Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 689 Not Hungry Part 1

Chapter 689 Not Hungry Part 1

“Okay, thank you, Mr. Su.” Miss Wang and Miss Zhao are still skeptical, but since they don’t need to pay any money, they still accepted it. As for whether to eat it or not, they haven’t decided yet.

“That’s it. Take it back. Eat a little for each meal. Don’t eat too much. A little bit is more than enough.” Su Jing said while making gestures towards the German Garlic.

They can eat about a small finger length of root at each meal. If you eat more, it is estimated that they will not feel hungry at all until the next meal, which will affect their diet.

Although it may help them lose weight faster, it may also affect their health. Su Jing still hopes that she can eat more or less other things every day.

“Okay.” In fact, Miss Wang and Miss Zhao still want top-level Shapewear more than this unreliable German Garlic, but it looked like Su Jing had no intention of giving the top Shapewear, so they couldn’t say anything else.

After chatting for a few more words, they said goodbye and left. Miss Wang had trouble walking and had to be supported by Miss Zhao to go down the stairs for fear that she would fall.

“What did you give her?” Shi Qing leaned over and asked while Dong Jiao and the petite girl also pricked their ears curiously.

“German Garlic for weight loss.” Su Jing said.

“What’s that?” Shi Qing, Dong Jiao, and the petite girls were all stunned.

In their mind, Su Jing doesn’t need to make something just to fool others as it is not a good way to deceive people, when people see no effects than wouldn’t they come to his door in anger?

“What’s with your expressions, that is really a German Garlic that can help in weight loss, you will know after a while.” Su Jing smiled.

Miss Wang and Miss Zhao went downstairs and got into the car. Miss Wang was holding the German Garlic in the box and hesitated while Miss Zhao said, “Little Qin, don’t eat this thing, it feels unreliable.”

“Although it seems unreliable, but when you think about it carefully, why would Mr. Su lie to me? When the top quality Shapewear first came out, it was considered unreliable, but the results are there for everyone to see. I think Mr. Su is still trustworthy so I have decided to give it a try.” Miss Wang said.

“Or, we can call Dr. Li and ask, maybe there is really a German Garlic that can help in weight loss, but we don’t know it.” Miss Zhao said that she didn’t want to give up hope, but was more cautious.

“Okay.” Miss Wang nodded.

They immediately called Dr. Li. Dr. Li is Miss Wang’s weight-loss doctor and almost half a friend. Soon Dr. Li answered the phone and Miss Wang went straight to the point and asked if any German Garlic could be useful in weight loss.

“A German Garlic that can help in weight loss, where did you hear about it, don’t eat it. German Garlic is a Chinese herbal medicine, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, it helps with nourishing the kidneys and reducing urine. It mainly treats the spleen and stomach deficiency and reduces the diet. Simply put, this is an appetizer.” Dr. Li’s tone was a little high because of anxiety.

Miss Wang and Miss Zhao were dumbfounded, did Su Jing really scammed them?

Miss Wang and Miss Zhao were stunned. This German Garlic is useless for them even after taking it.

It’s still an appetizer? Doesn’t that mean that they would have a better appetite after eating it? What kind of fat can be reduced like this? Isn’t this open cheating!

“I’ll ask him what’s going on.” Miss Zhao was a little angry, so she got off the car and was planning to go back to the clothing store.

If Su Jing had just made some harmless things to fool them and sent them away then that would have been fine but it is too much to use an appetizer to cheat people like them.

“Wait.” Miss Wang grabbed Miss Zhao and she took a picture of the “German Garlic” in the box with her mobile phone, and sent it to Dr. Li, and then asked, “Dr. Li, you said that the German Garlic is an appetizer, is this it?”

“This German Garlic seems to be a bit different. I haven’t seen it before, but it should be similar to other German Garlic and it would definitely have appetizing effects. So, don’t eat it, don’t believe in everything you hear.” Dr. Li said.

“I see, thank you, Dr. Li.” Miss Wang hung up the phone and she looked at the “German Garlic” in the box and hesitated for a moment before saying, “I still think Mr. Su doesn’t have a need to lie to us, Dr. Li hasn’t seen this kind of German Garlic so he doesn’t have any right to speak about its effects. Besides, I only need to try it once. If it is really an appetizer then it will not be a big problem to take it once.”

“But…” Miss Zhao felt that this German Garlic was no longer worth even giving a try.

However, before she could say anything, Miss Wang had already picked a finger-length piece of “German Garlic” and put it into her mouth. She chose to trust Su Jing, to trust her instincts, to stop doubting here and there.

“Ugh.” Miss Zhao doesn’t say anything anymore as it wouldn’t be good to hit Miss Wang when she finally had some hope.

She started the car and drove away. Because it was almost noon, they went directly to a frequently visited restaurant for dinner, but when they entered the restaurant, Miss Wang touched her stomach and said in surprise: “I’m not hungry at all.”

“Really?” Miss Zhao was taken aback. She knew Miss Wang and she knew that Miss Wang had a big appetite, and she could eat four meals a day. At this point, she must be very hungry. She had just eaten the appetizer German Garlic, but she is not hungry?

“Really, I’m not hungry at all.” Miss Wang was excited.

“Is this German Garlic really that effective?” Miss Zhao was also pleasantly surprised. After hearing Dr. Li say that German Garlic was an appetizer, she had given up hope for the “German Garlic” given to her by Su Jing.

She had just hoped to see no effect. After all, Miss Wang wouldn’t be sad if that were to happen. Unexpectedly, there is an effect?

“It must be, Mr. Su really didn’t lie to me.” Miss Wang smiled.

“That’s great, thank goodness you believed him.” Miss Zhao said thankfully.

Although they are not hungry, they still have to eat something they arrive at the restaurant.

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