855 Surprise Guests

"You guys also don't have a lot of artists in the company, right?" Jordan, as one of the most experienced artists in the room, nodded. "If the other temporary groups were here, then the atmosphere would be more lively!" Ramil PD smiled knowingly before signaling something to his staff. "We had the same thought," he exclaimed. "That is why we have brought in the past idols of Azure Entertainment." Jordan's eyes widened while the others turned to each other with questioning stares. "No way," Zeth muttered, feeling dread in his heart. Mina stood excitedly. She was a huge fan of GIRLS' EVOLUTION, so if her suspicions were right, then she would be meeting her idols! The artists in the garden turned to the small house, waiting for the door to open. After a few seconds, it finally did, and the first person to come through was none other than Nico! "We're here to turn this filming into a party!" he exclaimed. Jordan stood and made his way to the middle. "No freaking way," he repeated. Nico, along with the other members of BOYMYSTIC, made their way to the garden, hugging their past center and leader. "It's been a while, leader!" Nico greeted. Jordan smiled fondly as the other members also greeted him. From behind them, the staff were already arranging the chairs, adding ones beside Mei and June, who were both at the near end. However, it didn't end with BOYMYSTIC. The members of GIRLS EVOLUTION also came through the door, earning excited gasps from the other artists, especially LUNAIRE. Kiera was the first one to enter, causing Zeth to purse his lips. Ren turned to him knowingly, silently teasing him. Mimi was the second to come through, and instead of looking for her boyfriend, her eyes immediately searched for June, whom she hadn't seen for a short while. She nearly gasped when she saw June smiling at her. He had gotten even more handsome! How was it possible that he got more attractive every time she saw him? Her fangirl mode was activated, but she quickly calmed herself down since they were filming a show. The staff were delighted with the arrival of the past idol groups, already knowing that the show was bound to have at least a million views. Ramil PD chuckled in amusement as the atmosphere turned more festive. He allowed them to interact for a while before speaking into his microphone once again. "I know all of you are excited," he started off. "However, we don't want to film until sundown, so we need to get started." The artists chuckled in amusement as they settled in their seats. Ramil PD waited for them patiently. Once they were all settled, he spoke into the microphone once more. "Alright," he excitedly exclaimed. "We have the amazing past and present artists of Azure Entertainment right before our very eyes." "With that, let us now start with the filming!"

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