Chapter 282 Arrival

The city of Wulin in the Stormlands is the fiefdom of the Metelin family.

The current head of the family, Countess Marie Metelling, is over sixty years old, but she is still in good health.

But after all, she was getting old, and not long after dinner, Mrs. Mary fell asleep.

"Chat with me for a while longer." Mrs. Mary said to her grandson Luo Jia with sleepy eyes.

"But aren't you sleepy?"

"I'm a little sleepy. But if you go to bed too early, you will wake up too early." Mrs. Mary took a sip of tea, "I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night again, and I can't fall asleep anyway."

"Okay, grandma." Roja had no choice but to continue talking with Mrs. Mary.

But at this moment, there was a whistling wind outside the window.

"It's windy?" Roja got up and closed the window.

"It should be raining." Mrs. Marie said, she was rambling, trying to drive away the drowsiness that followed her everywhere, "The weather in the rainforest is like this, it rains every now and then, I remember you were born ten years ago At that time, the most terrible rainstorm in history hit Wulin City, the whole castle was shaking, your mother was terrified, thanks to me..."

A hasty knock on the door interrupted the old lady's chatter.

Luo Jia went to open the door, and saw the manager Thomson standing outside with a panicked face.

"What's the matter, Thomson? What has frightened you so much?" asked Mrs. Mary.

"Dragon!" Thomson calmed down, "Ma'am, a dragon has landed in the castle!"

"Dragon?" Roja called, with more curiosity than fear in his tone, "Is it Caesar's dragon?"

"Yes. Lord Caesar is here too. He is at the top of the Owl Tower now. He wants to see you."

Now Mrs. Mary's drowsiness completely dissipated. She stood up and said calmly:

"Then let us meet the new owner of Storm's End."

A group of people continued to go up the spiral staircase, and when they approached the top of the tower, they saw that a dozen or so armed guards had gathered here.

"Don't be so nervous." Madam Marie waved her hand, "The dragon brings guests, not enemies."

"That's right, Mrs. Mary, I'm here as a guest." A clear voice came from the top of the tower.

Mrs. Marie was about to go up to her, but when she saw Roja following her, she handed him over to Thomson, saying:

"You stay behind."

Luo Jia shouted reluctantly: "Grandma, I want to see dragons too!"

"I'll show you later. I promise."

"Okay." Luo Jia backed away unhappily.

"You don't have to follow." Madam Marie stopped the guards and stepped forward alone.

Under the cold moonlight, the huge body of the white dragon almost covered the entire top of the tower, and the scales reflected the faint and colorful light, exuding a deadly beauty.

Standing in front of Bailong was a tall figure, wearing bronze armor, with a huge sword behind his back, standing tall like a javelin.

"Lord Caesar, welcome to Wulin City."

Samwell showed a smile and leaned slightly:

"Mrs. Mary, please forgive me for disturbing you late at night."

"It's okay. I'm old and I won't be able to sleep for long anyway." Madam Marie looked back and forth between the white dragon and the young earl, "I don't know what's the matter with your presence?"

"I came here to ask you." Samwell tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, "Who is the Mai Tailin family loyal to now?"

"That's a good question." Madam Marie showed a toothless smile, "My husband swore to serve Robert Baratheon to the death. When the War of the Reavers broke out, the Metelin family rebelled against the Iron Throne without hesitation.

Later, Robert became king and entrusted Storm's End to his younger brother Renly Baratheon. Of course, the Metelin family was loyal to Renly.

Later, Renly died in Dorne, and the Iron Throne actually granted Storm's End to an illegitimate son.

Hehe, no matter what others think, the Metelin family will not bow their knees to an illegitimate child.

Not to mention that the current king on the Iron Throne has doubts about his own legitimacy. "

Samwell said with a smile: "So the Mai Tailin family has no allegiance now?"

"No." Madam Marie said decisively, "Stannis Baratheon wrote to the Misty Forest City asking for our loyalty, but we ignored him.

Not only us, few of the nobles of the Stormlands are willing to talk to Stannis, he is a nasty fellow. I heard that the guy attacked King's Landing but suffered a disastrous defeat, and now fled back to Dragonstone Island in despair? "


"Alas—" Madam Marie sighed, "No one in the Baratheon family is eligible for the allegiance of the nobles of the Stormlands."

"I think there is someone who is qualified."


"Me." Samwell said in a tone that did his part.

"You are not Baratheon."

"I'm not. But the Lord of the Stormlands wasn't Baratheon originally. Three hundred years ago, this continent was divided into seven countries, and they were in constant dispute with each other until Aegon the Conqueror rode a giant dragon in Black Shuihekou landed, ending all of this." Samwell stretched out his hand to caress the white dragon's head, and continued,

"Now that the Seven Kingdoms are falling into disputes again, someone needs to end all of this."

Mrs. Marie looked at the high-spirited man and his dragon with piercing eyes, and said after a long while:

"Lord Caesar, as long as you can do two things, then the Metelin family will dedicate their loyalty to you."

"Please tell me."

"Renly Baratheon is our lord, and he died tragically in Sunspear. The Metailin family must avenge him. My son Michael also wanted to avenge Renly, and now he is a Dornishman. captive.

So, as long as you can redeem my son and avenge Renly, the Metelin family will be loyal to the Caesar family. "

"Yes." Samwell's tone was full of confidence, "Five days later, the Reach, the Stormlands, and Dorne will hold talks on Blood Reef Island in the Sea of ??Dorne. I hope you can come to participate. I believe you will get what you want. something you want."

