blood.

Maintaining family tradition was a demanding affair, requiring careful consideration and strategic marriages.

Among Viserys' children, there were more males than females. Keeping Helaena within the family seemed far more valuable than marrying her off. Considering this, Viserys whispered, "We should ask Aegon if he is willing to marry Helaena, or wait for little Daeron to grow up a bit."

Following the marital wishes of one's children did not mean acting arbitrarily. If Aegon was unwilling to marry Helaena, there were other options.

Alicent was reluctant: "It will be years before Daeron is old enough."

"That's nothing. Didn't Rhaenyra wait years for Rhaegar?" Viserys replied casually. Given Rhaenyra and Rhaegar's previous experience, the seven-year difference between Helaena and Daeron seemed manageable.

Alicent shook her head, refusing, "No, Helaena can't wait!"

"For what reason?" Viserys said, puzzled. ƒгeewebnovё

Alicent glanced back at Rhaegar and gritted her teeth, "I'm doing this for the sake of the family, to avoid someone making a mistake!"

She could see that her daughter had a crush on Rhaegar. Not only did the black and green sides not get along, but Rhaegar was already married!

Viserys wasn't a fool. He glanced at his eldest son and then at his youngest daughter who had fallen behind, and absurd thoughts surfaced.

"You mean, Helaena..." Viserys was very surprised.

"That's why I wanted to end it before it was too late!" Alicent lowered her voice, trying to contain her emotions.

Viserys fell silent. That was unexpected, never in a million years would he have guessed it!

In the back, Rhaegar felt uneasy under their gaze. Intuition told him that something was wrong.

Suddenly, he sensed someone staring at him. Rhaegar turned and met a pair of clear eyes. Helaena, hands hanging at her sides, was walking down the stairs with lowered eyebrows. Every now and then, she raised her head and looked over with her light purple eyes.

Rhaegar caught her gaze just in time. Helaena looked confused for a moment, her eyes filled with emotions, and then she consciously lowered her head for two seconds. The action was very coherent, without a hint of panic that her thoughts had been discovered.

Rhaegar retracted his gaze, his heart pounding. The little girl's mood was not right; she seemed to harbor feelings she shouldn't.

In his unseen field of vision, Helaena raised her head again, staring straight ahead at her eldest sibling. Her eyes were pure, with a touch of hope and envy. She couldn't compete with her sister and could only watch silently. The young girl's mind was simple but not stupid. She was waiting for an opportunity to fit in logically.

Seeing that no one noticed her, Helaena whispered to herself, "The dragon has three heads...."

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