Chapter 101

However, this big octopus seemed to have overestimated its tonnage or underestimated the carrying capacity of this luxury cruise ship. After it climbed onto the deck, although the deck swayed violently for a while, it did not sink.

The sea monster was obviously very angry and began to wreak havoc on the deck.

“Run!” Xiao Tangqiu shouted.

Of course, this sea monster would not let them go. While violently destroying everything on the cruise ship, it chased them with its tentacles full of terrible suckers.

Everyone had to rush for their lives with almost nowhere to hide. The tentacles of the kraken were tens of meters long, and they looked like eyes. No matter where they hid, how hidden they were, or how narrow of a crevice they hid it, they would be found and reached quickly by the terrifying but soft tentacles.

No matter where they went, the tentacles were everywhere. They either broke through the window glass and reached in, or tunneled in through the narrow pipes. This cruise ship was obviously very big, but the feeling of having nowhere to hide shadowed over their hearts.

Xiao Tangqiu felt like they were playing hide and seek with this giant octopus-like sea monster. But no matter where they hid, they would be found. Because every guest room had windows, and its tentacles could stretch out to wherever there were windows and get in...

Wait! Every guest room had windows?

Suddenly, he turned his head and shouted at everyone, “Get under the deck! There should be no windows in the rooms below!”

Shen Yuan took a deep look at Xiao Tangqiu, and said calmly, “Go! Go under the deck!”

So everyone took a u-turn and ran back, chased by tentacles all the way. The road back was naturally messy, full of window glass fragments and various broken debris. If they didn’t pay attention, they would easily be scratched. But they also had to be constantly vigilant to guard against the kraken’s sneak attacks anytime and anywhere.

To Xiao Tangqiu’s surprise, they were not attacked by the giant sea monster on the way back. He didn’t know if the big kraken was tired of chasing them or lost them as targets.

Just when they returned to the first-floor hall and were about to run down the spiral staircase to the floor below deck, Shen Yuan suddenly shouted, “Careful!”

A huge tentacle slammed in from the broken window and Xiao Tangqiu’s heart leaped. It turned out that the giant octopus was simply waiting for them to relax and become complacent before launching a surprise attack!

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t hesitate to take out the magic crossbow that Shen Yuan gave him, shoot at that tentacle, and instantly hit one of the suckers!

The tentacle twisted in pain, causing mountainous shaking for a while in the entire stairwell.

“Run!” Xiao Tangqiu shouted.

They ran down desperately and finally made it to the bottom of the deck. This floor was more or less filled with galleys and crew rooms. Although it was narrow and dark and not ventilated, it had the advantage of not having any windows that the tentacles could enter. The tentacles climbed in from the office entrance and exit to chase them, and once it reached a certain depth, it might not be able to catch up with them!

The group rushed for their lives at a life-or-death speed. Finally, they ran to the end of the aisle. The end of the aisle was a room with a locked door blocking any way forward!

Xiao Tangqiu turned and saw that the huge tentacles were still chasing them. He fell into despair. Wasn’t this deep enough? He subconsciously reached into his pocket, trying to find something to soothe his tense nerves, and suddenly came across something cold.

He took it out to see that it was a silver key. Without thinking about it, he turned to unlock the door.

Xiao Tangqiu practically suffocated from nerves as he attempted to unlock the door. His mind was blank, he couldn’t think about anything, he didn’t dare to think about anything, he could only follow his subconscious actions.

Then something miraculous happened.


The door opened.

“Quick, into the room!” Xiao Tangqiu shoved open the door, pushed the others into the room, and then closed the door before the tentacle reached him!

With a loud bang, the tentacle slammed into the door!

It did not catch up! Success!

Xiao Tangqiu breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly looked around to make sure that the others were okay. Shen Yuan frowned slightly and asked him, “Why do you have the key?”

Xiao Tangqiu scratched his hair, “I don’t know, it fell from that mermaid...” He also thought it was too hard to believe, but it did happen.

Shen Yuan frowned and obviously wanted to say something, but Tang Mianmian suddenly shouted, “Fuck! Everyone, look!”

Everyone turned their heads in the direction he was pointing to see a black coffin in the corner of the room.

“Coffin?” Xiao Tangqiu shivered, “Are there zombies inside?”

Tang Mianmian spoke quietly, “According to the background of this instance, I think it’s probably a vampire...”

Duan Hongzhen was the first to step forward and look at it, but he did not open the coffin without authorization. He turned to ask Shen Yuan’s opinion, “Boss, should we open it now?” Although he was bold, he was not stupidly bold. They were already being chased by enemies, if a minor BOSS came out again, they would be attacked from both the front and back.

Shen Yuan frowned for a moment before nodding, “Open it.”

Duan Hongzhen opened the coffin without hesitation. Just as everyone thought that something would jump out, nothing happened. Inside the coffin quietly laid a corpse, a woman’s corpse.

