Chapter 457 Strange

Now that it has been agreed that the Piedmont White Truffle, Painite, Lapis Lazulis, Emerald and the other treasure will all be sent to the Auction House. Su Jing puts all the treasures in the truck and follows Manager Tian, ??Old Song, Shen Hong. As for Tang Hao, Zheng Nan, and Zheng Xiaoyun, they immediately returned to their homes to discuss with their families and decide on the countermeasures as soon as possible.

Because the filming advertisement line must begin to promote during the Spring Festival. If the promotion is good, it may begin to shoot within the Spring Festival holiday. Early preparation is naturally good considering that they got this news before anyone else.

However, the news “Accidentally” leaked out that night. It can be estimated that it was intentionally done by the Auction House. It is also a form of publicity and it has already caused a sensation in major jewelry stores and some interested individuals. The treasures are too shocking and many people have started to rub their hands together, ready to move.

Su Jing seems to have nothing to do with himself and he intends to continue to sort out the garbage. Before going to the first floor, he habitually looked at the lotus seeds in the basin on the third floor and found that the lotus seeds actually went to the edge of the basin. Su Jing used his spiritual force to make sure that the pot was completely horizontal and did not tilt over there. There was no possibility of the lotus seeds rolling down due to gravity.

“You guys really didn’t move them?” Su Jing asked the pets.

“We are very obedient and none of us has moved them.” The pets have denied again and they would not lie Su Jing. Su Jing ran to ask his parents and sister and they all said that they had not moved them. This made Su Jing feel a little strange. No one was moving the seeds then how the hell are they moving?

Su Jing reached out and fiddled with the lotus seeds in the middle of the basin, then sat down and stared at them. After a while, Su Jing’s pupils widened slightly. He saw that the three lotus seeds were drifting towards the edge at a very slow speed, and he would not have been able to find it without paying attention. He released his spiritual force detection and found that the pores on the lotus seeds are slightly open as if they can breathe, and the extremely slight thrust makes it move slowly. Su Jing tried a few more times and found that the lotus seeds always floated in one direction, and the rotation of the pot was not affected. When it was taken out, this drift phenomenon disappeared.

“What a strange lotus seed, what is attracting you?” Su Jing changed his position and confirmed again and again, and finally found that it seemed to be attracted by the huge fish tank. When he tried to get closer, he found that the drift speed became faster.

“What the hell is going on?” Su Jing couldn’t figure it out. He just picked up a lotus seed and threw it into the fish tank. The lotus seed began to suspend in the middle of the water in the fish tank. Su Jing ordered the Jade Fang Fishes to not to eat the lotus seed. Then, he let Little Li take a watch at it and he himself went down to dispose of the garbage.

However, not long after that, Little Li ran down to report: “The lotus seeds have sprouted.”

“Really?” Su Jing’s eyes lit up and he quickly ran up to the third floor. He saw the two lotus seeds in the pot, which were still intact, but the lotus seed in the fish tank had germinated, completely suspended on the water level and the roots were long. A lot of roots have come out and the plant remains floating in the water, and many palm-sized leaves grew on the water surface. The lotus leaves actually overlapped one by one in half, forming a circle around a circle.

“It seems that this lotus grows at sea, so it was attracted by the seawater in the fish tank, and it seems to be floating on the sea surface, it does not need to be stuck in the mud. But this growth rate is too fast and this shape is also unseen. The lotus from Shrouding the Heavens Universe is really strange. It can’t even be called a lotus at all.” Su Jing thought and he took out the crushed lotus seeds and let Little Li grab a mouse and he fed one to the mouse. The rat found it very delicious after eating it but the seed did not have special changes. Su Jing fed the seed to the cats and dogs and they found the seed to be okay and the parrots and birds love to eat it, but they did not show any effect.

Of course, Su Jing still intends to continue planting even if the effect is not visible for a while. It would be quite good even if it is used for aquatic viewing. He took out another fish tank and filled it with seawater, and threw in most of the lotus seeds.

Su Jing returned to the Garbage Station and continued to sort out the garbage. After a while, he dug out a feather, it was obviously a blue peacock tail feather and it was more than two meters long, it is extremely beautiful and smooth to touch.

“It is worthy of the peacock feathers from the Shrouding the Heavens Universe, so long and so beautiful. Wait … This peacock feather, won’t it come from a Monster Race?” Su Jing’s eyes suddenly lighted up, in the Shrouding the Heavens Universe, the Monster Race is rampant. Among them, there is a Peacock King, which is the main power of the Monster Race. Su Jing naturally does not expect this feather to be a powerful feather of the Monster Race. Even if it is the feather of an ordinary Monster Race peacock, it should not be simple.

Su Jing holds the feather in his hands and did various observations and he even released his spiritual force detection. In addition to feeling that this peacock hair seems to contain silk-like life essence, he could not find anything else. This life essence is far from the Source Stone and it can not be absorbed.

Su Jing took it outside and let the peacock feathers spread out in the wind, illuminate the sun, and he did many other things with it but he still could not find anything special. When he was about to put it away, he suddenly saw the white peacock in the yard and the peacock quickly ran towards him.

This white peacock was naturally the one he brought back from the zoo. The Peacock has eaten a lot of Jade Fang Fishes and grass from Perfect World and its injury is completely cured. Although it is a male peacock, it is small and beautiful. The tail hair has not yet grown and he naturally cannot open his feather screen. At the moment, it was staring at the peacock feather in Su Jing’s hand and it excitedly jumped and screamed as if he saw something he liked.

“Do you like it?” Su Jing froze.

“I like it.” The white peacock yelled.

“Then take it.” Su Jing put the peacock tail feather on the ground and the white peacock immediately surrounded the peacock feather, the white peacock cheered and jumped, and then picked up the peacock feather and dragged it into his nest. It took him a lot of effort to stuff the tail feather into the nest. Su Jing was a little speechless as he realized that the White Peacock intend to use that feather for nesting, but seeing that the white peacock likes it so much and it seems useless anyway, Su Jing did not take it back.

Su Jing returned to the Garbage Station. After sorting it out for a while, he found an Ancient Zither chord and tried the song, which was quite nice. Therefore, Su Jing naturally put it away as it is just to enrich his Zither magic. Although the Zither song is not valued highly in the Shrouding the Heavens Universe, since it is at most a hobby, but this chord must belong to a cultivator and their Ancient Zither’s accomplishments are far beyond anyone on the earth.

After another day, Su Jing couldn’t stay in the Garbage Station anymore. Because tonight is New Year’s eve, they will begin to prepare for the New Year’s eve dinner in Su Family Village, usually at noon.

(To be continued.)

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