Chapter 51.2

“What is it?” Tang Mianmian leaned in and found that it was a key and a familiar one at that.

Xiao Tangqiu frowned slightly, “Isn’t this the key we had before?”

Tang Mianmian was also puzzled. “Yes, how did it get into the toilet and be in this severed hand?”

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t understand either but he stared at the severed hand Tang Mianmian was holding for a moment and suddenly said, “Don’t you think this hand looks familiar?”

Tang Mianmian blinked in confusion, “Huh? Aren’t all hands about the same?”

Xiao Tangqiu concluded, “This is a girl’s hand.”

Tang Mianmian paused and said faintly, “I have no chance to hold a living girl’s hand in the real world. Now, I can only hold the hand of a dead girl...”

Xiao Tangqiu’s mouth twitched. “Look. There’s a mole on this hand.”

Tang Mianmian was puzzled. “What’s wrong with having a mole? Isn’t it normal to have moles? I also have a mole on my butt.”

Xiao Tangqiu said, “The pretty girl in our team also had a mole on her hand.” He didn’t want to know whether Tang Mianmian had mole on his butt, thank you.

Tang Mianmian asked, “Really? How do you know?”

Xiao Tangqiu said with a straight face. “I find her beautiful. Can’t I look at her a bit more?” He had a thing for hands, so when he saw her beautiful hands, he paid attention to them.

Tang Mianmian, “Oh, I see...”

Xiao Tangqiu said lightly, “Isn’t she missing? It seems that we’ve discovered her whereabouts.”

Tang Mianmian paused, then asked, “Do you mean that she died here? But how can this be? How did she get here ahead of us?”

“No, I don’t think she got here ahead of us.”

Xiao Tangqiu paused for a moment and said nothing more.

Tang Mianmian was filled with curiosity but he knew that it wasn’t the most important thing now. It was more important for them to leave the bathroom as soon as possible.

Xiao Tangqiu changed the subject and said, “Well, we’ve found the key. Now we have to find the keyhole.”

They went back to the bathroom door. Tang Mianmian took down the painting which was originally a mirror, only to find that there was nothing behind it.

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t know what they had missed. He and Tang Mianmian searched the bathroom several times, and almost removed the floor tiles as well, but still found nothing.

In the end, there really was no way out. He opened his special skill card, “Sexy Streamer’s Live Stream Channel” with the last glimmer of hope.

This was the second time he opened the special skill card in this instance. He hoped that this time it would at least be a little more reliable than the last time, even if it was only a little better.

“They’re stuck! They’re stuck! Come and bet on whether the streamer can make it out this time!”

“I bet ten peach wood swords that he will make it! Mr. Streamer, charge ahhhhh!”

“Hehehe, then I’ll bet 100 silverware that the streamer won’t make it!”

“The streamer is so cute, how can the guy upstairs bear to let him die! But the streamer’s soul looks so delicious! I kinda feel like eating him!”

“So cute! I want to eat him as well!”

Xiao Tangqiu, “......”

What kind of people were the audience?

He looked at the barrage flitting across the screen with a straight face. Just when he was about to give up on the live channel, a comment that looked like a suggestion flew past his eyes.

“Since the conditions for clearance haven’t yet been met, there must be a lack of clues. The only clue now is the severed hand. I’m guessing the other clues are related to the hand.”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly realized, yes! Why didn’t he think in this direction just now?

Seeing that the water level was getting higher and higher, he didn’t have time to explain too much to Tang Mianmian so he pulled him to the toilet. “I’ll count to 3, let’s try to push the toilet aside!”

Tang Mianmian asked, “Move the toilet?”

He paused but didn’t ask too many questions. Xiao Tangqiu gave the signal and began to push the toilet hard. However, the two tried their best, but the toilet still didn’t move.

“Bathtub! There’s also the bathtub!” Xiao Tangqiu cried, “Let’s push the bathtub away!”

The two of them worked together once again and finally managed to push the bathtub using all their strength.

“Yes! Keep going!” Xiao Tangqiu’s eyes shone brightly as he urged Tang Mianmian.

They continued to give it their all and eventually pushed the bathtub to one side completely!

A sunken pit appeared under the bathtub, in which lay a corpse.

The body should’ve been dead for a long time but God knows why it wasn’t rotting at all. Long hair covered its face, making it impossible to see the face clearly. The clothes on the body were very dirty and the colors had long become indistinguishable.

