344 Auction

"Then, I need to force you."

"!!!" All of them immediately looked at Alex.

"Big brother Alex, I am sure that big sister Luna is joking." Evelyn suddenly sweatdropped as she looked at Anna, who suddenly picked up her scythe. She even forgot to call him 'Redna.' She knew Alex was not a person like that. If not, Putri or Song Yu might already become his.

But when the situation became tense like this, Alex continued with an unexpected reply. "Zhou Kingdom has started its invasion once again toward this kingdom with a hundred thousand soldiers."


Alex decided to say it so they could prevent the Zhou Kingdom from getting stronger. It was by no means because of Evelyn or Luna. If the Thiveapia Kingdom could stop the Zhou Kingdom with enough preparation, Alex was sure it could prevent the Zhou Kingdom from getting stronger or attacking the Hazel Kingdom.

"Fu…Fufu… You are joking, right?" Luna stuttered as she thought Alex only said that because he wanted her to go away. But among the information she had read, she knew the reason why the Southern Kingdom could win the war was thanks to Alex's information.

Alex told Putri, which led her to be rewarded by the king himself because of her contribution. They learned that there were five hundred Martial Lords, and around three hundred of them were killed on the battlefield.

It was because of Alex's information that they could prevent the worst tragedy. But she could not understand why the Southern Kingdom wanted to kill Alex. After all, if it were only Intan and Mega, they would not do something that extreme.

But it was not the topic. Alex just said that the Zhou Kingdom started their invasion of Thiveapia Kingdom. If this was true, then they should prepare the countermeasure immediately.

"You can even check it yourself for all I care."

"Big brother Alex, are you sure about this? This is not a joke to chase away big sister Luna, right?" Evelyn asked as her face became pale.

"I have said my piece, whether you believe it or not, it is up to you." Alex only shrugged his shoulder.

With every information about Alex, Luna certainly could not let this go. She contemplated a little bit before she rose from her seat. "Fufu… Esteemed guest's reputation is truly well deserved. I need to excuse myself."

She walked toward the door, but before she left, she said, "Esteemed guest, you need to be careful with the first prince. And I am sure Evelyn could explain it to you the reason."

She finally left the room. Alex then grabbed the list of the auction. He was looking at it while waiting for Evelyn to say anything.

"Big brother Alex… you are not joking about that?"

"No. Anyway, what did she mean I should be careful with this crown prince?"

"I…" Evelyn did not know how to answer. She sighed and decided to tell him honestly. "Well, because his status as the kingdom's successor is threatened."

"And the threat is you," Alex said.


"…" Alex sighed. He could imagine why Evelyn became the thorn for this 'crown prince.' After all, she was the number one genius of Thiveapia Kingdom. And with him training her, she was even more monstrous.

Alex did not know this crown prince. But judging from the cultivation he saw just now, he should also be considered as a genius. But with Evelyn's existence, he might even lose his position. It was possible as this world was ruled by the strong.

You couldn't do anything with strength. And with the warning from Luna, Alex could ascertain that the crown prince might do something funny to him or her. He sighed as he was a bit tired of dealing with this.

"Then, what do you think about this?"

"I… I don't have any intention to become the leader of this kingdom. I rather have training and protecting the country than ruling the kingdom. In fact, I could say that I like the situation in Heavenly Sword Sect. So, if what big brother said about the Zhou Kingdom is right.

"I will participate in the war then immediately go back to Heavenly Sword Sect."

"Suit yourself," Alex said. Well, he also wanted to participate in the war for EXP.


Alex just found something unbelievable. It was a rank 5 medicinal herb called Olette Fruit. This medicinal herb was one of the ingredients for rank 5 pill. But Alex never thought about using it as a pill's ingredient.

If he could refine it a little bit and take the essence, he could use it to enhance his Spirit Eyes. That way, the Spirit Eyes would be more completed.

He would be immune to illusion. His current Spirit Eyes could discern whether it was an illusion or not. Still, it was not at the level of immunity. If he enhanced this, as long as he did not will it, he would not get trapped inside an illusion.

This would be useful if he fought with a higher array master that specialized in illusion. He would not be able to trap him in the slightest.? It seemed this flower was one of the main attractions in today's auction since Alex saw this flower just right before the last item, the box.

After he got this flower, he only needed one more medicinal herb for his Spirit Eyes. It was a rank 7 herb, and Alex doubted he could find it anytime soon. It was said that his Spirit Eyes could even see a person's karma if he enhanced his Spirit Eyes with that herb. Sadly, there was no record of seeing something like someone's Fate or Life and death. Well, the Spirit Eyes was already OP without that.

Well, he alone had more than 55 million Spirit Stones since he got 40 million Spirit Stones from selling pills with around 20 million Spirit Stones he had earlier. But a portion of them were Spirit Gems. At first, Alex had 10 million worth Spirit Gem. But he had used half of them to cultivate. So, Alex had around 55 million Spirit Stones currently.

