Chapter 104

“Where is the legendary ship?” Xiao Tangqiu continued to ask.

The pirate hesitated, but he confessed honestly. He pointed to the sunken ship under the lake, and said tremblingly, “It’s just below...”

Tang Mianmian snorted and asked, “There are so many sunken ships below, how do you know which one it is?”

The pirate said tremblingly, “It’s the biggest one.”

Xiao Tangqiu soon saw which ship the pirate was talking about. In the cemetery of thousands of ships at the bottom of the lake was a giant shipwreck. The ship was bigger than any pirate ship and even bigger than any ship they had seen before, including the giant cruise ship from earlier. This ship’s hull was white, which was very unusual.

After a closer look, he realized that the ship seemed to be made up of human parts. The hull was made of human bones and human skin and the observation deck was made of piles of skulls. Although they sank to the deep bottom of the sea, they seemed to be staring at the people on the shore.

He only looked at the ship from a distance before feeling a hair-raising sensation.

Shen Yuan promptly said, “Let’s go down and take a look.”

“But what about these pirates? Tie them all up?” As soon as Tang Mianmian’s voice fell, the ground shook and an unusual movement happened around them..

“What’s going on?” Everyone wondered, but the group of pirates who were knocked to the ground by them began screaming.

“It’s the guardian of the treasure!”

“The guardian of the legendary treasure is the monster at the bottom of the sea!”

The guardian of the treasure? Monster at the bottom of the sea?

Something flashed in Xiao Tangqiu’s mind for an instant. The next moment, his vision went dark, and the Tiankeng’s opening where the light had been shining in was shrouded in darkness as if someone suddenly covered his eyes with a curtain.

“Ahhhh! It’s here! The sea monster guarding the treasure!”

The pirates screamed in horror. During this panic, some people stumbled and fell into the lake at the bottom of the sinkhole, while others turned and ran back.

Xiao Tangqiu looked closer and realized that there was a huge monster lying on the top of the Tiankeng. The size and shape of its huge body were so incredible that it completely blocked the opening so that the entire Tiankeng was shrouded and everything fell into darkness.

He had already guessed what this sea monster guarding the treasure was. Next to him, Shen Yuan’s eyes darkened and he said coldly, “Optes!”

Tang Mianmian’s face paled, “Fuck! That giant octopus? It didn’t die in the whirlpool? Did it follow us?”

Xue Junli explained, “Optus is an Arch Demon, the direct creation of the Abyss Demon. It won’t die so easily&#k2026; But why did it appear here?”

Tang Mianmian guessed, “If it’s the monster guardian of the treasure, then is the treasure it’s guarding related to the Abyss Demon?”

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but ask, “No wait! Demons shouldn’t be able to come to the instance world so easily, right? Especially this kind of high-level demon... and it has obviously been in this instance for many years...” If the pirates hadn’t lied to them just now, this legendary treasure had existed for hundreds of years, so Optus should have been in this instance for hundreds of years.

Shen Yuan said coldly, “It means that someone summoned it here via sacrifice many years ago.”

Xiao Tangqiu subconsciously responded, “Who?”

“A demon worshipper,” Shen Yuan was obviously unwilling to explain, but faced with Xiao Tangqiu’s questioning, he elaborated, “Those who have a Demon Book... such as Lippinobert.”

Xiao Tangqiu instantly remembered the black-covered book that Shen Yuan had once read. However, before he could cautiously ask more, there was a blood-curdling scream behind them.


Everyone turned around and saw that the pirates who had turned tail and wanted to escape came back. While the one running ahead was more or less fine, the people behind were all covered in injuries. Some of them were even missing arms and legs, and they ran screaming while spraying blood everywhere.

The pirates tried their best to run back to the sinkhole. Those who moved fast could still save their small life, while those who moved slowly dropped dead due to excessive blood loss on the way.

After all the living pirates returned to this place, a huge tentacle stretched out from a hole in the ground. The tentacle suckers were filled with flesh and blood residue, and some even had heads with horrified faces.

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly saw a somewhat familiar head, “Look! It’s the chef!”

Tang Mianmian was the first to react, and he quickly yelled, “Fuck! It’s really the cook on the ghost ship! Isn’t he dead? Why did he die here again?”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly remembered something. He quickly looked at the surviving pirates. Other than the group of pirates who captured him and Shen Yuan at the beginning, there was also the other group who captured Tang Mianmian’s group. Their clothes were distinctively similar to the dead bodies on the ghost ship. This group of pirates was clearly the sailors on the ghost ship!

What exactly was going on?

Shen Yuan also realized it. He frowned, “Could it be that the pirates on the ghost ship didn’t get the treasure at all?”

