Gacha Addict in a Matriarchal World

Chapter 34: You Seduced Me First! (2)

Chapter 34: You Seduced Me First! (2)


Ellie dropped the cup she was cleaning. The sharp sound of shattering glass drew everyones attention. I, too, who had been engrossed in Lydias breasts, which were even larger than her head, was no exception.

Ellie? Are you okay? I reflexively asked if Ellie was alright, then hesitated. It was clear from her expression that she wasnt.

Her skin was pale and ashen. The eyes of a yellow beast, having lost their sharpness, wandered aimlessly, and her body, which should have still been strong despite losing an arm, trembled like a wet puppy.

The rough impression of her ash-gray hair, which would have been striking under normal circumstances, and the neatly dressed bartender outfit now only made Ellie look more pitiful.

To compare the current state of Ellie Yes. She was like a noble lady whose family had fallen overnight, a merchant whose entire fortune was seized, or a novelist who, after frivolously spending their prize money on gacha, discovered that their bank account was completely empty.

Ellie, with a voice filled with the denial of reality and desperation unique to someone whod just had their entire life denied, cried out, J, Jonah, you were the one cheating on me!

Huh? I blinked in confusion, wondering what this was all about. Lydias face had turned ashen, and she was shaking her head wildly.

But Ellie continued to cry out with a voice full of betrayal, After doing such a thing to me this morning, youre now asking Lydia to grope her chest on the evening of that same night

Her perked-up wolf ears drooped down, and the lightly swaying tail stopped moving as if it was broken. A look of genuine hurt. It was only now that I realized how I must have appeared in Ellies eyes.

A brat who clung to her every day, claiming he was only after her wealth and body, asking her to marry him. Then the little punk brought this weird underwear as a gift, so when she mustered up the courage to wear it, shed received her first kiss. Though it was just on the cheek.

She pretended not to care, but she must have been thrilled. Of course. After all, wasnt Ellie the ultimate loner and loser who couldnt even seize an opportunity that fell into her lap?

But then, the man approached her first and kissed her on the cheek? I can assure you. Ellie must have spent the entire day thinking about how many children we would have, what their names would be, whom to invite to the wedding, and what to do with the shop if she got pregnant.

And then, suddenly, right in front of her, that very person became distracted by her close juniors hot bod and asked if it was okay to touch her chest.

This is totally an NTR A BSS, even if put nicely. Even I would have been hurt. Since it was a world where gender roles were reversed, a womans chest wasnt considered as valuable but breasts were still a major erogenous zone.

Looking was one thing, but touching directly was quite an intimate form of skinship. Id been so distracted by Lydias bikini armor and chest that Id neglected Ellie. It was my fault.

The moment that thought reached me, I jumped over the counter and arrived next to Ellie. Ellie.

Look at me, Ellie. After watching her for a moment, I grabbed Ellies cheeks with both hands. Normally, Ellie would have reluctantly turned her head in the direction I pulled her towards, but today, she was immovable. She was seriously upset.

Still, I didnt give up and kept talking to her. Are you really going to act like this? Are you never going to look at me again?

What. Are you trying to tell me that Im not your lover just because I was a little nice to you?

Of course not. Calm down, thats not what I mean.

Hmph! This is why pinkettes are.

Ah, do you realize that what you just said was very dangerous? If I werent so generous and didnt have as much affection for Ellie as I do, we would have broken into a fight just now. And then, we would have ended up drifting apart.


Perhaps she knew that she just misspoke. With her lips firmly closed, Ellie relaxed and turned her head towards me. Looking straight into her eyes, I smiled broadly.

But I am generous and I do like Ellie a lot, so Ill let it slide.

Always with those fancy words!

Then, if not words, what will make you believe me?


What do I mean? It means Ill show you with my body.

When I pulled Ellies head down, she bent her body into an awkward stance. The moment Ellies face reached the right position I grabbed the hem of my top and pulled it over her head.



With her head inside my top, Ellies face was now buried in my stomach. They say hybrids have a keen sense of smell. To let her properly feel my scent, I pressed down on the back of Ellies head through the top.

Her sharp nose pressed against my stomach. The ruffled hair tickled my chest, and the breath that touched my skin was hot and damp. In my previous life, there was a saying that the best way to cool a mans anger was to let him touch ones breasts.

I didnt know if it was true, but it must have had some effect in the Pan Continent as well. So Ellie was snuggled up against my stomach. I gently stroked her head, looking at her perked-up tail.

Ellie. Im sorry. I made you very anxious, didnt I?