He was wondering if he could buy both items with his current wealth. Alex just hoped he could.

Just when he was thinking about it, there was someone knocking on the door.

Alex twitched his eyebrows.

"Evelyn, tell whoever it is to go away," Alex said.

"Un." Evelyn nodded her head as she went to check who it was.

When she opened the door, she was surprised to see the second prince, Johan.

"Greetings, Prince Johan. How can I help you?" Evelyn asked politely.

"I want to talk with him."

"I am afraid you can't." Evelyn looked at him with a serious expression. She was trying to tell him to go away with her eyes.

"…" Johan did not say anything for a while. "Then, tell him, there is currently an alliance between Mount Hua Sect and the Thiveapia Kingdom, and they are also in the VVIP room a bit farther from yours. So, it is better if you don't piss them."

Evelyn frowned. She remembered the two men behind the crown prince. She finally realized who the young man behind him was. He was the son of the third elder from Mount Hua Sect. And the old man must be the third elder.

If Alex messed with them, he might become the enemy of Thiveapia Kingdom as well as Mount Hua Sect. Alex was already the enemy of the Southern Kingdom, and from some rumors, he also was the enemy of the Zhou Kingdom. If Alex got another two opponents… She became worried. She nodded solemnly.

She then went back to the room. "Big brother Alex. Do you remember the one that called me before we entered the auction house?"

"Yes." Alex nodded.

"He is the crown prince. And the young man behind them is Jack. He is the number one genius in Mount Hua Sect. And the old man is the current third elder of Mount Hua Sect, he is also the father of the young man."

"So?" Alex could not understand what she wanted to tell him.

"They are making an alliance. The alliance between Mount Hua Sect and Thiveapia Kingdom."

"Oh…" Alex said uninterestedly. In fact, he had been expecting something like this the moment he heard Rainbow Flower Sect broke the alliance with the Mount Hua Sect from Nelson. He thought they might search for another ally.

"Why are you not interested in it? I mean, if they are in the auction house, they will surely buy something. Don't mess with them. I heard big brother is chased by the Zhou Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom. If you make them your enemies again, then you will-!" Before she finished, Alex patted her head.

"I am sorry for worrying you. I never make an opponent intentionally unless I need to. I just want to have two items in this auction." Alex said calmly. Well, he did not want to make an opponent intentionally.

The Zhou Kingdom wanted to kill him because of his golden lightning. He had killed them, but he was sure they would still send someone to kill him. That was the reason why he wanted Nelson to assassinate their princes and princesses. He just wanted to warn them.

As for the Southern Kingdom, it was also unintentional as the princess wanted to kill him first because of greed. And the scale became bigger with Putri's case.

Of course, he just hoped that they would not try to mess with him. If not, he would be forced to kill them.

"Un!" Evelyn nodded with a smile.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. The time you have been waiting for has come. I am Matthew, and I will be your host for today's auction. Then, without further ado, we will move to the first item. We have a rank 4 sword named Red Valkyrie.

"This sword is made by the great rank 4 Forging Master, Master Barn. We have been entrusted with three weapons from him. And we will gladly present you his first weapon, Red Valkyrie. The starting price is fifty thousand Spirit Stones. And the minimum bet is ten thousand Spirit Stones. Start."





"Going once."

"Going twice."


Alex was surprised a bit to see the first item alone was sold for more than three hundred thousand Spirit Stones. There were more than thirty items for today's auction. And the price would become higher and higher. For him, it was a bit bad news since he only had 55 million Spirit Stones.

He could afford to spend it all since Alex could make it back in a jiffy. But this would be his first time joining an auction. So, Alex never knew how much he needed to bring. If he knew it was something like this, he should make more money.

The second item was a shield. From Alex's Spirit Eyes, there was red energy inside that shield, which meant that it held Fire Element.

"This is Fiery Shield. A rank 4 Fire Element Shield from Master Barn. The starting price is fifty thousand Spirit Stones, and every increase could not be lower than ten thousand Spirit Stones. Start."




Alex was a bit bored watching the auction, so he started cultivating. He asked Anna to wake him up when the flower was up for the auction. Of course, Evelyn would be the one who called it. Alex would be the one who gave her the instruction.

The auction started with rank 4 equipment, to a pill batch, to an array plate, and so on. The price kept increasing from the starting price of fifty thousand Spirit Stones to a hundred or even a million Spirit Stones. And finally, after waiting for so long. They finally presented the flower.

"This is a rank 5 medicinal herb called Sacred Silver Flower. It is one of the medicinal ingredients for Celestial Void Pill that could enhance one's talent. So, I am sure all of you are waiting for this. The starting price is one million, and every bit could not be lower than one hundred thousand. Start!"

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