Chapter 116.1

All this happened so quickly that nobody had time to react. The newbie had corroded away until there were no bones left. Xiao Tangqiu was the first to react, turning around in disbelief to look at Bai Yushan, “…Did you do this deliberately?”

The others also reacted one by one. Tang Mianmian immediately took a step back and asked loudly, “This is a trap? Do you want us to trip up? You lied to us!”

Yu Fuling, who was just bandaging Bai Yushan’s wound, couldn’t react when she was pushed away by Bai Yushan. She didn’t have the slightest guard up and unexpectedly fell to the ground.

By the time Yu Fuling got up, Bai Yushan had already run to the other side. She looked at the Reincarnation Team coldly. There was no emotion or ups and downs in her voice, “…I lied to you? I was just helping you!”

“You say you were helping us? Stop kidding!” Xiao Tangqiu sneered, “If we went up just earlier, wouldn’t we be the dead people now?”

Tang Mianmian suddenly realized, “She went up earlier! She went up before we came! That’s why her face changed to what it is now!”

Bai Yushan scrapped half of her arm and ruined half of her face. Obviously, the truth was that she had climbed up to the bud to see it before they got here, but deliberately lied to them that the bud was a space passage to leave the island! How coldblooded!

Bai Yushan suddenly laughed, “Hahahaha! I didn’t lie to you! I’m just helping you!”

Xiao Tangqiu sneered, “What the fuck are you still bullshitting for?!”

“That flower bud is indeed not a spatial pathway to leave this island, but it can revive the people we want to resurrect!” Bai Yushan’s tone was extremely excited and she looked at the huge flower bud with crazed admiration, “Dare you believe it? It can help us resurrect anyone we want to resurrect! It really is a god! It is a real god!”

Xiao Tangqiu frowned, “Are you crazy?” It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Bai Yushan’s words, but this woman said previously that the Sacred Tree was not a divine tree, but a liar who raises humans as cattle. But now she changed her words and said that it was a real god? Was she schizophrenic?

“I’m not crazy! I’m extremely clear-headed! Do you know what’s in this bud?” Bai Yushan’s expression was extremely excited, “It’s the heart of the God of Light! When the Abyss Demon secretly took the heart of the God of Light, he hid the heart on this island! In order not to be discovered by others, he planted a demon world’s flower on the God of Light’s heart, intending to consume the light powers. Now this flower is about to bloom! Don’t you see!?”

“As long as the flower is provided with enough food, it can bloom! And once it blooms, it can resurrect anyone we want to resurrect!”

Xiao Tangqiu asked Bai Yushan incredulously, “…Provide enough food? Do you mean people? You just planned to feed that flower our lives?!”

Bai Yushan’s expression became more and more crazed, “The flower is about to bloom! It already grew a little bit bigger after it ate my arm! Look, it’s bigger now!”

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart skipped. He subconsciously turned his head to look at the huge flower bud. After swallowing the newbie, the flower bud really became bigger!

“It will bloom soon! I will be able to resurrect Yuru soon!” Bai Yushan laughed, and the remaining half of her face became more and more warped.

“You’re joking. To resurrect a single person using so many lives?” Xiao Tangqiu’s eyes widened. Even if he wanted to resurrect Shen Yuan, he would never sacrifice so many people just to resurrect one person. But this demonic flower clearly already ate many people to grow to its current size!

Could it be that the page that Bai Yushan tore from the Book of Light was about this demon world flower?

Bai Yushan concealed what it had on this demonic flower, meaning she had planned this for a long time. She knew that Bai Yuru could only be resurrected by making the demon flower bloom, so she planned to sacrifice all of them to do so?

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but feel chills run down his back. If Bai Yushan had indeed planned this, did it mean that this woman wanted to sacrifice them from the very beginning? So this woman had long stopped regarding them as lives from the first instance they cooperated in?

At this moment, Tang Mianmian’s eyes widened as he yelled in disbelief, “Fuck! It’s really blooming!”

Xiao Tangqiu was shocked. He looked up and saw the huge flower bud that had been growing bigger and bigger after eating the newbie. Quickly, the entire flower bud was already plump to bursting and a big hole opened at the top of the flower bud. It really bloomed!

As a refreshing fragrance spread, the huge petals parted, beautifully picturesque and almost intoxicating. In a blink of an eye, the huge bud bloomed into a huge red flower, its petals dripping with alluring red.

In the heart of the demon flower laid a naked girl.