But please believe me. I wasnt playing around with you or anything like that.


Mm. Thats true. As Ive always said, my goal is your body and wealth But that doesnt mean theres no affection.


I can assure you, the person I love and trust the most in this world is Ellie. I dont know what you think of me, but do you think Id do this with just anyone?


If you think so, thats a huge misunderstanding. Ive never allowed this to anyone but Ellie not even to Miss Lydia.


Ellie was starting to make noises that didnt sound human. Thinking its enough, I slowly pulled her head out of my top.

Ellies face, thus revealed, was not something that could be shown to others. Her eyes were unfocused. She was breathing so heavily to the point it sounded dangerous, and her pink tongue was lolling from her slightly parted lips.

Huh? Ah, did you lick me?

I, well!

As I wiped the saliva stains on my stomach with my sleeve saying that, Ellies face turned red. I chuckled at the sight of her, looking like she was about to burst.

Its okay. Thats what I wanted you to do.

Huh? Eh? Uh?

My my, Ellie. Arent you a little old to be babbling like a baby?

Its not babbling!

Ellie, having regained her senses, shouted. It seems shes loosened up a bit. Wanna touch my chest(stomach)? was indeed the right move.

Giggling, I knelt on one knee to match my eyes with Ellie. Then, I wrapped my arm around her neck and hugged her.


I really hate how Im letting this slide Ellies voice was mixed with a sigh.

Pretending not to hear it, I rubbed my cheek against Ellies cheek vigorously. It was the side where I had given her a peck on the cheek this morning.

My cheek, still young and soft, and Ellies, just soft, pressed and rubbed against each other, offering a pleasant sensation. In that state, I whispered softly into Ellies ear.

What can you do about it, even if you hate it, Ellie.


Even though you say you hate it, what can you do besides getting excited like this?

Jonah, you know you might get into big trouble if you provoke an adult like this, right?

Im doing this because I want to get in trouble. Ill welcome you anytime, Ellie.


Ellies lips sealed shut, seemingly unable to find the right words. Only after I giggled at her did she continue.

Anyway, now you know how much I like you, right Ellie?


So, can I touch Miss Lydias chest now?


Ellie, a beat late, dropped her gaze from my face and grabbed my shoulder with her hand. With an expression as bizarre as someone hearing that platypus skin glows for the first time, Ellie finally spoke.

What are you talking about, Jonah Boy Why are you bringing up Lydias chest at this timing!

Wait, but listen, Ellie. Miss Lydias chest is completely insane.

I dont see what that has to do with anything.

Men are creatures who, upon seeing large chests, want to touch them.


With a half-believing, half-doubting expression, Ellie asked. In truth, it was a lie. Men in the Pan Continent tend to have weaker sexual desires, so not many were excited by just chests alone.

You could think of it as being in a constant state of post-nut clarity. Once they step back, dont the breasts on the other side of the screen just look like ordinary lumps of flesh? Thats how the majority of men lived their lives. How quite dreadful.

But Ellie, who didnt know much about men anyway, would believe whatever I said. So, I decided to just push forward with it.

Its true, Ellie. I like you this much, and I want to claim your body and wealth someday But separate from that fact, I want to touch Miss Lydias chest. I want to knead them as I please.

I, I have them too. Cant you be satisfied with mine?

Of course, Im interested in Ellies chest too, but thats separate from Miss Lydias chest, you know?

I dont think I understand.

Let me see. How should I explain this. After pondering for a moment, I spoke.

Ellie likes me, right?

Who would like a brat like Jonah

So, you dont like me? Put down your pride for a moment, and just tell me if you like me or not.

If it comes down to liking or disliking, of course, I like you.

Right? But even Ellie, who likes me, uses other men as dishes when youre fapping off, right? There are novels or drawings, and although a bit expensive, you have video recordings too.

I understand the other things, but how do you know about the video recordings?!

If youre going to display it proudly as if its a magical tool, you should have placed it out of reach of children. This is negligence on Ellies part, you know?

Ah, ah.

So I boldly declared in front of Ellie, who was trembling with shame, I like Ellie! But separate from that, I also want to touch Lydias breasts! Do you understand now?

Uh Yeah.

Ellie nodded blankly like someone whose soul left their body. Good. Now that Ellie understood, all that was left was Lydias consent!

I sprang up and returned to where I was before. Then, with my arms wide open, I shouted, Lydia! Please let me touch your breasts!



Lydia firmly refused and covered her chest with a blanket she had pulled out from somewhere.

That day, my world collapsed.

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