Chapter 94

Xiao Tangqiu had only seen such scenes in movies before.

The spectacle of lights and mingling people made him wonder if they were not at sea at this time, but at some luxurious banquet. He assumed it was a mirage at first, but soon he realized that it was not.

Mirages were all illusions, but the banquet scene before him was very real and clear. He could even see the folds on the women’s dresses through the telescope. Each of their smiles and moves was very clear.

Then he realized the most incredible thing.

“There is no storm on the cruise ship...”

The waters by the pirate ship were shrouded in the storm with wind and rain whipping all around. This small and broken ship was tossed around the water like a leaf, and they had to hold on to the surrounding fence to not be thrown out. But the surroundings of the cruise ship were calm. Not only was the cruise ship moving steadily, but even the guests on the ship were enjoying the open-air banquet in a leisurely manner.

The others also noticed this and Tang Mianmian couldn’t help but say, “It’s too weird. Is that cruise ship also a ghost ship?”

Shen Yuan calmly spoke, “Go and take a look.”

Fei You asked weakly, “Are we really going to go over? That ship looks kind of ghostly...” On this stormy night, a luxury cruise ship with a banquet suddenly appeared... No matter how you think about it, it’s not right!

Duan Hongzhen scoffed, “Do you want to stay with these drowned ghosts?”

Fei You shivered and immediately changed his words, “Then I will choose the cruise ship!”

This pirate ship was about to sink. Only a fool would stay here!

By now, the sea had spread up along the wooden stairs and was about to engulf the remaining captain’s room and observation deck. The drowned ghosts surrounded and stared at them with greedy eyes, as if waiting for them to fall into the water.

Shen Yuan promptly said, “The ship is about to sink. Let’s put on our life jackets and go to the cruise ship!”

They were fully equipped, and they even prepared life jackets. But unfortunately, they only prepared one each. There were four people left without life jackets and Xiao Tangqiu was one of them.

The coward was shaking like a sieve, “What if we don’t have a life jacket? Help me! Please help me! I don’t want to die!”

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart dropped. Although everyone in the Reincarnation Team prepared life jackets, their life jackets were obviously only enough for their own use. Regardless of whether a life jacket could bear the weight of two people, even if it could, with an extra person being dragged behind them, the wearer would have no way to free their hands to deal with the drowned ghosts.

Fei You was sweating like crazy as he held onto his last hope, “Would there be life jackets on this pirate ship?”

Zhang Zuo spoke calmly, “Even if there are, so many years have passed...”

Tang Mianmian said without hesitation, “Qiuqiu, you are with me!”

Xiao Tangqiu was very grateful for Tang Mianmian’s loyalty at this life or death moment, but he did not dare to easily agree to Tang Mianmian. If Tang Mianmian brought him along, then Tang Mianmian would not be able to deal with those drowned ghosts who may sneak attack him. If Tang Mianmian was dragged down by him...

As Xiao Tangqiu hesitated, Shen Yuan suddenly said coldly, “You are with me.”

Xiao Tangqiu was taken aback by this unexpected event.

Shen Yuan glanced at Xiao Tangqiu, “A life for a life, nothing more.”

There was something surging in Xiao Tangqiu’s heart, but before he could say anything, the coward interrupted their conversation, “What about us? What about us! You can’t leave us alone!”

Duan Hongzhen scoffed, “Why can’t we leave you? Am I your mother?”

The coward’s face flushed red, but he couldn’t refute it. This group really had no obligation to care about them. They were all just strangers who met on this ghost ship, after all. But the only hope of life in front of the moment of life and death made him unreconciled to let it go.

At this moment, Zhang Zuo suddenly said, “I know you will not just save a few rookies who may be of little use value to you. We really can’t prove that we can be of any use... So Fei You and I don’t expect you to help us directly, but we can swim behind you. As long as you can give us some weapons, I believe we can swim to the cruise ship on our own.”

Compared to the coward, Zhang Zuo and Fei You’s reactions were obviously much better. They were also rookies but the two of them won in terms of their mindset. Duan Hongzhen raised an eyebrow, “Okay, sure, but even if you are in danger, we won’t turn back to save you. If you die, don’t hate us.”

Fei You and Zhang Zuo nodded at the same time. Fei You said seriously, “Of course. You are not obligated to help us, and I also know that if you only rely on others, you won’t survive in this place.”

Compared to the coward, it was clear who was better. The coward flushed, “Then... then I also want weapons! I will swim over by myself!”

