Chapter 46.2

At this time, the others woke up one after another. Aside from Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian, there were five other people. Unfortunately, these five people were obviously newcomers who had just entered the game.

“What is this place?”

“Why am I here? Who are you? “

“Is this some sort of trick game...”

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian looked at each other and felt like daughters-in-law that had finally become mothers-in-law. After being rookies for so long, was it finally their turn to be veterans?

But they were rookies who had only experienced two missions!

Looking at the group of ignorant newcomers, Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but feel as if they were looking at a group of kids who were crying to be fed. At this time, he was finally able to feel a little bit of what the old players had felt when they saw newcomers.

He and Tang Mianmian looked at each other and decided to be kind older brothers. He simply explained the current situation. Once the instance officially began, he and Tang Mianmian couldn’t take care of this group of newbies. After all, they were all in danger. Now, they could only tell them what little they knew so that this group of newbies would make fewer mistakes and take fewer detours. As for whether this group of newbies accepted their explanation or not, it was none of their business. They were already considered extremely kind.

The five newbies this time were all young people. Perhaps young people had a higher degree of accepting new situations so they quickly accepted what Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian said. Although they still had some doubts, they were at least not as rash as the newbies that Xiao Tangqiu met before, loudly rejecting the situation despite knowing nothing.

There were three men and two women, basically college students or fresh grads. Among the three boys, one looked like he was good in sports and had a really good body and physique, another was a chubby geek wearing glasses and the other was a handsome boy who was well-dressed. The handsome boy and the other beautiful girl seemed to be lovers. They were holding hands and the boy was gently comforting the girl the entire time.

In addition to the pretty girl, there was another girl who looked more ordinary. She stared warily at the people around her, apparently full of doubt towards everything, only partially believing Xiao Tangqiu’s words.

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t force them either, “...You can choose to believe what I say or not. To tell you the truth, my friend and I are just rookies who have just completed two missions. This is as much help as we can give you.”

They looked at each other, apparently still sizing each other up. Just then, the sporty student took the lead in saying, “I believe what you said. I heard... the voice earlier. It suddenly appeared in my head.”

“I would like to reserve my opinion,” snorted the chubby geek. “I’ve played a lot of horror escape games so I’ve seen a lot of games like this... I need to see it for myself before I can believe you.”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled, “Feel free.”

Just then, the handsome boy suddenly said, “Since you said our mission is to escape from this amusement park, if we don’t go in the beginning, does that count as completing the mission?”

He arched an eyebrow, looking very confident, “So many horror movies are started by the main characters themselves. If we don’t seek death in the beginning, wouldn’t the horror movie never start?”

Xiao Tangqiu nodded, “That makes sense. Your attitude of not seeking death is worth encouraging...”

“Of course, you can also set an example and prove to us whether this kind of loophole can be exploited or not.”

The handsome boy snorted, “There’s no point for empty talk. Do we have to believe everything you say?”

Xiao Tangqiu’s tone was calm, “You can choose not to believe me. This is your right.”

“Who knows if what you said is true or not. If we go straight back, we might be able to go home soon. There’s no need to enter this stupid amusement park!”

Xiao Tangqiu nodded, “You can give it a try.”

The handsome boy turned around and found that besides the amusement park in front of them and the space within a few meters of their feet, the surrounding environment was shrouded in a murky darkness. Looking at that, he couldn’t help but gulp.

“Alright, alright, it’s better if we listen to our predecessors and go in!” Seeing this, the sporty student quickly came out to play mediator.

The handsome boy stuck out his neck and insisted, “I’ll wait outside! Maybe nothing will happen... “

“Then, you can wait outside,” Xiao Tangqiu didn’t even bother to give him another look, turning to Tang Mianmian. “Come on, let’s go in.”

Tang Mianmian took a deep breath and finally made up his mind. “Go! Let’s play this instance!”

The two men took the lead in walking towards the broken gates of the amusement park. When they approached the gates, it creaked open on its own.

Sporty Students and Chubby Geek hesitated for a moment, but they still followed up. The two girls looked at each other and nervously followed them as well.

Finally, the handsome boy was left alone outside.

He stiffly twisted his neck and looked back at the endless darkness behind him and ran after the people in front of him, trembling with fear.

When the last person walked into the amusement park, the broken gates slowly closed again.

Compared to the last instance, the starting time of this one was at night. When Xiao Tangqiu entered the amusement park, he found that the whole park was also shrouded in darkness, a blank sheet of black where it was impossible to even see your fingers if you stretched out your hand.

