Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 475: Red Dragon and White Crow

Chapter 475 Red Dragon and White Crow

The weather in King's Landing suddenly turned cold.

The biting cold wind was blowing more and more fiercely, scraping the windows like the claws of wild beasts. Frost grew on every tower of the Red Keep, and every path was carpeted with white.

A full moon hangs in the sky like a big round snowball, and the stars are sparse and cold.

Fortunately, the roaring fireplace exudes heat, dispelling the chill in the house.

The seven maids brought the sumptuous dinner to the table briskly, Samwell sat at the head of the table, his two queens sat on both sides, and Ser Barristan Selmy put on the white armor again, like a sculpture Stand behind the king.

"Cersei was escorted out of the city today." Daenerys said while cutting the steak on the silver plate with a knife, "That scene was not very good, the people of King's Landing seem to hate this former Queen Mother of the Seven Kingdoms very much.

Thousands of people filled the streets, throwing rotten fish, rotten leaves, and stones at Cersei. If the guards hadn't stopped her, the angry crowd would have torn up and eaten the lioness. "

"At least she's still wearing clothes this time." Samwell recalled the scene in the original book where the queen mother was stripped naked and paraded through the streets, and for a moment felt that she was kind.

"This time?" Daenerys obviously didn't understand.

"Sam is talking about the old story of Tywin forcing his father's lover to parade naked in Casterly Rock City after his father died." Margaery thought she had guessed what her husband was thinking.

"Yes, maybe this is the cycle of retribution." Sam Wells said.

"The people of King's Landing are venting their grievances against the Lannister family on Cersei," Margaery said. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

The little guy in his arms is not very honest, struggling to climb up the dining table.

"What the Lannister family did was really excessive. It's no wonder the people of King's Landing hate them so much."

Samwell took a sip of the red wine and said, "Actually, it's also because someone is fanning the flames behind the scenes and fueling the flames."

Margaret came to her senses immediately: "Is it the northern nobles who were almost burned to death by her?"

"That's right." Samwell nodded.

Since accepting the information network of the "Octospider", there are not many things in King's Landing that can be hidden from his ears.

However, due to the short time, he has not been able to contact the Seven Kingdoms or even the "little birds" on the other side of the narrow sea.

"The Lannisters deserve it!" Daenerys gritted her teeth. "Back in the usurper war, they burned, killed and looted King's Landing, even mothers and children! I think you are too kind, Sam, to kill There's nothing wrong with Lannister alone."

"It's too much to exterminate the clan." Margaery said, "Especially at this time. We need to unite the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms. Too cruel methods will bring bad effects."

Daenerys snorted softly, but she didn't continue to pester her. She is not a cruel woman, and what she said just now was also out of past sadness.

Ser Barristan also held his breath and stared at the dragon egg without blinking, looking forward to the birth of the most magical creature in the world.

Kaka Kakaβ€”

Under the gazes of the eyes, there are more and more cracks on the surface of the dragon egg.

Finally, a triangular red head drilled out of the eggshell, and let out a childish neigh:


"Come out!" Margaret clapped her palms and said, at the same time couldn't help but take a closer look, "It's a red dragon!"

During the speech, Xiaolong had protruded most of his body, covered with dark red scales, which looked like flowing blood under the candlelight.

It opened its small mouth, and exhaled a puff of smoke mixed with sparks.

Samwell took the little dragon by the back of his neck and put it on the table next to his son.

Octavian was not afraid of the little dragon at all, he giggled and hugged it.

Xiaolong was also very close to Octavian, sticking out his long thin tongue to lick his face.

Seeing this harmonious scene, Margaery showed a gratified smile:

"They will finally soar in the sky together!"

Samwell laughed loudly, and was about to say something festive, when he suddenly heard a rapid knock on the window.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a huge white raven standing on the windowsill, pecking at the glass with its long sharp beak.

It was snowing outside at some point.

Its feathers were wet with rain, and the ice crystals shimmered in the moonlight.

This is the largest raven Samwell has ever seen in his life, even bigger than some falcons. Snowflakes danced around it, and the moon silvered it.

It is White Crow, from the Academy City.

The white crows of the Academy City, unlike their black cousins, do not carry messages of their own. They fly out of Oldtown with only one mission:

Announces a change of season.

After realizing this, the joy of the birth of the red dragon instantly froze into ice in the house.

"Winter is here." Samwell said solemnly.

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