Chapter 509 Parricide

 Jon Snow once again dreamed of the crypts beneath Winterfell.

Half asleep and half awake, he walked in the narrow and dark tunnel, and the statues of the former kings of winter looked at him with cold eyes.

 Finally, he stopped in front of a tomb, because the statue in front of him was clearly his own.

Although Jon has longed to become a real Stark since he was a child, and being buried in an underground tomb after death is naturally part of this dream, when this wish came true, he was still so scared that he sat up.


 Jon stroked the blanket covering his body, his heart beating wildly.

 The room was pitch dark, and the moonlight outside the window was cold.

For some reason, Jon always felt inexplicably panicked, as if something terrible was about to happen.

  After lying down again, he tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep again, so he simply put on his cloak and walked out of the room.

The sound of opening the door awakened the direwolf Ghost who was sleeping behind the door. It opened its blood-red eyes and looked at its owner suspiciously.

The cold wind howled outside the house, and the sky and earth were pitch black.

 The smell of pine wood floats in the wind along with the biting chill.

Jon stood on the balcony and looked south, as if he could really see Winterfell thousands of miles away.

The castle that made him feel warm when he thought about it.


"Ghost, don't scream!" Jon turned around and yelled.

The direwolf shrank its head and paced uneasily back and forth at his feet.

Jon frowned slightly and looked south again, and then saw a dark shadow leading a horse into the castle.

By the moonlight, he recognized the man as Robb Stark.

 Jon seemed to have guessed where the other person had just been, and a narrow smile appeared on his face.

 He went down the stairs and came to the stables. He happened to see Robb tying up his war horse.

 “Hey! Robb, you going to Mole Village again?”

Robb looked back at Jon when he heard this, but did not answer.

"Ahem, don't worry, I won't tell my father." Jon was frightened by the other party's cold eyes and quickly explained.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Robb still said nothing and walked forward.

"Are you angry?" Jon followed, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not accusing you of anything. In fact, I have made similar mistakes, and you should know it. In any case, I advise you to leave that girl alone Send it to the south.

Mole Village is really not a suitable place for her to stay... What's more, I always feel that something big will happen to the Great Wall, and the north will soon become very unsafe...

 Hey, Robb, are you listening? "

Jon noticed something strange about Robb, but he didn’t think much about it. He thought he had encountered something bad in Mole Village, so he didn’t say anything more.

Going up the stairs, Jon found Robb walking towards his room.

He thought that Robb wanted to talk to him alone about something, so he followed him.

Unexpectedly, when the two came to the door, the direwolf Ghost suddenly jumped out, bared his teeth at Robb, and kept roaring.

"Ghost! Don't be like this!" Jon stepped forward to drive the direwolf away and apologized to Robb, "I'm sorry, he's a little weird today."

Robb said nothing and went straight into the house.

“Why is it that everyone is not normal today?” Jon muttered behind him and walked in.

“Robb, what’s wrong with you? You’re acting weird? Hey, why are you looking through my things?”

 Jon saw Robb pull out a black package from under his bed.

After opening it, you can see that there are more than a dozen knives inside, as well as a batch of leaf-shaped spear points, and countless arrows. These weapons are all black.

 The dim candlelight danced on it, flashing a few thin orange wavy lines.

"These are all dragonglass weapons." Jon explained. "Last time Lord Commander Mormont and I went north to inspect the Great Wall, we found them at the Fist of the First Men. Well, to be more precise, Ghost found them. . Judging from the material of that black package, it should be a relic of a certain night watchman brother."

 In addition to the dragon crystal weapon, there is also a horn in the package.

 It looks very old. I don’t know what kind of material it is made of. The edges are inlaid with bronze.

Seeing Robb pick up the horn, Jon said:

 “The horn must be broken and cannot be blown...”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Robb put the horn to his mouth, puffed up his mouth, and blew hard -

"woo woo woo woo-"

The shrill sound of the horn cut through the night sky like a sharp knife.

"I used to think that we were very similar. It was as if one soul shared two bodies." James said, "Do you remember when we were children in Casterly Rock, we used to play the game of changing clothes?"

