Chapter 473 The Iron Throne

Facing Samwell's sharp question, Sir Barristan hesitated for a while, and finally sighed:

"Your Majesty, you are right. These people have stained their white robes."

"Yes, they are not worthy of the white robe and armor." Daenerys said, "In my heart, Sir Barristan, you are the one who is most worthy of the title of White Knight."

Barristan smiled wryly:

"But I even took off my white robe..."

"You can put it on after taking it off." Samwell smiled, and at the same time reached out and turned the "White Code" to the page describing Barristan, "There is still a blank here, don't you want to fill it in?"

Ser Barristan stared blankly at the great white book, speechless for a while.

Yes, that was his page.

It bears the arms of House Selmy—three golden ears of wheat on a tan background.

There is also his life record, from the beginning as a servant of Sir Manfred Swann, to participating anonymously in the Tournament of King's Landing and winning the championship, being knighted by Aegon V himself, and then to participating in the "Nine Copper Plates King's Battle". "Battle", killing the last Black Flame "Violent" Maris, the champion of the Yinqiao City Tournament, the champion of the Maiden Spring City Tournament, the champion of the Storm's End Tournament...

He also saved the king from danger in the Duskendale City rebellion, and fought side by side with Prince Rhaegar on the banks of the Trident River. He failed miserably, but was pardoned by Robert Baratheon and served as the captain of the Kingsguard Iron Guard. Tianjicheng took the initiative to take off his white robe.

Irrefutable, this is a glorious life, but unfortunately, the ending is not so glorious.

As if the pure white robe had been stained with a stain.

"Sir Barristan, this page is still blank, waiting for you to continue writing." Daenerys persuaded again.

Samwell also put on a solemn expression and asked solemnly:

"Barristan Selmy, will you be my Kingsguard Captain?"

Facing the Storm King's invitation, Ser Barristan, who originally planned to refuse, hesitated.

At this moment, the faces of Caesar and Robert gradually overlapped.

Back then, he accepted Robert's pardon and switched his family to work for the Baratheon Dynasty, but that was always a thorn in his heart. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

So when he found out that what he was guarding was just a bastard, Barristan decisively took off the white robe that he regarded as his life.

He traveled across the ocean, found Daenerys, and swore allegiance to her, just to re-fulfill his original oath, the oath to Targaryen.

And when Caesar intervened forcefully and turned the queen he wanted to protect into a queen, Barristan was actually full of unwillingness, and even hid his evil intentions under the instigation of Ser Jorah Mormont.

This magnificent building is a symbol of royal power. It has a history of nearly 300 years and has experienced countless kings. Now it is as brand new as if it has just been built.

Samwell just looked up and entered the tower without stopping.

Following the empty spiral staircase, Samwell finally came to the throne room.

Dawn shines through the glazed glass and spreads dark red stripes on the walls.

The hall was crowded with nobles from the Seven Kingdoms, but in Samwell's eyes, he only saw the ancient throne.

The tall chair made of thousands of sharp swords, full of ferocious sharp horns and strangely twisted metal—

The Iron Throne.

The sound of footsteps clearly echoed in the hall, and the high Iron Throne was so eye-catching and alluring, as if some voice was calling for Samwell.

The panic when he first time traveled, the ambition when he was canonized as a pioneer knight, and years of hard work finally brought Samwell to the Iron Throne.

Really tired.

Samwell complained secretly, but there was no joy and excitement in his heart as expected.

On the contrary, I feel a heavy responsibility.

"As a king, you can't sit comfortably." Aegon I Targaryen, who conquered the Seven Kingdoms, said when he cast the Iron Throne.

Samwell looked at the throne covered with sharp teeth, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly:

"Conqueror, oh! What an arrogant fellow."

After speaking, he calmed down, strode up the steps, and sat down on the Iron Throne.

It really is not a comfortable chair.

The uneven seat is extremely hard, and the back and armrests of the chair are full of hideous spikes, which are impossible to rely on, and you need to be extremely careful to avoid being cut.

It is said that the Iron Throne will reject incompetent kings. In history, several kings have been cut or even killed by this horrible chair.

Is this what power feels like?

It seems to be extremely beautiful, but in fact it is full of dangers and hidden murderous intentions.

Looking down from the throne, the entire hall seemed to be soaked in blood red under the sunlight.

Rows of nobles fell down like wheat broken by the wind:

"Meet Your Majesty Caesar!"

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