Ancient Oak City.

The new lord, Earl Togan Oakheart, with bloodshot eyes, walked back and forth anxiously in the hall.

He hadn't closed his eyes for several days, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

The horse party army outside the city has already begun to attack the city, how could he sleep.

And he thought about it for days and nights, but he couldn't figure out why the Ma Party would suddenly gather a large army to attack the ancient oak city.

How dare they?

The eldest son of the Duke of Highgarden, Vilas Tyrell, is clearly a hostage in Ancient Oak City. Aren't they afraid to kill him?

"Has Gao Ting still not replied?" Vilas sat in a wheelchair, with a blanket covering his legs, and his expression was quite dignified.

"No." Earl Togan said in a muffled voice.

As early as five days ago, Earl Togan realized that something was wrong when he got the news that a horse party army was marching towards the ancient oak city.

He immediately released a raven to send a letter to Highgarden to inquire about the situation.

But until now, Gao Ting has not replied.

Is it true that, as the Ma Party claimed, this military action was supported by the Tyrell family, and the High Court is determined to liquidate the previous rebellion?

"How many ravens did you send?" Vilas asked again.

"I have sent out all the ravens in Ancient Oak City!" Earl Togan gritted his teeth, "And counting the time, Highgarden should have received the letter long ago! But there is no reply! What, Lady Olenna concluded I dare not kill you!"

"Don't get excited, this action is likely to be the horse party's own initiative. If you kill me, you will create a reasonable excuse for their behavior." Vilas tried to appease Earl Togan.

"Then why didn't Gao Ting reply!"

Villas was speechless for a moment, and a trace of confusion and pain flashed in his eyes, but he soon regained his clarity and said:

"Maybe the raven had an accident..."

"It's possible that one or two accidents happened, but did all the ravens have accidents?" Earl Togan said unhappily, at this time he looked extremely anxious, "And I also specially asked the bachelor to release a batch of ravens at night. , tell me, even if the Horse Party arranges sharpshooters around the ancient oak city, can they shoot ravens in the dark?"

After pondering for a moment, Vilas said: "There may be other reasons that prevent the raven from reaching Highgarden..."


A loud noise interrupted the conversation between the two.

Amidst the roar, the entire castle shook violently, the tapestries on the wall fell to the ground one after another, and the crystal candlestick in the center of the ceiling could no longer hold on, and fell suddenly, smashing to pieces on the floor.

Fortunately, Earl Togan saw a bad opportunity and avoided it long ago, otherwise he would definitely be smashed to the ground.

Fine dust filled the hall, making Vilas cough violently.

"What happened!" Earl Togan exclaimed in horror, "What was it just now?"

"Ahem..." Vilas's pupils constricted suddenly, and he suddenly remembered a battle report when the Riverbend Army attacked the Bronze Gate City in Stormland.

Could it be that thing?

Before he could recover, he saw Earl Togan strode out.

Vilas turned the chair wheel and wanted to go out to check the situation, but was stopped by the guard at the door.

"Sorry, Lord Vilas, for your safety, please stay in the room."

Villas had no choice but to return to the room.

The ominous premonition in his heart became stronger, but he knew that there was nothing he could do at this time.

Thousands of thoughts were circling in his mind, but Vilas couldn't find a solution that could solve the current crisis.

This is very likely to be a killing game against yourself!

The Ma Party wants to force the Oakheart family to kill themselves!

Veras knew that the Horse Party was very dissatisfied with the Tyrell family's connivance of the Deer Party's rebellion, and that Caesar had ambitions, but he couldn't understand why the other party would react so violently.

Forcing the heir of Fengjun to death, even if this kind of thing can make the Lu Party blame, but anyone with a discerning eye can see what's going on.

How will Caesar deal with the aftermath in the future? How to appease people?

The Tyrell family did not forgive him...

Not long after, Earl Togan returned again, covered in murderous intent and blood.

"What's the matter?" Vilas looked at Earl Togan's state, and thought about it.

"The city is broken." Earl Togan said with red eyes.

"Sure enough..." Vilas calmed down instead, his brain spinning rapidly, "Master Togan, listen to me. This matter will never be ordered by High Court..."

"Why is it impossible?" Earl Toggan smiled, with a crazy look in his eyes, "Perhaps you overestimated your status in the Tyrell family, after all, the inflatable fish has three sons, so what's the big deal if one or two die .”

Villas looked at Earl Togen who was walking towards him with a sword, and said quickly:

"Don't be impulsive, Mr. Togen, let me talk to the horse party..."

"Are you going to talk? You went to the horse party to detain you. What chips do I have in my hand? You treat me as a fool?" Earl Togan sneered, and then waved his hand at the guards behind him.