"Of course I remember." Cersei said patiently, "We are the golden twins. When we were young, we could hardly tell the difference. When I put on your clothes, even my father couldn't tell."

"Yes." James said, "So I fell madly in love with you and thought you were my other half. Only together can we be complete."

"I love you too." Cersei took a few steps forward and reached out to touch his rough and cold face, "So, come with me, go to the south, and together we will overthrow the Caesar dynasty, and then sit on the Iron Throne together."

James slowly shook his head:

 “No. Now I understand. We are completely different.”

 “What do you mean?” The look in her brother’s eyes made Cersei suddenly panic, as if something important in her life was about to leave her.

"Is the throne and power really that important to you?" James asked, "Even if you destroy the whole world, you have to get it?"

These words stung Cersei, and her expression changed:

“You, a regicide, are you qualified to judge me from the moral high ground?”

 “I am not killing a king, but a madman who wants to burn the whole world with fire.”

"Then do you still want to kill me now?" Cersei looked at her brother provocatively, "Come on, knight who upholds justice. Come and kill me!"

James stood still, and his phantom limb began to throb violently again.

"Cowardless thing!" Cersei scolded, "I should never have placed my hopes on you. You waste, you have let me down so many times. The gods are really blind, giving you a man's body, if I am the eldest son of Lannister, how could it be Caesar's turn to be so arrogant!

 Okay, since you don’t want to go with me, then I’ll go by myself. Even without you, there are still men willing to wield the sword for me. "

 “Like the savage just now, right?” James asked.

 “That’s right!”

“So you climbed into his bed voluntarily?”

"Haha, do I have a choice?" Cersei's face twisted for a while, "Don't you know where this **** Mole Village is? If I don't climb into Tormund's bed, there will be more men. Climb into my bed! At least Tormund is strong enough to give me shelter and give me a horn of vengeance!"

James' eyes became colder and colder:

“You are indeed completely different from what I imagined.”

These words stung Cersei again. She raised her voice and said harshly:

“Yes, I am not the innocent young lady you imagined. I once slept with Robert, with Lancel, Osmond, and even the moon boy!

 The gods did not give me a strong body, but at least they gave me a weapon to control men, right between my legs.

If necessary, I will continue to use it to control Roose Bolton, Walder Frey, Harold Hatton... If I have to sleep with all the lords of the Seven Kingdoms before I can ascend the Iron Throne, then I will do it without hesitation! "

 After saying that, Cersei turned around and left.

 After taking a few steps, footsteps sounded behind him.

She thought her brother had finally changed his mind, so she turned around. Just as she was about to speak, she saw a pair of big hands grabbing her neck.

 The force was so great that she could even hear her throat bones cracking.

"James..." She used all her strength to squeeze out a thin call from her throat, but the murderous intent in the man's eyes was colder than the snow in the north.

She kept slapping her brother with her hands, but she couldn't shake the man at all.

James' hands were like steel, hard and cold, tightening tighter and tighter.

 The man lowered his head, as if he did not dare to look into his sister's eyes, but his hands did not relax at all.

 He could clearly feel Cersei's fragile throat deforming in his hands...

The cold wind outside the Great Wall of Despair swept over and slapped his face, cold to the bone, but stinging like a burning flame.

In a daze, he seemed to have returned to King's Landing, to the last moments of the Reaver War, to the moment when the mad king clamored to bury the whole city with fire.

 At that moment, he thrust out the long sword in his hand.

 Became a regicide.

 Now, he has broken the neck of another madman.

 Become a parricide.

"No..." Tears flowed from the corners of Cersei's eyes, and before they even hit the ground, they froze on her pale face.

At this moment, she suddenly recalled the prophecy that the toad witch had given her—

“One day, when you are drowned in tears, Valonqar will strangle your pale neck and take your life away.”

 Valonqar means brother in Valyrian.

Cersei originally thought that this brother was Tyrion, so she has been trying to deal with him.

 But it wasn’t until then that she realized that she was wrong.

  She had two brothers, but it was not Tyrion who took her life, but the brother she loved most.

As she lay dying, Cersei seemed to see the ugly face of the witch girl back then, her yellow eyes shining with vicious light, smiling mockingly at her.

 (End of this chapter)

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