Chapter 298 Planning

"Didn't you say that Caesar is dead?"

In the meeting hall of the Red Castle in King's Landing, Queen Cersei asked dissatisfiedly.

"The small island in the Dorne Sea was supposed to be his burial place." Kevan Lannister frowned, "But unfortunately, it seems that some accidents happened..."

"That idiot Doran is really unreliable!" Cersei commented.

"If Prince Doran is still stupid, there are not many smart people in the Seven Kingdoms." Tyrion Lannister joked, "I'm curious what happened on that island? How did Caesar become king? And The nobles of the Stormlands have sworn allegiance to him. It's incredible."

Seeing everyone's eyes turned to him, Intelligence Chief Varys sighed and said:

"My little birds haven't found any specific information yet. I only know that Caesar is not only alive, but also successfully crowned as the Storm King, and has held many nobles with many graces hostage."

"What a waste!" Cersei cursed again, not knowing who it was.

Tyrion Lannister sat on a raised chair, twisted his small body, and said curiously:

"How did you plan to kill Caesar at the beginning? This guy is a terrifying existence who cut down four white knights with a single sword. Without a complete plan, there is no way to kill this person, right?"

"We invited a Faceless Man." Kevan said.

"The Faceless Ones?" Tyrion whistled, "It's not cheap to let them take action, especially for someone as important as Caesar. Did father give most of the gold in the Western Region to the House of Black and White?"

"No. The Lannister family didn't produce a single golden dragon." Kevan looked at Varys, "We didn't ask for the Faceless One."

Tyrion looked at Varys in surprise: "Could it be that Lord Varys invited you?"

"Yes." Varys admitted frankly.

"What did you pay for it?"

"I just told them a message, and someone else paid the price."


"Petyr Baelish."

"Littlefinger?" Tyrion was even more confused, "What does it have to do with him?"

Varys explained: "Do you still remember the death of the two heirs of the Dane family? It was the incident that detonated the conflict between Starfall City and Eagle Mouth Island. In fact, it was Littlefinger's plan. He hired the Faceless Man Killed the heir of the Dayne family and provoked the war between the Riverbend and Dorne.

At that time, I wondered why Littlefinger asked the Faceless Man to help him kill, and he still killed two people.

Later I found out that before Littlefinger died, he was approached by a faceless man.

This unusual move made me realize that Littlefinger's debt has not been repaid..."

"You mean Caesar killed Littlefinger?" Tyrion reacted immediately, but he was even more confused, "But didn't Littlefinger kill Littlefinger?"

"No, it's Caesar." Varys said firmly, "So, when Caesar killed Littlefinger, he owed his life to the House of Black and White. After I told the House of Black and White, they sent someone to collect it." in debt."

Tyrion suddenly understood, but he still had a lot of questions. When he was about to ask more questions, he was interrupted by Cersei:

"Okay, what's the use of saying this now!"

She couldn't understand what Varys said even more, so she looked very impatient:

"Let's think about what to do next?"

"Cersei is right." Kevan said, "We must make a remedy as soon as possible. The north has not been completely pacified, and we still have no time to deal with Caesar in the south, so we must cause him some trouble. So Highgarden And Sunspear City is the focus of our struggle."

As he spoke, Kevan looked at his nephew with piercing eyes: "Your father hopes that you can marry Princess Arianne..."

"I marry?" Tyrion exclaimed exaggeratedly, "But... But isn't Myrcella already engaged to Tristan Martell? We are already married to Martell, why do we need to marry again?"

"Myrcella's surname is Baratheon!" Kevan emphasized again, and then added, "And they are too young to get married for the time being. That's why you need to marry Princess Arianne as soon as possible. If Prince Doran can't return Go, you must exert influence in Sunspear to stabilize the situation in Dorne."

Tyrion struggled: "I heard that woman has a very hot temper. Do you really think she would be willing to marry a dwarf like me?"

"You still have some self-knowledge." Cersei sneered at her younger brother mercilessly, "Only skilled girls are willing to spread their legs for you."

