Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 497 Reckless Waste Part 1

Chapter 497 Reckless Waste Part 1

Su Jing walked over and put the basket on the ground. There were three Pots of Ariocarpus Fissuratus in the basket. One of the pots has just sprouted, one is more than ten centimeters in diameter, and the other is twenty centimeters in diameter, which has filled the large pot.

“How is this possible?” Lu Qingya was stunned. Generally speaking, it takes at least several decades for Ariocarpus Fissuratus to germinate and become a plant of more than ten centimeters in diameter, and it would at least take one hundred years for an Ariocarpus Fissuratus to become a plant with a diameter of 15-20 centimeters.

Therefore, Ariocarpus Fissuratus is called the “Living Rock” and “The Giant Panda of the Plant Kingdom”. However, she had only given Su Jing seeds for two or three months. How did these Ariocarpus Fissuratus grow up like this?

“I see, these two Ariocarpus Fissuratus were not planted by the seeds I gave you. Your Ancestors must have started planting them, or did you bought them from other places?” Lu Qingya suddenly figured it out.

“It’s only been two or three months, of course, it’s impossible for the seeds you gave him to germinate to this level. This 20-Centimeter Ariocarpus Fissuratus, I haven’t seen such a big one in my life, it would atleast take one or two hundred years for something like this to happen.” Guo Qingtao said.

“Hehe.” Su Jing smiled and didn’t say anything as he was too lazy to explain anything. Shi Qing covered her mouth and smiled behind her hand. She kind of understood why Su Jing kept keeping secrets because they were just too amazing.

Even if they were excited, they still can’t forget their business so all the pots of flowers were transported in the van. This van seems to be used to carry flower pots. There are flower pot racks on it, so they don’t have to worry about dropping them.

However, Lu Qingya and Guo Qingtao are still cautious, even suggesting to call the bodyguards first. After all, these Orchids are absolutely valuable. However, Su Jing just smiled and said that it was okay. He would drive and follow them from behind. No one would be able to rob anything under his eyes.

“Huh!” Just when the Van door was locked and they were getting ready to set off, Guo Qingtao inadvertently looked at the Wooden Horse that the group of kids was playing with. First, he was stunned, and then his eyes suddenly become round.

“No, no, it’s impossible, my eyes must be tricking me, it’s just a child’s toy.” Guo Qingtao rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked at the Little Hei Wooden Horse again.

“Teacher, what happened?” Lu Qingya asked with some confusion on her face.

Guo Qingtao did not answer and he quickly walked towards the side of Little Hei Wooden Horse, he took out a magnifying glass and stared at the Black Wooden Horse before gently touching it with his hand, he sniffed it for a while and finally polished it gently.

“Your teacher also research on Woods?” Su Jing asked.

“It can be said that he has done a lot of research on them. In the aspect of wood, he can definitely be called an Appraiser.” Lu Qingya said proudly and then wondered something, “But, what is so special about this Little Hei Black Wooden Horse?” Lu Qingya and Shi Qing joined their hands and walked over together.

“Grandpa, do you like this Wooden Horse too?” Su Yan who is riding the Wooden Horse spoke. She saw Guo Qingtao staring at the Wooden Horse and her eyes lit up. She was a little scared at first, but when she turned her head and looked at Su Jing next to her, she was not afraid anymore and curiously asked.

“Yeah, I like it too, can you get down first?” Guo Qingtao whispered, but he was about to die with anxiety, Little Girl, hurry up, come down, this treasure, how can you ride it? What if the ride breaks down?

“No, my uncle gave it to me to play.” Su Yan thought that Guo Qingtao was going to grab her toy, so she was naturally unwilling to come down and clung to it, lying on the horseback, entangled her libs to it like an octopus.

“I won’t snatch it away but you should come down first and please don’t break it.” Guo Qingtao didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Don’t wanna, don’t wanna, don’t wanna.” Su Yan would not listen to a stranger and said to Su Jing, “Uncle, this grandfather wants to grab my Little Hei.”

“Hehe, Grandpa is not going to grab it from you, you come down first and let grandpa see it.” Su Jing smiled and walked over to hug Su Yan. Su Yan naturally listened to Su Jing’s words, but she still stared at the Black Wooden Horse, for fear of it being snatched away.

“Mr. Su, this is your niece? How can you let a little girl play with such a treasure? By the way, who the hell made this Wooden Horse, such rough craftsmanship, isn’t it a reckless waste of natural resources?” Guo Qingtao looked anxious and angry as he spoke.

“Hehe, the Black Wood is hard, so it’s so easy to ride and it won’t break.” Su Jing laughed as he said this.

“Black Wood, who said this is Black Wood?” Guo Qingtao stared, making Su Jing stunned. This is not Black Wood? Guo Qingtao said, “Where is the Black Wood, this is Ebony, Diospyros Ebenum, and it is also the Most Precious Ebony.”

“No way.” Su Jing was shocked and he began to scratch his head in embarrassment.

“This Ebony appearance is severely carbonized. It is worn out due to riding and it is covered with a layer of unclean dust. At first glance, it looks similar to Black Wood. No wonder you thought like that. However, you can see the difference if you scratch it a little.” Guo Qingtao pointed to the position he had just polished under the feet.

Su Jing, Lu Qingya, and Shi Qing looked down and saw the small piece of wood. In addition to the black, they also saw the gold thread on it.

“It’s really different, I was wrong.” Su Jing was embarrassed. He was not quite convinced of the appraisal level of this man but he was indeed wrong.

“Teacher, what is Ebony?” Lu Qingya couldn’t help asking, Shi Qing also looked confused.

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