Chapter 106

“Fuckfuckfuck! Run, run!”

Tang Mianmian was so scared that he screamed nonstop. The battle between these two sea monsters was too amazing, every move causing storms and tsunami. If this continued, it would inevitably affect them small fries!

“Run? Run where?” Xiao Tangqiu asked with a wry smile. The battle between these two behemoths had a very wide range. It was their territory for hundreds of miles all around in this vast sea. Where could they escape to?

“Who cares, just run! Talk after we run!” Tang Mianmian turned around, wanting to swim away, but at this moment a big wave crashed over him and water went over his head and face, making him choke.

“Cough! Cough!”

The fight between the bone whale and the giant octopus was still going on. This was clearly a battle to the death. The bone whale trapped the monster octopus with its body, secreting a gastric acid as a means of corrosive attack while the monster octopus continued to attack inside the whale’s body with its tentacles.

The two sea monsters were both heavily injured at this point. The bone whale had many shattered bones and the kraken had many giant corroded holes on its body.

Although both of them suffered heavy losses, the dozens of meters tall waves caused by their battle to the death were more than enough to make Xiao Tangqiu and the others miserable.

Choking on the water was just a trivial matter. What was terrible was to fall from the crest of a wave dozens of meters high. The impact was no less than the impact of falling from the same height on solid ground.

Xiao Tangqiu estimated that he had broken several bones, and his body felt suffocated and painful everywhere.

The surrounding sea was completely overturned by the vicious battle of monsters, and many seabed reefs tumbled out in the turbulence. Xiao Tangqiu and the others also had to avoid those while fighting the waves and whirlpools. If they inadvertently collide with any of it head-on... the side being pulverized definitely wouldn’t be the rocks.

The worst thing was that no matter how desperately they swam away to avoid the vortex and the two big sea monsters at the epicenter, it was of no use. It seemed that no matter how they swam, they couldn’t swim out of the fallout range of the battle.

“What are they doing?!” Xiao Tangqiu felt wooden. He swam desperately for a long time, but turned around to see that the two sea monsters were still close by, and maybe even closer than before. No matter how fast or desperately they swam, just one turn of the sea monsters could shorten all the distance.

The question was, why did these two big monsters fight? Logically speaking, weren’t they both the direct creations of the Abyss Demon? Were they not both powerful Arch Demons?

Shen Yuan frowned deeply, “I don’t know, maybe they are fighting for the blood of the demon.”

“Aren’t they compatriots?” Xiao Tangqiu was very puzzled.

At this moment, Fei You suddenly laughed, “Compatriots? According to you, they are demons! Shouldn’t demons all be cold, selfish and merciless? Do they know what a compatriot is?”

Xiao Tangqiu frowned, then realized that these two big monsters may have been compatriots, but would demons take their compatriots seriously? He thought of this and heard Fei You continue to speak, “Even if they were compatriots, isn’t it possible to kill each other in order to gain a stronger power?”

Shen Yuan glanced at Fei You, his eyes moved slightly, and then he coldly said, “Indeed, demons are such an existence that kills their own for power. Today, one of them will definitely die.”

Xiao Tangqiu frowned and thought quickly. If one of the giant sea monsters was bound to die, what would the surviving one do next? Did they have to deal with the surviving monster? What was the goal of this mission, “The Lost Treasure”? Was it the blood of the demon?

If so, was the content of their mission this time to retrieve the blood of the demon from the survivor?

Xiao Tangqiu’s eyes lit up, and he quickly told Shen Yuan this guess. Shen Yuan nodded when he heard the words, “It should be.”

Xiao Tangqiu murmured, “Then should we pray that they fight more intensely, and it is best that both are half dead?”

As soon as his voice fell, Tang Mianmian who was holding a large rock nearby suddenly yelled, “The battle’s over!”

Xiao Tangqiu tensed and quickly looked up. There was a victor? Which monster was it? Who was their next opponent?

He was shocked by the extremely morbid image in front of his eyes when he raised his head. The bone whale used its body as a prison to kill the monster octopus, corroding most of its body with gastric juice. The monster octopus died in ruins, its body full of bloody holes, exposing its red and white viscera, its terrifying tentacles covered with toothed suction cups all fell off. But the bone whale was no better off. Almost all the bones supporting its body were viciously crushed by the big octopus and a thick tentacle penetrated its head from within.

The two huge sea monsters uttered two long wails at the same time, and then crashed into the sea, instantly setting off a huge wave hundreds of meters tall!

They were both gone!