When Xiao Tangqiu saw the girl, his body froze. Tang Mianmian widened his eyes in disbelief. This girl was Bai Yuru, the player they had seen in a previous instance. The dead girl with her soul imprisoned forever in the secret room… She actually resurrected!

Could dead players really be brought back to life?

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian looked at each other, both of them revealing incredulous eyes. Xiao Tangqiu thought more than Tang Mianmian. If Bai Yushan could really resurrect Bai Yuru, could he also resurrect Shen Yuan?

But this thought was quickly dismissed. This kind of resurrection method that required so many lives in exchange was too cruel. Even if most of those who died before were the NPCs in the instance… Not to mention he had always felt something was wrong with the entire scenario.

Bai Yushan obviously didn’t have so many concerns. She screamed Bai Yuru’s name in ecstasy and rushed over. The girl lying in the heart of the flower opened her eyes blankly and slowly got up.

“Yuru! Yuru!” Bai Yushan climbed up to the demon world’s flower neatly and took Bai Yuru into her arms, “I’m your sister! I’m your sister!”

Bai Yuru moved her lips, her voice hoarse, “Sister… Sister…”

“Yuru! Yuru!” Bai Yushan buried her face in Bai Yuru’s shoulders and wept bitterly, “I finally found you… This time I will never leave you again! We will be together forever!”

Bai Yuru repeated quietly, “…Be together forever.”

“Yuru?” Bai Yushan was originally holding Bai Yuru happily, but she soon noticed something was wrong. Just when she was about to let go of Bai Yuru, a thick vine suddenly entangled her and tightly wrapped her up.

Bai Yushan’s eyes widened in horror, “No!”

She opened her eyes and realized that “Bai Yuru”‘s hands had turned into two vines, tightly wrapping around her.

“Bai Yuru” entangled Bai Yushan tightly, and repeated softly, “Be together forever…”


Everything froze at the moment when Bai Yushan opened her eyes in horror. The gorgeously blooming demonic flower suddenly closed its petals again and returned to the shape of a flower bud.

Bai Yushan struggled desperately in the cage of petals. But this time she didn’t have the same mental preparation or good luck as before.

A large amount of transparent flower nectar coated her head and the strong corrosive liquid melted everything instantly.

“Fake, it’s all fake…”

Xiao Tangqiu sighed, “…Everything is fake as expected.”

He was extremely discouraged and did not hesitate to take out the crossbow, firing a bolt at the huge bud. The bolt instantly pierced the demonic flower, ripping a big hole in its huge petal where crystal clear nectar dripped out.

The demonic flower was enraged and a dozen vines rushed towards Xiao Tangqiu at once.

Xue Junli’s expression tightened, “Everyone get ready!”

Everyone fell into a bitter battle again. But as before, except for the enchanted crossbow from Xiao Tangqiu, the other people’s weapons did not have much effect on the demonic flower and they could only run around, dodging, as they were all hounded by the vines.

Xiao Tangqiu was the worst off as the demonic flower was obviously very vengeful. Over ten vines went after him together. Although his weapon was powerful, he couldn’t handle so many vines going after him.

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t notice that as he was entangled by a vine, he was also quickly chased over towards the demonic flower bud.

“Qiuqiu!” Tang Mianmian yelled, but it was too late to stop it.

The demonic flower bud opened again and then swallowed Xiao Tangqiu.


The moment Xiao Tangqiu fell into the bud, he opened several more holes in the petals and the extremely corrosive nectar flowed out along the holes. He took the opportunity to temporarily fix himself to the top of the bud and prevent himself from falling into the flower juice.

But soon the demonic flower began to secrete a large amount of nectar again and he gritted his teeth. He must find the weakness of this thing before the juice has completely filled the bud!

At this moment of life and death, he suddenly saw a fist-sized thing in the center of the flower bud. It was flesh-colored and also seemed to have something similar to pulsating blood vessels… It looked like a heart!

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t hesitate to aim the crossbow at the heart-like thing and fire!

He knew very well that if he failed at this moment or he made a mistake in his judgment, he would definitely die here, and there would be no chance of resurrection!

Although he was tense and every nerve in his body was strung tightly, after firing with all his strength, he couldn’t help the countless images that flashed through his mind. It was like a film, scenes from his life began to replay before his eyes. There was Meng Xinghe and also Shen Yuan. The person before him was Shen Yuan for a while, and then Meng Xinghe for a while, but in the end, it became Shen Yuan.

At the moment when the person in front of him fixed into Shen Yuan, he felt a huge explosion happen closely in front of him.


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