Chapter 38.1

In the face of this guy’s aggressiveness, Xiao Tangqiu’s expression darkened. Although this man was making a fuss without knowing the real situation, this was something that Xiao Tangqiu had been afraid to find out for sure. Last night, the monster’s original target was indeed he and Tang Mianmian but they were saved by Shen Yuan. Was that why the monster changed its target and killed one of the four old players?

Tang Mianmian didn’t think as much as Xiao Tangqiu. He glared at Fresh Grad, “Did you see it with your own eyes last night? Why don’t you come up with proof then? Otherwise, you’re just maliciously slandering us!”

Fresh Grad choked up for a second, then shouted, “If it weren’t you guys, then why didn’t you die when the candle at your door was extinguished? Explain yourselves!”

Xiao Tangqiu said impassively, “Because some old players saved us.”

The man snorted coldly, as if he didn’t believe it. “Why should they help you for no reason?”

Tang Mianmian rolled his eyes. “That’s none of your business!”

The man seemed unconvinced and wanted to say something else, but he was held back by the other newbies. Although the four old players, who looked very powerful, hadn’t said anything yet, it was obviously unwise for them to offend the old players as newbies... Even if these two were really related to the death of that person, there was no need for them to stand up for others!

Compared with that man’s inexplicable indignation, the three old players, who had lost their companion, didn’t have much of a reaction. It was hard to say if they didn’t believe him or if they were just numb to the death of a companion.

With such a move, this group of people who weren’t very united to begin with started to fall apart. Under the watch of everyone, several small groups had emerged and their relations became more rigid. It seemed that everyone suspected everyone else and was on guard against others.

Even when eating breakfast, they kept silent the whole time. No one took the initiative to speak. The atmosphere was very depressing. Xiao Tangqiu was still a little upset at first, but soon succeeded in consoling himself. This group of people had their own sinister ideas and motives. Even without him and Tang Mianmian, they would have fallen apart sooner or later. This morning’s incident was just a catalyst.

When they were about to finish their breakfast, the middle-aged woman showed up. She didn’t take the little boy downstairs with her again. She picked up the food on the table and turned to go back to the room just like the day before.

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly asked, “Where is your son?”

The middle-aged woman seemed startled and looked at Xiao Tangqiu warily, “Why are you asking?” Although her expression was filled with vigilance, she couldn’t help showing a hint of guilt.

Before Xiao Tangqiu could answer, the young man who was hell-bent on accusing Xiao Tangqiu spoke up, “Why do you care about someone else’s son? You must have ulterior motives! You’re just trying to find a scapegoat again!”

When the middle-aged woman saw someone standing up for her, she immediately put aside her guilty conscience and angrily scolded, “You stay away from my son! You better not appear in front of my son! Or I’ll kill you!”

Xiao Tangqiu pursed his lips and hesitated. So what if he publicly debunked the fact that this middle-aged woman wasn’t the mother of the little boy? In such a crisis-prone place, he and Tang Mianmian already had their own difficulties. How was it possible for him to protect another child?

The knife and fork collided against his plate, issuing a crisp clink. Although it wasn’t loud, the middle-aged woman was still frightened into silence by Shen Yuan’s momentum. The young man didn’t dare to look so smug anymore and merely stared at Shen Yuan blankly.

At his command, Duan Hongzhen and the two women stood up uniformly. The four of them were so imposing that the people sitting in the dining hall immediately stopped all their messy schemes and intrigues. They were too afraid to even breathe loudly.

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian looked at each other and stood up as well. The two had planned to go to Daemon Town with Shen Yuan’s team today.

“Where are you going?” Someone carefully asked.

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t conceal their plan, “Daemon Town.”

“Daemon Town?” The newcomers looked at each other and soon remembered what sort of place it was – the town that had been ravaged by demons. These people were crazy! Going to such a dangerous place!

In the midst of their shock, Lu Si’er stood up slowly.

Seeing this, White-collar Woman immediately cried out “Lu Si’er, don’t go! It’s too dangerous!”

The five girls from the newbies all stayed in the same room. They had obviously exchanged names and had become familiar with each other.

“Yes! It’s too dangerous to go out! Si’er, stay here! ” Another girl also chimed in.

The middle-aged man, who looked like their leader, frowned slightly, “Lu Si’er, you want to go with them?”

