Chapter 500 Green Vision

 “Lord Robert is resting.”

 Scholar Kemen said respectfully.

This bachelor, who has served the Arryn family for more than ten years, is thin and has thin hair. A heavy bachelor's necklace hangs around his slender neck, which makes people worry that it will be broken.

"But your Majesty wants to see him," said the knight, "go and wake up the Duke."

Bachelor Ke Meng hesitated for a moment and said:

“The child is in very bad health and may find it difficult to accept the news of his mother’s death.”

 “But he will know sooner or later,” said the knight.

 “But he is only eight years old…”

 “He is the Duke of the Eyrie and the lord of the Vale.”

Scholar Kemen sighed worriedly, and had no choice but to pull the iron ring and enter the door.

The room was dark, and the only sound of someone sniffing in the dark was heard.


 “I am Kemen, Your Majesty the Duke.”

 “Kemen, do you have sweet milk? I want to drink it.”

“Sir, you just drank, um, sweet milk.”

 “But I still feel uncomfortable, give me another drink.”

"No, sir. You can't drink too much sweet milk. Get up quickly, Caesar is here and wants to see you."

"No! I want sweet milk!" cried Lord Robert in a shrill voice.

Ke Meng walked to the window in the dark and opened the curtains. The dim sunset shone in, and the small diamond-shaped glass panes were blurred by frost.

"No! Don't open the window!" Duke Robert shouted even more fiercely, "The sun is so dazzling! My head hurts!"Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Maester Cormon turned around and looked at the Duke of the Eagle's Nest on the bed with pity.

The owner of the valley was covered with a woolen blanket from the waist down, with no clothes on. His skin was pale, his hair was as long as a girl, his hands and feet were pitifully thin, his chest was soft and sunken, his belly was small and flat, and his eyes were always red and sticky.

"Okay, okay, sweet milk. As long as you get up and get dressed, I will prepare it for you." Bachelor Kemen had no choice but to agree.

“Really?” Robert stopped quarreling and wiped his drooping nose with the back of his hand. “I want two glasses of sweet milk.”

"Okay, two drinks." Bachelor Colmont knew that he could not refuse, and he could not let the Duke get sick when he met the king. "My lord, is there any bleeding from your nose?"

 “No. It’s just a little itchy.”

Maester Colmont stared at his nose for a long time, until the other party shouted impatiently, then he clapped his hands to call the maids in.

While they were dressing the young Duke and tidying up the space in the room, Maester Colmont mixed two glasses of "sweet milk" and gave Robert to drink them.

It was only now that the Duke of the Eagle's Nest settled down and stopped complaining that he had a headache.

 “Where is my mother?”

Scholar Kemen didn’t know how to answer this question.

 In his opinion, the young Duke was actually a pitiful man.

Although he has a bad temper and is extremely stubborn, Bachelor Kemen knows that this child has been weak since he was a child and suffers from epilepsy. He just lost his father not long ago, and now he is about to lose his mother...

“You will know when you go to the hall.” Maester Colmont held Duke Robert’s hand and walked out.

The cold wind howled outside the house, as if the gods were sighing endlessly.

Snow is piled up in the courtyard, and countless icicles hang down from the spire, like twinkling crystals.

 But Duke Robert's face was pale and his eyes were red. Fortunately, his hands did not shake.

Maester Colmont just hopes that the Duke can survive the period of meeting the king without getting sick.

Entering the hall, the heat from the fireplace hit his face, and Duke Robert breathed a sigh of relief.

 He searched for his mother in the crowd, but apparently without success.

 Fortunately, he still knew etiquette and did not make any noise. Instead, he stepped forward obediently and saluted the king on the high platform:

 “Dear Your Majesty Caesar, welcome to the Eyrie.”

"Robert." Samwell looked down at the gorgeously dressed but shaky child below, "I have news for you."

“Have you forgotten what Petyr Baelish did to Jon Arryn? And you expect him to take care of Robert Arryn’s health?”

Scholar Kemen’s face suddenly froze.

 Samwell continued:

"From now on, sweet sleep flowers can no longer be used. Bloodletting must also stop. Poppy flower milk can be given to Robert Arryn, but the dosage must be controlled. Epilepsy itself is not fatal, but it is needed during the attack. Just let someone take care of him and don’t let him hurt himself.”

After hearing this, Bachelor Ke Meng looked embarrassed and said hesitantly:

"But...Your Majesty. What if the Duke insists that I give him the Sleeping Flower? He can't live without that thing now..."

"This is exactly what Littlefinger wants," said Samwell. "You must help Robert Arryn get rid of these harmful things, otherwise he will never live long."

 “Yes, Your Majesty.” Bachelor Ke Meng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, every time the Duke was given that "sweet milk", he would be frightened.

Moreover, he also saw that the king was obviously more willing to let Robert Arryn continue to be the Duke of the Eyrie than Harold Haddon, who was backed by the Waynwood family.

Of course, this Duke is just a puppet, and the one who really holds the authority in the valley is actually Earl Royce.

 He is the person the king truly trusts.

 After explaining some more matters, Samwell waved everyone to leave.

However, Bran Stark did not leave.

 He looked at the king and asked:

“Your Majesty, how do you know that the real murderer of Duke Jon was Lady Lysa?”

Samwell smiled slightly, but did not answer the question. Instead, he asked:

 “Can’t you fly freely in the long river of time? Haven’t you found the answer?”

"You overestimate me." Bran shook his head slowly, "I can't fly 'freely'. I can only have some green dreams. I can see some things in the past and future in my dreams, but they are only fragmentary fragments. , not all.”

 “Green Vision?”

 “Yes, that’s what the children of the forest call them.”

 Samwell looked at the other party with interest and asked again:

“Have you ever been to the catacombs of Winterfell in your dream?”

 “No.” Bran shook his head slowly.

Seeing the doubt in Samwell's eyes, he added:

 “I like to climb high, not drill underground.”

Samwell smiled noncommittally, not sure if he believed this argument, but he did not dwell on it, and instead asked:

“You also know that a dragon egg was stolen in King’s Landing. Tell me, did you see a picture of it in your dream?”

“Your Majesty, is this why you insisted on bringing me to King’s Landing?”

"Yes." Samwell nodded, "At least that's one of the reasons."

Bran's eyes glowed green, and he didn't know whether he was remembering or entering the so-called green dream.

Samwell's pupils shrank slightly, and the powerful spiritual power spread out in the void like an octopus, as if trying to catch some kind of fluctuation.

 After a moment, Bran's eyes returned to their original blue.

“Your Majesty, your dragon egg was stolen by a young man.”

“Oh?” Samwell pressed. “Describe his appearance.”

"Yes." Bran described the scene he saw in the Green Dream, but added, "Your Majesty, there are traps and fogs in the Green Dream, which can only be used as a reference."

 “I understand.” Samwell nodded thoughtfully.

The young man described by Bran just now is surprisingly the son of the Sea King from Braavos—

 Bruce Antalion.

But the matter itself is full of weirdness, not to mention that he is wary of Bran Stark, or Bran Stark who is controlled by the "Three-Eyed Raven", so this answer is really only Can be used as a reference.

  What is the real situation, he still has to verify it himself.

"Go back and rest early." Samwell said, "We will set off early tomorrow. We should be able to reach King's Landing before dark."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Bran bowed, then called Hodor and asked him to carry him out of the hall.

Samwell watched quietly as the two figures disappeared outside the door, his gray eyes gradually glowing green, and finally turned into emeralds.

 (End of this chapter)

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