Chapter 353: Pentos Arrival

It took considerable effort for Rhaegar to remove the dozen steel spears embedded in Cannibal's body.

Dragon blood gushed from the wounds, drenching his body and scorching his loose robe, leaving him a sticky mess.


Rhaenyra's voice cut through the tense atmosphere as she rushed in, her long hair disheveled.

"Don't come any closer," Rhaegar warned hastily.


Cannibal roared, head held high, ethereal green dragonfire seeping from its jaws, its alert green vertical pupils scanning the area.

It was wounded and irritated.

Rhaegar placed his hands on Cannibal's muzzle and exhaled, "Cannibal, calm down!"


Cannibal snorted disdainfully, turning its head away from him.

The Dragonkeepers of Stone Drum Tower entered in formation, casting fearful glances at the bloody, pitch-black dragon. freewēbnoveℓ.com

Cannibal's appearance alone was terrifying, resembling a malevolent deity, and its bloodstained form only added to the horror.

Rhaegar acknowledged them and instructed firmly, "Do not disturb it; its wounds will heal on their own."

Cannibal had consumed [Life Essence], making its vitality exceptionally robust.

Other than a slight issue with a broken bone in its left wing, the remaining injuries were negligible.

Several seasoned Dragonkeepers nodded in understanding and encircled Cannibal from a safe distance, armed with wooden poles.

The Dragonkeepers split into two groups, guarding the entrance of Blackstone Castle to ward off any potential noble visitors.

"Rhaegar, how is Cannibal?" Rhaenyra inquired anxiously, still unsure of the situation.

Shaking his head, Rhaegar replied, "Nothing serious, except that the wild dragon escaped.

If the Smoking Sea Wild Dragon escaped with injuries, the consequences would be dire.

"Cannibal was attacked by humans?" Rhaenyra probed, eyeing the field of steel spears.

Fine steel of such quality was not commonplace and carried a hefty price tag.

Rhaegar touched her arm reassuringly and chuckled, "Don't worry about that now; let's return to Stone Drum Tower."


Rhaenyra was about to ask another question when her stomach rumbled audibly, and her cheeks flushed crimson.

Raising an eyebrow, Rhaegar took her hand and guided her back to the castle.

Stone Drum Tower, hall.

As soon as Rhaegar entered, he saw his father Viserys and his aunt Rhaenys gathered near the door, along with several others.

"What's the situation with Cannibal?" Viserys asked, his face drawn with concern.

Cannibal's strength was well-known, and the commotion had alarmed everyone.

Rhaegar looked around the circle, his expression serious. "The injuries are not severe. The wild dragon we were tracking escaped, but it is also injured."

His eyes met Daemon's, who was standing on the edge of the group. Rhaegar walked straight to him.

"Uncle, that wild dragon can't have gone far. Mobilize your men to search the Stepstones Islands and the Summer Sea thoroughly," Rhaegar said urgently. "From what Cannibal showed me, the wild dragon is severely wounded. Its balance is compromised with its tail damaged. It can't make it back to the Smoking Sea in one go."

Daemon's eyes narrowed, and he nodded. "I'll send word immediately and organize a thorough search."

Despite his differences with his nephew, Daemon understood the importance of the task. A wild dragon loose in the realm could not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.

After addressing the crucial matters, Rhaegar gave a few more instructions before taking Rhaenyra upstairs.

Tormund, dressed in his black and white robes, crossed his arms and followed them quietly.


Returning to the bedroom, Rhaenyra, famished, immediately began eating her breakfast.

Rhaegar sat beside her, picking at his food absentmindedly. His gaze fixed on Tormund, the Master of Whisperers, standing by the doorway.

"Prince," Tormund greeted, his tone softening.

Rhaegar grunted in acknowledgment, his eyes narrowed in silent scrutiny.

Tormund, aware of the tension, offered an excuse. "The princess said if I interfered in your personal affairs, my sister would never want to return from the Vale."

"Skylar is my subordinate and works for Lady Jeyne," Rhaegar replied curtly.

Rhaenyra, her cheeks puffed with food, paused for a moment, then resumed eating in small bites.

Tormund, his voice careful, added, "The princess advised me to be reasonable."

Rhaegar turned to Rhaenyra, who continued to eat, avoiding his gaze.

Rhaegar sighed and waved dismissively. "Send a message to Syrio. Keep a close eye on the movements of the Triarchy and Volantis."

"As you wish," Tormund replied, pursing his lips before retreating with light steps.

Rhaegar, exasperated, held his forehead and tore at a piece of bread in frustration.

Tormund, despite his delicate health since childhood and extensive maester care, displayed an unexpected strength, perhaps influenced by Skylar's nature.


Time flew by, and three days later, the guests attending the ceremony gradually departed, making way for a new batch of visitors arriving at Dragonstone.

A three-masted sailing ship was anchored offshore, and a small boat ferried a group of luxuriously dressed individuals to the island.

At the black stone gate, Kingsguards Steffon and Lorent stood ready to greet them.


As the group stepped onto the long stone bridge behind the gate, a sharp roar echoed from the sky. A huge scarlet figure, a dragon, soared between the clouds.

"Goodness! It's the Blood Wyrm," exclaimed a middle-aged man at the head of the group. He had a round face, a neatly trimmed beard, and an air of wealth about him. His eyes were fixed enviously on the dragon.