Lu Si’er gritted her teeth. “Yes, I do.”

“Why? Although the castle is very dangerous, it’s more dangerous outside,” the middle-aged man seemed a little displeased. “You’re a girl. It’s too dangerous for you to be out and about,. It’s better if you stay!”

It was hard to tell whether he had the motive of finding another person to cushion the blow of death or whether he was dissatisfied with someone challenging his authority as a leader. He habitually gave an order, “Lu Si’er, you can’t go!”

The young man also said coolly, “Yes, although you’re a girl, in case of danger, they may not bother about you...”

Shen Yuan ignored the wrangling of the newbies and ordered the team to leave.

Naturally, his three teammates immediately followed. Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian exchanged a look. Although they had acted together with Lu Si’er yesterday, they weren’t in any condition to influence her decisions, so they also turned and left.

Soon, they reached the door.

Shen Yuan stood in front of the door, staring at the castle gate with deep eyes.

Xiao Tangqiu frowned slightly. “Can the door be opened? In our last instance, once we entered many buildings, we couldn’t leave... unless all the plot objectives were completed...” Just like all horror games, there was no way to leave the plot area unless the final result was achieved.

Duan Hongzhen smiled and explained, “If we can’t open it now, it means there isn’t any important clues outside, or we haven’t triggered the corresponding conditions.”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly realized that opening the door was actually a way to verify the progress of their mission. Could the gates of this castle be opened?

Soon, his doubts were answered... Shen Yuan reached out and pushed; the castle doors were opened.

Although Shen Yuan’s action was very casual, the door was obviously difficult to open, because it issued a heavy and harsh creak, as if it hadn’t been opened in many years.

Dazzling rays of sunlight entered, bit by bit, along the crack in the door. When Xiao Tangqiu’s entire being was exposed to sunlight again, he felt as if he had been reborn.

Tang Mianmian cried out exaggeratingly, “I’m blind, blind... It’s so bright, it’s blinded my poor eyes...”

Just as Xiao Tangqiu and the others were preparing to leave, Lu Si’er’s voice suddenly rang out, “Wait for me! I’m going too!”

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian looked back in surprise. They didn’t expect Lu Si’er to catch up with them after having to go through all kinds of discussions and under the condition of so many people stopping her from leaving. However, Lu Si’er was followed by several new players who also wanted to persuade her. When they saw the gates being opened, they were immediately shocked. “I didn’t think the gates could really be opened! I thought we wouldn’t be able to go out once we entered!”

“Does this mean we can leave then?”

“We can get out of here!”

Seeing them in high spirits, Xiao Tangqiu kindly reminded them, “There’s no way you’ll go back to where you came from by walking out these gates. It may be more dangerous outside as well.”

The young man who liked to oppose him immediately burst out, “How do you know we can’t leave? And who knows if you’re lying to us or not! Don’t bother about him! Let’s go out and have a look!”

They knew in their hearts that it wasn’t so easy to leave this place, but right now, they suddenly caught a glimmer of hope, and naturally, they had to seize it. Xiao Tangqiu knew that no matter how he tried to persuade them, it would only fall on deaf ears. He gave up persuading them with a sigh and turned to catch up with the team ahead.

The newbies chose the road opposite to Xiao Tangqiu’s and set off. They didn’t go back to inform their other companions who were still in the castle either. They were obviously only thinking about leaving.

As the two teams drifted apart, Tang Mianmian asked Duan Hongzhen, “How do we get to Daemon Town? Do we walk there?”

Duan Hongzhen smiled and fiddled with his scalpel, “If you can actually get a taxi, we can always go by car.”

Tang Mianmian touched his nose shyly, “But we don’t know the way... how do we get there?”

Duan Hongzhen leisurely smiled, “We’re not concerned with the matter of finding our way.”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly remembered that when they first entered this instance, Shen Yuan’s team had already demonstrated their ability to find their way around... Did any of these four people possess special skills such as human GPS?

He couldn’t help thinking of his “live broadcast studio: in the flesh” skill and immediately felt like a weakling.

Just then, the woman who had constantly kept a cold demeanor suddenly said, “Come out.”Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian jumped in shock. What happened? Did someone follow them?


P.S. You guys have such naughty thoughts! *blush* 🤭 But really DHZ’s actions and words are gold! Me likey hehe! 😍

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