Chapter 231 Discovery

The earth is getting farther and farther away.

The wind in the ear is getting stronger and stronger, and the branches are like arms grabbing towards Samwell.

He closed his eyes, still being led by Cleopatra into a sea of ??green.


Among the countless green leaves splashing up, Samwell had already rushed out of the forest on a white dragon, and saw the long-lost blue sky.

The sun hangs high in the eastern sky, huge and bright, and the endless canopy is like the undulating sea, receding rapidly under his feet.

Samwell opened his arms to embrace the howling wind, and couldn't help laughing heartily.

Cleopatra felt her master's mood, and also neighed excitedly.

This is his first time riding a white dragon, and it is also his first time flying into the sky in this world.

It feels really good.

Samwell hugged the white dragon's slender neck tightly, trying to control it to fly according to his own will.

It was not easy, because Cleopatra could only understand a few commands, and when Samwell tried to show the direction by poking the white dragon's head, he failed repeatedly.

Then he tried to convey his will by changing the center of gravity of his body, or touching the side of the white dragon with his feet, etc. With the continuous attempts and adjustments, the tacit understanding of one person and one dragon gradually increased.

Samwell also finally tasted the fun of controlling a dragon.

But before he could enjoy this kind of fun enough, Cleopatra didn't have much strength, and flapped her wings and began to descend.


The two rushed into the forest again.

A large herd of wild horses appeared below. They turned and fled instinctively when they saw the white dragon.

But the black shadow from the sky still shrouded them. A wild horse was frightened and fell to the ground without its front feet.

The next second, Dragon Flame devoured the poor animal.

Cleopatra also landed next to the charred horse carcass.

Samwell jumped off the white dragon's back, and the heat between his legs was already scorching hot from Cleopatra's body.

The weeds on the ground were still burning, and the air was filled with the smell of smoke and burnt horse hair. Fortunately, everyone and a dragon were immune to smoke and fire, so they started enjoying lunch.

Samwell tore off a few pieces of smoking meat from the horse carcass with his bare hands, and bit into it.

After filling his stomach and regaining some strength, Samwell rode the white dragon again, and was about to return to find the army of the river bend.

But at this moment, he heard the faint sound of horseshoes coming from the north.

Samwell controlled the white dragon to fly over, and saw a long and narrow blue gap in the forest ahead.

Wend River?

Samwell is not familiar with the geography of this area, but he also knows that the longest and largest river in the imperial forest is the Wende River, which flows into Blackwater Bay from south to north.

At this time, two cavalrymen were drinking their horses by the river.

At first, Samwell didn't pay attention to it, thinking that it was a Sentinel from the Stormlands, but after he saw the opponent's golden lion banner on a red background, he realized that it was actually a member of the Lannister family.

The Lannister family actually sent troops to support the Stormlands?

Samwell immediately became alert.

But immediately, he felt that he was worrying too much.

Now that the main force of the Lannister family is confronting the Northern Alliance led by Duke Ed Stark, how could it be possible to send troops south to support the Stormlands.

Even if they come, it is probably a small force.

So, he didn't care, just directed Cleopatra to dive over.

The sound of the wind blowing by the white dragon's huge wings attracted the attention of two cavalrymen.

When they saw the sky clearly, they got on their horses and fled in fright.

Samwell drove Cleopatra to chase leisurely in the air, and did not let the white dragon breathe fire, as if deliberately teasing the prey, or maybe he wanted to see where the two could take him .

The two poor western cavalrymen were already sweating profusely. The terrifying flying beasts in the sky made them extremely nervous. They also tried to take out their bows and arrows to fight back, but the white dragon was three or four hundred feet away from the ground. Already weak and weak, coupled with the strong dragon scale protection, it can't break the defense at all.

In desperation, the two cavalrymen could only run away.

But running, the sitting horse couldn't take it anymore, and started foaming at the mouth.

Finally, amidst the loud roar of the white dragon, the two exhausted war horses fell limply to the ground, throwing the cavalry on their backs away.

Samwell controlled the white dragon to land.

"Are you from King's Landing?" Samwell didn't bring any heavy weapons in order to reduce the burden on the white dragon, so he pulled out the dagger at his waist and walked slowly towards the two western cavalrymen.

The two Westerners did not answer, but almost simultaneously drew their long swords and rushed towards Samwell.

Samwell was not afraid at all, just saw the timing, suddenly accelerated, and almost crashed into the arms of a western cavalryman. The short knife in his hand accurately pierced the gap between the opponent's breastplate and arm armor, and chopped off his right arm. Down.

The shrill screams aroused bursts of birds.

Another western cavalryman was startled by his companion's howl, but before he could react, the long sword flew into the air, and then a huge force came from behind, and he was smashed into the mud.

Samwell unhurriedly disarmed the two, and then began to press for information.