This woman’s corpse seemed to have only been dead for a short time. She was wearing a luxurious dress and glamorous jewels and her face was vivid. If it weren’t for her breathlessness, it was as if she was just asleep.

Who was this female corpse? What was her status? Why was she lying in this coffin?

Xiao Tangqiu immediately had countless questions. Suddenly, all of his attention was taken away by the ring on the woman’s corpse, “Look! It’s the ruby ​​ring!”

The others also noticed the ruby ​​ring. Duan Hongzhen reached out to take it off, but was stopped by Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan said mildly, “I’ll do it.”

No one knew what would happen after taking off the ring. It was indeed safer to let Shen Yuan do it, so nobody moved. Shen Yuan bent down and quickly took off the ring.

The moment the ruby ​​ring was taken off, the woman’s corpse collapsed and withered, turning into a skeleton.

Xiao Tangqiu blinked, “That’s it?”

But before anyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the cabin suddenly shook violently. Just when Xiao Tangqiu thought that it was the giant sea monster’s work, gurgling water suddenly spread through the crack of the door. He couldn’t comprehend it for a moment. Here was one level below the deck, which was completely sealed. How could there be water? Unless...

Shen Yuan’s expression stiffened, “The ship is sinking!”

That’s right! Only when the ship was sinking would the completely sealed layer below the deck be flooded with water!

“Fuck! That kraken finally sank the boat? Run!” Tang Mianmian was just about to push open the door when he remembered that there was a big octopus waiting to be fed outside the door. If they ran out, wouldn’t they just be sheep delivering themselves to the tiger’s mouth?

At this moment, a chilling voice suddenly came from behind them, “Return... my ring...”

Xiao Tangqiu turned his head and saw that the corpse that became a white skeleton after losing the ring had crawled out of the coffin at some point. The moment it stood up, the gorgeous dress it was wearing turned into ashes, and only the skeletal frame was left.

“Return... my ring...”

The moment the skeleton rushed towards them, Tang Mianmian opened the door with a scream. The seawater that was blocked outside rushed in. A large amount of seawater flooded into the room at the end of the aisle and it was half filled in an instant!

The water outside had reached almost waist height without their realization. If they were a little later, they would not even be able to open the door due to the pressure difference between the inside and outside, and they would be trapped in this room to suffocate to death!

Xiao Tangqiu had no time to rejoice as thick tentacles leaped from the water and rushed towards them while the skeleton also charged them. It was wolves from the front and tigers behind!

The worst thing was that a large amount of seawater continued to flow in. If they wasted too much time here, even if they were not caught up by the tentacles, they would drown.

Xiao Tangqiu and Shen Yuan took out their weapons and fired at the tentacles at the same time. Although they did not have much chance to fight side by side, they inexplicably had a tacit understanding. Shen Yuan’s bullets would just hit the tentacles and Xiao Tangqiu’s arrows would also arrive! Under the double offensive, the tentacles curled into a ball in pain, and there was no movement for a long moment.

The two blurted out at the same time, “Now! Run!”

The group rushed towards the exit with the female skeleton still chasing after them, but no one of them had any intention to deal with it now. Escaping was top priority!

They ran fast, but the seawater poured in faster. When they were about to reach the exit, the seawater had already flowed over their necks. Shen Yuan promptly ordered, “Swim!”

He took a deep breath and dived into the water. Xiao Tangqiu followed his example and held his breath and dived into the water.

Xiao Tangqiu’s swimming was not very good. Fortunately, Shen Yuan was in front of him. He swam forwards behind Shen Yuan and finally escaped from the lower floor to the first floor before the last bit of air in his lungs was exhausted.

But the situation on the first floor was also not good. A lot of seawater had overflowed the deck, and the ship was rapidly sinking. In another a few minutes, the entire luxury cruise ship would sink to the seabed.

Finding amusement in despair, Xiao Tangqiu thought, in addition to the 100% FLAG-acquiring crow’s beak skill, he also had a 100% sinking skill for any ships he boarded.

But unlike before where they came across this luxury cruise ship before the pirate ship sank completely, once the luxury cruise ship sank, what else could they do? How could they escape in the vast sea?

Tang Mianmian asked mournfully “What do we do now? Go higher? Or find a wooden board?” No matter how high they ran, the ship would sink sooner or later. It’s just the difference between sinking now or later.

Xiao Tangqiu, “Even if you find a board, you won’t have shredded pork.”

Tang Mianmian, “If there is shredded pork, I don’t need to make a board and I can still survive!”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly remembered something, “Lifeboat! There are lifeboats on the first level!”

Everyone immediately ran towards the place where the lifeboat was. When Xiao Tangqiu and Shen Yuan were exploring this luxury cruise ship, they found lifeboats.

But when Xiao Tangqiu led everyone there, he found that the place where the lifeboat was originally hung was empty. All the lifeboats had disappeared.

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