Chapter 61.3

“That girl is way too aggressive!”

Tang Mianmian whistled as he kicked away a zombie rushing over him.

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t have the same feelings as him, but he also admired the Miko. If it was him, there was absolutely no way for him to persist in fighting for so long, not to mention maintaining that strength after fighting for so long. It was impossible for a person without a firm belief.

Xiao Tangqiu gritted his teeth and shouted at Tang Mianmian, “Continue!”

Even Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian were able to grit their teeth and continue, the Reincarnation Team also didn’t back down. They started a long battle of attrition.

The most lethal ones were Duan Hongzhen and Xue Junli. Both of them were at the frontlines with the Miko, killing the charging zombies with their strongest attacks. They were followed by Yu Fuling and Sai Lulu who teamed up to clean up the leftover zombies. Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian were responsible for the stragglers... As for the most powerful killing machine Shen Yuan, he silently stood aside and ate candy. Whether he took a shot or not completely depended on his mood. Generally, he only did something when Xiao Tangqiu missed.

It was getting darker and darker, and the moon was rising.

The attacks of the zombies were obviously getting stronger. Both Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian were battered and bruised. At first, they were worried whether they would also become zombies if they were scratched... but that Miko was also injured a dozen times. If they were going to become zombies from getting scratched, the Miko would be the first to become a zombie.

Despite this, they were still cautious. Even if they couldn’t be infected, there was still tetanus or rabies or something. Who knew how much bacteria there were in the zombie’s claws!

The night was getting darker and the full moon hung high above.

“The moon is so big ...” Tang Mianmian felt numb to hitting zombies and could only find a topic to chat with Xiao Tangqiu to keep focused.

Xiao Tangqiu frowned, “The sun just now was also very big. It’s probably the setting in this instance.”

Tang Mianmian yawned, “I understand that, but why is the moon so big?”

The two of them had long been sleepy and tired. They would have dropped to the ground and fallen asleep if it wasn’t for bitter force of will. The zombies didn’t stop all night, simply endless!

The others also looked tired, and at this moment Xue Junli said, “Drink some medicine.”

As soon as his voice fell, he took out a small blue bottle of medicine from his space tool and drank it. Duan Hongzhen, Yu Fuling, and Sai Lulu saw and they also took out a small blue bottle.

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian glanced at each other and they similarly found the little blue medicine bottle. They drank it in one breath. It was icy cold. After drinking, the original fatigue was swept away and their lost energy was instantly regained.

“Fuck! It’s a magical potion!” Tang Mianmian’s eyes brightened.

Xue Junli glanced at Tang Mianmian and said lightly, “Don’t drink too much, know when to stop.”

Tang Mianmian asked curiously, “What if I drink too much? What happens?”

Xue Junli said lightly, “...You won’t sleep at night.”

Tang Mianmian grinned, “You mean I can’t sleep for a few days and nights? Isn’t that a good thing! We can have more time to do the tasks when we enter an instance! Good thing! Give a few more bottles!”

Xue Junli calmly looked at Tang Mianmian, “There are side effects.”

Tang Mianmian blinked, “What side effects?”

Xue Junli gave Tang Mianmian a cold look, “I invented it.”

Tang Mianmian, “...”

He gave a dry laugh, “... I didn’t expect that not only are you a genius hacker, you’re also a great pharmacist!”

Xue Junli spoke coldly, “I’m not a pharmacist, I just improved the original formula from the City of the Abyss. It was not completely successful, so there are side effects.”

Tang Mianmian said weakly, “Although there are side effects, it has been quite successful ...”

“Don’t stop! I can’t hold it anymore!”

Xiao Tangqiu interrupted the conversation between the two, “Continue! There’s more and more zombies!”

Although they regained some strength after drinking the medicine, the zombies still came from a steady stream of subways, giving them no room to breathe. There were actually even more zombies.

Xue Junli and Tang Mianmian no longer chatted and began to focus on fighting.

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t know how long they had fought in the bloody battle or how many zombies they killed. They could only bitterly grit their teeth. When they were tired, they drank a bottle of medicine. Once they recovered, they continued to kill zombies.

After killing for so long, Xiao Tangqiu felt numb. His arms were stiff and almost impossible to lift. Tang Mianmian’s mouth was cracked and bleeding, but they could only grit their teeth and carry on, waiting for a dawn that might never come.

Just when they were almost in despair, dawn suddenly appeared in the sky.

“Light... it’s light... is it going to be daylight soon?” Xiao Tangqiu mumbled incredulously.

Tang Mianmian looked up and couldn’t help it, “It’s light! It’s really light! It’s about to be dawn!”

The others also saw the light of dawn and all showed joy. Although they didn’t know whether these zombies would continue to appear, the dawn seemed to make people see hope.

It was almost dawn.

Xiao Tangqiu looked towards the Miko. The Miko fought tirelessly for a night without stopping to rest at all. Although she was obviously very tired by now, her gaze was still very firm.

But when she saw the dawning sky, not only did she not show the slightest joy in her eyes, her gaze actually became more heavy.

