Chapter 204 Bard

"We're all going to die!"

Hank saw a group of savages surrounding him, and cried, "It's all your fault! Faru! You insist on going to Yingzui Island to see some dragons! Well now, we're afraid we're going to meet the Stranger!"

Companion's complaints made Faro upset, and he turned around and roared:

"Hank, shut up! We have five people and five swords, what are we afraid of?"

"Four swords!" Hank retorted, "I'm a bard, only a harp! And there are more than ten wildlings on the opposite side! How can you fight!"

"You can fight if you shut up!"

While speaking, the savages had already howled and launched an attack. They were all dark-skinned and thin, wearing ill-fitting leather armor that they had snatched, their faces hidden in thick beards and hair, and holding all kinds of weapons.

Hank held a sword handed over by his companion, but backed away tremblingly.

I sing, I don't know how to fight. He really wanted to howl, but he was afraid of being scolded by his companions.

The situation on the battlefield was in chaos, full of screams and blood.

Hank saw a companion fighting with a savage, but was stabbed from behind, and the blood spurted out, scaring the bard into a shriek like a woman.

"The Seven Gods are above! Who will save us!"

I don’t know if the gods heard Hank’s prayer, and a rush of horseshoes sounded faintly, from far to near.

"Someone! Someone!" Hank immediately shouted, "There is someone here! Help us!"

Faloo just cut the throat of a savage with his long sword, when he looked up, he saw five cavalrymen rushing towards him.

They carried a sky-blue banner with a double-headed eagle vaguely painted on it.

is a member of the Caesar family!

Faloo felt relieved, and was about to join the ranks of calling for help, but saw the savages around him running away, seeming to call something like "Baron of Terror", looking extremely panicked.

"Who are you?" A cavalryman approached and asked.

"I'm a bard!" Hank hurriedly replied, in a chant tone, "Oh, we have heard about the heroic deeds of Lord Caesar, who killed the false king with his hands and awakened the dragon! We are here to admire him That’s why I came here to visit you! I wonder if you can take us to Yingzui Island.”

"There is no need to go to Yingzui Island." The cavalry said, "Master Caesar is not far ahead."

Lord Caesar is getting up from Margaery.

The clothes were scattered in the carriage, and it took him a lot of effort to find them all.

When handing the silk clothes to Margaery, she stretched out her white and round arms, hooked the man's neck, gave a lingering kiss, and then took the initiative to dress him.

The movements are gentle and considerate, like a newlywed wife serving her husband.

"Are we about to walk out of the Crimson Mountains?" Margaret asked.

"Well, we should be able to reach Highland City tonight." Samwell's big hand stroked the girl's slightly curly soft brown hair.

Down is the white and slender neck, and below that is the willow waist, which is as round as a peach...

"Okay!" Margaery raised her head and smiled, and grabbed the man's hand that made trouble, "We still have to hurry."

Although she said so, she still took the initiative to kiss the man.

The two are in the period of passionate love, and it is inevitable to be tender again.

The simple act of putting on clothes took almost an hour.

The cavalry who went out to explore the road have brought Hank and others back.

"Lord Caesar! Thank you soldiers for saving us!" Hank thanked a man dressed as a knight loudly.

Todd Buddha Flower said blankly: "You have mistaken the person, I am Lord Caesar's vassal knight."

Hank didn't feel embarrassed, and immediately praised Todd's heroism.

Todd was impatient, and asked the soldiers to share some oatmeal before blocking the bard's mouth

Hank squatted down beside the extinguished bonfire with a smirk, drinking porridge while looking at the team in front of him curiously.

There are about a hundred people in the team, all of whom are well-trained soldiers, and there are also a dozen cavalrymen. The horses they ride are also a circle larger than ordinary horses. They should be special war horses.

A spacious carriage was parked near the stream. The double-headed eagle emblem of the Caesar family was tattooed on the side of the carriage, and it was pulled by four strong horses.

"When can we see Lord Caesar?" Hank stared at the carriage and asked the soldiers, "I want to thank you in person for your life-saving grace."

The soldier glanced at him and said, "Master Caesar is something you can see if you want? Just wait here."


Hank finished his oatmeal, sat on the stone with his harp in his arms, and was hesitating whether to play a song to attract the attention of Lord Caesar. At this moment, he suddenly saw the door of the carriage opened.

A delicate green lady's boot stepped out first, followed by a snow-white slender hand on the threshold, and then a slim figure came into view.

Hank suddenly held his breath.

The face of the stunning beauty he had imagined countless times could not compare to the frown and frown of this one in front of him.

She has deer-like smart and gentle eyes, long brown hair coiled into an elegant lady's bun, and a touch of spring-feeling on her fair face, which can make any man's heart go crazy.

Hank just wants to crawl at her feet, kiss her boots, and praise her with the most beautiful poetry.