Xiao Tangqiu was taken aback, but he quickly understood what Shen Yuan meant. No wonder the chef’s diary was vague about how they got the treasure. Maybe they didn’t get the treasure at all, maybe they were already dead during the treasure hunt. Only the obsession to find the treasure was left behind, keeping them going...

“No! They may not have the treasure, but they have at least seen the legendary treasure!” Xiao Tangqiu suddenly thought of something, and immediately shouted, “Otherwise they wouldn’t know that the legendary treasure is a ruby ​​ring! No wonder when we arrived on the luxury cruise ship, the ruby ​​ring disappeared. It’s because they only saw the ruby ​​ring, but they didn’t have the life to take it away! Because they all died in the hands of the sea monster guarding the treasure!”

“It makes sense.” Shen Yuan’s eyes darkened, he reached out to touch the ruby ​​ring in his pocket that he found on the cruise ship, and then he froze.

“What’s wrong?” Xiao Tangqiu asked.

Shen Yuan paused, “The ruby ​​ring is gone.”

Xiao Tangqiu nodded, “Of course, since the pirates failed to take away the legendary treasure back then, the ruby ​​ring would naturally not be passed on to other people. It should have been underwater from beginning to end in some treasure chest...”

Fei You couldn’t help but interject and ask, “Then what is our mission? To find that ruby ​​ring?”

Shen Yuan glanced at Fei You and fell into contemplation.

Xiao Tangqiu was not too certain. Since Optus, who guarded the treasure, was a direct creation of the Abyss Demon and thus a very powerful high-level demon, the treasure it guarded was obviously nothing ordinary. In case it was something particularly dangerous, what should they do?

But if their mission goal was to get the ruby ​​ring, then they must find the ruby ​​ring. Otherwise, they would never be able to leave this instance.

Zhang Zuo also spoke, “Anyway, let’s find the ruby ​​ring first and then talk.”

Tang Mianmian nodded, “It makes sense, at least this is an obvious and important clue.”

Shen Yuan was silent for a while, then nodded, “Let’s go down.”

As they were discussing things, Optus had already launched a massacre on the other side. It laid on the top of the sinkhole as if watching a killing show, and used its tentacles to pursue those pirates who screamed and ran away in amusement. It could kill all pirates at once, but it killed while playing cat and mouse instead. Then, it seemed to have become bored with this kind of game.


Shen Yuan pushed Xiao Tangqiu away just as and a thick tentacle shot in their direction.

Xiao Tangqiu dodged the tentacle’s attack and yelled, “Untie me, quick!”

Shen Yuan’s eyes darkened, “I’m coming...”

But as soon as his voice fell, he was blocked by the tentacle and he had to start fighting.

Xiao Tangqiu was extremely anxious. At this moment, Fei You rushed over, “I got you!”

Using the previously distributed weapon, he sliced the rope on Xiao Tangqiu a few times, and Xiao Tangqiu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you.”

Fei You smiled, “Gotta help each other!”

“Captain, do you want help?”

Duan Hongzhen asked, but didn’t do anything. After all, among all of them here, the strongest person was Shen Yuan. If Shen Yuan couldn’t beat them, then it would be useless for them to go. Plus, they also had unconditional and unreasonable trust in Shen Yuan.

Shen Yuan said deeply, “You go down first, and I’ll follow soon!” Once all of them dived into the lake, the giant octopus would immediately catch up. They could not escape under the water, so they could only rely on him holding the monster back.

Xiao Tangqiu quickly understood Shen Yuan’s meaning. Although he was a little worried, it was the only way. The bottom of the lake might be the giant octopus’ home ground. They could only take advantage of Shen Yuan keeping it occupied to turn over the whole lake.

“Okay! Let’s go!” Xue Junli gave the order and everyone entered the water.

The moment he entered the water, the icy lake chilled him to his bones.

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but shudder. He looked up at Shen Yuan who was still fighting Optus. He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, but before he could say anything, he was suddenly shoved, “Be careful!”

Xiao Tangqiu was pushed into the water and choked. He turned his head back with effort to discover that it was a pirate lurking in the water. He probably had stumbled above and fell into the sinkhole. Fei You began to fight the pirate.

Xiao Tangqiu frowned. Was this pirate crazy? All of his group were dead, this guy actually wants to attack them?

The pirate had crimson eyes and desperately brandished the machete in his hand, “Treasure...The treasure is mine! No one else can have it”

Xiao Tangqiu instantly realized what was going on. This guy probably had fallen into some kind of delusion, just like the group of pirates who thought they had the treasure before!

But at least before, the group of pirates only went crazy after seeing the treasure with their own eyes. This guy just fell into the lake that held the treasure, before being controlled by the illusion!

That legendary treasure was too terrible!

With such a powerful thing, even if they were aiming to complete their mission task, wouldn’t people still be lured in?

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