Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 495: The First Appearance of the White Walkers

Chapter 495 The First Appearance of the Other Ghosts

Samwell rushed out of the tent, only to realize that it was completely dark outside at some point.

It's only three o'clock in the afternoon, so it's evening?

The snowstorm is still going on, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

The bonfire in the camp was gradually extinguished in the icy wind, and countless pale smoke filled the air.

In the darkness, only the sound of whimpering horns and noisy and chaotic human voices can be heard.

The enemy is in the north.

Samwell makes a judgment call.

Just now he almost thought that the night watchman had betrayed him, and while he was away from the Great Wall, he suddenly launched an attack on the wildlings, plotting something wrong.

However, the enemy from the north may be even more terrifying.

"The White Walkers are coming! The White Walkers are coming!"

"Don't panic!" Samwell shouted.

In the crowd, he found a guy wearing black ring armor and a gold hoop carved with ancestor runes on his arm, who looked like a leader, and ordered:

"Call our soldiers, light the torches, and line up to meet the enemy!"

"Line up?" the wild man yelled. "What line? Fuck the fuck!"

After speaking, he led a group of spearmen to the north.

Samwell immediately gave up the idea of ??commanding the wildlings to fight. These guys have no discipline at all.

"Mance!" The tent door opened, and Val rushed out, shouting, "Dana is going to give birth!"

Samwell can't take care of Mance Rayder's wife at the moment:

"Production is a woman's war, and you are now her only comrade in arms. And I, have my own battle to fight."

After finishing speaking, he no longer cared about the yelling of the savage girl behind him, and rushed into the wind and snow with his head buried.

Whistles of police whistle continued to be heard all around, loud and sharp.

The savages ran around in a panic, some joined the battle group, and some fled far away.

Samwell saw a mammoth trampling over a flock of sheep, and several wild women tried to control the elephant and drive the flock of sheep away.

In the darkness, countless fast-moving figures appeared vaguely. They came with the wind and snow, their eyes were blue, and they exuded a chilling aura.

It's a ghoul!

Samwell recognized them immediately.

Compared to the ghouls summoned by "Crow's Eye" Euron Greyjoy in King's Landing, the ghouls in front of him moved faster and looked more difficult to deal with.

It is not known whether the cold weather intensified them, or the night factor.

Or maybe both.

And these ghouls include not only humans, but also bears, wolves, giant deer, and even a few giant ice spiders as tall as three people.

Although the savage warriors have no organization and discipline, they are extremely brave in combat.

But what they faced was not an ordinary opponent.

Howling, a savage with a strange pattern painted on his face pierced a spear into a ghoul's pale and soft belly, straight through the back, but the monster staggered straight forward along the gun shaft, stretched out its black hands, Choked out the wildling's eyes.

This is not a fair fight.

No matter how stubborn the savages were, they were still beaten back by the ghouls.

"Fire!" Samwell reminded, "They are afraid of fire!"

In fact, ghouls are more afraid of weapons made of Valyrian steel or dragonglass, but these things are obviously not available to wildlings.

Fortunately, they still have fire.

"Rocket! Fire the rocket!" A savage leader came to his senses and shouted at the archers behind him.

Whoosh whooshโ€”

With the sound of bowstrings, hundreds of rockets shot into the group of ghouls. The ghouls who were hit by the arrows suddenly let out a strange roar, and their bodies twitched and twisted, apparently severely injured by the flames.

You know, even if they were stabbed in the heart before, they could continue to rush forward without any hindrance.

Seeing that the flame has an effect, the savages suddenly became excited. Please visit fr๐ž๐žw๐’.๐’ธ๐‘œ๐”ช website to read fastest update

"Burn, burn you monsters, burn!"

They cursed and exchanged their swords for torches. In the battle with ghouls, fire is obviously more useful than steel.

But the current number of bonfires is obviously not enough for the wildling warriors to share.

"Fire! We need more fire!"

A savage leader yelled at the top of his voice, but in the next second, the tent in front of him burst into flames.

Before he could recover, the fire spread in the camp at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, all the tents in the northern part of the camp were on fire.

The tumbling flames roared like a giant dragon in the ice and snow, and the radiant heat blocked the progress of the ghouls.

The savages cheered and lit more torches one after another, but there were also many savages who cursed, probably those burning tents were their property.

Samwell's eyes have turned golden. Although he still maintains the appearance of Mance Rayder, his temperament has completely changed.

