Originally, a Labyrinth is a place that makes money but is dangerous and requires a lot of preparation.

But Benny… No, the existence of the shadow monster made such a Labyrinth seem like a picnic.

“Good job~ Good job~”

When I waved my hand and cheered from afar, Benny swung her arm as if telling me to be quiet.

Still, the twitching corners of her mouth suggested she didn’t dislike it.

The shadow that started from Benny extended long and secretly occupied the kobold’s feet. And then.



“Ko, kobold…!”

The kobold was swallowed whole as if it had fallen into a swamp. It’s fascinating no matter how many times I see it.

And soon after, the merciless chewing sound of something being crushed could be heard.

Quite a grotesque feeling. But.


Seeing the drops popping out one by one from the shadow that returned to Benny’s feet made me laugh.

“Kiya! Now I understand why you’ve been managing the party with just the two of you all this time! It’s all because Benny is amazing!”

“Hmph! For someone like me, it’s only natural.”

Benny puffed her chest out and acted smug. I chuckled at the sight and stretched lightly.

“Uhtchacha. But thanks to that, the end was a bit easier. Shall we start heading to the surface now?”


Benny, who had been huffing and puffing, paused. I nodded towards her.

“I told you it was until here for today. And Benny, you said you’d show it one last time.”

Well, she said it was the last time, but she got excited by my reaction and showed it several times already.

“I wish Benny would dismantle the monsters I catch for the rest of my life. Ah, Miss Lydia, you’ll protect me for life, right? Right?”


“Ugh… Party breaker…”

I praised Lydia too, thinking it seemed like Benny was getting all the attention, but for some reason, Lydia sighed.

Benny also looked so happy just a moment ago, but now she had a disgusted expression.

She pouted and grumbled as she took the lead.

“Hmph. It’s fine. I have Ellie with me, you know?!”

While I was thinking about how to tease Ellie today and looking for a way, Benny shook hef head and spoke up.

“You said you’d stop by my workshop after leaving the Labyrinth. Did you forget?”


Now that I think about it, today’s task was merely a preview of the second floor and to see how I fight and how well I handle magic.

I drooped my shoulders and looked at Lydia with the saddest expression I could muster.

“Miss Lydia. Miss Lydia. Aren’t you going to help me from being kidnapped by an evil witch?”

“It seems so. I should go with you to make sure the friendless witch doesn’t get completely taken advantage of by a cheeky brat.”

“That’s too much! All I want from Benny is an automatic farming system, money, magic, and the fun of teasing her!”

“W-weren’t we friends, Lydia?! And Jonah, anyone can see that you’re planning to take everything from me!”

Benny screamed loudly. The monster rising from her shadow clacked its sharp teeth in delight.

Does it have the intelligence to understand and enjoy the conversation?

Now, it was said that the material of that shadow monster was originally human. Whatever happened, it makes sense that it has high intelligence.

Nodding, I focused my mind on the pathfinding skill without hesitation. The Safe Zone wasn’t far.

“…The second floor is really nice.”

The surface, accessed through the Safe Zone’s monument. After selling today’s loot and settling the contributions, quite a bit of money came in.

Thirty-two silver.

For a short round trip, it’s a significant amount.

Of course, most of it wasn’t from the kobold’s drops, but from the pickaxe’s blade it was carrying.

Even scrap iron can be used as a material brought directly from the Labyrinth. It’s perfect for making equipment for adventurers on the first and second floors.

I’ve heard it’s possible to increase the purity of Labyrinth iron if you put your mind to it…

Rather than putting in all the effort to increase the concentration of Labyrinth iron, it’s better to pay a little more and buy better materials, so they don’t do it often.

On the third floor, just one level up, alloys far harder than iron pour out.

Parts of monsters’ bodies, remnants of the War of the Fallen Gods, items imbued with power, and so on.

Iron from the Labyrinth is useful, but it’s not considered that great of a material.

Anyway, I decided to use the money I earned today for gacha later…

After putting the money pouch in my pocket, I asked Lydia.

“By the way, Miss Lydia. You’ve been looking after me so much lately that you hardly seem to be making any profit from the Labyrinth. Haven’t you run out of the commission money you got from Ellie?”

Lydia is a gear fanatic. She always insists on maintaining the best equipment, from weapons to artifacts enchanted with all sorts of magic, and consumables.

