Chapter 49.3

He just wanted to live now! Live with Tang Mianmian!

Seeing the roller coaster rush straight towards the cliff, Xiao Tangqiu quickly unfastened his seat belt and shouted at Tang Mianmian when the track was five or six meters above the ground. “Jump!”

Tang Mianmian was scared to death but he had unconditional trust in Xiao Tangqiu. He didn’t have any doubts or hesitation and jumped down with his eyes closed!

And Xiao Tangqiu also jumped while he shouted!

The cold wind roared past and poured into Xiao Tangqiu’s ears. He forced himself to open his eyes, trying to keep calm and awake, watching himself fall.

At the moment of falling, his heart almost jumped out of his chest!

This moment seemed very long and very short at the same time. Before he could even feel any fear, they landed on the ground but because of the huge impact and inertia, they rolled several meters away.

And a few meters away, was the cliff.

Xiao Tangqiu watched helplessly as he rolled towards the cliff as a sense of despair and absurdity sprang up in his heart. He didn’t die from falling off the cliff or from jumping off the roller coaster, but because of rolling off the cliff due to the inertia from jumping out the rollercoaster?

Wouldn’t it be completely ridiculous if that really happened?!

Since they were going to die anyways, why should he bother?!

...... Did he jump too late just now? Or did he choose the wrong point to jump off?

Xiao Tangqiu watched helplessly as he rolled towards the cliff but make himself to stop. He rolled all the way to the edge of the cliff, and soon half of his body was hanging over it!

Xiao Tangqiu almost wanted to close his eyes and wait for death but he soon found that he didn’t continue to fall.

He moved slightly and immediately heard the rustle of branches in his ear.

It was a tree!

It turned out that he just got stuck in a tree that grew on the edge of the cliff. It was this tree that prevented him from falling directly over the cliff.

However, before Xiao Tangqiu could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the sound of branches breaking underneath him!


Crack, crack!

Several fragile branches couldn’t bear his weight and broke at once!

Fuck! Was fate playing with him?!

He swallowed his anger as he fell, watching himself slip farther and farther from the ground. Farther and farther...

Suddenly, he got stuck again!

This time he fell between the two branches and seemed to be blocked by a hard object lying across the two branches.

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t dare move. He was afraid that if he moved again, the branches would break. This time, there would probably be nothing else to save him.

Right then, the roller coaster bound for the cliff finally ran off the tracks and rushed straight for the cliff.

However, at this time, except for the people sitting in the first row, only the girl who didn’t dare to jump was left on the roller coaster. Everyone else jumped down when the roller coaster was still a few meters away from the cliff.

The girl watched helplessly as the roller coaster rushed towards the cliff. Her face was filled with fear but she couldn’t even scream.

How did it feel to watch yourself rush towards death?

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t bear to watch any more. He was just about to turn his head when he suddenly caught a glimpse of an incredible scene out of the corner of his eye!

The people sitting in the first row got up!

Xiao Tangqiu turned his head in shock, only to find that the man who had been sitting quietly in the first row seemed to have despaired, suddenly standing up from his seat and quickly climbing to the back of the roller coaster.

Yes! Climbing!

The man climbed along the roller coaster with a really weird, twisted posture. As the roller coaster sped along, he quickly made his way to the girl’s seat.

Xiao Tangqiu looked at the scene in disbelief. He saw the man jump at the girl. She managed to subconsciously dodge his attack even under extreme fear. The man couldn’t stop his body and fell off the seat.

However, instead of falling off the roller coaster, he grabbed the edge with one hand, then stretched out his other hand and grabbed the girl’s foot!

In the next second, the girl was pulled out of her seat by the man as they both fell into the abyss at the same time!

Watching everything unfold before him, Xiao Tangqiu lay stiffly between the two branches. His mind was blank. He was trying to understand what was going on until a head suddenly appeared at the edge of the cliff.

“Qiuqiu! Are you ok, Qiuqiu? ” When Tang Mianmian, with a face full of nervousness and fear, found Xiao Tangqiu stuck in a tree, he finally burst into tears. “Qiuqiu, you’re still alive? I’m so happy! You’re still alive, wuwuwu!“

Seeing that Tang Mianmian was fine, Xiao Tangqiu breathed a sigh of relief. “You’re okay, too? That’s good, that’s good...” It seemed that he is the only unlucky one this time.