At the beginning, the people in the western region refused to answer, but after Samwell started cutting his fingers, the two heroes who would rather die than submit were honest.

However, Samwell frowned at the information he received.

The Lannister family actually sent troops to help the Stormlands, and a lot of them came, nearly 60,000 people.

Where did they get so many soldiers?

Samwell's first reaction was that the two captives were deceiving him, so he cut off a few more fingers.

The people in the western region explained with tears that it turned out that Kevan Lannister had temporarily recruited 50,000 recruits from King's Landing. They had not been trained, lacked weapons and equipment, and had extremely low combat effectiveness. Coupled with the 5,000 troops gathered by the royal nobles, this seemingly huge army came into being.

Samwell felt a little more reasonable.

But he certainly would not easily believe what the captive said, and he was not in a hurry to go back to join the army. Instead, he rode a white dragon and headed north along the Wende River.

He wants to confirm with his own eyes how many soldiers and horses the Lannister family has sent.


On the King's Road, Kevan Lannister stopped his horse, took a few sips from the water bottle from his attendant.

"Is the Wende River ahead?"

"Yes, my lord. After crossing the river, Tongmen City is not far away."

"It's not far, but at this marching speed, I'm afraid it will take several days." Kaifeng looked back at the chaotic marching team, frowning.

Although I didn’t have high expectations for this temporarily recruited army, I realized how difficult it is to make such an army travel long distances.

If you want to change to a commander who doesn't have much experience and prestige, I'm afraid that half of the 50,000 recruits will run away from King's Landing to Tongmen City.

Kevon has also tried his best to maintain this army along the way, and finally the situation is still within an acceptable range, but what he is most worried about is another thing.

"Where is the river bend army now?"

"We're almost at Fallen Wood City."

"So fast!" Kevan was taken aback, "Didn't the Stormlanders boast that they wanted the Royal Forest to be the grave of the people of the Riverbend? How come the people of the Riverbend are almost crossing?"

"The Light Cavalry of the Storm has already dispatched a lot, but according to them, the commander of this river bend army is Lando Tarly. The goal of the Bay people should be Fallen Wood City, we still have plenty of time."

Kevon was not comforted. What he was most worried about was meeting the army of the River Bend on the way. This "army" conscripted from King's Landing was totally vulnerable in the wild.

"Tell Earl Fell that no matter what, the Riverbend people must be dragged under Luomu City for at least a week."

"Yes, my lord."

The attendant left in response.

Kevon mobilized his horses and continued on for a while before seeing the sparkling Wende River.

Just when he was about to rectify the army and arrange for crossing the river, he suddenly heard the knight around him exclaim:


"Dragon?" Kaifeng froze for a moment, then looked up in astonishment.

The next second, his pupils instantly shrank like needlepoints.

"Bowmen, shoot, shoot!" Kevan shouted.

But after shouting, Kevan realized his stupidity.

Where are the crossbowmen in the "army" behind them?

This is not a strong army in the western region, but a full-fledged army.

There were some crossbowmen in the 5,000 army of the royal nobles, but they were all dispatched by him to maintain military discipline, and the crossbowmen did not form a large scale and could not exert any suppressive effect at all.

"Escape in the forest! Escape in the forest!" Kaifeng decisively issued a new order.

The soldiers woke up from the shock, and hurriedly left the King's Road, and got into the woods on both sides.

Kevon also took the frightened horse and hid under a tall cypress tree.

"It's Caesar of Yingzui Island!" The knight beside him said in a tone of fear mixed with resentment.

Kevon didn't speak, but stared fixedly at the man and the dragon hovering in the sky, feeling extremely bad.

Fortunately, the white dragon was only hovering in the air, and did not dive down to attack. It must have been worried that there would be an ambush below, and the army hiding in the forest was really not easy to hunt. This young dragon did not have the ability to burn the forest.

"Isn't this dragon just hatched a few months ago? How did it grow so big?" Another question was raised.

"You have never raised a dragon, how do you know how fast it grows?"

"Idiot, you can't read books if you haven't raised them. The dragons of the Targaryen family generally have to grow for about ten years before they can be ridden."

"Is it the book of Bachelor Basher? That guy is a liar in my opinion!"

"Shut up!" Kevan shouted impatiently in a bad mood.

He summoned his attendants, speaking in a hurry:

"Immediately send people to Fallen Wood City, Bronze Gate City, and Hay Hall, and tell them that the people from Hewan have discovered my army. If they don't want this support army to be defeated halfway, they must stop the people from Hewan at least five times at all costs." day time!"

"Yes, my lord."

After the attendants left, Kevan raised his head gloomyly, and saw the white dragon passing across the King's Road, and finally headed south.

soon disappeared, leaving only the echoing dragon's cry and the faint smell of sulfur.

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