Chapter 119.1

After a while, they cut a trail of blood to the base of the metal pillar.

This was the first time that Xiao Tangqiu had observed the Tongtian Pagoda so closely. The pagoda towered into the clouds, far beyond his vision. The metal walls were covered in lines of mysterious script with glimmers of light flowing through them.

He was awed and couldn’t help but think, if there really was a Tower of Babel that could lead to the heavens in this world, then it probably looked like this!

“This is the Light God’s Labyrinth?” Tang Mianmian sighed, “It’s sure grand enough! If we keep climbing, will we be able to go to God’s paradise?”

Xiao Tangqiu sighed, “…Unfortunately, the Light God has fallen.”

Tang Mianmian, “I just say that you must not bet with others casually. If Zhou Yu didn’t have a bet with Zhuge Liang about building 100,000 arrows in ten days, he would not have been killed by Zhuge Liang.”

Xiao Tangqiu, “He didn’t die like that. But it’s really not a good habit to randomly gamble. Small bets harm the emotions and big gambles harm the body.”

Duan Hongzhen, “…At this kind of time, quit joking around!”

He gritted his teeth and shouted at the two of them while fighting off demon monsters, “Hurry up and find the entrance to the labyrinth!”

“Do you think we don’t want to find it? We can’t find it at all!” Tang Mianmian also gritted his teeth, “This Tongtian Pagoda has no entrance!”

Xiao Tangqiu sighed. Just as Tang Mianmian said, although the pagoda was towering and impressive, they really couldn’t find an entrance. They circled and found that the entire tower was a solid wall. No wonder the Abyss Demon knew where the Light God’s Labyrinth was but couldn’t get into it to get the Light God’s Sword. Sword what sword if the entrance couldn’t even be found!

Where was the entrance?

Where was the entrance, really?

Xiao Tangqiu looked everywhere he could think of and worked with Tang Mianmian to find various ways to open the entrance. They even shouted slogans like “open sesame” several times. But no matter what they did, the pagoda stayed a pagoda and the wall stayed a wall.

“Can’t! Still can’t open it!”

After failing again and again, Xiao Tangqiu finally became discouraged.

Tang Mianmian frowned and pondered, “Maybe we need to think about it differently… Is it possible that the entrance is not on the wall? Is it possible that there is an underground passage?”

At this moment, Yu Fuling opened her eyes while sweating profusely, “…I have done my best to investigate the maximum range I can detect, there are no underground passages.”

The situation seemed to have reached a deadlock. At this moment, Sai Lulu suddenly said, “Let me try.”

Yu Fuling froze for a moment, “Lulu, do you want to use the Book of Prophecy?”

Sai Lulu nodded, her eyes firm, “Let me try it.”

Shen Yuan hmm’d, “We can only try at this point&#k2026;”

Although divination was very illusory and uncertain, they could only try everything.

Sai Lulu nodded, and in the next second, an ancient sheepskin book appeared in her hand. Then she closed her eyes and started her divination.

There were more and more monsters around and now there was one less combatant. The others could only grit their teeth and support Sai Lulu’s vacancy.

After a while, Sai Lulu suddenly opened her eyes. She spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. The ancient sheepskin book in her hand rolled out to Xiao Tangqiu’s feet.

Xiao Tangqiu quickly picked it up while resisting a monster only to find that the Book of Prophecy was blank and there was nothing on it.

“How is it?” Tang Mianmian asked impatiently.

Xiao Tangqiu, “…There’s nothing.”

“Sorry…” Sai Lulu was pale and spat out a mouthful of blood and she said, “I don’t know why… I can’t divine anything…”

Yu Fuling quickly rushed to support her, “Lulu! Are you okay?”

Shen Yuan frowned, “Is it because it is related to the Light God, so we can’t perform divination?”

Xiao Tangqiu sighed. Even Sai Lulu couldn’t tell, what else could they do now?

Sai Lulu suddenly wiped the blood from her mouth and said, “I have another way.”

“What way?” Shen Yuan frowned and asked.

Yu Fuling seemed to understand something and yelled in disbelief, “Are you going to use your life to divine? No! You’re crazy!”

“Use life to divine? What do you mean?” Xiao Tangqiu asked reflexively.

Sai Lulu explained quietly, “Using life as a medium to divine, that is, life is used as the price. Once the divination is successful, life expectancy will be collected according to the results, ranging from one year of life to ten years…”

Xiao Tangqiu instantly understood what she meant! Once the divination succeeded, her lifespan would be shortened. Judging from the fact that Sai Lulu couldn’t predict anything earlier, she might lose her life if she succeeded this time!