"Yes." Tyrion retorted, "After all, I don't have the handsome face of my brother Jaime, otherwise, I can let my sister open her legs for me."

"Dwarf! Damn you!"

"Shut up! You two!" Kaifeng became a little annoyed. This pair of siblings actually kept going during the imperial meeting, so that the internal conflicts of the Lannister family were exposed cleanly, and sooner or later they would be exploited by those who wanted to.

Seeing that the two were quiet, Kevan said to Tyrion:

"Don't underestimate yourself. You are also the son of Tywin Lannister, and you are smart, funny, considerate and gentle. You will become a good husband, as long as Arianne Martell is willing to get to know you well."

"Will she be willing?" Tyrion still had no confidence. The reputation of the Dornishmen in the Seven Kingdoms was not good. He was worried that he would be thrown into the pit of poisonous snakes by that woman.

He didn't have the luck of "blessed" Baylor to crawl out alive.

"She will be willing." Kevan said, "The Martell family is also in trouble now. They need Lannister's help. Believe me, Prince Doran knows how to choose. And even if he is not there, as long as Princess Arianne is not too Stupid, you should also know who is your ally and who is your enemy."

"But I haven't seen that girl..." Tyrion was still hesitating.

"Yes, dwarf. Princess Arianne is good enough for you." Cersei actually persuaded, but the sarcasm in her words remained undiminished, "Father wanted you to marry Lysa Tully, Huo The Duke of Sturt's answer is that his daughter wants to be a perfect person, not a half-human, hahaha."

Tyrion curled his lips, but he was not sad about it.

Lysa Tully later married Jon Arryn, and now she is a crazy woman, and there are rumors that she poisoned her husband. Tyrion is only glad that he did not marry that woman.

"Okay." Kevan stopped his niece, and said, "Tyrion, go to Sunspear as soon as possible, at least meet Princess Arianne in person."

"Yes, dwarf, let's go." Cersei said with a smile, "Or you are used to spending money to find women, and now the money is useless, so there is nothing to do?"

Tyrion wanted to refute that his first woman was not hired with money, but then he thought that it was his brother who paid for it, so he was immediately discouraged.

Thinking of Tessa, he completely lost the mood to bicker with Cersei.

"Okay, I'll go to Sunspear."

Kevon nodded in satisfaction, turned to Cersei, and said:

"Okay, now it's your turn."

Cersei was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Your father's plan for the riverlands originally planned to replace the Tully family with the Frey family. But unfortunately, Walder Frey actually joined the Stark family. The family needs to build a good relationship so that the situation in the riverland can be stabilized.

So, your father wants you to marry Edmure, Duke Tully's eldest son..."

"No!" Cersei yelled immediately, "I am the Queen Mother of the Seven Kingdoms, not a tool for your marriage!"

"You are Tywin's daughter." Kevan said with a firm attitude, "You should know what will happen if you go against his will."

"No..." Cersei turned pale instantly.

"That trout is better than a smelly old squid and a crippled rose." Tyrion was suddenly happy when he saw his sister was uncomfortable, "but uncle, isn't Edmure trapped in Dorne? "

"We will let Dorne agree to release people, not just Edmure. As long as Duke Tully agrees to marry, the army trapped in Dorne's river will be free."

"The Duke of Tully has no reason to refuse." Tyrion whistled.

"Yes." Kevan persuaded his niece again with kind words, "Old Tully is terminally ill, and he won't live long. You will soon become the Duchess of the Riverland, so there's nothing wrong with that."

"I am the Queen Mother of the Seven Kingdoms! Why do I want to be a **** duchess!"

"We all have to make sacrifices for the family." Tyrion persuaded with a smile, "This is the responsibility of being a Lannister."

"Yes. Responsibility." Kevan said, "This is your father's decision. If you insist that you don't want it, go and talk to him yourself."

"I will!" Cersei stood up abruptly, striding out of the room.

Kevon shook his head helplessly, paused, and said:

"I'm going to Highgarden too. The situation of the Tyrell family is not good. I'm going to see if I can stabilize the situation."

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