Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 493: Arrive at the Great Wall

Chapter 493 Arriving at the Great Wall Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Samwell didn't stay in Winterfell much.

Although the secrets hidden in the underground tomb are very tempting, he doesn't have much time to dig deep now.

The King Beyond the Wall is still waiting for him north of the Great Wall.

Now, for Samwell, it is imperative to settle the wildlings first, otherwise, once the ghosts appear, hundreds of thousands of wildlings will turn into ghouls, and that will be a disaster.

As for the abnormality in the crypt of Winter City, let the Stark family deal with it first.

After they deal with the collapsed tunnel, it won't be too late for Samwell to come back and find out.

So, he bid farewell to Stark in the early morning of the next day, and rode on the white dragon to continue northward.

Finally, half a day later, Samwell saw the largest building ever built by humans—

The Great Wall of Desperation.

Looking down from the sky, the Great Wall is like a high blue-gray wall stretching across the northern horizon, extending uninterruptedly to the east and west until it disappears into the distance.

It seems to be declaring to mankind—

Here is the end of the world.

The so-called Castle Black, in front of the Impassable Great Wall, is simply like toy building blocks scattered in the snow.

In fact, Castle Black is not a decent castle at all. Apart from the Great Wall in the north, it has no other walls and cannot resist attacks from east, west, south and south.

Perhaps it doesn’t need to worry about attacks from these three directions, the Night Watchman’s enemies are always in the north.

The closer he got to the Great Wall, Samwell could feel that the white dragon became more and more anxious, as if something was threatening it beyond that high wall, making it dare not go beyond half a step.

Samwell didn't force the white dragon, patted its neck, and let it land at Castle Black.

Standing on the ground and looking up at the Great Wall of Desperation, you will only feel the shocking sense of oppression even more.

The majestic and thick ice wall seemed to be collapsing towards him, burying everything.

Maybe one day the Great Wall really falls, and the whole world will collapse with it.

This is the only real existence in the world, older than the Seven Kingdoms.

"Your Majesty!" A respectful call brought Samwell back to reality.

He looked away from the Great Wall, looked at the black-clothed brothers who were walking towards him, and said with a smile:

I want to see if this pair of once Lannister golden boys and girls can still be unswerving to each other after they have been stripped of all their fame and status when they come to the bitter cold land of the extreme north.

"Your Majesty, you must be tired. We have prepared hot food for you to enjoy."

Samwell followed Ed to the hall and ordered:

"Send to inform Mance Rayder that he come to me."

"The savage king may not dare to enter the Great Wall alone." Someone reminded.

"He may be much more courageous than you imagined." Samwell thought of the King Beyond the Wall who had sneaked into the royal convoy alone and followed him all the way to the Trident River. "Go and inform."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Samwell kept walking, but when he was about to enter the hall, he suddenly noticed a thin figure at the end of the corridor.

It was a girl who looked seventeen or eighteen years old, with black hair, a pretty face, but very haggard, and a pair of innocent brown eyes.

"How could there be a woman?" Alliser Thorne, the coach of Castle Black, followed the king's gaze and frowned.

The girl was so frightened by so many eyes staring at her that she forgot to hide and stood there at a loss.

"It seems to be the savage girl who escaped from Custer's fortress before." Ed looked at the eldest son Robb behind him, "Didn't I ask you to arrange her to go to the south?"

Robb stammered and said: "Sorry, Father, Gilly dare not go south alone..."

"Your name is Gilly?" Samwell looked at the girl with a gentle smile.

Hearing the king speak, Ed couldn't reprimand his son anymore.

"Yes." Gilly nodded timidly when she saw that the king didn't seem to be afraid.

Samwell looked at the little girl wrapped in an old cloak in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

If he hadn't crossed over, Samwell Tarly would have come to the Great Wall to become a night watchman, and fell in love with this savage girl in front of him.

But now, none of that will happen.

As the wings of his "butterfly" continue to flap, the fate of many people in this world has changed.

Whether it is good or bad, no one can tell.

"Don't be afraid of Gilly." Samwell comforted, "When I reach an agreement with Mance Rayder, a large number of wildlings will enter the Great Wall, and you can go to the south with them."

Gilly nodded slightly. She could feel the kindness of the man in front of her, and she also grinned, showing two white front teeth, like a rabbit just waking up.

Samwell smiled slightly, and then left the fetters of another time and space behind him, and continued to stride forward.

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