Unfortunately, the beautiful girl didn't even look at the bard who had become a goose, but turned around and reached out to hold a black-haired boy who walked out of the door.

Although Hank had guessed that this person should be the Lord Caesar he had always wanted to meet, although he was full of admiration and admiration for the legendary baron before coming here, but at this moment, his admiration was distorted by raging jealousy, and the handsome baron In his eyes, the face looked so hateful.

Why is it not me in the carriage!

Recalling the elopement rumors he heard before, he also guessed the true identity of that beautiful and noble lady, and the jealousy in his heart suddenly became more intense.

Hank was thinking wildly, when he suddenly heard a strange hiss, and when he looked up, he saw a white shadow passing through the air, and finally stopped on the baron's shoulder.


That's a dragon!

Hank was short of breath again, and the jealousy just now was instantly extinguished under the pressure of the dragon.

A trace of reason returned to his brain, and the bard once again put on a flattering and humble smile.

"Come here, Lord Caesar wants to see you." Todd just walked over and said.

Hank and others hurriedly followed.

"This is the lost traveler you rescued this morning?"

"Yes, my lord. They claim to be going to Yingzui Island."

"Master Caesar." Hank said in an exaggerated tone, "We have heard about your great achievements and the dragon you hatched, so we want to go to Yingzui Island to see your demeanor."

Samwell glanced at Hank with interest, and noticed the harp in his arms:

"Are you a bard?"

"Yes, my lord. I wonder if I have the honor to write a hymn for you, your dragon, and the beautiful lady beside you?"

"Yes." Samwell said casually, "Where did you come from?"

"Night Song City." Hank added, "My grandfather has the blood of the Cullen family, and is the illegitimate son of Earl Ellot."

Nightsong City is a city in the borderlands of Dorne, just north of the Prince's Pass, ruled by the Karen family.

But Samwell didn't remember who this Earl Ellot Cullen was, and he was not interested in his illegitimate son's grandson.

This bard wants to put gold on his face, but with his extremely thin blood, he is no different from a commoner in the eyes of nobles.

"Then what other news have you heard? Has the army of Tianzhi City retreated?" Samwell asked.

He had previously received news that the army in the north had already retreated, but the armies in Hewan and Wangling had not moved yet.

I was on the road during this time and couldn't receive the latest news, so I thought about asking the bard.

The bard travels far and wide, is well-informed, and is a transmitter of information and a disseminator of rumors.

You can learn information from them, but you must pay attention to screening.

"The northern army has already retreated. I just passed by Nightsong City last month." Hank said quickly, with a show-off mentality, "Lord Eddard Stark publicly stated his position when he announced Joffrey as the false queen." The throne should go to Stannis Baratheon, Duke of Dragonstone.

As for the king's land and the Hewan army, they are still in Tianji City. I heard that Duke Mace was going to withdraw his army, but after Lord Tywin promised to let Tommen Baratheon marry Miss Margaery Tyrell, he..."

"Father married me to Tommen?" Margaery asked angrily.

The rumors are true! Hanke secretly exclaimed, the daughter of the dignified Duke of Highgarden actually eloped with a little baron!

"It seems that the Duke of Mace really wants a Queen Tyrell." Samwell sneered.

"Then he can only find a way to have another daughter." Margaery hugged the man's arm tightly, "Anyway, I won't marry Tommen."

Hank was still looking at Margaery in disbelief, when he heard Samwell ask again:

"What about the army commanded by Lord Tywin? They should have besieged Sunspear for almost a month, right? How is it now?"

"This... I don't know either."

"Duke Tywin should also withdraw his troops, right?" Margaery expressed her guess.

"Well. I guess the old lion should find a way to make peace with Dorne." Samwell made a judgment, "The Lannister family's top priority enemy now has become Robert Baratheon's two dear brother."

Margaret nodded and said: "However, Prince Doran probably won't easily agree to the peace talks. After all, Dorn suffered such heavy losses in this war, so he will definitely take the opportunity to demand compensation."

"This will give the old lion a headache." Samwell responded casually, looked at the bard again, and asked, "By the way, what do you think of my act of killing Joffrey?"

"This..." Hank hesitated.

"It's okay, say it boldly."

"Everyone are another 'Kingslayer'..."

Samwell was a little depressed: "Look, no one really thinks I'm a 'dethrone king'."

Margaery giggled, and said softly:

"Don't worry, when I see my grandmother, I will ask her to send someone to help you rectify your name. Gaoting has kept a lot of bards. When the time comes, let them compose a hymn for you and sing it in the Seven Kingdoms."

Hank immediately recommended himself: "Lord Caesar, I can also help you compose a hymn!"

"Very good." Samwell took out a silver stag and threw it over, "Remember to emphasize that I deposed a false king, not a kingslayer, but a king!"

"Yes, my lord!" Hank caught Silver Deer and smiled broadly.

(end of this chapter)

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