Chapter 284 Assassination

The Greenblood River is the largest and longest river in Dorne, nourishing the most fertile land in the eastern part of Dorne.

It also made the area along the Green Blood River the core settlement of Dorne.

"It's so beautiful." Princess Myrcella Baratheon said with emotion.

The green river in front of you flows slowly, like a soft silk, and the boats dotted on it are like bright gems.

"Yes, it is the mother river of Dorne." Princess Arianne Martell said.

She held Myrcella's arm affectionately, telling each other stories about Dorne, about sandstorms, and about poisonous snakes from time to time.

The two princesses were wearing gauze dresses of the same color and white wind-shielding scarves on their heads. Surrounded by a group of guards, they walked side by side by the Green Blood River.

After walking for a while, a faint voice came from the front.

Crossing the sand dunes, they saw hundreds of Dornish people gathered on the beach not far away, dancing and dancing around a high platform, as if they were worshiping something.

"Are they holding a sacrifice?" Princess Myrcella asked curiously.

"Yes, they are paying homage to the old man in the river."

After getting closer, Princess Myrcella saw a huge image of a tortoise on the altar in front of the crowd.

"Is that the tortoise? Is he the **** of the Rhoynar?"

"Yes." Princess Arianne explained as she walked, "In the belief of the Rhoynar people, the Old Man of the River is a secondary god. He was born in the mother river, defeated the Crab King, and won the right to rule the underwater dwellers."

At this time, a man and a woman walked over from the crowd.

Both of them are very young. The man has dark skin and a jadeite nail on his ear, while the woman has freckles all over her face.

"Her Majesty."

The two knelt down in front of Princess Myrcella, but their names made her at a loss.

"Who are they? Why do you call me Your Majesty?" Myrcella held Arianne's arm nervously.

"They are orphans from the Greenblood River." Princess Arianne introduced with a smile, "and my friends. This is the dissolute Mr. Garin, who likes to make me happy the most. And this beautiful girl is Hill Miss Va Santa, is the heir of Zebra Forest."

"Heir? But since you are an orphan, shouldn't your parents have passed away? Then the Zebra Forest should be yours." Misera asked doubtfully.

Sylva explained with a smile: "Your Majesty, you have misunderstood. We are descendants of the Rhoyna, with the blood of Queen Nymeria flowing in our bodies, and of course the blood of Prince Morse Martell—he is Lord of Sunspear married to Queen Nymeria.

On the day of the wedding, Queen Nymeria burned all the ships and told the people that they had no way out, and that Dorne was the new home of the Rhoynar.

Most of the Rhoyna people rejoiced and quickly integrated into the local life. But there are also some people who don't like this dry red land, don't like the seven-faced **** here, and stick to the old way of life.

These people take their ships as their homes and float on the Green Blood River, mourning the lost homeland and the mother **** who can never be seen again, so they are called the Orphans of the Green Blood River. "

"So that's the case." Myrcella was stunned, but she still had another question, "Why did you call me Your Majesty the Queen just now?"

"Because you are." Gaelin laughed.

"Is something wrong with Tommen?" Myrcella panicked.

"Yes, he was held hostage by a group of treacherous ministers." Sylva said, "They encouraged him to take away the Iron Throne that should belong to you."

"What snatch?" Myrcella was even more confused, "He didn't **** my throne, which should belong to Tommen..."

"You're older than Tommen, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm a year older than him."

"That's right." Gaelin announced happily, "According to the law of Dorne, the Iron Throne should have belonged to you, but it was taken away by Tommen."

Myrcella shook her head again and again: "No! That's not the case..."

"Your Majesty, you don't have to blame your younger brother. It's all the fault of those treacherous officials. Please rest assured, we will help you regain your rights."

"No! I don't need your help!" Myrcella was angry, shaking Arianne's arm, "Arianne, I don't like these friends of yours, let them go!"

Arianne waved her hand, motioned Sylva and Gaelin to leave, and then comforted Myrcella:

"Okay, don't be angry, those two idiots don't know what they are talking about. Let's go, I will take you to see praying for rain."

Although Misera felt uncomfortable, she didn't take it too seriously, and soon became happy again:

"So they are praying for rain? I heard that some Rhoynar people can use water magic. Is this true?"

"It's true. The green blood river you see now was actually not so wide a long time ago, and it often stopped flowing.

But since Queen Nymeria brought the Rhoynar to Dorne, the water magicians among them have performed magical magic to transform the Green Blood River into what it is today. "

"So it is." Myrcella looked at the altar more curiously, "I heard from Uncle Tyrion that the Mad King likes pyromancers very much, and let them refine many dangerous fire magic creations. Once detonated, even It can turn the entire city of King's Landing into ashes..."

"The water magicians of Rhoyna are not that dangerous." Princess Arianne led Myrcella towards the altar, "Water is also much milder than fire."

Myrcella nodded again and again, at this moment, she suddenly heard a dull loud noise from the sky.

Like thunder.

Afterwards, the pattering rain fell, moistening the dry land.

The crowd praying for rain burst into cheers.

Myrcella also cheered up: "They succeeded!"

She raised her head and let the raindrops fall on her face, cooling her face and dispelling the heat.

People shouted and ran, celebrating the miracle.

Myrcella also clapped and cheered, but soon, she became nervous.

Because people kept rushing towards her, her guards were separated during the pushing.

"Arianne!" Myrcella called.

The women around me also screamed.

Myrcella seemed to see a vicious face in a trance, and then felt a sharp pain in her arm.

She screamed again.

Finally, the guards pushed aside the crazy crowd and squeezed to Myrcella.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" Princess Arianne also ran over and hugged her in her arms.

"My hand hurts..."

"Hurry up! Disperse the crowd and take Her Royal Highness away!" Arianne ordered loudly.

Myrcella only felt that her arms were becoming more and more numb, and this numbness gradually spread to her whole body, even making her consciousness blurred...

"Arianne..." Myrcella murmured, and then fell into a coma.

Princess Arianne picked her up and stayed away from the crowd under the **** of her guards.

After walking forward for a while, I saw a low-key carriage parked on the sand dunes.

Princess Arianne seemed to have expected this, and carried Princess Myrcella into the carriage.

Inside the car, it was Prince Doran.

"Father." Princess Arianne greeted, but she didn't explain the assassination of Princess Myrcella at all.

Prince Doran did not ask, but said to the bachelor beside him:

"let's start."

The bachelor stepped forward and tore off Princess Myrcella's sleeve, exposing her wound.

But he didn't heal her wounds, but let the blood flow out from the wound and drip into the vessel below.

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