“Wuwuwu!” Tang Mianmian wailed loudly. “Qiuqiu, wait a minute! I’ll get someone to come help you right away! “

He left quickly, as if he was going to look for someone.

Watching Tang Mianmian’s figure disappear, Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help feeling a loss. Although he knew that Tang Mianmian wouldn’t leave him alone, it was still much better to see a friend than be all alone.

A moment later, when Tang Mianmian appeared, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The person Tang Mianmian had gotten was naturally the sporty student. Only the three of them survived this round.

The tree Xiao Tangqiu caught in between was very large, with its crown at the edge of the cliff, while the branch that Xiao Tangqiu fell on was still some distance from the top of the cliff.

There were no branches around Xiao Tangqiu that he could prop himself up with. The branches of this tree were visibly fragile and delicate. Only one trunk looked thick enough to bear the weight of an adult man.

Tang Mianmian discussed with the sporty student and decided that he would climb down to the trunk, pull Xiao Tangqiu to him, then, the sporty student would stand on the edge of the cliff and pull them up, one by one.

This was very risky and dangerous. Tang Mianmian wasn’t sure if the tree could bear the weight of another adult man. But Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t climb up by himself if he didn’t go down to get him.

Tang Mianmian gritted his teeth and began to climb down carefully.

Xiao Tangqiu was lying stiffly on the branch. He wanted to say something but he was afraid of distracting Tang Mianmian. After all, they were at the edge of a cliff. If Tang Mianmian took a wrong step, it would be a bottomless abyss waiting for him and he wouldn’t even have an intact body.

When Tang Mianmian reached the trunk, Xiao Tangqiu let out a sigh of relief, but soon, his heart started pounding again. Although the trunk of the tree was thick, it still shook under Tang Mianmian’s weight and the branches and leaves fell one after another.

Compared to those big trees that grew on fertile land and had full branches and leaves, this was a tree that grew on the edge of a cliff with sparse branches and leaves. Even the thickest branch was only as thick as the wrist of an adult man. Tang Mianmian was really risking his life to save him.

Finally, Tang Mianmian managed to climb above Xiao Tangqiu and held out his hand towards Xiao Tangqiu.

Xiao Tangqiu was filled of gratitude. The two men looked at each other, their eyes speaking a thousand words, but in reality, they hadn’t made a sound.

“If we go back alive this time, you must treat me to a big meal!” Tang Mianmian grinned.

Xiao Tangqiu smiled, “Of course!”

“I want to eat meat!”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

After a brief exchange of words, the two stopped dragging their feet because the next part was the worst. Tang Mianmian had to pull Xiao Tangqiu up, and then the two had to climb back to the place where Tang Mianmian had carefully climbed down from.

Tang Mianmian was very strong and Xiao Tangqiu also broke out in amazing strength in this life and death situation. Under the harmonious cooperation of the two, Xiao Tangqiu was soon pulled onto the trunk by Tang Mianmian.

“Fuck! It’s the backscratcher!” Tang Mianmian suddenly cried out.

Xiao Tangqiu looked back. It turned out that when he was stuck between two branches, it was the backscratcher that stopped him from falling down.

Xiao Tangqiu, “......”

Should he say that it’s as expected of a divine artifact...

However, before they could relax, the trunk shook violently.

The backscratcher fell off the cliff with all the shaking.

Xiao Tangqiu looked up and saw that several cracks had appeared at the roots of the tree that were growing at the edge of the cliff. It seemed that the tree couldn’t bear the weight of the two people anymore and would soon be uprooted!

The ground near the tree was also affected by that and began to crack. It seemed that the tree roots were still deeply rooted. Once uprooted, the edge would break off!

“Pull us up quickly!” Tang Mianmian shouted at the sporty student who had stayed at the edge of the cliff.

This cliff was about to collapse. If they didn’t go up now, they would fall into the abyss with this tree!

The sporty student standing on the edge of the cliff hesitated. He looked at the crumbling ground in panic and suddenly turned to run.

“Fuck, you bastard! Fuck your granddaddy!”

Tang Mianmian cursed at him.

The newbie had left them and ran away!


P.S. I do think that this is one of the more difficult arcs for our two heroes, especially because there’s an unknown element that they haven’t yet figured out. They make them work so hard for that 500 points lol.

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