However, during the fierce battle, no savage paid attention to his changes.


Pale blue blood spouted from the White Walker's forehead, hissing and chilling around the dragonglass dagger, and he stretched out two bone-pale hands to pull the dagger.

But before he could touch the dagger, the White Walker's head began to melt like dew.

Everyone's eyes widened, watching this extremely terrifying White Walker gradually smoke and disintegrate after being stabbed by the dark dagger, turning into a once chaotic liquid, and finally completely disappearing in the snow.

Only a thin wisp of swirling blue smoke was left floating in the wind and snow.

The milky white glass-like bones, shining palely, also melted.

Samwell held the dragonglass dagger, looking at the water vapor on it, as if he was sweating.

And just after the White Walkers dissipated into the air, the howling wind and snow suddenly became much smaller.

The ghouls turned around and started running away as if they saw something terrible.

The savages finally woke up like a dream, and someone boldly asked:

"Boss Mance, how did you kill... this terrible monster?"

"Obsidian." Samwell shook his dagger and said, "Some people call it dragon crystal."

As he spoke, he threw the dagger to a savage man, "This dragonglass weapon restrains the White Walkers. Alright, you guys clean up the battlefield."

"It's so cold!" The savage hurriedly caught the dragonglass dagger, but was so cold that he dropped it to the ground.

The savages around naturally scolded this guy, and then gathered together to carefully study this strange weapon that can kill strange ghosts.

Samwell went to the camp of the Chinese army.

Although it looks calm on the surface, in fact, he is more vigilant against the other ghosts in his heart.

This kind of monster is much more difficult to deal with than a ghoul.

Don't look at him as if he killed the White Walker with the dragonglass dagger just now, but you must know that with his current combat power, it can be said that he is the best in Westeros.

If ordinary people take the dragonglass weapon, I am afraid that they may not be able to meet the strange ghost.

This is just one White Walker, what if there are thousands of them?

And what about the legendary big boss Night King?

The more Samwell thought about it, the more he felt heavy in his heart.

Entering the tent, he saw Dana lying on the fur beside the brazier, holding a red baby in her arms.

"Did you give birth?" He tried his best to pretend to be surprised, but out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the position of the Horn of Winter.

Afterwards, his eyes froze.

Because, there is no trace of the huge horn in the account!

"Yes, there is no danger." Val smiled and said, "The battle outside is over?"

"Well, it's over. There's only one White Walker, and it's not difficult to deal with." Samwell stepped forward, "Give me a hug, kid."

Dana hugged the child even tighter:

"You are not my husband."

Hearing this, Sam Well stopped immediately.

But Val was startled, and quickly stood in front of his sister, watching the man vigilantly.

"Dana, what are you kidding?" Samwell asked reluctantly.

Dana shook her head slowly:

"You can imitate my husband's appearance, but you can't imitate the way he looks at me. There is no love in your eyes."

Samwell finally knew why the Horn of Winter was missing. It seemed that it was hidden by this woman.

So, he had no choice but to shrug his shoulders, restore his appearance, and said:

"You are very clever, Lady Dana. Let me reintroduce you. I am King of the Andals, Rhoynar and First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Guardian of the Realm, Samwell Caesar."

"Where's my husband?"

"He is a guest inside the Great Wall."

"You people south of the Great Wall are indeed liars!" Val said angrily.

"In our opinion, you savages are all robbers, thieves, and barbarians." Samwell said, "However, I did this to protect everyone. Yes, everyone, including you. Many of my sons People think you are a bunch of unruly humanoid beasts, but I still see you as human beings.

If you donโ€™t believe me, you can go out and ask if I just repelled the aliens and saved you. "

Dana's face softened slightly, and said:

"Okay, Your Majesty Caesar, I believe in your sincerity. So, can I let my husband go?"

"As long as you agree to my conditions, Mance will be free. And you can also enter the Great Wall." Samwell recounted his conditions again.

Dana listened quietly, and said:

"Your Majesty, I can agree to your conditions. But there is only one small request."

Samwell was overjoyed when he heard the words, he didn't expect the savage queen to be so eloquent:

"What do you think."

"The Horn of Winter must remain in our hands." Dana said, "Only in this way can we savages ensure that our own safety will not be violated."

Samwell shrugged helplessly and said:

"It seems that I can only agree."

Dana showed a happy smile:

"You won't regret getting the friendship of the Wildlings."

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