Chapter 371: The Roar of Dreamfyre!

Midnight had passed, and the clouds thickened over Gulltown.


The alert horn blared three times in quick succession, reverberating throughout the harbor town.

Grafton Old Castle

The castle was brightly lit, and through the glazed windows, figures could be seen bustling about. Inside, Lord Grimm Grafton, his old body heavy with age, issued urgent orders with a furrowed brow.

"Prepare yourselves! An unknown fleet has been sighted off in the Bay of Crabs. Notify the harbor to be on maximum alert!"

Gulltown had been under the Grafton House's rule for generations, and it was not to be lost without a fight.


Jeyne descended the stairs quickly, her expression anxious. "Has Prince Aegon returned?" she asked, her long chestnut hair hastily tied back, her beige dress thrown on in a hurry.

Old Grimm shook his head, his face showing his displeasure. "That Targaryen wastrel is probably in some brothel again."

Aegon was supposed to patrol the Narrow Sea daily, keeping an eye on Braavos' movements. His absence now, with an unknown fleet approaching, was deeply troubling.

Jeyne clenched her teeth but remained composed. "Send a raven to King's Landing and Claw Isle. The fleet in Bay of Crabs is substantial. We need to gather multiple forces to contain the enemy."

Gulltown was a thriving harbor town but lacked a substantial military presence. The first troops Jeyne had mobilized from the Vale had been sent with Rhaegar to attack Myr, leaving the town poorly defended.

Fortunately, King's Landing and Claw Isle were not far, and assembling a fleet of a few thousand men should be enough to keep the enemy at bay.

"The raven is dispatched," Old Grimm reported, his voice tinged with hesitation. "Should we send a separate message to the king or Princess Helaena? The dragons could get here faster."

Jeyne shook her head decisively. "No, the Vale can defend its own territory."

Old Grimm retreated silently, realizing his suggestion had been foolish. Of the dragons Prince Rhaegar had deployed, only Aegon's Sunfyre was affiliated with Gulltown. The King and Princess Helena were not fit for battle, better suited to defend the Gullet, not to fight here.



"Attack! Sack the town!"

Braavos's mercenary ships stormed into the Bay of Crabs, their stone throwers launching rocks and bombarding the harbor defenses.

Pymon, one-handed sword in hand, gazed into the deep night with a heavy and urgent heart. The fleet had sailed with divine speed, bypassing the barren Five Fingers Peninsula and arriving at Bay of Crabs in only a few hours.

But Gulltown was not White Harbor, nor was it the weakly guarded Three Sisters Islands. Breaching Gulltown would take time.

The Bay of Crabs's proximity to Blackwater Bay worried Pymon about encountering Targaryen dragons.

Boom! Boom!

Three dozen ships launched boulders in unison, smashing them all over the night.


The harbor's high-pitched horn blared as a dozen warships charged head-on, flying the banner of a yellow tower engulfed in fiery flames. On deck, a patchwork of Vale knights manned the wheels and loaded the scorpion crossbows. The meticulous craftsmanship of scorpion crossbows and the scarcity of steel for the spears made them valuable.

Thanks to the Grafton House's wealth, they could afford to equip their warships with these powerful weapons.

"Crossbow fire!!!"

A young knight, armor emblazoned with the Grafton House crest, shouted loudly, raising his sword to order the fleet. His voice carried far and wide, and a dozen crossbows fired in unison, aiming at the enemy's approaching warships. freeweɓnovel.cøm


The steel spears shot violently, tearing through the warships' planks and blasting out large holes. The ships rocked violently, but Pymon stabilized himself and shouted sternly, "Scorpion crossbows on standby! Fire in conjunction with the catapults!"

A more wealthy and determined enemy was all Braavos had never feared.


Near Runestone


Sunfyre roared in agony, its massive wings flapping as hot dragon blood flowed from a deep wound. A steel crossbow bolt had pierced its wing, lodging in the bone and severely impairing its flight.

Only its immense strength had kept it aloft so far.

Aegon, riding on Sunfyre's back, glanced down at the bleeding wing with a mix of pain and determination. "Sunfyre, hold on a little longer. We'll be back in Gulltown soon." The Three Sisters Islands had been attacked, and Essos mercenaries had sacked the harbor. Gulltown, heavily fortified, seemed to be a safe place.

Driven by anger and pain, Sunfyre pushed himself to fly faster. After what seemed an eternity, the white walls of Gulltown came into view.

Aegon's face lit up with relief. "Just a little further, Sunfyre. Head for Gull Tower."

Boom! Boom!

As they approached, the sounds of battle—shouts, clashes, and roaring—echoed from the direction of the harbor.


Sunfyre, exhausted, struggled to maintain its balance. With a final effort, it managed to land hastily, its golden body crashing into the square in front of the Gull Tower. The impact shattered the ground, sending up clouds of smoke and dust.


Claw Isle, Dock

The night was dark, illuminated only by a dim bonfire at the pier. Several large ships were moored, and porters hustled back and forth, loading boxes of goods onto the vessels.

Lord Bartimos Celtigar observed the scene, his eyes glinting with with a mixture of satisfaction and apprehension.

"Princess, slow down..."

"The Lord is busy..."

The squires' shouts rang out as Princess Helena, her small legs moving quickly, hurried to the pier.

Bartimos turned in surprise, bowing respectfully. "Princess, what brings you here so late at night?"

"Lord Celtigar, prepare the fleet immediately! Gulltown is under attack!"

Helaena was panting, a fine sheen of sweat on her forehead. She had foreseen the danger, a vision of battle flames consuming a flag bearing the burning yellow tower of House Grafton of Gulltown.