Xiao Tangqiu would have never guessed this finale. This tragic image made him unable to gather his thoughts for a long time. It wasn’t until the sky-encompassing wave was overhead that he reacted and wanted to dodge. But where could he dodge? Being slammed head-on by such a huge wave, wasn’t it no different from being hit by hundreds of bricks at the same time?

At this moment, Shen Yuan grabbed his wrist and dragged him downwards into the sea.

He instinctively struggled at first before realizing that the person holding his wrist was Shen Yuan. He hesitated for a moment before giving up the struggle and followed Shen Yuan to dive deeper.

Although the surface of the sea was turbulent and muddled due to the two sea monsters, the deeper waters were calmer and clearer and Xiao Tangqiu was gradually able to see Shen Yuan’s face. In the blue and clear water, Shen Yuan’s face seems to be surrounded by a halo of faint blue light.

Shen Yuan looked at Xiao Tangqiu within the sea, and Xiao Tangqiu looked back. He couldn’t help but feel moved. This seemed to be the first time he looked at Shen Yuan so peacefully after he came back from his resurrection.

Shen Yuan grasped Xiao Tangqiu’s wrist and dived deeper and deeper. The deeper they went, the calmer it seemed. Xiao Tangqiu completely gave up resisting and allowed Shen Yuan to pull him down.

When the sea was rough, it was indeed safer under the water. Even if he realized that there was the possibility of Shen Yuan being controlled by others, for some reason, at this moment, he did not want to doubt Shen Yuan... Even if he had already begun to doubt Shen Yuan, he was still willing to go to the depths of the sea with him.

Just like the sailor who was mesmerized by the mermaid, after he fell into the water following the mermaid’s song, maybe he sobered up for a moment, but in the end, he still willingly went to the bottom of the sea with the mermaid...

Xiao Tangqiu watched Shen Yuan through the water and gradually felt suffocated. When he was pulled underwater by Shen Yuan, it was too hasty, and he had not had time to take a deep breath to save up oxygen.

In the blink of an eye, the air in his lungs was about to run out. He struggled to tell Shen Yuan that he was out of oxygen. Shen Yuan glanced at him and suddenly swam towards him.

The distance between the two of them was already very close. Shen Yuan’s approach narrowed the distance between the two to the point where they were almost pressed against one another... When Xiao Tangqiu came to his senses, Shen Yuan had already moved in and the two pairs of lips touched.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heartbeat fluctuated no less than the huge waves on top of the sea at this moment. Although the surrounding seawater was extremely cold, the places where Shen Yuan and his body touched were extremely hot.

Shen Yuan’s lips were warm and soft, and the tip of his tongue parted his teeth, sending a mouthful of dry and warm air over.

Xiao Tangqiu’s lungs, which were about to run out of oxygen, were finally saved. Like rain after a long drought, he couldn’t wait to put his arms around Shen Yuan’s neck and take in the air from Shen Yuan’s mouth.

Shen Yuan not only didn’t push him away but pulled him tighter.

After who knew how long, both of them became hypoxic and had to float to the surface of the sea.

The sea was calm again. Only two huge sea monster corpses floated quietly on the surface. Not only did they perish together, their corpses even overlapped. There was me in you, you in me, and nobody could separate them.

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t believe it, “...That’s it?”

This instance ended so simply?

Shen Yuan looked at the two huge floating monster corpses in the distance, frowning. He pressed his lips together and did not speak, but his solemn expression revealed his thoughts. He obviously also thought that this instance ended too simply.

Xiao Tangqiu looked around, “Where’s the blood of the demon? What about Tang Mianmian and others?”

Except for the two of them and the two monster corpses, there seemed to be nothing else hundreds of miles around them. Where did the other people go?

At this moment, Shen Yuan’s eyes suddenly darkened, “There is someone on the giant whale’s back!”

Xiao Tangqiu immediately looked at the giant whale and saw a figure... No, it was two!

He was shocked and had a look of disbelief, “...It’s Fei You and Zhang Zuo!”

How did the two newbies get on the giant whale’s back? Did they go looking for the blood of the demon? Wait, no!

Xiao Tangqiu was stunned. The two men, Fei You and Zhang Zuo, who had appeared on the whale’s back did not appear panicked or confused, it was as if everything was under their control.

Fei You stood with his hands clasped behind his back, looking down at everything condescendingly, while Zhang Zuo took out a book with a black cover beside him.

“The Book of Demons!” Xiao Tangqiu widened his eyes in disbelief. The book in Zhang Zuo’s hand was exactly the same as the one Shen Yuan had read! That was the Book of Demons that was said to be owned only by the devotees!

How could this be? Weren’t these two supposed to be newbies who only just entered the instance world!

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