Lorent's face turned solemn. "Prince Reggio, it is best to keep quiet on the long bridge," he said in a deep voice.

A long-faced man with black hair and a lush beard, wearing a badge of golden scales on his chest, spoke up. "Kingsguard, the Prince is merely marveling at the dragons of House Targaryen. Please don't mind."

Lorent remained unmoved and replied indifferently, "Dragonstone Island is full of dragons. It's wise to be cautious when coming from afar."

With that, he and Steffon led the way. Steffon, who had been silent, seemed unsympathetic.

The visitors were Prince Reggio of Pentos and his three important advisors in charge of trade, war and justice. Despite their importance, the Kingsguard showed little warmth.

Prince Reggio's brown eyes twinkled with amusement. "Let's go. The scenery on Dragonstone Island is a rare sight," he said with a laugh.

As they walked across the long stone bridge, thick clouds surrounded them. Looking down, they saw rolling hills and green fields, making it seem as if they were on top of a mountain.


Another dragon's roar came from the clouds above them. A golden-yellow dragon burst forth, swooping mischievously over the crowd and stirring up a biting sea breeze.


In front of the Stone Drum Tower, two figures stood serenely, observing the guests as they emerged from the clouds and mist, reaching the end of the long stone bridge.

Rhaegar's expression was neutral. His long silver-gold hair was braided into a twisted braid that hung naturally down his back. His purple eyes were calm and composed. He wore a white tunic under a red vest, with a white skirt embroidered with red Dragonfire patterns on his lower body. A lacquered black belt adorned with a dragon seal and green gem-studded pupils cinched his waist.

Beside him stood Daemon, a faint smile on his lips, clad in a simple black robe. Rhaegar glanced at him, the corners of his mouth twitching upward slightly. Since the ceremony, Rhaenyra had taken over his wardrobe, making his attire increasingly elegant and opulent. It was a change he appreciated, even if too much money was spent.

"The Prince of Pentos is very wealthy. He’ll bring gifts that will dazzle you," Daemon remarked, his eyes fixed on the approaching visitors.

Rhaegar responded calmly, "I’ve already looted the Rogare Bank. We’re not exactly in need of more funds."

"Pentos has endured the Triarchy's oppression for years. They’d make a considerate ally," Daemon said confidently, ignoring Rhaegar's sarcasm.

Rhaegar remained noncommittal. "Uncle, they're your guests. Just don't annoy Father."

As they spoke, the group from Pentos crossed the long stone bridge.

"Prince, the visitors have arrived," Lorent announced, standing tall and gripping the hilt of his sword.

"Thank you, Ser," Rhaegar nodded.

"It's my duty," Lorent replied, his voice clear, positioning himself behind the Heir Prince with Steffon.

Prince Reggio of Pentos, flanked by his advisers, approached with a warm smile. "Prince Daemon, it's been a long time."

"Welcome, Prince. I miss the fine wine of Pentos," Daemon replied with a grin.

Reggio reached out to pat Daemon's arm, his eyes discreetly observing a dark-haired, olive-skinned woman in the background. Rhaegar watched quietly, suppressing an eye roll. He vividly recalled Daemon's disdainful remarks about Pentos' wine.

Noticing Rhaegar, Reggio turned to Daemon and asked humbly, "Prince, you have yet to introduce me to this handsome Prince."

Daemon, with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, introduced, "My brother's eldest son, known as the Ruin Maker."

Reggio's face lit up as he stepped forward to shake Rhaegar's hand. "Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, I've long heard of your great deeds. It’s an honor to finally meet you."

His advisers nodded and smiled in greeting. Rhaegar, however, ignored the outstretched hand, keeping his own at his side, and replied with a faint smile, "I’ve heard of you as well. Please, enter the castle."

Without waiting for a response, Rhaegar turned and walked into the Stone Drum Tower, followed by the Kingsguard, leaving the visitors momentarily stunned. Armor-clad Dragonkeepers emerged to greet them, carrying trays with salt and bread, the traditional welcome.

Prince Reggio's smile faltered as he looked to Daemon for an explanation.

Daemon, after a brief pause, said calmly, "It seems he doesn’t welcome here."

There was no attempt to hide the truth.


Inside the Stone Drum Tower, Rhaegar ascended the stairs with a calm expression and rubbed his hands together. With Rhaenyra pregnant, he took extra care to maintain personal cleanliness and refrained from shaking hands indiscriminately.

Lorent noticed Rhaegar's meticulousness and straightened his posture, mirroring the Prince's honorable manners.

When they reached the meeting hall on the middle floor of the Stone Drum Tower, the open door was flanked by Kingsguards Arryk and Willis, standing alert.

"Prince," the Kingsguards greeted in unison.

Rhaegar nodded softly. "Uh-huh." He stepped into the hall, where a crowd had already gathered.

At the head of the hall, on a molten black stone throne reminiscent of the Iron Throne, sat his father, Viserys. The hall's sides were lined with royal advisers and the family of Sea Snake Corlys.

Viserys, wearing a golden crown and an ornate robe, frowned. "Are the guests here?"

"Daemon is leading them," Rhaegar responded.

As he spoke, Daemon appeared at the entrance to the hall, leading the delegation from Pentos around the corner of the passageway. The guests were ushered in, ready for the meeting to begin.

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