"Gulltown sent a message?" Bartimos asked, looking to the old maester beside him.

The old maester shook his head, indicating there had been no transmission.

Bartimos sighed in relief and gently said, "Princess, did you have a nightmare?"

"No!" Helaena scrunched up her face in frustration. "I saw the attack on Gulltown. Something must have happened."

Bartimos glanced at the large ship being loaded with cargo and coldly instructed the guards, "Escort the princess back to her room and prepare a cup of hot milk."

"Yes, my lord," the guards replied, stepping forward. "Princess, you should go back and rest."

"Get out of my way! I'm not imagining things!" Helaena protested, her eyes falling on the large ship. "Bartimos, my brother ordered a blockade of routes and trade along the Narrow Sea. How dare you smuggle supplies!"

The Narrow Sea War involved the invasion and attack of two continents, and Rhaegar had blocked routes and trade to prevent opportunists from taking advantage. All goods in Westeros were to be detained and supplied to the front lines, with the royal family compensating at the original price.

Bartimos' face darkened as he tried to defend himself. "Princess, these supplies are destined for the Stepstones Islands."

"Liar! The supplies are supposed to be sent to Gulltown and Driftmark Island. You're smuggling!" Helaena shouted, her introverted nature giving way to anger.

"Princess..." Bartimos began, tense and defensive.

"Silence!" Helaena commanded. "Your crimes are not mine to judge, but with Gulltown under attack, you must send troops to help immediately!"

After years of Rhaegar's guidance, Helaena trusted her premonitions. It was her duty to assist in the defense of Gulltown.

A mellifluous dragon roar echoed through the night sky as Dreamfyre descended from the clouds, spreading her snow-white wings to hover over the docks.

Helaena looked up, her resolve unshakable. Dreamfyre, sensing her rider's emotions, flapped its wings and landed gently.


The dragon's massive body landed behind the dock, its slender neck stretched out as it roared angrily at Bartimos and the others.


A sulfur-scented gale blew, kicking up a cloud of dust. Helaena's silver-gold curls blew back, her white dress billowing in the wind.

Bartimos' heart pounded with fear as he stepped back, remembering that the seemingly innocent girl was still a Targaryen, traveling with an adult dragon capable of destruction.

Helaena quickly climbed onto Dreamfyre's back and fastened the chains of her saddle. She looked down at Bartimos with determined eyes. "Lord Bartimos, next time you underestimate a girl, remember that she may ride a dragon."

She patted Dreamfyre's light blue scales and spoke in High Valyrian, "Dreamfyre, fly!"


Dreamfyre shook its massive body, ran on both feet twice, and took off into the air.

As they ascended into the clouds, Helaena's voice echoed faintly. "Bartimos, I will tell my father and brother everything you did tonight."

Below, Bartimos felt a chill run down his spine, his face pale with fear.

The docks fell into an eerie silence, and no one dared disturb the lord.

Half a minute later, a young maester ran from the direction of the castle, urgently calling, "Lord Celtigar, an urgent letter from Gulltown!"


Gulltown, Harbor

"Release the ramming horns and smash their ships!"

"Attack! Throw out the iron ropes!"

The two fleets clashed in a chaotic melee. Seasoned mercenaries, accustomed to the battlefield, collided with the Gulltown defenders, leaping onto each other's ships to fight hand-to-hand. Both sides used siege equipment, and many warships were badly damaged, teetering on the brink of sinking.

The Gulltown fleet fought valiantly, swearing to defend the harbor and dragging the enemy into a bloody battle in the Bay of Crabs. After a grueling fight, the mercenary ships managed to break through, with one vessel making its way towards the harbor.

Harbor, Watchtower

Jeyne's face was tense as she stared intently at the battle in the bay.

"Lady Jeyne, I suggest you evacuate to Gulltown. It's safer there," Lord Grimm said uneasily.

The Gull Tower, a majestic and defensible structure, was originally the territory of House Shett. I was a majestic tower, easily defended and difficult to attack.

Jeyne clasped her hands together and gritted her teeth. "There are no cowards in House Arryn. I won't hide until the last moment."

She turned to Gerold Royce and said coldly, "Lord Gerold, we still have five hundred Vale Knights. I leave the defense of the harbor in your hands."

"The sea battle can be lost, but Gulltown must be defended."

"As you command, Lady Jeyne," Gerold replied. He took a deep breath, drew his House sword "Lamentation," and walked away.

Outside the Watchtower

Several huge bonfires lit up the night sky. Horses were positioned in front of the harbor, and several archery towers were staggered to form the first line of defense. The Vale Knights, unable to fight effectively on horseback in the harbor, dismounted and took up infantry positions, forming the second line of defense behind the horses.


The ear-piercing sound of horns filled the air, brimming with bravado. A mercenary ship sailed into the harbor, its deck crowded with fierce warriors.

Gerold, his face tense and wearing his ancestral bronze armor, raised his sword and roared, "Arrow towers at the ready! Target the pirates who have disembarked!"

"Attack! Catapult bombardment!" shouted the mercenary leader, his experience in pillaging ports evident.

The mercenary ships closed in, their catapults loaded with oil-soaked boulders. The air was thick with tension, waiting for the first torch to be lit, signaling the start of the battle for the harbor.

"Roar! ..."

Suddenly, a pale blue dragon burst through the night sky, its streamlined and well-proportioned body swooping down like a meteor.

As the dragon appeared, a young girl's clear cry rang out, "Dracarys!"

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