Chapter 48.1

What made him despair the most was that the two “Tang Mianmians” that had been turned into black pools by the low-level exorcism talismans had completely merged back into their original bodies and were waiting for him in front!

Did he have to give up another two low-level exorcism talismans?

Right now, his life was on the line so he wasn’t worried about the 4,000 points. Rather, he was afraid the 4,000 points wasted would be useless. If he couldn’t find a way to escape, it didn’t matter even if he threw out two more low-level exorcism talismans. He would only make be making the same mistake again.

Not far away, the two “Tang Mianmians” had descended upon him with resentment in their eyes. Before Xiao Tangqiu could react, they had condensed into spiritual entities and floated through him at the same time. He felt an icy, sinister chill which started to spread and couldn’t help but shiver intensely.

Xiao Tangqiu felt that his vitality was decreasing rapidly because he could feel his hands start to grow colder and colder. His soul seemed to be in a trance as if he were imprisoned. Even if he didn’t know why this was happening, he at least knew that if this continued, he wouldn’t be far from death...

He had to break out!

He subconsciously looked at the broken mirror out of the corner of his eye. Although he didn’t know what the mirror or the image in the mirror was, he instinctively felt that the mirror was very important.

Xiao Tangqiu gradually lost control of his body and had to use all his strength to turn his head and look at the mirror.

In the next second, he was greatly shocked. He actually saw Tang Mianmian in the mirror!

This time, there wasn’t him or anyone else in the mirror, only Tang Mianmian.

The Tang Mianmian reflected in the mirror seemed dazed and confused. He looked left and right from time to time. Then, he walked to the front of the mirror in bewilderment. After hesitating for a few seconds, he picked up the mirror with trembling hands and smashed it violently.

Tang Mianmian broke the mirror!

When the mirror broke, the reflection in the mirror disappeared.

Right then, Xiao Tangqiu’s reflection reappeared in the mirror.

Xiao Tangqiu paused for a moment – his luck had suddenly arrived! Using the last of his strength, he crawled towards the mirror, grabbed it with great difficulty, and smashed it to the floor like Tang Mianmian did.

Following a crisp crack, Xiao Tangqiu heard a hum in his ear before he blacked out.

Xiao Tangqiu slowly climbed up from the floor, only to find that he had passed out God knows when and probably hit the back of his head against the hard floor. At this time, he had a splitting headache. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, saying with a bitter smile, “If I were a ghost, would I tell you? Hiss... Why is it so painful...”

Watching Xiao Tangqiu muttering to himself while he rubbed the back of his head, his gaze drifted afar, revealing a hint of guilt. “Um, deal with that later. Let’s get out of this terrible place first!”

Xiao Tangqiu narrowed his eyes slightly. “What did you do just now? Why do you look so guilty?”

Tang Mianmian laughed dryly, “You’re mistaken! Let’s go! It’ll be bad if those ghosts catch up!”

Xiao Tangqiu saw Tang Mianmian’s little guilty appearance and knew that this guy had just done something wrong. He rubbed the back of the head and felt a small bump... How hard did he fall just now to have such a big bump on his head?

Tang Mianmian was finally unable to bear Xiao Tangqiu’s inquiring gaze and hesitantly explained what he had done earlier. “We were walking just now when... you suddenly shook my hand off... I didn’t know what was going on and wanted to ask you but... you suddenly came and violently grabbed my neck... so I pushed you away...”

“You’re clearly a weakling, but you were so strong just now. You almost choked me to death. Even after I pushed you away, you still pounced on me relentlessly...”

Tang Mianmian showed a guilty look. “I really couldn’t help myself. I grabbed the skull on the ground and knocked you in the head...”

Xiao Tangqiu was immediately at a loss for words because he had already seen the skull on the ground that had broken into two halves. Just how much strength did Tang Mianmian exert to break one of the hardest bones in the human body?!

No wonder the back of his head hurt so much! A hard surface hitting into another hard surface ah! It was a miracle he didn’t suffer a concussion!

“I finally know how much you hate me...” he said weakly.

“Cough, this isn’t important. What matters is that you managed to wake up!” Tang Mianmian quickly changed the subject, “Were you possessed just now? You must have been possessed by a ghost! Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been so ruthless and strong! Fortunately, I’m both smart and resourceful and successfully solved this crisis!”