This was the corpse of a woman. There was no obvious wound on the corpse except that the right wrist was empty – her right hand had been severed off.

Obviously, this was the owner of the severed hand.

In the face of this situation, besides Tang Mianmian feeling a little nausea, Xiao Tangqiu had become accustomed to this and calmed down at once. Haha, it was but the corpse of a woman. At least, her hand and feet were still alright. It wasn’t as if they hadn’t seen corpses which were more mangled! Calm down! Calm down!

After Tang Mianmian held back the wave of nausea, he couldn’t help but ask Xiao Tangqiu. “You really guessed right! How on earth did you guess it? How did you know there was a body under the bathtub?”

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t have time to listen to Tang Mianmian’s praise and worship. If they didn’t find a way out quickly, the water in the bathroom would soon wash away the corpse!

But what should they do next? Although they found the owner of the severed hand, what then? How on earth were they going to get out? Did they have to find the woman’s cause of death? What was the key to getting out of here?

His brain was blank and he seemed to vaguely think of something but it remained at the tip tongue, constantly eluding him.

Tang Mianmian also knew that they were locked in now. He grabbed his hair and thought for a long time. Suddenly he cried, “I can’t think of any other way ahh! Why don’t we try putting the severed hand back on the body? God knows why her hand was severed from her body. Maybe we should first restore her back to her original state?”

Xiao Tangqiu’s eyes suddenly brightened when he heard this. “That makes sense. Quick, quick! Let’s put her hand back in place!”

Without further ado, they immediately started to play a puzzle. Although this puzzle was rather grim, they still took pains as if they were playing a normal puzzle in a horror game.

Xiao Tangqiu put the hand back onto the body along the cross section of the severed part and then the two of them waited patiently for a while... but nothing happened.

“What’s going on? Did I guess wrongly?” Tang Mianmian was very upset. “This person lost her hand. Her body was under the bathtub and her hand was in the toilet. Although it wasn’t very far apart from the body, there was still no way to come together. I thought that she must want to find her hand and reunite her body with her severed hand!”

Xiao Tangqiu also felt that there was nothing wrong with this idea. They looked at each other helplessly. In the end, they had no choice but to return to the door and see if there was any other way to break out.

Tang Mianmian, the stronger of the two, was the first to rush up and hit the door with his body. He slammed against the door and issued a “Bang! Bang!” noise, but the door didn’t budge. It remained as steady as a mountain.

Xiao Tangqiu frowned and tried to think. What went wrong? What were they missing?

As he pondered, he suddenly caught a glimpse of something strange out of the corner of his eye – the body seemed to have moved!

His heart skipped a beat. He quickly turned around and sure enough, the body they had casually placed in the corner began to move! It slowly crawled up from the ground, then twisted in the water and rushed towards them!

Drip, drip.

Water dripped from the body and fell onto the surface of the water in the bathroom.

The body was alive!

Xiao Tangqiu immediately shouted at Tang Mianmian. When Tang Mianmian looked back, he shouted at once, “Fuck, fuck! She’s become a living corpse!”

The two were anxious like ants in a hot pan. Not to mention the fact that the bathroom was so small that they couldn’t use any tricks, even outside, which was vacant, was also covered in water. They couldn’t run because the increased friction in water!

What should they do now? Did they have to confront the corpse?

At this point, because of the buoyancy of the water, the long hair on the woman’s face, which was originally covering it, spread out, revealing its ferocious gray face.

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian were shocked at the same time. The corpse was really the new player who had entered the instance with them; the girl who disappeared mysteriously after they left the haunted house!

Why did she disappear mysteriously at the beginning, and why did she appear here now, and had even died in the third project unnoticed?

Of course, at this moment, they didn’t have the time or the mood to reason and analyze the mystery behind the girl’s disappearance and death. Although they wanted to know the truth very much, they must first be alive to know the truth!

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t be bothered to think right now. He quickly pulled out a low-level exorcism talisman and threw it at the corpse. The female corpse was nailed to the spot but almost in the next second, the low-level exorcism talisman lost its effectiveness and the female corpse began to move again.

“No way, she has too much resentment!”

How was that possible?

In theory, the longer a person was dead, the stronger the resentment. She was only deed for a few hours. How could her resentment be so strong? It was even stronger than the ghost haunting him in the haunted house!

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