As he hesitated whether or not to take out his nuclear-powered flashlight, there was a sound of a machine starting up not far in front of them.

“Whirr, whirr...“

The crowd immediately jumped in fright and looked up. It turned out that the carousel in front of them suddenly started up. The carousel was decorated with colorful lights and when it started up, it shone in all sorts of colors, becoming the only visible light source in the night. As the carousel started turning, a children’s song noisily broke through the silence of the night.

This was an unknown children’s song, the tune unfamiliar and the sound effect poor. The young and tender child’s voice had a strange eeriness to it. Just as all their attention was focused on the carousel, a clown appeared on the carousel.

This was a typical clown, with funny colors painted on his face and a fake, red nose. He was dressed in a pompous and comical manner. When he opened his mouth to speak, his tone was artificially exaggerated to the extreme, “Welcome to the Death Playground, I’m your friend, Uncle Clown~”

No one answered and they looked at each other, feeling very uneasy.

Xiao Tangqiu calmly looked at the clown and then at the playground through the colorful lights from the carousel.

There wasn’t a doubt that this was an amusement park that had been abandoned for many years. The facilities were old and backward, and everything was broken, the entire place filled with a bleak atmosphere. Even the carousel on which the clown was sitting was mottled and the paint was peeling.

“From now on, we will play a game, the name of which is called...” The clown continued to use grandiose tone, “Whoever is lucky will live to the end!”

“Whoever is lucky will live to the end?” Xiao Tangqiu frowned slightly. What did this mean? Would they have to draw lots to decide whether they lived or died?

“Hee-hee hee-hee,” the clown laughed. “There are four attractions in this amusement park. Not everyone has to take part in these four games. Only half of you are needed for each game...

“Half of us?” They all looked at each other. Tang Mianmian couldn’t help asking, “How do you decide who plays and who doesn’t?”

At this moment, anyone with a normal IQ would know that these games were definitely not the regular attractions in a regular amusement park. Naturally, they prayed that it wasn’t them. If they were allowed to make their own decision, then surely no one was willing to play these games.

“Ding, ding, ding! The answer is-” The clown smiled and took out a colorful box from behind him,” Of course, a lottery! In this colorful box, half of these are red balls and the other half are black balls, and the person who draws the red ball is the lucky player!”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly gasped. It really was a lottery!

This kind of instance, which didn’t rely on strength or experience but purely on luck was too unreasonable, wasn’t it?!

Everyone had a different look on their faces. Most of them looked serious, which obviously meant that they usually didn’t have good luck. Only the geek quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously his luck was usually pretty decent.

“It’s twelve o’clock! Game on! Will the 14 players please go to the first event – Spooky House!”

“Finally, I’d like to give you a warning... Don’t believe a word the clown says!”

......Don’t believe a word the clown says?

Did the clown mean himself?

Just when Xiao Tangqiu was still puzzling over the matter, he was suddenly shocked. Wait, 14 players?!

Where did the 14 players come from?

Before he could react, the loud chime of a clock came from a distance.


“It’s a clock!” Tang Mianmian was the first to react.

Xiao Tangqiu immediately looked up. As expected, an old-fashioned clock tower appeared in the distance. No, perhaps the clock tower had always existed, but it was shrouded in darkness earlier, so they didn’t notice it.

At the top of the clock tower was a huge glowing clock. It was a huge, four-sided clock. No matter which corner of the amusement park they were at, as long as they looked up, they could see it. The time was clearly shown on it and it was exactly 12 midnight now. However, it was strange that this clock only had the numbers from 12 to 6 on it. The numbers after that had disappeared.

Xiao Tangqiu soon understood, “Our game time is only from 12 midnight to 6 am... We must leave here before 6 am.”

“The game has started? It seems very exciting!” Just then, a burst of excited discussion suddenly rang out.

“The clown can really act! It’s just like the real thing!”

“Very good! Very good!”

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian looked at each other and found something wrong in an instant. What they were facing now was a life and death crisis. Who would be in the mood to laugh and joke?

When they looked back, they were immediately surprised. Apart from the seven of them, there were seven more people who had unexpectedly appeared God knows when... With the sudden appearance of these seven people, didn’t that add up to 14 people?

The other newbies also looked in horror at the seven people who had suddenly appeared. They hadn’t heard any footsteps just now. It was as if they had appeared out of thin air.

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