Chapter 130

What was really behind the black door?

After Xiao Tangqiu pushed open the door and entered, he was shocked by the scene behind the door.

This was a hospital ward.

It was a bleak white everywhere, and there was almost no other color in the ward except this bleak white.

There was a bed in the middle of the ward and a person who laid on the bed.

It was a patient who seemed to be sleeping with closed eyes. He was wearing an oxygen mask that was connected to a machine by a tube. There were also a lot of other tubes inserted all over his body, and each tube was connected to a machine.

In this ward, except for this hospital bed and the patient on the bed, almost the entire area was occupied by these various machines.

Xiao Tangqiu looked at the patient lying on the hospital bed in disbelief. After a while, his lips trembled and he squeezed out a name, “…Meng… Meng Xinghe?”

The person lying on this hospital bed had a face that was almost the exact same as Shen Yuan. A face that was more mature and cold than the outline of Meng Xinghe in Xiao Tangqiu’s memory. This was clearly the face of Meng Xinghe after growing up.

But compared to Shen Yuan, the person on the hospital bed was obviously paler and thinner, and the facial muscles that should be filled out were sunken as if it was a face that had been lingering ill in bed for a long time.

After Xiao Tangqiu blurted out the name in his heart, he took a step back in disbelief, “Meng Xinghe? No… it’s impossible…”

How was this possible?

Meng Xinghe obviously died seven years ago… No, not seven years ago, nine years ago?

If you count the two years he spent in the game, Meng Xinghe should have died in a car accident nine years ago. How could he suddenly appear here?

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Xiao Tangqiu, “Why is it impossible?”

Xiao Tangqiu looked back. Shen Yuan was looking at him calmly, and his voice was very steady, “Since you chose to open this door, you have already prepared yourself&#k2026;”

“You are Shen Yuan? He is Meng Xinghe?” Xiao Tangqiu looked at Shen Yuan and then at Meng Xinghe on the hospital bed, “&#k2026;otherwise speaking, you’re not Shen Yuan at all?”

Shen Yuan stared at Xiao Tangqiu, and after a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said, “I’m Shen Yuan, and I’m also Meng Xinghe.”

“You’re Shen Yuan? Also Meng Xinghe?” Xiao Tangqiu took a step back into the ward in disbelief. “You’re Meng Xinghe? You’re Meng Xinghe?”

Shen Yuan sighed, “Yes, I’m Meng Xinghe.”

Xiao Tangqiu was stunned for a long time before asking dumbly, “You lied to me from the beginning?”

“I didn’t lie to you!” Shen Yuan categorically denied, “I never lied to you… I did lose my memory. When I just met you, I really didn’t remember anything. I forgot who I was and only remembered that I was Shen Yuan.”

“Amnesia? Why amnesia again?” Xiao Tangqiu took another step back, “Can’t you make up a better excuse?”

Shen Yuan gave a long sigh, then pointed to one of the machines beside the hospital bed and said, “This is a machine that automatically releases memory gas. Whenever I have thoughts and ideas of escaping this game, this machine automatically releases memory gas, and then I forget everything.”

“Memory gas? Automatic release?” Xiao Tangqiu became more and more shocked. “What the hell is going on? Are you really Meng Xinghe?”

Shen Yuan took a deep look at Xiao Tangqiu and said calmly, “I am Meng Xinghe… Jiujiu.”

Xiao Tangqiu was shocked. Indeed only Meng Xinghe would call him Jiujiu in such a tone… And he did think Shen Yuan was Meng Xinghe from the very beginning.

After being silent for a long time, he asked with difficulty, “You are Meng Xinghe, so who is Shen Yuan?”

Shen Yuan… No, it should be Meng Xinghe. Meng Xinghe’s tone was extremely calm, “Isn’t Shen Yuan a character you wrote?”

Xiao Tangqiu was taken back for a moment. He looked at the Meng Xinghe in front of him, then looked at the Meng Xinghe in the hospital bed, and then thought of everything that happened before. He vaguely realized something and a chill went up his spine.

Shen Yuan, the City of the Abyss, the Abyss Demon… These were all products born from his writing, he created them himself. But all of these had now become real. Someone took the things he wrote and made them real. So who in the world took what he scribbled when he was bored and created all of this?

Xiao Tangqiu walked towards the hospital bed step by step. The Meng Xinghe in the bed was extraordinarily pale and thin. The hospital gown on his body was barely filled and his wrist was too slender to hold.