Naturally, her expenses are high. That’s also why, despite being a high-ranking adventurer, she doesn’t have a proper base in the Labyrinth city.

Lydia, who earns a lot and spends a lot, was kind enough to watch over me, but I was worried that she might end up in debt because she hadn’t earned anything for a while.

At my words, Lydia nodded with a faint smile.

“…It’s okay. Now that Benny is here, I’ll occasionally go to the mid-levels to earn some pocket money.”

“What? Without even asking for my opinion?”

“Then are you going to the depths?”

“…No. I have something to look into, so it will be hard to focus entirely on the Labyrinth. The mid-levels are just right.”

Benny said that while glancing this way.

By thing to look into, it’s probably the reason why the shadow monster likes me. And the research to suppress the erosion phenomenon that occurs when assimilating with the shadow.

I nodded and stood next to Benny. More precisely, next to the monster that had been peeking out from the shadows with only its eyes showing.

“Anyway, I’ll follow Benny as promised. What about you, Miss Lydia? Are you coming with us?”

“No, thanks. I have something to discuss with Senior Ellie, so I’ll head over to the Fairy and Silver Coin.”

Lydia shook her head and turned to Benny.

“Benny. If you keep Jonah too long, Senior Ellie will get scary, so let him go appropriately.”

“That was the plan from the start. Today, we’re just going to get to know each other lightly.”

“Right. And if you touch Jonah, there will be big trouble.”

“I have no intention of doing that!”

“Even if it’s you, Benny, I’ll get angry.”

“I really don’t intend to!”

Benny shouted and glared at me. From the position of someone who had just been poking at the eyes of shadow monsters, it was an incredibly cute sight.

Receiving Benny’s mixed resentment, I waved at Lydia.

“See you later.”


“Don’t be surprised if a mysterious video recording crystal ball arrives.”


Is there no concept of video letters on the Pan Continent? Lydia tilts her head, looking confused.

I parted ways with her, chuckling at her reaction.

I asked Benny, who was sighing while balancing on the tentacles of the shadow monster.

“Then shall we get going? Where is Benny’s workshop?”

“Sigh. If I take it out in the city, people get anxious or even report it, so I’ll put it away for now.”

Saying that, Benny gestured at the shadow monster.

“Get in.”


“Ah, I said just for a moment, okay?”


“Hey! What if I get caught again!”


The shadow monster turned its head abruptly as if it didn’t want to listen. Stroking its tentacles gently, I spoke.

“You did well. But could you go back inside until we get home?”


The shadow monster, staring at me intently, submerged itself back into the shadows as if diving.

Seeing this, Benny’s eyes widened, and she stammered.

“You, how could you…how could you do this to me! You never listened to me at all!”

Benny stomped her feet on the shadow, looking frustrated. After venting for a while, she finally led the way, huffing.

“Follow me! It’s not too far from here, so it won’t take long!”

“Okay. By the way, can I buy a sandwich on the way? I just came out of the Labyrinth and want to fill my stomach.”

“…I’ll make it for you, so just come along!”

“Oh. I’m curious about that. Let’s hurry!”

I walked closely behind Benny, sticking to her back. How long did we travel like that? Before I knew it, we had arrived at a quiet street.

There was nothing to call it a commercial district, and it felt oddly different to call it a residential district.

“This is the workshop district.”

“Yeah. Most of it is occupied by artisans of the Workshop Union, but in the corner, there are workshops of unaffiliated adventurers like me.”

“Do other mages not use the workshops in the workshop district?”

“Most mages belong to the Magic Tower. The Tower provides workshops inside, so why would they spend a lot of money to buy a house?”

“…Is Benny’s workshop owned by Benny?”

“Isn’t that obvious? Who would lend out workshops unless it’s the Magic Tower… Oh, did you think I didn’t have one because Lydia doesn’t have a house?”

“Well, yes.”

“Don’t treat me the same as Lydia, okay? I’m managing it properly!”

Benny, who said that, walked briskly and stopped in front of a suitably sized building.

“Here it is!”

“It’s not a house made of cookies?”

“…What kind of fantasy do you have about mages?”

It’s more of a prejudice towards witches. It’s because the pointed hat suits her well.

“Sigh. Anyway, just come in. It’s a bit dirty, but it should be tolerable.”


Benny opens the bluish glowing lock which looked as if it was under some magic.

The moment I stepped inside following her.


A shadow filled my vision and rushed towards me.


Save Jonah!

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