Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 482: Blessing of the Seven Gods

Chapter 482 Blessing of the Seven Gods

The bright sunshine is soft and warm, bringing a touch of warmth to King's Landing in winter.

Just after dawn, various ribbons of color were arranged on the square in front of the Baelor Cathedral, and the flag of the double-headed eagle on a blue background fluttered in the wind.

The officers and soldiers of the capital city garrison surrounded the Visenya hills, blocked the entrances and exits, and prohibited carriages and pedestrians from passing.

However, both sides of the street were still crowded with Kingโ€™s Landing people who came to watch the ceremony. With joyful smiles on their faces, they stood on tiptoe and looked in the direction of the Red Castle, looking forward to the kingโ€™s carriage.

In the Red Castle at this time, Samwell held his son in his arms and teased him, while watching his two queens changing clothes with the help of the maids.

The red dragon "Yaoyang" flapped its wings and flew around.

Regarding the name of this newborn dragon, Daenerys originally hoped to use the names of the Valyrian gods in accordance with the tradition of the Targaryen family, but was rejected by Samwell.

He never had a good impression of the gods, so he named him "Yaoyang".

One reason is that this little dragon has bright red and dazzling scales, and was born when winter is approaching. Samwell hopes that it can become the shining sun in winter, dispelling the cold and long night.

So the name was decided like this.

"The people of King's Landing are very enthusiastic about today's ceremony." Margaery took the lead in changing her clothes, and went to the window to look out.

"The influence of the Faith of the Seven Gods among the people cannot be underestimated." Daenerys said. Her stomach was already looking bloated, and the maids were the slowest in changing her clothes, taking extra care. Please visit fr๐ž๐žw๐’.๐’ธ๐‘œ๐”ช website to read fastest update

Margaery also stepped forward to help, and tied a string of crystal clear and round pearl necklaces around Daenerys' neck:

"I heard that dozens of knights have already applied to join the Holy Sword Knights, and the number of Star Knights has soared to nearly a thousand overnight."

"So fast!" Daenerys stared wide-eyed, "Sam just announced yesterday that the church will be allowed to rebuild the religious order."

"Yes." Margaery looked back at her husband, seeing that he was still indifferent, she couldn't help reminding, "Sam, aren't you worried at all?"

Samwell smiled and said:

"Why worry? Now that winter is here, and the terrible evil forces are reviving in the north, we need the soldiers armed by the Order, don't we?"

"But...don't forget King Maegor's lesson." Daenerys reminded.

"I understand." Samwell got up, stepped forward and pressed a kiss on the faces of the two wives, "Are you done? Let's go now."

The carriage stops before the marble steps of the sanctuary.

Seven white knights held ceremonial spears and guarded the king and queen on the golden cashmere carpet.

In the prayer hall, the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms had been waiting for a long time. They all turned their heads and paid attention to the king and his wife who came in.

The air is full of solemn and awe-inspiring atmosphere.

The sculptures of the Heavenly Father, the Virgin, the Warrior, the Blacksmith, the Old Woman, the Maiden, the Stranger, and the Seven Gods stand in the hall, as if witnessing the arrival of a new king.

Sunlight shines through the crystal skylight at the top and shines into the hall to form a pure beam of light. It happened to envelop the king and archbishop in the center of the hall.

Samwell's body was covered with a faint golden halo by the sunlight. At this moment, he seemed to have really become the incarnation of a god.

The archbishop still wore simple sackcloth, without any crown on his head, and looked no different from an ordinary old farmer.

But in the eyes of fanatics, his attire is more sacred than wearing gold and silver.

"Samwell Caesar," the archbishop said, his sonorous voice echoed in the hall, "under the gaze of the seven gods, I will bless you with the seven holy oils."

As he spoke, he put his fingers into a glass bottle, dipped in the ointment, applied it on Samwell's forehead, and said:

"May Heavenly Father grant you integrity!"

The archbishop reached out and dipped the ointment in the second glass bottle, and applied it again:

"May Our Lady grant you mercy!"

Then a third:

"May the warrior grant you courage!"

"May the blacksmith give you strength!"

"May the crone give you wisdom!"

"May the maiden grant you innocence!"

"May the Stranger take your enemies away!"

"In the name of the seven gods," said the archbishop, "I crown you the king of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, ruler of the seven kingdoms and guardian of the whole land!"

Hearing the last superfluous words, Samwell suddenly raised his head, staring at the archbishop in front of him like a sword.

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