Duan Hongzhen raised his eyebrows and took out several knives of different lengths from the space prop, “Take your pick. If you live, remember to return the knives to me; if you die, consider it burial gifts.”

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help asking, “Since you prepared so many knives, why didn’t you prepare an extra life jacket?”

Duan Hongzhen justified, “Life jackets are not commonly used things, but I will break a few knives in every instance. Of course I have to prepare more spares.”

Fei You and Zhang Zuo quickly picked up their respective knives and then cut down a section of the rail of the observation deck, apparently intending to use it as a life raft. The coward saw and copied them to cut down a section of the rails.

Finally, the sea overflowed the observation deck, and the ship sank completely.

Shen Yuan put on his life jacket, hugged Xiao Tangqiu’s waist, and swam towards the cruise ship. Countless drowned ghosts swarmed in from all directions.

The cold water made Xiao Tangqiu shiver and instinctively hug Shen Yuan’s slim and powerful waist. Shen Yuan stiffened but quickly drew out his gun to deal with the surrounding ambushers.

Xiao Tangqiu was unarmed and he had not asked Duan Hongzhen for any weapons. He knew exactly how much he was worth. Rather than try to hold onto Shen Yuan with one hand and use unfamiliar weapons to deal with drowned ghosts, it was better to not let Shen Yuan get distracted and focus on dealing with them. Even with him tightly holding Shen Yuan’s waist, Shen Yuan stably held a gun in one hand with his other arm around his waist, swimming towards the cruise ship with only his legs.

“Let go, I can just hold onto you...”

Under the violent storm, Xiao Tangqiu had to yell close to Shen Yuan’s ears.

“Shut up,” Shen Yuan said coldly, “Don’t distract me.”

Not only did he not let go, he tightened his hold.

Xiao Tangqiu had to shut his mouth. In order to make it easier on Shen Yuan, he could only tread water harder.

The sea was choppy and whenever a big wave hit head-on, they could only follow the flow. Before the power of nature, human beings were too small. Even someone as strong as Shen Yuan was just a small black spot in the vast ocean. If they didn’t pay attention, they would immediately be swallowed by the waves.

On top of the violent storm and huge waves, they also had to carefully watch out for the drowned ghosts lurking in the waves. Those drowned ghosts came from all directions were completely unpredictable.

He didn’t know how many drowned ghosts were lurking in the sea or how many drowned ghosts died in their hands. Xiao Tangqiu accidentally swallowed several mouthfuls of seawater, instantly tasting an overwhelmingly gamey taste, obviously ghostly blood was mixed in. He immediately spat everything back out.

Shen Yuan created a bloody path through all the obstacles and finally swam up to the side of the cruise ship with Xiao Tangqiu.

Upon a closer look, Xiao Tangqiu saw that this cruise ship was really luxurious and had a very high deck. They couldn’t climb up from the sea at all unless someone lowered the life-saving ladder. But the people who were a part of the banquet on the ship obviously did not notice them at all. He yelled for help but no one responded.

He bit his lip and turned to ask Shen Yuan, “What now?”

Shen Yuan was very calm, “I have a life-saving rope in my space tool. Take it out.”

He held Xiao Tangqiu with one hand and his gun in the other, so there was no free hand to search his bag. Xiao Tangqiu nodded and quickly searched for it. He was not familiar with Shen Yuan’s space tool and he didn’t find the rope even after a long while, but he did find something that felt a little familiar...

He took it out and saw it was a crossbow.


Was this his crossbow?

No, this couldn’t be his crossbow. His crossbow was obviously lost in that previous instance...

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help asking Shen Yuan, “What is this?”

Shen Yuan glanced back and coldly said, “...First, find the rope to go up and then talk.”

Xiao Tangqiu pushed down his curiosity, put the crossbow back, and found the lifeline they were looking for.

This was obviously also a high-tech product of the City of the Abyss. Shen Yuan pressed a launch button towards the railing of the cruise ship’s deck and a metal rope shot out, the top firmly fixed onto the rail.

“Amazing!” Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but sigh. The next moment, they leaped into the sky and he instinctively grabbed Shen Yuan’s waist.

The lifeline began to shrink automatically, pulling them towards the deck.

Xiao Tangqiu looked back and saw that they successfully left the densely packed drowned ghosts behind. They swam around the place they disappeared and were obviously very unresigned, but they seemed to have no way to climb up. They could only madly scratch the hull with their sharp claws, making a piercing noise.

A little further away, the dilapidated pirate ship was finally completely crushed by the drowned ghosts that kept climbing up, and it sank to the bottomless seabed with those drowned ghosts.

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