Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 466: The Crow’s Eye’s Warning

Chapter 466 The Crow's Eye's Warning

"You know what you're doing?"

Euron Greyjoy roared with a grim face.

His left eye has become a **** hole, looking extremely terrifying.

What was even more frightening was that his entire face was contorted, and his skin kept twitching, as if something was about to come out from underneath. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

"You broke the balance I worked so hard to maintain!" Euron roared, with steaming steam coming out of his mouth, as if all the internal organs were burning.

Red-gold lines covered his face, and went down his throat until it covered his whole body.

Samwell quietly looked at these familiar runes, showing a thoughtful expression.

By this time, Euron's cheeks were already like boiled lobsters, turning purple, all the muscles in his body were twitching, and the scorched skin was cracked every inch of it, and every crack was emitting white flames.

He was on fire from the inside out.

At the same time, the huge sea monster summoned by Euron gradually stopped struggling, allowing Cleopatra to spew dragon flames, burning it to ashes bit by bit.

Finally, Euron staggered and fell to the ground.

"Be... mindful..." His mouth was covered in blood and blisters, but he was still struggling to speak.

But he was already out of breath, and he couldn't make any sound at all for the last few words, he just opened and closed his mouth.

It was also difficult to make out what Euron was trying to say through the shape of his mouth.

Samwell thought he meant "beware of the gods," but Euron finally moved his mouth four times.

And judging by the shape of the lips, it's obviously not "gods", but more like—

"Three-Eyed Raven".

Watch out for the Three-Eyed Raven?

Did Euron know that it was the Three-Eyed Raven who exposed his fatal weakness in his left eye?

He issued such a warning at the end, was he deliberately provoking? Or a sincere reminder before dying?

Samwell didn't ask further questions, but just watched quietly as the King of the Iron Islands took his last breath.

In order to prevent Euron from being resurrected from the dead, Samwell stepped forward to cut off his head, and summoned Cleopatra to spit flames on the corpse.

"Don't worry, I will take you home." Samwell patted the golden dragon's head and comforted him.

He didn't dare to pull out the arrow easily, so he summoned the white dragon to come closer, ordered it to crawl on the ground, and then dragged the golden dragon onto the white dragon's back.

Fortunately, Cleopatra reminded him that he was several laps older than Viserion in order to be able to carry the golden dragon.

At this time, Bran Stark's call sounded in my ears, accompanied by another old voice.

Swifts of green light appeared in front of Samwell's eyes. He hesitated for a moment, then turned his mind to it.

The next moment, the sky turned and the sea turned into a dark cave.

Countless weirwood roots are tangled in the cave, like a huge maze.

In the maze sat an old man who was half a man and half a tree. His whole body was extremely pale, and his only remaining eye was blood red.

In front of the old man sat an eleven or twelve-year-old boy with black hair and blue eyes, and his appearance was seven points similar to Ed Stark.

"You have extraordinary talent, Your Majesty Caesar." The old man said.

Samwell smiled slightly and said:

"What should I call you? The Three-Eyed Raven? The Green Prophet? Duke Bloodraven? Or Brynden Rivers?"

"It seems that you know me very well." The Three-Eyed Crow said, "I almost forgot some titles myself. Since you know, then call me Brynden."

"Thank you for your help this time, Your Excellency Brynden." Samwell said politely.

"You're welcome." The Three-Eyed Crow said, "Euron is a threat to all mankind. It is my responsibility to help you get rid of him. Since he is dead, you should get the **** eyeball, right?"

"Yes." Samwell nodded with calm eyes, "Do you want this eyeball?"

"It's not that I want it." The Three-Eyed Crow said, "It's that the blood eye is too dangerous, and I want to help you eliminate this hidden danger. So please send someone to send that blood eye outside the Great Wall."

"That's right." Samwell seemed to believe the rhetoric, "But it's too dangerous outside the Great Wall, and winter is coming soon, so I'll go and deliver it myself."

"It would be better if you would take the trouble to go there yourself."

"Okay, when I finish dealing with the affairs of King's Landing, I will go to the north of the Great Wall. But how will I find you then?"

"The crow will show you the way."

"Okay." Samwell smiled, and suddenly asked again, "By the way, Lord Brynden, people call you the Three-Eyed Raven, but why do you only have one eye?"

The only eye of the Three-Eyed Crow flashed red, saying:

"You are wrong, Your Majesty Caesar. I don't have three eyes, but a thousand and one."

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