“Are you crazy? Do you want to die?” Duan Hongzhen frowned and scolded.

“This is the only way left,” Sai Lulu’s gaze was firm, “If we can’t find the entrance to the labyrinth, we won’t be able to crack the labyrinth, let alone get the Light God’s Sword… Are we not here to defeat the Abyss Demon and end it all?”

Xiao Tangqiu frowned and said, “If you die, even if everything ends, you won’t see anything.”

Sai Lulu shook her head, “A long time ago, I used divination on myself…”

Xiao Tangqiu asked, “And then?”

Sai Lulu smiled and whispered, “The Book of Prophecy said… I will definitely live to the end. My strength has always been mediocre in our Reincarnation Team, but I have always escaped death, so this time I will definitely also survive.”

Xiao Tangqiu was not convinced, “There is such a thing in the Book of Prophecy?”

“I will definitely survive. No matter what, I will never take my life lightly,” Sai Lulu smiled lightly. “I still want to go back to the real world. I also want to go to a comic convention with Fuling-jie.”

Yu Fuling spoke haltingly, “Lulu…”

“Have you forgotten? Didn’t we say that we are going to go to wear lolita dresses to a convention together?” Sai Lulu blinked at Yu Fuling, her delicate face filled with confidence, “Don’t worry, I won’t die so easily here!”

Shen Yuan said, “Don’t force it.”

“I won’t. Although I am using this skill for the first time, I know my limits and if it risks my life, I will stop immediately.” Sai Lulu quickly recovered her serious expression and she looked at everyone very solemnly. “Let me just try, alright?”

Shen Yuan was silent for a few seconds, then nodded, “…Don’t force it, if it really doesn’t work, we can still find other ways.”

Sai Lulu nodded.

Soon, everyone formed a circle with their backs to Sai Lulu who stood in the middle. They fought and resisted the surging monsters in order to gain time and space for Sai Lulu’s divination.

Sai Lulu stood in the middle of the group, closed her eyes and started her divination, but this time the divination was obviously different from the last one. After closing her eyes and reciting the spell for a while, she suddenly took out a dagger and struck a deep stroke on her wrist.

Blood flowed from the wound and dripped onto the Book of Prophecy on the ground.

As more and more blood dripped, the Book of Prophecy gradually floated up and slowly floated above the crowd. It was originally only the blood Sai Lulu dripped onto the Book of Prophecy, but after the Book of Prophecy floated up, it began to actively absorb her blood.

Sai Lulu’s face gradually paled, but there were still no words in the Book of Prophecy. Xiao Tangqiu held off the monsters while observing Sai Lulu’s divination from the outside. Seeing that Sai Lulu’s face became paler and paler, he shouted with urgency, “Are you OK?”

Sai Lulu gritted her teeth and shouted, “I’m fine! You guys continue!”

As Sai Lulu lost more and more blood, her appearance began to change. Her black hair began to turn white and her skin gradually became no longer smooth and fair.

Xiao Tangqiu was shocked, “Stop! It’s starting to absorb your lifespan!”

“Can’t stop! I must continue! Don’t interrupt me!” Sai Lulu shouted.

Yu Fuling turned her head and saw Sai Lulu’s gray hair, and immediately shouted, “We can’t continue! Stop it!”

Sai Lulu insisted, “Don’t stop! We will succeed soon! Just a little bit more…”

As soon as she spoke, everyone realized that her voice had also begun to age.

In just a few seconds, Sai Lulu had become an old woman with gray hair and rough skin, but the Book of Prophecy was still a wordless book.

“Lulu! Stop it!”

“Don’t come over! Soon… we can… succeed…”

Yu Fuling didn’t care about Sai Lulu’s attempts to stop them anymore, turned around and ran towards Sai Lulu, but it was too late. When she got to Sai Lulu, Sai Lulu was very old and she caught Sai Lulu with trembling hands.

Sai Lulu’s body had become a shriveled skeleton and her vitality had apparently dried up completely. The Book of Prophecy suddenly fell to the ground and turned into an ordinary book.

“Lulu! Lulu! Sai Lulu!” Yu Fuling called out Sai Lulu’s name, but Sai Lulu couldn’t hear her anymore. She closed her eyes, only her lips were slightly moving.

Yu Fuling trembled and put her ear to Sai Lulu’s lips, but couldn’t hear anything. The next second, something rolled out of Sai Lulu’s withered hands.

At this moment, Sai Lulu’s corpse turned into powder and disappeared into smoke and ashes.

Yu Fuling stretched out her hands weakly, but couldn’t grab onto anything.

She could only pick up the thing that had fallen with both trembling hands.

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