Vilas was about to persuade him again, when he saw two guards coming forward to hold him down.

"Lord Togan, listen to me..."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Earl Togan raised his long sword, "I'll chop off your leg for the horse party, let them know that I'm not going to kill you!"

"Togan! Don't! Ah—"

The long sword slashed down, blood splattered everywhere.

Earl Togan picked up the broken leg on the ground and handed it to his subordinates, saying:

"Tell Matus Rowan that if the war continues, more 'Villas' will be delivered to him!"


Earl Togan recruited a bachelor to stop the bleeding of Vilas, and said at the same time:

"Don't hate me, Vilas, your leg is useless anyway."

Villas was sweating profusely in pain, panting and said:

"It's useless, Togan, the horse party wants you to kill me."

"Then what else can I do!" Earl Togan roared angrily, like a desperate beast.

"Your best choice is actually to hand me over to the Ma Party alive." Vilas said, "It's best to hand me over in full view. Then Matus won't dare to kill me, you Oakheart family There is only a chance of survival..."

"You really think I'm a fool!" Earl Togan said angrily, "I handed you over, how can I guarantee that the Tyrell family will not retaliate afterwards? Hahaha, that's what you're thinking about, right? You just think I dare not killing hostages, right?"

"I swear on the honor of the heir to High Court that I will never pursue the Oakheart family..."

"Bullshit reputation!" Earl Togan became more and more annoyed, "I just believed your **** promises, and that's how I ended up today!"

"I said, this action is definitely not the Tyrell family's idea. It's the horse party's own idea..."

"Enough! Vilas, I have seen it through. Your Tyrell family is sure that I dare not kill you, so you are so confident!"

"Absolutely not..."

At this time, the messenger left and returned.

"How is it?" Earl Togan asked hastily.

The messenger's face was ugly: "My lord, Earl Matus said that your only way out is to hand over Veras Tyrell, otherwise, the war will not stop. And if you dare to hurt Sir Veras' life, well, then ..."

"Then what?"

"The High Court will wipe out Oakheart..."

"Impossible!" Vilas shouted, "High Court will never do such a thing!"

He tried his best to persuade, trying to make Earl Togan believe in himself.

But Earl Togan remained silent, his face getting more and more ugly.

The shouting outside is getting closer and louder.

Earl Togan knew that the Oakheart family would not be able to resist for long.

Desperation and remorse enveloped his heart, and he finally made a final decision.

Villas was horrified when he saw Earl Togan walking towards him again with a **** long sword:

"Togan! Listen to me! Killing me won't help, it will only make the situation completely irreparable..."

"Veras." Earl Togan's tone became extremely calm, with dead despair, "The thing I regret the most is that I listened to your promise, your Tyrell's promise, in Highgarden.

Maybe when that Faceless One slit Lady Egwene's throat, I should have woken up. You didn't intend to spare the Oakhearts.

Yes, you never have.

So, I don't intend to let you go. "

After finishing speaking, he pierced Vilas' chest with a sword.

The gushing blood splashed Earl Togen all over, making him look extremely terrifying.

"Chop off his head and give it to Matus Rowan."


After the guards left, Earl Togan stood alone in the room.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching that he came back to his senses, and then cut his throat with a sword.

When the Ma Party army rushed in, all they saw was the body of Earl Togan.


Fruit Wine Hall.

Lord Randall Tarly walked into the gate of the castle.

The fighting in the city is still going on, but the defeat of the Fossoway family is already doomed.

As more and more horsemen poured into the city, the balance of victory has been completely tilted and irreversible.

A herald ran over to report:

"Lord Randyll, we found Garlan Tyrell and Lord Fossoway on the second floor of the main castle. He said he wanted to see you in person..."

"I see." Earl Randall nodded indifferently, but did not go to see Earl Fossoway at all.

After waiting for a while, a young man covered in blood came in.

Earl Randall recognized this person as his son's knight, Cheman Huya, who was once a savage, and it is said that he had a bad reputation in the Crimson Mountains.

"Lord Randyll, Garlan Tyrell has been killed by Earl Fossoway. In order to avenge him, I also killed Earl Fossoway." Cheeman reported blankly.

"Okay." Of course Earl Randall would not ask whether the words were true or not, as long as Garland died in the fruit wine hall, it didn't matter who killed him.

"Collect Sir Garland's body and send it to High Court together with the head of Earl Fossoway. Tell the Tyrell family that we have quelled the stag party rebellion in accordance with Lady Olenna's order."

"Yes." Cheeman nodded and was about to leave.

But Earl Randall seemed still not at ease, and he warned again:

"Remember, it is Lady Olenna's order, not Duke of Metz's order."

"I remember." Cheeman smiled slightly, as if he had understood what Earl Landau meant.

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