“Smart? What a simple and crude solution...” Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t even find the strength ridicule him at this point.

Tang Mianmian laughed dryly, “Cough, cough! Using brute force is also a solution! By the way, why were you suddenly possessed? “

“Possessed?” Xiao Tangqiu hesitated, then shook his head. “I don’t know, but what I experienced just now is totally different from what you said... I saw two of you.”

Tang Mianmian frowned. “What the hell? What exactly did you experience? Clearly, you looked into that mirror and appeared to have been possessed. So I knocked you out, smashed it quickly, and then you returned to normal.”

Xiao Tangqiu gave a wry smile. Tang Mianmian’s words were absolutely true, but what he had just experienced couldn’t be false either. What was the truth? Who was the one who had been possessed earlier?

“Forget it, who cares? If we can’t figure it out, let’s not think about it. Anyways, we’re still alive.” Tang Mianmian took on a happy-go-lucky, positive outlook and quickly got over it. “That mirror is so evil. Now that it’s broken, we should be able to leave, right?”

“We can give it a try.”

Xiao Tangqiu looked at the mirror, which had been completely broken into pieces of glass. However, a doubt arose in his heart. Based on his experience playing horror games for so many years, he should have guessed at the beginning that something was wrong with the mirror. Why didn’t he think of breaking the mirror before?

Was this also a form of possession?

Seeing Xiao Tangqiu still frowning at the mirror, Tang Mianmian quickly walked over with a tense expression, blocking his view. “Alright! Don’t look at it anymore! You were possessed with one look just now! Although it’s broken, who knows if it has any powers left! We shouldn’t linger here, let’s go!”

Xiao Tangqiu withdrew his gaze and said, “Mmm, let’s go.”

Tang Mianmian grabbed Xiao Tangqiu and turned to leave, but he couldn’t help mumbling, “I don’t know how the others are now. This haunted house is too difficult! The first haunted house is already so tough, I really can’t imagine the next event...”

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t resist the urge to glance at the mirror out of the corner of his eye again, but just as the idea emerged, he immediately tried to hold himself back. He forced himself to look straight ahead instead of turning his head.

“I’m not optimistic about the others...”

Tang Mianmian sighed, “We’re both in such a sorry state, let alone the others.”

Xiao Tangqiu forced himself not to look at the mirror and this time, they finally succeeded in getting out of this eerie corner.

The rest of the way was uneventful, without any surprises or danger. When they got to the exit of the haunted house, they received the biggest shock in the entire haunted house.

They actually saw the team of four standing unharmed at the exit of the haunted house!

“Why are you guys so slow!”

“Yeah! We got here a long time ago and have been waiting for you at the exit!”

“This place isn’t scary at all! It’s the same old routine! It’s a little boring! I hope the next event will be more exciting!”

“Come quickly! Let’s leave and play the next one!”

They were still a distance away but the four players were holding out their hands to them, as if they were asking them to quickly go over and move on to the next event.

It seemed completely normal, but there was something off about this scene.

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian looked at each other. Although they weren’t battle-hardened old players, they weren’t stupid and naive either. This situation was very strange at first sight. Of course, they wouldn’t rush forward foolishly until the situation was determined. But now the problem arose. The four people were standing at the exit of the haunted house, blocking their way out. They couldn’t avoid them if they wanted to leave the haunted house.

Xiao Tangqiu wasn’t sure whether the four people he had seen in the haunted house were ghosts or something else, nor was he sure that the four people currently blocking the exit were the four ghosts he had seen. He was just about to ask Tang Mianmian but suddenly he remembered that the latter hadn’t experienced everything that he had. According to Tang Mianmian, they didn’t get separated. From start to end, Tang Mianmian was squatting beside him when he was unconscious. He didn’t leave, and naturally didn’t bump into that group of ghosts.

If everything Tang Mianmian experienced was true and everything he experienced was only his illusion, then, was his encounter with the two “Tang Mianmian” really true?

He suddenly thought of something even more frightening. Was the Tang Mianmian in front of him the real Tang Mianmian?

Just then, Xiao Tangqiu suddenly recalled something and quickly reached into his pocket.

Three low-level exorcism talismans!

There were only three left!

He did use two just now!

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