His heart couldn’t help but sink, wasn’t dawn a good thing?

The moon that hung above them all night disappeared at some point and the sky was gradually getting brighter.

Another black subway approached them but disappeared just as the doors were about to open.

When the subway and track disappeared, the platform they stood on began to become destroyed and worn-out, turning into an abandoned platform that had obviously not been used for many years.

Xiao Tangqiu looked back and found that all the zombies that they had killed last night, those zombies that had piled up into the mountains, were gone.

“It’s over! It’s over! It’s finally over!” Tang Mianmian screamed in excitement. He swung his dagger all night and his hands were almost worn out. Now everything was finally over!

Xiao Tangqiu frowned. “I’m afraid it’s not that simple.”

Tang Mianmian froze. He looked at the Miko subconsciously and saw the Miko staring in the direction of the disappeared black subway.

After a moment, she gave a long sigh.

“...Failed again.”

Failed again? What did she mean by failed again? They persisted until dawn, until all zombies had disappeared!

Tang Mianmian couldn’t help but want to argue, but didn’t dare to yell at a Miko, so he swallowed back his words.

Xue Junli frowned, and he asked the Miko, “What failed again? What failed? Why failed?”

The Miko didn’t answer, she just glanced at them indifferently.

“What failed?” Duan Hongzhen was about to vomit blood from their night. When he heard the Miko say “Failed”, he really vomited blood. “Hey! Tell us the truth!”

The Miko still didn’t speak. She looked up at the sky and sighed again, “The sky... is bright...”

“Hey! Talk!”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly had a feeling that maybe it wasn’t that the Miko didn’t want to tell them, but couldn’t tell them...

He hesitated and tentatively asked a question, “What’s your name?”

The Miko looked at Xiao Tangqiu indifferently, but this time, she replied, “Kisaragi.”

“Kisaragi?” Xiao Tangqiu repeated.

“I’m the Miko of the Kisaragi Shrine,” the Miko‘s gaze was indifferent as she spoke, “...My name is Kisaragi.”

Xiao Tangqiu looked at Tang Mianmian, this girl really was a Miko! But looking at her outfit, there is no other possibility than a Miko! No one was bored enough to go into an instance to cosplay, right?

“Kisaragi?” Xue Junli frowned slightly. “Then can you tell us ...”

“Shh,” Kisaragi put a finger on her lips, interrupted Xue Junli’s words, and then sighed softly, “It’s dawn ...”

Xiao Tangqiu’s last impression of Miko Kisaragi was her indifferent gaze, as indifferent as possible... the next second, he felt another strong dizziness.

His vision went dark again, and his consciousness fell into the abyss.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he actually returned to the tunnel. The familiar dark tunnel.

Why was he back again?

And why was it this tunnel?

Xiao Tangqiu was confused. Fortunately this time, he was still not alone.

“Fuck! Why is it this fucking tunnel again!” Duan Hongzhen’s voice sounded from nearby, “Why is it this tunnel every time I open my eyes!”

Soon, Tang Mianmian’s voice also rang, “Fuck! Why is it this place again? Is this the place where newbies spawn? Is our automatic return to the city bound here? ...That’s not right! We didn’t die just now! Didn’t die before either! ”

At this moment, suddenly a hand firmly grasped Xiao Tangqiu, using so much strength that his wrist bones were almost crushed.

Xiao Tangqiu was startled, but when he turned back to meet Shen Yuan’s dark eyes, he felt relieved and comforted Shen Yuan, “It’s all right, I’m here, I’m here.”

Shen Yuan stared at Xiao Tangqiu for a long time and finally determined that he had not disappeared before he reluctantly hummed.

“Qiuqiu? Qiuqiu are you there?”

“I am here!”

Soon, the Reincarnation Team gathered again. In addition to them, the newbies also returned to the tunnel.

When the nitpicking man saw them looking so messed up, he immediately laughed at them, “You guys didn’t fight with those zombies all night, right? So much effort for what! Those zombies were endless! Could you level up from the experience? Or did the zombies drop crystal nuclei? ”

Xue Junli glanced coldly at the nitpicking man and ignored him, turning around to address the rest of the Reincarnation Team, “Let’s go and find the exit.”

Seeing that he had been ignored, the nitpicker was dissatisfied, “You worked hard one whole night for nothing. We didn’t do anything, didn’t kill even one zombie, but didn’t we survive just as well?”

Duan Hongzhen rolled his eyes. After fighting all night, he was so tired that he didn’t even want to move his fingers, otherwise he would definitely give this stupid newbie a lesson.

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly stopped his steps “Wait! One night...”

“Yes! It’s one whole night!”

“What about one night?” Tang Mianmian looked puzzled.

“... From the time we left the tunnel to the time we returned to the tunnel, it was within the limit of a night. From the moment the sun set in the west to the moment the sun rose... it was one night. This is a cycle, this instance only has night, there’s no day! ”

Was this what “night” meant in “Hundred Ghosts Night Parade”?

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