He stood by the hospital bed and stared at Meng Xinghe. Meng Xinghe’s eyes were closed and his long eyelashes curled down, casting a small shadow under his eyelids. Because he was too thin, the Meng Xinghe on the hospital bed looked younger than the healthy Meng Xinghe nearby. Except for the fact that his facial contours were a little sharper than the boy in his memory, this Meng Xinghe could be described as a sickly beautiful young man.

Xiao Tangqiu held Meng Xinghe’s wrist on the hospital bed. Such a pale and thin wrist was obviously not what a normal adult man should have.

He looked up at the electronic screen in front of Meng Xinghe’s hospital bed but saw a man who looked exactly like him standing in front of Meng Xinghe’s hospital bed… No, that was him! The image on the screen was the scene in the ward right now!

He looked at Meng Xinghe on the hospital bed, and then at the standing Meng Xinghe and gradually understood everything.

Meng Xinghe sighed deeply, “Perhaps you already guessed…

“The me on the hospital bed is the real me, and the me now is just a virtual projection… The real me was brain-dead in the car accident seven years ago.”

“Braindead?” Xiao Tangqiu murmured and repeated the word. He did watch Meng Xinghe die on the spot in front of him in the car accident seven years ago. At that time, Meng Xinghe obviously died. It was not a vegetative state, but truly dead.

“The hospital issued a certificate of my brain death. At that time, I was indeed powerless. My body was later sent to the morgue, but…” Meng Xinghe fell silent. After a long time, he continued, “My mother didn’t want to accept that, so she went to the morgue and stole my body.”

Although Xiao Tangqiu knew that Meng Qingqiu couldn’t accept the fact that her only son died, he never imagined that the woman would actually go to the morgue to steal the body. His eyes widened in disbelief, “And then?”

“Maybe you’ve already realized that my mother’s identity is very mysterious, you never found out what her profession is, right?” Meng Xinghe sighed and continued, “Actually, my mother is a scientist, a scientist who signed an NDA. She was working on a secret project, a project with the potential to cure brain-dead patients…”

Xiao Tangqiu asked blankly, “So she… saved you?”

Meng Xinghe changed the conversation, “But that project failed and she chose to continue to secretly do experiments on me. As you can see, this experiment is… everything we have experienced.”

Xiao Tangqiu opened its mouth blankly. So everything they had experienced before, all the previous instances, was actually a healing project experiment for brain-dead patients?

Meng Xinghe’s tone was extremely calm, not at all like a son who was used by his biological mother for a living experiment, “The experiment she did on me was actually a success at the beginning…”

“Success at the beginning? What do you mean? It failed later?” Xiao Tangqiu frowned slightly.

Meng Xinghe said calmly, “One of the criteria for brain death is the disappearance of brain electrical activity. After her initial series of experiments, I gradually recovered my brain’s electrical activity and gained some self-consciousness, but other than that, this experiment still failed. I still couldn’t breathe on my own and I’m still in a deep coma.”

“In other words, I just returned from a brain-dead state to a vegetative state.”

Xiao Tangqiu murmured, “But it’s still a lot of progress…”

“But this experiment was too expensive. She worked hard for seven years to get me back to the state I am now, and it is very likely that I will remain in a vegetative state forever,” Meng Xinghe shook his head, judging his own physical state calmly, “Actually, not long ago, my various physiological functions have become very weak, and even this last bit of consciousness will disappear again…”

Xiao Tangqiu became worried, “Then what?”

Meng Xinghe took a deep look at Xiao Tangqiu before continuing, “Originally, she just relied on artificial intelligence designed by computer programs to stimulate and activate my brain waves, but the results have been tepid for many years. So not long ago, she began to pull the consciousness of living people into this experiment, intending to stimulate my brain waves through the more active brain waves of living people…”

Xiao Tangqiu instantly remembered that he had swept Meng Xinghe’s grave before crossing into this horror game world!

When he went to the flower shop to buy flowers at that time, he was reminded by the flower shop boss that many people had mysteriously disappeared recently… After that, he met Meng Qingqiu while sweeping the grave and Meng Qingqiu said a lot of inexplicable things to him. But at the time, he was full of guilt about Meng Qingqiu and he didn’t notice her strangeness at all.

“I don’t know how she did it. In short, she seems to have found a lot of living people to do this experiment… At first, it did have some effects, but then it stopped working and she began to intensify her efforts to find more and more people. I sensed that she was getting crazier and crazier. I tried to convince her, but she didn’t listen at all.”

Meng Xinghe, “At this time, you came…”

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