"Three-land talks? Blood Reef Island? Is it safe there?" Mrs. Marie asked, "It's not that I don't believe you, but I'm worried about the Dornish people. They like to break their oaths and engage in assassinations."

"Don't worry. Although Blood Reef Island is Dorne's territory, it is an uninhabited island. It is surrounded by reefs, and large ships cannot approach it. I have already agreed with Prince Doran that the lords attending the meeting can only bring one guard to the island. In this way, the Dornishmen will not be able to play tricks."

"Okay." Madam Marie felt relieved, "I will go to Blood Cay."

"Then we'll see you then." Samwell was about to leave, but was stopped by Madam Mary.

"Master Caesar, can you take my grandson Roga to ride your dragon?"

Before Samwell had time to reply, he saw a boy about ten years old jumping out from behind the door, looking at him with admiring and expectant eyes.

"Go and change into thicker leather pants, and I'll fly you around a few times."

"Okay!" Roja let out a scream of excitement, and then rushed back.

After a while, the little guy changed his pants and ran up.

Samwell led Roja to ride the white dragon, circled three times over Wulin City, and then landed again.

Luo Jia's little face was flushed red, and he was still immersed in the excitement just now and couldn't extricate himself.

He watched Samwell riding a white dragon disappear into the night sky, and finally couldn't help asking:

"Grandma, can I be Lord Caesar's attendant?"

Mrs. Marie touched her grandson's head and said with a smile:

"I'll ask for you."

"Great! Thanks Grandma!"

Leaving Wulin City, Samwell rode the white dragon all the way south, and soon arrived at the Weeping Tower on the north shore of the Dorne Sea.

This is the territory of the Whitehead family, and it is also the last stormland territory he needs to visit.

Samwell landed directly on the open-air balcony high up in the castle.

This movement quickly attracted the guards on duty at night. When they saw the white dragon on the top of the tower, they all opened their mouths.

Samwell spread his hands, indicating that he was not malicious, and said:

"I am Samwell Caesar, and I am here to meet Earl Adam."

"Oh, good, good...Please wait a moment...Master Caesar."

Soon, the guards found Earl Adam.

"Master Caesar, what do you want from me?" Earl Adam tried his best to hide the fear in his heart, but the sulfur-smelling breath of the white dragon still made him tremble slightly.

Count Adam had heard of Caesar's dragon long ago, but it was one thing to hear about it, and quite another to actually witness it with his own eyes.

Especially this giant dragon descended on his castle in the middle of the night.

Looking at the even bigger white dragon than in the rumors, Earl Adam suddenly remembered those ancient rumors about the "conqueror" dragon.

Suddenly fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and he didn't know if it was because of the hot air or some other reason.

Samwell saw the weakness of this person's heart, and said directly:

"I hope the Whitehead family will be loyal to me."

Count Adam wasn’t surprised by this. After all, from the day Storm’s End was captured by Caesar, the Stormland nobles were aware of this man’s ambitions, and they also expected this day to come.

I just didn't expect it to be this way...

"As long as you can let the Dornishmen release the Whitehead family's army, I will be loyal to you."

"Yes." Samwell smiled, "Five days later, there will be a meeting between Blood Reef Island in the Dorne Sea, River Bend, Dorne, and Stormland. I hope you can participate."

"At the meeting, can you ask Don to let him go?"

"Yes." Samwell said firmly, "In addition, I also want to ask you to be a witness."


"Yes, you'll understand in due time."

Samwell smiled mysteriously, then turned around and rode on the white dragon, soaring into the sky.

Leaving the Weeping Tower, Samwell turned north.

He has visited all the Lords of the Stormlands, and now he will return to Storm's End.

Walking down this road, he discovered that the nobles of the Stormlands were actually not opposed to being loyal to him.

It's not surprising when you think about it carefully.

After all, he has already proved his strength in the previous war against the Stormlands, and he also occupied Storm's End.

Compared to it, the Baratheon family declined too much.

Although the king sitting on the Iron Throne is still surnamed Baratheon, anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is a little lion.

instead of stags.

During this visit, Samwell could feel the anger of the nobles of the Stormlands towards the Lannister family, as well as the loathing of that scoundrel on the Iron Throne.

As the vanguard against the Lannister tyranny, Samwell is naturally easy to get the favor of the stormland nobles.

As a result, Samwell also became more convinced that he must never bow to Myrcella Baratheon.

Moreover, the deterrent power of the white dragon also exceeded Samwell's imagination.

Many Stormland nobles had heard of Caesar's dragon, but had never seen it with their own eyes. Now when Samwell landed in their castle on a white dragon, it was a great shock to them.

This is why Samwell insisted on visiting all Stormlands territories instead of issuing a Raven Notice.

He wanted them to witness the power of Caesar with their own eyes.

Of course, many Stormland nobles are still a little hesitant, and they should feel that Samwell lacks the name to rule the Stormland.

But soon, Samwell will give them a name.

The oncoming wind became more and more bitter, and before he knew it, Samwell had passed through the rainforest, and Storm's End standing on the coast could be seen faintly in the darkness.

The eastern sky has turned pale, and dawn is approaching.

"Let's go." Samwell patted the white dragon's neck, "Let's go home."

Cleopatra let out a neigh, then swooped down.

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